摩拜单车营销策略分析:考研英语词汇复习(83):area、district、quarter、 zone

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/29 12:51:33



                                                 areadistrictquarter  zone













    area 指一片界限不很分明地区,面积可大可小,如 a farming area (农作物地区)、a desert area (沙漠地区),a teaching area (教学区)、smoking area (吸烟区)


       1) There are large areas in Australia where no people settle there.


2)All of them work out of a central area on the ward called the nurses’ station.




district  指城市行政管理区域或其他特定的目的而划出来的区域,如Yangpu District (杨浦区)、business district (商业区)等。


       1) Some foreigners go to Hongqi Middle School in Jinwan District to teach the children there English every Friday.


       2) A person must vote in his or her own district.



    quarter 指国家或城市中具有显著共同特点或独特风格的地区,如a living quarter (住宅小区)、the Chinese quarter (华人区)。


      1) Throughout the Latin quarter, Spanish is a predominant language.


      2) This stretch of vacant land is designed to build a students’ quarter.



region  指根据气候或其他自然条件来区分的地区或区域。


      1) Not many people live in the cold regions in the world.


      2) Most of our precious minerals are found in regions in the Northwest and Southwest.



    zone  多指具有某一特点的区域,往往冠以表示此特点的修饰词,如penalty zone (罚球区)、accident-prone zone (事故易发区)、a war zone (战区)。


    1) Most of the world’s wheat is grown in the north temperate zone.


    2) The leakage of the natural gas pipelines resulted in a certain hazardous zone.
