case when 怎么用:潮词:跟英国学生体验“空档年”(图)

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/06/01 18:28:30

潮词:跟英国学生体验“空档年”(图)  2011年09月01日 16:09   中国日报网-英语点津


  我们原来说过generation gap(代沟)这个词,而且也知道gap这个词一般指的也都是“间隔、空档”的意思。那么今天要说的这个gap year到底指什么呢?

  Gap year is an English expression (also known as drop year,deferred year, bridging year, etc) referring to a period of time - notnecessarily a year in which students take time off and do somethingother than schooling, such as travel or work. The year out is mostcommonly taken after secondary school and before starting university.However, over recent years there has been an increase in 21-23 year oldstaking a year out after completing their degree。


  The practice of taking a deferred year developed in the UnitedKingdom in the 1960s. During this time, a student might travel, engagein volunteer work overseas or undertake a working holiday abroad。


  A year out has grown very popular among students in the UK,Australia, New Zealand and Canada. A trend for year out is toparticipate in international education programs that combine languagestudy, homestays, cultural immersion, community service, and independentstudy。
