
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/30 00:51:39


It’s the first time that…..(从句中现在完成时)

It was the first time that +从句(用过去完成时) 

It was for the first time that…强调句

It was for the first time that he had been invited      

It’s (high) time that…(从句用过去式或should do)

It is high time that the children should go to bed.

It’s the same with sb./ So it is with sb用于前句中既有肯定又有否定或两个不同类的谓语动词

He likes apples and he doesn't go to school by bus. So it is with her.

He loves English and he is good at it.  It is the same with me 

Be about to /be doing ….when….正在做/正要做。。。就在那时

They were talking when the teacher came in.老师进来的时候他们正在讲话
I was about to wash my face when he came back.

A is twice/ three times as +原级+as B

A is twice/ three times the  n. of  B.

A is twice/ three times + 比较级+ than B

The new building is three times the height of the old one.
b. A is …times as big /high/long/wide/large as B.
 Asia is four times as large as Europe.
  c. A is …times larger /higher/longer/wider than B.
  Our school is twice bigger than yours.

It’s a waste of time/ money doing / to do

It is a waste of time waiting any longer.

It is a waste of time to argue with him.

It’s no use / good doing ….

It is no use watching too much TV. 

It’s possible/ probable /(un)likely that…..

It is probable that he has forgotten our appointment.

It makes great/ no sense to do 做某事很有/没有意义

It makes no sense to discuss the true meaning of life

There’s no use / good doing…..

There isn’t any use trying again. 

There’s no sense/ point (in) doing….

There is no sense in waiting here. 在这里等候下去毫无意义。 

There is no point in doing so. 这样做毫无意义。

There is no need for sth. / to do….

There is no need for you to worry.


There is (no) possibility that 。。。(同位语从句)

There is no possibility that Bob can win the first prize in the match.

The +比较级。。。the +比较级。。。。越。。。。。。越。。。。


The more, the better.   越多越好。
The busier he is, the happier he is.   他越忙越开心。
The more he eats, the thinner he becomes. 他吃的越多变得越瘦。

It seems /appears (to sb) that sb….

==Sb seems /appears to be / to be doing/ to have done

It seems to me that English is very difficuilt to study.
It seems to me that Mr.Li is an excellent teacher.

It seems /appears as if….好像/似乎

It seems as if it is going to rain. 

It (so) happened that sb. ….某人碰巧

==Sb happened to be / to do/ to be doing/ to have done

It happened that Brian and Peter were at home that day

It is said/ thought/ believed/ hoped/ supposed… that sb.

==Sb is said to be / to do/ to be doing to have done

注意hope 不能变成简单句,因hope没有hope sb to do

It is hoped that they can pass the written examination this time.

It is said that…据说…… 
It is reported that…据报导…… 
It is supposed that…据推测…… 
It is hoped that…希望…… 
It is well known that…众所周知…… 
It is generally considered that…普遍认为…… 
It is suggested that…有人建议…… 
It is taken granted that…  被视为当然 
It has been decided that… 大家决定   
It must be remembered that必记住的是

…….such …..that(引导结果状语从句)

。。。。such… (as 为关系代词,引导定语从句,做主,宾,表)

I’ve never heard such stories as he tells. 
It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street. 
He is such a good teacher as we all respect. 他是一位我们大家都尊敬的好老师。(as引导的是定语从句,as 在该定语从句中用作respect的宾语)
He is such a good teacher that we all respect him. 
他是那样一位好老师,以致于我们大家都尊敬他。(that 引导的是结果状语从句,that在该状语从句中不充当句子成分,另外注意句中的respect带有宾语him)

Do you mind if I do sth….? 比较 Would you mind if I did sth…?

Do you mind if he attends the meeting? 他参加会议好吗?

Would you mind if I took his place?我代替他好吗?

The chance is that…../ (The) Chances are that…. 很可能。。。

Chances[The chances] are that we will win easily. 

The chance is that he will succeed. 他很有可能成功。

Check / Make sure/ See to it/ See that …确信, 务必(从句中常用一般现在时)

I will see to it that the work is finished on time

Depend on it that…. 取决于

You may depend on it that your son will be taken good care of here


See to it that … 负责、设法做到。。。。

See to it that the door is shut.确保门关上了

注意:除了except/but / in 等介词可以直接接 that 从句,其他介词后必须用it 作形式宾语

It is /was + 介词短语、从句、名词。代词 + that。。。

It is I that/who am right.

It was a foreigner that/whom we met at the school gate.

It was in the supermarket that Tom lost his wallet.

It was in 1939 that the Second World War broke out.

It was because her mother was ill that she didn’t go to work.

It was not until ten o’clock that he went to bed.

How / When/ Where/ Why is / was it that…..?

Who is it that is right? 究竟谁是对的?

Who was it that we met at the school gate? 你在校门口遇见的到底是谁

Where was it that Tom lost his wallet? 汤姆究竟是在哪里丢的钱包?

When was it that the Second World War broke out?二战到底是在何时发生的?

Why was it that she didn’t go to work? 她没去上班,究竟是为什么

When was it that he went to bed? 他是何时上床睡觉的?


How is it that…….?此句型“怎么会。。。。?怎么发生的。。。。。?

How is it that we can not _______the violent attacks on the world's symbol of peace, the Olympic torch? 
A. condemn  B. tolerate C. struggle D. resist
How is it that he left early? 
2.How is it that you are still here? 
3.How is it that we were able to manage all that? 

How come +从句?

How come you didn't come yesterday? 

How does/ did sth come about? (How did it come about that >>>>>>?)

Eg. How come you are late again ?

There seems /appears /happens to be /must be/ can’t be/is(are,was,were)said to be/is(are was ,were)thought to be…..“似乎有,碰巧有,一定有,不可能有,据说有,认为有。 介词(如of) there being

There seems to be some mistake.
There happens to be a classmate of mine in this school.


Want/ wish /expect there to be 要、希望、期待有。。。。。

I wish there to be no misunderstanding this matter.

Adj/ adv enough for there to be… 足够。。。。。会有。。。。

It is enough for there to be five minutes. 五分钟就足够了。

 注意:there being /there to be 为there be 的非谓语形式

There being nothing else to do, they went home.


There being nobody else to help me, I had to do by myself.


It is said /thought that there is /are ….==There is /was/are/were aid(thought) to be

I have never dreamed of there being such a good chance for me.

It won’t be cold enough for there to be a frost tonight.


Who do you think he’ll have attend the meeting?

When do you think he will come
What do you suppose he will do
How do you suppose he will do it
Where do you think he will go?

But for + n./pron.,  sb / sth would(not) have done…要不是。。。某人早就。。。。(虚拟语气)

==If it had not been for ……/  If there had not been….

But for these interruptions, the meeting would have finished earlier.


It will (won’t) be  long before +从句(一般现在时) 不久、很久就要。。。。

It will be a long time before I’ll be able to eat another hamburger

It was (not) long before+从句(一般过去时)不久、很久才。。。。

It was not long before he was born that his mother died

Those who …..( 从句及主句中谓语动词用复数)

Those who live are those who fight. 奋斗者(才)是生存者

Anyone who….==Whoever…..(从句及主句谓语动词用单数)

______comes is welcome.

A Anyone B Who C Anyone who D Everyone

。。。主句(一般现在时或过去时)。。。。when 从句(might/should do 或might/should have done表示“对比”意思为“本该。。。。(可)而却”, 主句中为陈述语气,从句里为虚拟语气

Why are you here when you should be in school?你本该上学的怎么在这儿?

He stopped trying when he might have succeeded 本该成功了他却停止了努力

There is./ Sb have(has) no doubt that …(同位语从句,that 不可省略)

There is no doubt that I have been loving you from the start

There is/ Sb have(has) some doubt whether….(同位语从句不可用if)

There is some doubt_____ he can finish the work, but I have no doubt _____ him.
A that; about   B whether; about C that ;on      D whether; on

Sb doubt(s) if / whether…..

I doubt whether they can swim across the river. 
He doubts if she will keep her word. 

Sb .don’t (doesn’t) doubt that ….

I don’t doubt that he can finish the task on time. 
Do you doubt that she will succeed? 

Immediately/ directly/ instantly /the moment/the minute/ the second = 从句

The thief ran away the moment / directly he saw the policeman.

On / Upon + n . doing

Yao Ming was surrounded by the media on his arrival at the airport.

No sooner had sb done than ….(过去时)

No sooner____________to bed than he heard a knock at the door.
A. had he gone B. he had gone C. did he go D. he went

Hardly had sb done when ….(过去时)

As soon as I got to the bus stop, the bus started.

Hardly had I got to the bus stop when the bus started.

No sooner had I got to the bus stop than the bus started.   但他们之间也有一些差异,例如,如果从两件事情的间隔时间来说,as soon as 较长,no sooner...than 居中,hardly...when 间隔时间最短。


Every time/each time/the last time/ the first time/ next time +从句(名词性短语引导的一个时间状语从句)

The first time I spoke English before foreigners, I was a student of high school.

Every time I meet the policeman at that crossroads, he will give me a big smile.

Anywhere/ everywhere =从句(相当于wherever引导的地点状语从句)

You can go anywhere you like. Next time you come, please bring your son along.

You can sit down anywhere you like.(你喜欢坐哪就坐哪)
The dog followed me everywhere I went.(无论我走到哪,这只狗都跟着我)

If only / I wish +从句(过去类时态)表示虚拟语气“要是。。。。就好了;但愿。。。就好了” 是不大可能实现的愿望,通常用虚拟语气。表示与现在事实相反,用过去式;表示与过去事实相反,用过去完成式;表示与将来事实相反,用would/ could + V.

I wish / If only I were a millionaire.

I wish / If only I had seen the film 2012.

I wish / If only I could travel all around the world.

Considering +n. /pron./ that从句/  Seeing that…考虑到,鉴于

considering that是【鉴于……而言,考虑到……
eg. Considering that she is old, he sent her to a nursing home.
Considered that business has been had in the past few years, we"ll have to close the snack bar
considering that 考虑到,想到
considered that 认为 
第一个是未确定 2个是已经认定

Seeing that he is so young, that is excusable.



Seeing that he is so young,that is excusable.


Seeing that the weather was bad, we decided to cancel the competition.



Seeing that nobody was at home, I had to leave.


Power shortage browned out the city that winter.


Given +n./ pron 作状语,表示“在有。。。。。的情况下”, 如果有,“ ”假定“, 有时也表示 “考虑到”

Seeing (that) he refused to help us, there is no reason why we should help him now.

Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year.

Given their inexperience/ that they are inexperienced, they’ve done a good job.

given (KNOWING) preposition
knowing about or considering a particular thing:
1. 'Given' is a preposition therefore a noun or a nominal phrase follows it.
e.g. Given his age, he's a remarkably fast learner.
e.g. Given the circumstances, you've done an excellent job.
2. Given (the fact) + that clause, main clause.
 e.g.Given (the fact) that the earthquake has damaged severely, we still try to enable the evacuees to be as independent as possible.
e.g. Given (the fact) that ordinary people are bombarded by all different kinds of ads, selecting a suitable product is not that easy.

There was a time when ….曾经有那么一度。。。。

There was a time when I felt lonely.有段时间我感到很孤独

Other than 与not, no ,none 等否定词连用表示肯定意思。Eg.

It was none other than Mr. Smith .这正是 Smith 先生

Not until…. Did/ do/ does/ will sb do….

It was/is not until …. that sb…

1.I won't go to bed until I finish me homework.
2.We will not leave until he comes.
3.不倒装 He didn't give up smoking until he got a serious disease. 
4.倒装 Not until he got a serious disease did he give up smoking.
5.He did not have lunch until his mother came back
It was not until his mother came back that he had lunch. 
Not until his mother came back, did he have lunch.
8.My dad had not come back until I went to bed. 
9.Mr Green have not been happy until his son come to be a top student.
10.I have not realized how upset my mother is until I find the teaars in her eyes.

It’s (un)like sb to do / to have done做某事像某人/做某事不像某人

It remains to be seen wh-words ….是否。。。。。还有待看。(不用that/ if 作连接词)

1.It remains to be seen who will be the victor in the contest.


2.It remains to be seen whether they can talk him round.


3.It remains to be seen whether they can talk him over


4.It remains to be seen whether I would ever again be able to hold a conversation with John.


5.It remains to be seen whether he can turn over a new page


6.It remains to be seen (ie We shall know later) whether you are right

你是否正确, 以後可见分晓.

7.Yet it remains to be seen whether or not Deschamps will still be on the bench come 2007-08.


8.It remains to be seen whether the industry will embrace the products resulting from this technology


9.It remains to be seen if the phenomenon of undergraduates speaking Mandarin in the campus will also be “corrected”.


10.While it remains to be seen whether or not environmental deterioration can be controlled , the current prospects are far from encouraging .


It only remains for sb to do ….. 剩下的知识要某人做某事

We’ve got everything ready. It only remains for you to come to dinner.

One moment….., and now…. 刚才一会儿还在做。。。。而现在却。。。

Not all/ both/ everyone 。。。。。。表示部分否定

Not everyone likes this book. 并非人人都喜欢这本书。

Such is /are …. 这(些)就是。。。。(谓语动词单复数由后面的名次决定)

Such is human nature
Such is life.

Such are all their own beliefs persisted

I’d rather (not) do / have done… 我宁愿。。。。

I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.

I’d rather + 从句(过去时或过去完成时)

We’d rather he paid us the money tomorrow.