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'Whatever' reigns supreme as most annoying word for the third year in a rowwhatever随便的三连冠:连续三年当选最让人讨厌词汇

To brush off the results of a recent poll that asserts the word 'whatever' was voted the most annoying word for the third year running would seemingly be the best tribute to the news.最近的民意调查显示whatever(随便)一词连续三年被评为年度最讨厌词汇。不把这个新闻当回事儿?最好的回敬方式莫过于说一句:whatever!

A university in up state New York announced Friday that the dismissive 'whatever' continues to reign supreme in the common lexicon.纽约州一所大学周五公布,表示轻视鄙视意味的"whatever”再次在日常对话词汇王国中独领风骚,占据了最招人嫌的头把交椅。

For the third year in a row, the Marist University poll asked 1,026 adults what the most grating word was from a five options.圣母学院已经是连续三年开展这样的民意调查了,该学校在全国范围内对1026名成人进行电话调查,询问最让他们讨厌的单词是什么?人们可以有5个选择。

Whatever took the cake with 38 per cent of the lot, though this is a drop of one point from last year, and even lower than it's high of 49 per cent in 2009.“whatever”(随便)脱颖而出,以38%的比率拔得头筹。不过这个比重比去年下降了1%。2009年,whatever甚至拿到了49%的“好成绩”。

While it clearly has staying power, some balked at the thought that 'whatever', a word made popular in the 1990s cult film Clueless, was truly the worst thing to come out of society's mouths over the past decade or so.不过很明显whatever耐力的确持久。有些人还认为“whatever”这个词确实是过去十年里公众创造的最坏的东西了。whatever自90年代非主流电影《独领风骚》中首次出现后,迅速风靡美国大陆。

The respondents do not get to suggest the words that bother them the most, but rather are given five options decided upon by the university.调查对象的选择并不代表这个词最让他们讨厌,但是确定是在五个选项中最让人讨厌的词汇。

This year's options included the always-annoying 'like' which came in second with 20 per cent of the vote, followed shortly behind by 'you know' with 19 per cent.今年的选项中还包括一如既往招人讨厌的“like”(比如),它以20%的投票排名第二,紧跟其后占19%的是“you know”(要知道)。

'Just saying' and 'seriously' rounded up the group with 11 and 7 per cent respectively.五个选项中的另外两个是“just saying”(随便说说)和“seriously”(说真的),分别各占11%和7%。

Other options including: 其他的可能选项还包括:

to tell you the truth 老实告诉你

you know what I mean 你懂我的意思吧?

actually  其实

it is what it is 就是这样

anyway  总之,反正