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英语900句英音版第四册 视频页面的网址:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/5udvX7mIugY
Book4 第四册­
第一课Making plans 订计划(451-465句) ­
451.What do you plan to do tomorrow? 明天你打算做什么?­
452.I doubt that I'll do anything tomorrow. 明天我恐怕什么也不做。­
453.Please excuse me for a little while. I want to do something. 对不起,请稍等一会儿,我要办点事。­
454.I imagine I'll do some work instead of going to the movies.我想干点活,不去看电影了.­
455.Will it be convenient for you to explain your plans to him? 你把你的计划向他讲一下,方便吗?­
456.There's nothing to do because tomorrow is a holiday. 明天是假日所以没事可做。­
457.What's your brother planning to do tomorrow? 你的兄弟明天打算做什么?­
458.He can't decide what to do他决定不了要干什么。­
459.It's difficult to make a decision without knowing all the facts. 不了解全部事实,很难作决定。­
460.We're trying to plan our future. 我们正点想法替将来作打算。­
461.That's a good idea. 那是个好主意。­
462.I'm hoping to spend a few days in the mountains我希望在山区住几天。­
463.Would you consider going north this summer? 今年夏天你考虑到北方去吗?­
464.If there's a chance you'll go, I'd like to go with you.如果你有机会去,我想和你一起去.­
465.After you think it over, please let me know what you decide. 等你想好了,请把你的决定告诉我。­
第二课Making decisions 作决定(466-480句) ­
466.I'm anxious to know what your decision is. 我急于想知道你的决定。­
467.I'm confident you've made the right choice. 我相信你已经作了正点确的选择。­
468.I want to persuade you to change your mind. 我想说服你改变主意。­
469.Will you accept my advice? 你愿意接受我的劝告吗?­
470.What have you decided? 你是怎么决定的?­
471.I've definitely decided to go to California. 我已肯定要去加利福尼亚州。­
472.He didn't want to say anything to influence my decision.他不想说什么来影响我的决定。­
473.She refuses to make up her mind她拒绝做出决定。­
474.I assume you've decided against buying a new car. 我想你已经决定不买新汽车了。­
475.It took him a long time to make up his mind. 他用了很长时间才打定主意。­
476.You can go whenever you wish. 什么时候,随你便。­
477.We're willing to accept your plan. 我们乐意采纳你的计划。­
478.He knows it's inconvenient, but he wants to go anyway. 他知道这不太方便,但不管怎么样他还是要去。­
479.According to Mr. Green, this is a complicated problem. 据格林先生认为,这是一个复杂问题。­
480.She insists that it doesn't make any difference to her.她坚持说,这对她无所谓。­
第三课Going places 旅游(481-495句) ­
481.Are you going to go anyplace this year? 今年你准备去什么地方吗?­
482.If I have enough money, I'm going to take a trip abroad. 假如有足够的钱,我准备去国外旅行一次。­
483.How are you going? Are you going by boat? 你准备怎么去?准备从船吗?­
484.It's faster to go by plane than by boat坐飞机比乘船快。­
485.What's the quickest way to get there? 到那儿去,最快的办法是什么?­
486.Altogether it will take ten days to make the trip. 这次旅行总共要十天。­
487.I hope you have a good time on your trip祝你旅途愉快。­
488.I'm leaving tomorrow, but I haven't packed my suitcases yet. 我准备明天出发,但是我还没有收拾好箱子。­
489.I'm going by air. I like flying. 我乘飞机去,我喜欢飞机。­
490.My brother took a trip to Mexico. 我的兄弟去墨西哥旅行了一次。­
491.It was a six-hour flight. 这是一次六小时的飞机。­
492.How many passengers were on the train? 火车上有多少旅客?­
493.His friend was injured in an airplane crash.他的朋友在一次飞机事故中受了从伤。­
494.Would you like to go for a walk? 你愿意去散步吗?­
495.Let's go out to the airport. The plane landed ten minutes ago.咱们到机场去吧,飞机十分钟前就着陆了。­
第四课Going shopping 购物(496-510句) ­
496.I'm going shopping because I need to buy some clothes. 我要去买东西,因为我需要买几件衣服。­
497.If this shirt doesn't fit, may I bring it back later? 如果这件衬衣不合身,我回头可以把它退了吗?­
498.What size shoes do you wear? 你穿几号鞋?­
499.That suit looks very good on you. 那套衣服你穿很合适。­
500.This dress is made of silk, isn't it? 这件衣服是绸做的,对不对?­
501.I'd like to try on this sweater. 我想试试这件毛衣。­
502.I'm interested in buying a new car. 我很想买一辆新轿车。­
503.What's the price of that electric iron? 那种电熨斗卖多少钱?­
504.How much is this rug? 这条地毯多少钱?­
505.Is this toothpaste on sale today? 这种牙膏今天减价出售吗?­
506.That's a beautiful leather wallet, but it costs too much. 那只皮夹很漂亮,但价钱太贵了。­
507.How much do I owe you一共多少钱?­
508.That will be eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents. 十八美元七十五美分。­
509.Do you have change for a twenty-dollar bill? 你能换开一张二十元的钞票吗?­
510.The clerk helped me find what I wanted. 店员帮我找到了我所要买的东西。­
第五课Eating in a restaurant 餐馆进膳(511-525句) ­
511.What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么?­
512.I'd like a bowl of tomato soup, please.请给我要一盆西红柿汤­
513.The waiter seems to be in a hurry to take our order.服务员似乎很急着要我们点菜。­
514.Which would you rather have - steak or fish? 你想吃哪个菜,牛排还是鱼?­
515.I want my steak well-done. 我要的牛排烧透点。­
516.What kinds of vegetables do you have? 你要什么蔬菜?­
517.I'll have mashed potatoes and green beans. 我要土豆泥和青豆。­
518.Would you please pass the salt? 请你递一下盐好吗?­
519.They serve good food in this restaurant. 这家饭馆卖的饭菜很好。­
520.Are you ready for your dessert now? 现在可以给您上甜食吗?­
521.This knife is dirty. Would you bring me a clean one, please? 这把刀是脏的,请您给我一把干净的好吗?­
522.May I have the check, please? 请开帐单,好吗?­
523.You have your choice of three flavors of ice cream. 有三种冰激凌任你选。­
524.We have vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. 有香草的、巧克力的和杨梅的。­
525.We invited two guests to dinner, but they didn't come. 我们请了两位客人吃晚饭,但是他们都没有来。­
第六课Going out for the evening 参加晚会(526-540句) ­
526.How long did the movie last? 我部电影多长?­
527.The feature started at 9 o'clock and ended at 11:30.正片九点开始放映到十一点半结束。­
528.They say the new film is an adventure story.据说,这部新片子是一部惊险故事片。­
529.A group of us went out to the theater last night.昨天晚上我们一群人去看戏了。­
530.The new play was good and everybody enjoyed it.这个新编的剧目很好,大家都很欣赏。­
531.By the time we got there, the play had already begun.我们到达那儿时,戏已经开始了.­
532.The usher showed us to our seats. 招待员把我们领到座位上。­
533.The cast of the play included a famous actor. 我个戏的演员名单中有一位名演员。­
534.After the play was over, we all wanted to get something to eat. 戏演完后,我们都想找点吃的。­
535.There was a big crowd and we had difficulty getting a taxi. 人很多,我们好不容易找到一辆出租汽车。­
536.The restaurant was filled, so we decided to go elsewhere. 饭馆客满,所以我们决定到别的地方去。­
537.My brother wants to learn how to dance. 我的兄弟想学跳舞。­
538.We don't go dancing very often. 我们不常去跳舞。­
539.Which would you rather do - go dancing or go to a play? 你喜欢做什么,去跳舞还是去看戏?­
540. I'm not accustomed to going out after dark. 天黑以后我不习惯出门。­
第七课Making appointments 约会(541-555句) ­
541.I'd like to make an appointment to see Mr. Cooper. 我想约个时间去看库柏先生。­
542.Would you like to arrange for a personal interview? 你愿意安排一次个别会谈吗?­
543.Your appointment will be next Thursday at 10 o'clock. 你约会的时间是在下星期四的十点钟。­
544.I can come any day except Thursday. 除星期四,我哪一天都可以来。­
545.He wants to change his appointment from Monday to Wednesday. 他想把他的约会从星期一改到星期三。­
546.She failed to call the office to cancel her appointment.她没有打电话到办公室取消她的约会。­
547.I'm going to call the employment agency for a job.我准备到职业介绍所申请工作。­
548.Please fill in this application form.请填写这份申请表。­
549.Are you looking for a permanent position? 你要找个固定职业吗?­
550.I'm going to call a plumber to come this afternoon. 我准备今天下午叫一个管道工人来。­
551.I couldn't keep the appointment because I was sick. 我病了没去赴约。­
552.I'm a new employee. I was hired yesterday. 我是个新雇员。我昨天才受雇的。­
553.Please call before you come, otherwise we might not be home. 来以前请先打个电话,否则,我们可能不在家。­
554.Let's make a date to go shopping next Thursday. 我们就定在下星期四去买东西吧。­
555.Will you please lock the door when you leave? 你离开时请锁上门好吗?­
第八课Visiting the doctor 看病(556-570句) ­
556.I went to see my doctor for a check-up yesterday. 昨天我去请医生作了一次检查。­
557.The doctor discovered that I'm a little overweight. 医生发现我太胖了一点。­
558.He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure.他给我作了X光胸透并量了血压。­
559.He told me to take these pills every four hours他告诉我每隔四小时服用一次这种药丸.­
560.Do you think the patient can be cured? 你认为这个病人能治好吗?­
561.They operated on him last night. 昨晚给他做了一次手术。­
562.He needed a blood transfusion. 他需要输血。­
563.My uncle had a heart attack last year. 我叔叔去年害了一场心脏病。­
564.They had to call in a heart specialist. 他们不得不请来一位心脏病专家。­
565.What did the doctor say? 医生说什么?­
566.The doctor advised me to get plenty of exercise. 医生建议我多锻炼。­
567.The doctor said I look pale. 医生说我脸色苍白。­
568.If I want to be healthy. I have to stop smoking cigarettes. 如果要想身体健康,我心须戒烟。­
569.The physician said smoking is harmful to my health.内科大夫说,吸烟对我的健康有害.­
570.It's just a mosquito bite. There's nothing to worry about. 这是蚊虫咬伤的。没有什么可担心的。­
第九课Making telephone calls 打电话(571-585句) ­
571.You're wanted on the telephone. 有电话找你。­
572.What number should I dial to get the operator? 找总机电话员我该拔什么号?­
573.I want to make a long distance call. 我要打个长途电话。­
574.Pick up the receiver and deposit a coin in the slot. 拿起听筒之后,放一个硬币在这个孔口里。­
575.I tried to call Mr. Cooper, but the line was busy.我想给库柏先生打个电话。但一直占线。­
576.You must have dialed the wrong number. 我一定是拔错号了。­
577.I dialed the right number, but nobody answered. 我拔的号是对的,但没有人接。­
578.The telephone is ringing, would you answer it, please?电话铃响了,请你接一下,好吗?­
579.Would you like to leave a message? 你愿意留个话吗?­
580.Who is this? I don't recognize your voice. 谁呀?我听不出你的声音来。­
581.Would you please tell Mr. Cooper I called?请你告诉库柏先生,说我给他打过电话,好吗?­
582.Is this Empire 5-4093? 你这儿是EM5-4093 号吗?­
583.I have to hang up now. 现在我该把电话挂了。­
584.Put the receiver closer to your mouth. I can't hear you. 请把电话筒靠近你嘴边一些,我听不清你的话。­
585.Would you mind calling back sometime tomorrow? 明天什么时候请你回我一个电话,好吗?­
第十课Writing letters 写信(586-600句) ­
586.How long has it been since you've heard from your uncle? 从你上次接到你叔父的信以来有多长时间了?­
587.When was the last time he wrote you? 他最后一次写信给你是什么时候?­
588.I can't recall how long it's been. 我回忆不起来有多久了。­
589.I'm always disappointed when I don't get any mail.接不到任何邮件时,我总感到失望。­
590. I feel guilty because I haven't written her lately. 我感到内疚,因为我近来一直没有写信给她。­
591. What time is the mail delivered on Saturday? 星期六的邮件是在什么时间投送的?­
592. The postman always comes at 2 o'clock. 邮递员总是两点钟来。­
593. I wrote to my uncle last night. I couldn't put it off any longer. 昨晚我给叔叔写了信。我不能再拖延了。­
594. I enclosed some photographs in my letter. 我在信里附了几张照片。­
595. I didn't know whether to send the letter airmail or not我不知道这封信是否要用航空发出。­
596. How long does it take for a letter to get to California? 往加利福尼亚州寄信得多长时间?­­
597. Don't forget to put stamps on the letter before you mail it.发信前别忘了贴邮票.­
598. He went to the post office to mail a letter. 他到邮局寄信去了。­
599. I dropped the letter in the mailbox on the corner. 我把信投入拐角处的邮筒里。­
600. How did you sign the letter? Did you write, "Sincerely yours"?你在信上是怎么署名的?你写上“忠实于您的”了吗?­
