
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/04 19:23:39
PPCblog.com呈现给我们一幅由Jess Bachman(在WallStats.com工作)精心描绘的示意图,这张流程图展示了每天拥有3亿次点击量的Google搜索按钮背后搜索引擎在那不到1秒的响应时间内所进行的处理。 这是我刚付印的最新示意图,这张流程图演示了在你点击Google搜索按钮后,在Google返回查询结果前那一眨眼的功夫里,Google是如何处理你的搜索请求的?这可是搜索巨人Google年赢利额高达200亿美元的杀手级应用,也是Internet首屈一指的商业和技术神话,大家肯定都想知道Google这棵摇钱树背后的秘密。

Google(graphic) - How Google Works

Wednesday, June 30, 2010 at 2:00PM


PPCblog.com brings us the Google(graphic) flowchart that documents what happens in the fraction of a second after 300 million people press the Search button every day.  Created by infographic designer Jess Bachman at WallStats.com.

So here is my latest infographic, hot off the press.  How Google Works.  It’s a flow type chart that diagrams the process of how google gets it data and what happens in the second after you search.  It’s a $20 billion a year process for google, and pretty interesting.