
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/06 00:14:19


It's important to keep putting yourself out there no matter how cold, dark and dreary it may be.


So here are a few cures from SingleEdition.com for cold-weather hangovers that will get you in the mood to mingle.


1. Maintain Your Beauty Regimen: Chapped lips, scaly hands, cold sores and dry spots will leave you feeling anything but sexy. To keep confidence levels high it's important to take care of those beauty-busters all year round. If braving the cold to get a facial seems counter intuitive to you, then do it yourself in the comfort of your own home. To stock up on moisturizers and at-home facial products check out BeautyFix.com or MenEssentials.com and be sure you hydrate from the inside out by drinking plenty of water.

1. 坚持保养你的皮肤


2. Sip on Some of the Good Stuff: Can't muster up the strength to down a cold protein shake? Don't panic. There are plenty of cold-weather liquids that will do the trick. Unlike coffee, sipping on vegetable soups, herbal teas and hot cocoas that are power-packed with nutrients can help curb comfort food cravings and keep nerves at bay. Plus, making the switch from store-bought salads and smoothies to homemade soups can save you lots of money in the long run.

2. 品尝自己做的美味


3. Keep Hot Dates: Canceling plans on friends and dates is an easy pattern to fall into, but one that can set your social life into a tailspin. If all you want to be doing is nesting at home, try doing so in the company of others. Weekly poker nights, pot luck dinners and other informal get-togethers can be just what you need to keep those social juices flowing, so take a turn playing host/hostess. When venturing out, try finding warm & cozy meeting spots. Hot chocolate lounges like Alison Nelson's Chocolate Bar in New York are a great place to meet for a date and there is certainly no shortage of tea houses --- just check out TeaMap.com.

3. 多多参加温馨的聚会

天气的寒冷很可能会让你不太愿意和朋友或恋人出去约会,但是这会严重影响你的社交生活。如果你一心只想窝在家里,那就让朋友来你家里。每周办个扑克之夜,一起吃几顿便饭,或者是其它的生活聚会活动,都还是可以满足社交需求,让你的社交圈子保持活跃的状态,所以现在开始和你的朋友约好轮流当一回主人吧。当你不怕这寒冷的天气而想出门逛逛时,你可以去找一些温暖舒适的约会场所。比如纽约的Alison Nelson's Chocolate Bar,一个热巧克力餐厅,这就是个很棒的约会地方。当然,茶馆也很不错,可以去TeaMap.com上看看。

4. Get Heated, Downward Doggie Style: If you are looking for a cleansing, calorie-burning and cardio-pumping activity that is sure to keep you warm, nothing tops hot yoga! Bikram and Core Power Yoga are two intense workouts, in heated rooms of up to 105 degrees that attract plenty of hot men and women. There is nothing like a heated room to help you build up sweat, especially when there is some good eye candy next to you.

4. 去参加热瑜珈

如果你正在找一个既能让你觉得很暖和,又能净化身心,消耗卡路里,和增强心率的运动,那你的首选一定是热瑜伽。Bikram和Core Power瑜伽是两种高强度的锻炼,它是在温度高达的105度的恒温室内进行,这吸引了许多热辣的青年男女。没有什么比一个高温的房间更能让你尽情出汗,酣畅淋漓了,尤其是当你身边正巧还站着一位你一见钟情的人时。

5. Find a Hot Escape: While you may not be heading overseas this winter, you may want to take some warm-up queues from the folks in Finland and Japan where hot tubs and saunas are a cold weather ritual. Exposure to high temperatures and light for brief periods can help reduce stress hormones as well as muscle aches, lift the spirits and rid the body of toxins. With so many people indoors this time of year, it's not a very busy season for local day spas. So keep a look out for special seasonal offers from now until spring

5. 找一个让你冒热气的减压方式


6. Get Baked in a Group: Left to one's own devices with a tray of homemade brownies, cupcakes or cookies can be a major holiday pitfall. Why do it alone when you can satisfy your cravings and keep portions in control while enjoying the company of strangers? Stop in on a weekend to a William Sonoma or Whole Foods to see and sample what they are whipping up in their demo kitchens.

6. 一起来学烤蛋糕

如果要在节日中用你自己的手艺做出一盘小点心,蛋糕饼干可以算是最容易做砸的东西了。既然如此,为什么还要自己一个人做蛋糕呢?来和陌生人聚在一块烤蛋糕吧,既可以满足你亲手制作蛋糕的念想,又能够帮你控制好用料的分寸。周末来William Sonoma或者是Whole Foods逛逛吧,可以看看和品尝一下他们在观摩厨房里做的点心。

7. Go for the Apres Fun: While skiing may be a "rich man's sport" the after party is pretty much free and fun for all. If you are looking for something to do on a cold winter weekend, grab some friends and stroll around a ski village. There is nothing like spending a day perusing the shops, people watching and unwinding in front of a warm fire place.

7. 去享受一下滑雪的乐趣
