一尾和九尾那集打架:【每日音乐】普特英文歌曲欣赏(Moulin rouge - Your Song)

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Moulin rouge - Your Song





  《红磨坊》是巴兹-鲁赫曼执导的第三部影片,也是巴兹-鲁赫曼继其处女作《阴森的舞台》(“STRICTLY BALLROOM”)和1996年二十世纪福克斯公司的票房巨片《罗米欧与朱丽叶:后现代激情版》(“SHAKESPEARE'S Romeo +Juliet”)之后的又一部巨作。这部悲喜剧音乐片,生动地描述了19世纪末巴黎闻名于世的奢靡夜生活,生动地描述了那时的爱情、死亡和再生、新技艺以及舞会的情况,是那个时代的见证。

2002年度,第74届 奥斯卡金像奖




   2002年度 美国电影电视金球奖



Please enjoy it and then write down the hidden lyrics, or write down your translation, or write down your feelings about this song.

my gift is my song
and this one's for you
and you can tell everybody
that this is your song
it maybe quite simple
but now that it's done
hope you don't mind
i hope you don't mind
that i put down in words
how wonderful life is now you're in the world

sat on the roof
and i kicked off the moss
well some of the verses well
they got me quite cross
but the sun's been kind
 while i wrote this song
it's for people like you that
keep it turned on

so excuse me for forgetting
but these things i do
you see i've forgotten
if they're green or they're blue
anyway the thing is what i really mean
yours are the sweetest eyes i've ever seen

(allesandro- opera)

and you can tell everybody
this is your song
it may be quite simple
but now that it's done
i hope you don't mind
i hope you don't mind that i put down in words

how wonderful life is now you're in the world
i hope you don't mind
i hope you don't mind that i put down in words
how wonderful life is now you're in the world