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51.  in class, in the class

  in class 在课上,in the class 在班级里 He is the best student in the class.

  Who smokes in class? =in the classroom 谁在教室里吸烟?

  Who smokes in the class? =Who is a smoker in (our, for example) class? 我们班里谁吸烟?

  区分:in class 课堂上(指正在上课)in the class 在课室(指在教室里)你可以这样记:the 是定冠词 它可以用在地点前特指class=classroom(教室)the class(room) 就是在课室里而 in class没有“the”、意思就是正在上课例句:Don't talk loudly in class.(不要在课堂上大声讲话。)Don't eat in the class.(不要在课室里吃东西。)The children are in the class.(那些孩子们都在教室里。)

52. on fire, on the fire

  on fire 着火, on the fire 在火上 Put the food on the fire. The house is on fire.

53. out of question, out of the question

  out of question 毫无疑问的,out of the question 不可能的

  out of question 没问题

  e.g. I can join you--it's out of question.

  out of the question 不可能的,不允许的

  e.g. You can't let a girl of three understand such a difficult story--it's out the question.


  Out of question: 毫无疑问,beyond question,beyond doubt

  Out of the question: 不可能,impossible

  Out of question的意思是“毫无疑问”,它是副词性短语,修饰谓语动词或整个句子。其义相当于beyond question,beyond doubt。[_leland 记忆方法:这组词可以这样记忆:没有the,不用怀疑,你是对的。即片语中没有the这个定冠词表示的意思是毫无疑问,不用怀疑的意思。]。例:

  The general trend of the situation in Bosnia is out of question,developing in a direction more favourable to peace.


  The sabotage is out of question a fresh blow to international peace efforts.


  Out of the question的意思是“毫无可能”、“根本不必讨论”。它是形容词性短语,用作verb “to be”的补语[_leland 记忆方法:这组词可以这样记忆:有the不可能。即片语中有the这个定冠词表示的意思是不可能的。]。例:

  Asking a miser to donate to charity is out of the question.


  Without the participation of ten thousand workers,completion of such a mammoth undertaking in so short a period would be out of the question.


54. a second, the second

  a second 又一,再一,the second 第…… He won the second prize.

  a second意表数量“又一,再一…”在原来的数量上又增加了一个,the second表顺序“第二…”,只指“第二个”这一个事物本身,如:

  He ate a second apple. 他又吃了一个苹果(吃了至少两个了)。

  He ate the second apple. 他吃了第二个苹果。(第一个不是他吃的,他只吃了一个。)

  the second 是序数词的感觉,是第二个的意思

  the second day 第二天

  the second student 第二个学生

  a second 有另一个的意思

  比如a second time 就是再一次的意思



  a second time,是 再一次,不一定是第几次

  the second time,是 强调第二次

  second, third 等不定冠词与 a 连用,表示“又一,再一”,强调在原来的数量上再加一个的概念;

  而与定冠词 the 连用,表示“第几”,强调排好的顺序。

  The Second World War 二战

  the second largest city in China 中国第二大城市

  a third World War 又一次世界大战

  An equal number of people learn English as a second language.


55. by day, by the day

  by day 白天,by the day 按天计算 The workers are paid by the day.

  by day 表示“白天;日间”

  例句:He works in an office by day. 他白天在办公室工作。

  by the day 表示“按日计”

  例句:Cleaning women in big cities get paid by the day. 大城市中的清洁工按日取筹。

56. the people, a people

  the people 指人,a people 指民族 The Chinese is a peace-loving people.


  The people :人(特指),多指人民


  A lot of people go to the moving pictures every evening.


  The people of Lancashire speak in a way that will surprise you.


  people 是“人”、“人们”的意思,是集体名词,表示复数。例如: of all things in the world, people are the most precious. 世间一切事物中,人是第一个最宝贵的。 a lot of people know that. 很多人知道那(事)。 there are six people in the room. 房间里有六个人。 people “人”、“人们”讲时,可以用 two 以上的数词修饰,不用冠词 a 修饰。people 前加 a 是“一个民族”的意思,复数是 peoples 。说“一个人”应用 a person 。例如: the chinese are an industrious people. 中国人民是勤劳的民族。 among the people at the meeting, i didn‘t know a single person. 在到会的人中我一个也不认识。 the people 是“人民”的意思。例如: we serve the people. 我们为人民服务。 we must rely on the broad masses of the people. 我们要依靠广大人民群众。 有时,the people 有修饰语,并不表示“人民”,而是“人”、“人们”。例如: the people of shanghai like beijing opera very much. 上海人很喜欢京剧。 the people present numbered a hundred. 到会的人是一百。 有时,people 前不加 the ,也是“人民”的意思。例如: people‘s communes are fine. 人民公社好。 we launched a people‘s war. 我们打了一场人民战争。

57. it, one,ones,that,those

  为使表达简洁明了,我们常用 it, one, ones, that, those 等替代词来替代前面已经出现的名词。从近几年的高考英语情况来看,考查替代词的用法和区别一直是一个热点。本文拟就以上几个最重要的替代词的用法作一小结,同时为同学们归纳一些使用技巧,希望对大家有所帮助。


  替代表泛指的单数名词,通常用 one。如:

  Two heads are better than one. 两人智慧胜一人。

  I lost my old camera; this is a new one. 我的旧相机丢了,这是一架新的。

  Did you get a ticket?—Yes, I managed to get one. 你搞到票了吗?——是的,我设法搞到了一张。

  注:若 one 前没有形容词的修饰,则其前不能有不定冠词。比较:

  I’m looking for a flat. I’d like a small one with a garden. 我正在找一套公寓,想找一套小的带花园的。

  I’m looking for a flat. I’d like one with a garden. 我正在找一套公寓,想找一套带花园的。(不能说:… a one with a garden.)

  没有形容词修饰的 one 前不能用不定冠词,但可用 another。如:

  This pen doesn’t work. I must buy another one. 这支钢笔坏了,我要另买一支了。

  另外,注意它与表特指的 it 的区别。如:

  Can you lend me a pen?—Sorry. I haven’t got one. 你能借给我一支钢笔吗?——对不起,我没有钢笔。

  Can I borrow your pen?—Sorry, I’m using it. 我能借用你的钢笔吗?——对不起,我自己正在用。


  替代表特指的单数名词,可用 it, that, the one。三者的区别是:

  1. 替代单数可数名词时,三者均可用;替代不可数名词时,不能用 the one,而要用 it 或 that。此时 it 与 that 的区别是:表示同一事物时,用it;表示同类事物时,用 that 或 the one。如:

  The weather here is too cold. I don’t like it. 这儿的天气太冷了,我不喜欢这儿的天气。(it 在此指前面提到的 the weather)

  The weather of Beijing is colder than that of Guangzhou. 北京的天气比广州冷。(that 在此指代的天气与前面提到的天气为同类)

  My uncle bought me a dictionary and I like it very much. 我叔叔给我买了一本词典,我非常喜欢它。(it 在此就是指前面提到的叔叔给我买的词典)

  Your dictionary is more useful than the one my uncle gave me. 你这本词典比我叔叔给我的那本词典更有用。(the one 在此表示与前面提到的词典为同类)

  2. 替代事物时,三者均可用;替代人时,只能用 the one。如:

  Who is her husband?—The one by the window. 哪位是她的丈夫?——窗户边的那一位。

  注:当要替代性别不明的婴儿时可用 it。

  3. 当有前置定语修饰时,只能用 the one。如:

  Which do you want?—The red one. 你想要哪个?——那个红的。

  She would rather have the small one than the large one. 她宁愿要小的,不要大的。

  4. 当有后置定语修饰时,通常用 the one。如:

  My room is better than the one next door. 我的房间比隔壁房间好。

  He said he would have the one near him. 他说要靠近他的那一个。

  Is that the one that was published recently? 是最近出版的那一种吗?

  Here are six rings. Pick out the one you like best. 这里有六枚戒指,选出你最喜欢的一枚。

  但是,若后置定语为 of 引起的介词短语,则通常用 that。如:

  The population of China is much larger than that of Japan. 中国人口比日本人口多得多。

  A grandparent’s job is easier than that of a parent. 祖父母的任务比父母的任务要轻松一些。


  替代表泛指的复数名词,通常用 ones。如:

  Hard beds are healthier than soft ones. 硬板床比软床有利于健康。

  Green apples often taste better than red ones. 青苹果往往比红苹果好吃。

  We can lend you plastic chairs or metal ones. 我们可以借给你塑料椅子或者金属椅子。

  These chairs have the great advantage of being much cheaper than conventional ones. 这些椅子具有比普通椅子便宜得多的优势。


  替代表特指的复数名词,通常用 the ones。如:

  I’d like to try on those shoes. The ones at the front of the window. 我想试试那双鞋子。橱窗里前边的那一双。

  Are they the ones who moved here recently? 是最近搬到这儿来的那些人吗?

  Don’t buy the expensive apples; get the cheaper ones. 别买那价钱贵的苹果,买那便宜的。

  注:在口语中,也可用 those 来替代表特指的复数名词,尤其是当其后有 of 引导的介词短语或 who 引导的定语从句修饰时。如:

  Waves of red light are about twice as long as those of blue light. 红色光线的波长约为蓝色光线波长的两倍。

  Those of you who wish to go on the trip may sign up here. 你们中间想参加这次游览的人可以在这里签名。

  His ideas are little different from those of his friends. 他的想法和他朋友的想法没什么两样。

  Students who do well in examinations are those [the ones] who ask questions in class. 考试成绩好的都是上课爱提问的学生。


  1. 当替代词 one / ones 紧跟在形容词最高级、序数词以及 this, that, these, those, which, either, neither, another 等限定词之后时,通常可以省略。如:

  I think my dog’s the fastest (one)。 我想我的狗是跑得最快的(一只)。

  Either (one) will suit me. (这两个当中)哪一个对我都合适。

  Let’s have another (one)。 咱们再来一个吧。

  She looked at each(one) carefully before she chose. 她仔细地看了看每一个,然后才挑选。

  Which (one) would you like?—That (one) looks the nicest. 您要哪一个?——看起来那个最好。

  2. 复数形式的 ones 之前一般不直接用名词所有格、物主代词、数词以及 some, any, both, several, dozen, own 等词修饰。如:

  Have you got any drawing-pins? Can I borrow some please? 你有图钉吗?我能借一些吗? (不能说:… some ones …)

  Do you have any new diaries?—We don’t have any at the moment. 你有没有新的日记本?——我们眼下一本也没有了。(不能说:… any ones …)

  Do question 1 or question 2, but not both. 第1题和第2题选做一道,但不要两道都做。(不能说:… both ones.)

  He has three dictionaries and I have only two. 他有三本词典,但我只有两本。(不能说:… two ones.)

  注:如果 ones 前有描绘性形容词修饰,则可以使用上述词语。如:

  误:her ones / some ones / any ones / five ones / your own ones

  正:her red ones / some new ones / any old ones / five bad ones / your own nice ones

  在美国英语中,ones 不能紧跟在 these 和 those 之后。但是在英国英语中可以这样用(也不常见)。

  3. 当一个名词受另一个名词修饰时,通常不宜用 one(s)来替代。如:

  Do you need coffee cups or tea cups? 你们需要咖啡杯还是要茶杯? (不能说:… or tea ones? )

  但若一个名词受表材料的名词修饰,可用 one(s) 替代。如:

  We can lend you plastic chairs or metal ones. 我们可以借给你塑料椅子或者金属椅子。

58. that, this

  that 指代上文所提到的,this 导出下文所要说的 I was ill. That's why …



  pron. 这, 本

  a. 这, 本

  ad. 这么

  例句 This ship docked this morning.


  .This new approach is


  .A downpour this afternoon


  .For this particular purpose


  .Move this heavy box


  Pecified by doing this


  Person who does this


  .Shop operating this system


  .Wish this delay tolerate


  .This work continues. This story goes on.


   that 用法


  1. 那;那个,那人,那事,那东西

  That's my English teacher over there.


  2. (已被提到的)那个,那人,那事,那东西

  Who told her that?


  3. 前者

  4. (用作关系代词的先行词)那,那个

  What is that which you have just stuffed into the plastic cup?


  5. (代替句中名词,避免重复)

  The output of steel this year has increased by 20% compared with that in 1992.


  6. (用作关系代词,引导关系从句)


  1. 那,那个

  That book isn't mine.



  1. 【口】那样,那么

  Is the problem that easy?



  1. (引导名词从句)

  He expressed the hope that we would keep in touch with his firm.


  My idea is that we should act on his suggestion.


  That she is still alive is a relief.


  2. (引导状语从句,表示原因或理由)因为,由于

  We are glad that we have accomplished another arduous task.


  3. (引导状语从句,表示目的或结果)为了,以至于

  He is working hard that he can catch up with the class.


  4. (引导表示愿望,感叹的从句,主句常省略)

  That I could stay at home today!


59. none, nothing, no one

  none 强调有多少,nothing, no one 强调有没有,nothing 指物,no one 指人

  --- How many …/ How much …? --- None.





  no one 用于指人,不与of短语连用,用作单数,如

  No one knows the answer


  eg:-Is there a man in the hall?

  -None.(没有"a man")

  -Is there something in the sky?


60. anyone, any one

  anyone 指人,不能接 of,any one 指人物均可,可接 of any one of you

  1. anyone仅指人,any one既可指人,也可指物。

  Would anyone like a drink? 谁想喝一杯吗?

  I don’t want to waste anyone’s time. 我不想浪费任何人的时间。

  He told her not to tell anyone. 他告诉她不要告诉任何人。

  Which pen do you want?—Any one will do. 你要哪支钢笔?——随便哪一支都行。

  Any one who knows English can apply for the work. 任何会英语的人都可以申请这份工作。

  2. anyone 后不能接表示范围的 of 短语,而any one 后可接表示范围的 of 短语。如:

  I don't know any one of them. 他们中我一个也不认识。

  Any one of our employees could be the informer. 我们的任何一位雇员都有可能成为告密者。

  Parents should not show preference for any one of their children. 父母不应流露出对任何一个孩子的偏心。

  3. anyone 不能用作定语修饰名语,而 any one 可以用作定语修饰名词。如:

  You can borrow any one video at a time. 你一次可以借任何一盘录像带。

  I can’t point to any one particular reason for it. 那件事我找不出具体原因来。

  4. anyone 可以受形容词的修饰,且修饰语于anyone之后;而any one 很少受形容词的修饰,若语义上需要,应将修饰语置于any与one之间。如:

  Did you see anyone else there? 你在那里看到其他的人吗?

  Have you seen anyone [anybody] famous? 你见过名人吗?

  Any red one will do. 任何一个红色的都可以。