
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/29 18:25:38
Source: 恒星英语学习网
People the world over are living longer, and now a new study shows who is likely to live the longest. The information could help doctors and others, including the elderly, plan goals for treatment and care.
全世界的人都活得更久了。现在一项新的研究显示什么人可能活得最长。这个资讯可以帮助医生和其他人,包括老年人,制定治疗和护理计划目标。Not many people who live to be 100 are still driving a car. But Mazerine Wingate is. His eyesight is still sharp, and not only that, he still goes to work six days a week at a post office in the eastern state of Maryland. He started his job as a janitor there when he was 60. And, you can find him keeping the post office spotlessly clean six days a week. 并不是所有活到100岁的人都还可以开车。但是马泽林·温盖特可以。他的视力仍然很好,不仅如此,他每星期还在马里兰州东部一个邮局里工作6天。他60岁时开始在那个邮局担任房屋管理员。你可以看到,他每星期六天把邮局整理得一尘不染。Wingate simply said, "I feel like working." 温盖特说,他喜欢工作。Wingate said he has no major health issues. Rob Parsell, the photographer who shot this interview, asked him for advice. Wingate's recommendation: "Keep moving. Keep moving." 他没有严重的健康问题。记者请教他的健康秘诀。他说,“多活动。”"That's it? Just keep moving?" Parsell pressed."Keep moving," Wingate replied.While it is unusual for people of that age to hold down a job, it is becoming more and more common to reach the 100-year mark. Dr. Neil Buckholtz at the National Institute on Aging said long life is a concern for governments the world over. 活到100岁的人越来越多,可是活到那个年纪还可以继续工作,就非同寻常了。国家老化研究所的尼尔·布克霍尔兹博士说,长寿已经成为世界各国政府关注的问题。"The population, not only in the United States, but worldwide, of older people is increasing," said Buckholtz. "And actually, the fastest-growing group of people in the United States are those people over 85." “世界各地,不仅仅是美国,老年人口都在增长。实际上,美国人口增长最快的是85岁以上的老人。”A new study shows a relationship between fast walking and life expectancy. For this study, researchers looked at walking speed and other health factors for almost 35,000 older adults. They followed the participants for up to 20 years. Dr. Stephanie Studenski at the University of Pittsburgh led the study. 一项新的研究显示了快步走和长寿之间的关系。在这项研究中,研究人员观察了大约3万5千名老年人的行走速度和其它健康因素。他们追踪观察了25年。匹兹堡大学的斯蒂凡尼·司徒登斯基博士是这项研究的负责人。"Your walking speed is a reflection of just how well many of your body's systems are doing," noted Studenski. 她说:“行走的速度,反映出身体许多系统的健康状况。”By timing walking speed and using the longevity charts, doctors can provide better care for their patients. For example, most doctors don't screen patients older than 70 for prostate cancer. But if a man is otherwise healthy and energetic, and expected to live at least 10 more years, he might benefit from the screening. For those who are less healthy, doctors could look for ways to improve their health and quality of life. 根据行走速度并且参照寿命图表,医生可以为病人提供更好的医疗照顾。例如,大部分的医生不会对年逾70的病人作前列腺癌的扫描检查。但是如果一个人健康并且充满活力,预计至少还可以活10年,扫描检查对他可能就有好处。而对于健康较差的人,医生也可以设法改善他们健康和生活质量。Dr. Studenski says the charts, while good, however, are not always indicators of longevity. Some people in good health just prefer to walk slowly. 不过,司徒登斯基博士说,行走速度和寿命对照表虽然不错,但未必总是能作为长寿指标。因为有些健康的人愿意慢慢地走。