斗鱼弹幕助手手机版:小学英语毕业复习题2 >>少儿英语>>英语>>外语爱好者网站

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/29 12:53:55


1. What’s her father’s name ? (Li Gang )
2. What’s Tom’s dog’s name ? ( Booby )
3. What does Helen’s grandmother like best ? ( watch TV )
4. How is your mother ? (fine)
5. How are your parents ? ( fine )
6. How does Mike usually go to school ? ( bike )
7. How did Mike go home yesterday ? ( by bus with mother )
8. How will Helen go to the park tomorrow ? ( bus )
9. What would you like ? ( some milk )
10.What would Yang Ling like to do ? (play the violin )
11.Where is your uncle from ? (Zhejiang )
12.Where are Jane’s friends from ?(Australia )
13.Who is this present from ? (father )
14.Who is the letter for ?( Liu Tao )
15.Who wrote the card ? ( Nancy )
16.Who did Nancy want to write to ?(Helen)
17.Can Mike have a look ? ( No )
18.Who is our English teacher ?( Miss Li )
19.What’s the time, now ? (8:20 )

20.What time did you get up yesterday ?(6:30)
21.Where was your mother yesterday ?( at home )
22Where are your parents going tomorrow ? (Beijing)
23.How much is a kilo of apples ? ( five yuan )
24.How much are three kilos of oranges? ( twelve yuan )
25.What colour are the flowers ? (red and yellow )
26.What colour was the paper yesterday ? (white )
27.What do you often play at school ? ( chess )
28.Which dress does your mother like better,
 the red one or the yellow one ? ( yellow)
29.What time will you get up this Sunday? (8:00)
30.What do you want to be ? ( a policeman )
31.What does your sister want to be ? ( a nurse)
32.What can you see in the picture ? (three horses )
33.What’s under the desk ( three cats)
34.What’s on the bed ? ( a coat )
35.How many books can you see ? ( seven )
36.How many pencils can Su Yang see ? ( twelve)
37.How many pears does Helen have ? ( two kilos )
38.How many classrooms are there in the building?(sixteen )
39.How many cups of  coffee  would you like ?(three )
40.What can you do ?( dance )
41.What can Helen do ? ( sing )
42.What do you like ? (apples)
43.What does Mike like? ( play football)
44.What is your father doing now ? (read newspapers)
45.What do your friends have ? (  lots of books )
46.What does your brother draw ? ( a lovely dog )
47.What shape is the sun ?
48.What shape are the cards ? ( rectangle)
49.What do you need ? (some flowers)
50.What else does she need to do ? (clean the door )
51.Are you free now? ( yes )
52.Do you feel better now ? ( yes )
53.Where are you going ? (library )
54.What are you going to do ?( read books)
55.Where were you yesterday ? (on the farm)
56.Where did you go last Sunday? (theatre)
57.What can you do ? (grow flowers)
58.What should you do ? (grow flowers)
59.What are you doing ? (grow flowers)
60.What did you do? (grow flowers)

61.What are you going to do ? (grow flowers)
62.What will you do ? (grow flowers)
63.What day is it today ? ( Tuesday)
64.What date was it yesterday? ( 6.25)
65.What date will be it tomorrow ? (6.27)
66.What lessons do you have in the morning?( Chinese and English)
67.How many lessons does she have in a week? ( thirty)
68.What subject do you like ? (Art)
69.How do you feel now ?(well)
70.How does he feel now ? (better)
71.What’s wrong with you ?( fever)
72.What’s wrong with Liu Tao ?( bad cough)
73.What’s your mother’s hobby ?(make clothes )
74.What does he usually do ? ( play basketball)
75.How do you spend your weekend ? ( watch TV )

76. How does Helen spend her weekend ? ( do housework)
77.Where are you from ? ( China )
78.Where do you come from ?( China )
79.Where is your friend from ? ( Japan )
80.Where does your friend come from ? ( Japan )
81.Who is that ? (Mike)
82.What does it mean ? ( not smoke )
83.What do the signs mean ? ( quiet )
84.When’s your birthday ? ( 8.15)
85.What would you like as a birthday present ? ( a storybook)
86.When’s your father’s birthday ?( 3.12)
87.What would he like as a birthday present ? ( a watch )
88.Where was my mobile phone just now ?( on the table )
89.Where were your shoes a moment ago? ( under the bed )
90.When’s Halloween?

91.What do people usually do at Spring Festival ?
92.What did you do last Mid-autumn Festival?
93.Whose present is it ? ( I )
94.Whose films are they ? ( Gao Shan )
95.Who’s the present from ?( mother)
96.Who are the films from ? (  his uncle )
97.What’s your favourite holiday? ( Children’s Day )
98. What’s your favourite subject? ( Music)
99. What’s your favourite colour ? ( blue)
100. What’s your favourite food? (apple )
101. What’s your favourite sport ? (play table tennis )
102. What’s your favourite season ?( spring)
103.What holiday  do you like best ?
104. What subject  do you like best ?
105. Which  colour do you like best ?

106. Which food do you like best ?
107. Which sport do you like best ?
108. Which  season do you like best ? Why?
109.Which holiday  does Mike  like best ? ( Easter)
110. Which subject does Mike like best ?( Computer Studies)
111. Which  colour does Mike like best ? ( red)
112. What food does Mike like best ? ( coffee)
113. What sport does Mike like best ? ( jogging )
114. Which  season does Mike like best ? Why?
 (summer, go swimming)
115.Who is taller than David ? ( Mike)
116.Who swims faster than Jim ? ( Ben)
117.What’s the westher like today ? ( sun)
118.How is the weather today? (rainy)
119.What was the weather like yesterday ? ( cloudy)
120.What are they going to  do? ( have a picnic)
121. How far is from your home to your school?( 3km)
122.How can I get there? ( No.3 bus)
123.How many stops are there ? (4)
124. Is that Gao Shan ? ( yes)
125.Can I have some writing paper ? ( Yes)
126.What for ?( write a letter )
127.What should I do ? ( do one’s homework )
128.Whose ruler is longer, yours or Helen’s ? ( yours)
129.Would you like some cakes ? (yes/no)
130.Would you like to go with us? (yes/no)
131.Did your mother go shopping yesterday ? (yes/no)
132.Do they take a walk every day? (yes/no)
133.Does Helen’s brother catch insects at the weekends? (yes/no)
134.Can Mike and David skate well ? (yes/no)
134.Am I right ? (yes/no)

本文来源于 外语爱好者网站(http://www.ryedu.net) 转载请以链接形式注明出处 网址:http://www.ryedu.net/syy/seyy/200905/13012.html