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(2011-10-16 19:56:52)  

    Alternative Wisdom: 7 Ways to Zig When Everyone Else is Zagging


    Change isn't just constant. It's freaking relentless. The information flow's a gusher. The order of the day? Chaos. Let's see. What was that plan you made to stay sane?


1. Steady your pace when everyone else is accelerating. 大家冲锋陷阵的时候,你选择步步为营

   Faster, faster. It's the call of the modern age. We have the need for speed, or so we think.


   But while you're pushing the pedal to the metal just to keep up with the Joneses, ask where everybody's going and why they're in such a hurry.


   It's an old saying, but it's still true. Slow and steady wins the race. Find your pace and know where you're headed. It's better than getting nowhere fast.


2. Follow your instincts when everyone else is following trends. 大家顺应潮流的时候,凭自己的直觉做事。

3. Work on mastering the pieces when everyone else is working on a masterpiece. 大家都在为了成为大师而努力的时候,先掌握真功夫。

   Everyone wants to be a master, but mastery takes practice and that just bores some folks to tears.


    While everyone else has their eyes on the prize, focus your sights on the hundred and one steps it takes to win it, and master them one at a time. You'll need to learn to draw a straight line before you can paint the Mona Lisa.


4. Speak softly when everyone else is shouting.  大家吵得声嘶力竭的时候,轻声细语保持实力。

   When every thing's printed in bold red letters, a message written in small italics stands out. When everyone is clamoring for attention, you can't help but notice the quiet and the calm.


    Do what it takes to build a quiet brand of confidence and people will take notice. In the midst of all that noise, some peace and sensibility is precisely what people will be looking for.


5. Decide who you're going to be when everyone else is deciding what to do next. 大家都在决定下一步的时候,想想你应该和谁一起。

    A whole lot of people are looking for instructions, a set of blue prints, for the seven steps to everything.


     Have you looked at the self-help section of your local book store? Looks like everybody's got some secrets and they're selling them for 19.95.


     Few, however, take the time to ask, “Who am I?” or “Who do I want to be?”  Figure that out, and the doing comes natural.  It's like you have an inner filter. You know what works and what mucks things up. You know what to let in and what to keep out. You know what to do and what not to do.


     While others are looking for the secrets of success, take the time to define what success actually means to you. Achieving it will be less of a mystery.


6. Seek to build relationships when everyone else is seeking to build a fortune. 大家都在创造财富的时候,建立一些关系。

    If you really want to feel rich, accept all forms of payment. When it comes to happiness, studies show that beyond a certain point, money's just added padding.


    Love is the real gold standard. Connection, interaction, contribution, and intimacy, believe it or not, are better than a three car garage and a big screen TV.


    While the others are counting their assets, be one to the people around you. You'll get a greater return on investment.


7. Focus on being purposeful while everyone else is focusing on being productive. 当大家为别人而努力时,你应该为自己而活。

   It's great to be productive if your productivity has a purpose, but a lot of people are burning their way through to-do lists like it's an Olympic sport and they're going for the gold.


    Better than a list of things you've done, you'll have a list of reasons for why you do anything and you can use that to guide you.


    So, What Will It Be?


    Are you gonna zag, or are you gonna zig?
