梦想的声音袁咏琳:Step 2. Executing a simple SQL command

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/27 15:49:25
#include   // for printf#include  // main SQLAPI++ headerint main(int argc, char* argv[]){    SAConnection con; // connection object    SACommand cmd;    // create command object        try    {        // connect to database (Oracle in our example)        con.Connect("test", "tester", "tester", SA_Oracle_Client);        // associate a command with connection        // connection can also be specified in SACommand constructor        cmd.setConnection(&con);        // create table        cmd.setCommandText(            "Create table test_tbl(fid integer, fvarchar20 varchar(20), fblob blob)");        cmd.Execute();        // insert value        cmd.setCommandText(            "Insert into test_tbl(fid, fvarchar20) values (1, 'Some string (1)')");        cmd.Execute();        // commit changes on success        con.Commit();        printf("Table created, row inserted!\n");    }    catch(SAException &x)    {        // SAConnection::Rollback()        // can also throw an exception        // (if a network error for example),        // we will be ready        try        {            // on error rollback changes            con.Rollback();        }        catch(SAException &)        {        }        // print error message        printf("%s\n", (const char*)x.ErrText());    }        return 0;}