
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/22 13:30:42
开场白: 女:尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾: 男:亲爱的观众朋友们: 合:晚上好! 女:穿过季节的群山, 男:越过时光的隧道。 女:***岁的***带着微笑向我们款款走来…… 男:***年的岁月像一条河,流淌着***儿女创业的艰辛与丰收的喜乐。 女:***年的岁月像一条路,印下了年轻***成长中每一个坚实的脚印。 男:***年风二十年雨,***年的成果令人欢欣鼓舞。朋友们,今晚****特意在这里举办一台 “****”文艺晚会,回首激情岁月,共展美好未来! 女:下面我非常荣幸地向大家介绍出席今天晚会……提问人的追问   2009-12-27 19:36



回答人的补充   2009-12-27 20:00


respect fellow leaders, fellow guests, fellow parents, as well as scene teachers, children:


合:good evening!


主持人:we are having excited and joyful feelings, welcomed the christmas day and the magnificent ceremony of the second anniversary of xinyin english school in wu gang.


主持人:thanks for the government educates, the department responsible for the work, the leaders and the public figures, to the care my school construction and the development. on behalf of xinyin english school in wu gang would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your great care and help to us!


主持人:more and more near along with 2006 footsteps, we will welcome the new challenge and the turning point, we also will certainly to defeat difficultly mount the new stair! the auspicious snow flutters about the winter night, we are treading the moonlight to come.


主持人:tonight, we happily gather in one place, to sing and to dance;


主持人:tonight, we fill with our fervor, the surging emotions rushes;


主持人:tonight, we send to our blessing;


主持人:to bring the wishes and the commission;


主持人:buries already the long hope, changes to makes the joy which today meets by chance.


主持人:listen, it transmits the clear bell sound gradually and santa claus is harnessing the deer-drawn vehicle in the midnight sky, the white christmas day is coming that is belonging to our fairy tale holiday!

(译):听一下,午夜的夜空里渐渐传来了圣诞老人驾着鹿车而来的清脆铃声,白色的圣诞节 ——属于我们童话般的节日如愿而至!

主持人:look, the sunlight is bright, that is the gorgeous color of new year,

主持人:listen, golden clock ringing, this is the moving melody of new year.
