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趣味英语:如何对付满嘴跑火车的人年05月14日 10:33   新浪教育


  工作、学习和生活中,大家是不是碰到过这类人:雷声大雨点小或者干脆光打雷不下雨?对于这种嘴上功夫了得,足下功夫欠缺的同志们,我们就可以来一句: You're all mouth and no trousers!

  All mouth and no trousers从字面上的解释就是“都是嘴而没有裤子”,听起来有点古怪,其实它是一个很通俗的表达,意思是形容某人只说不做。


  A:Dave's going on about climbing Mount Everest again. He reckons hecan do it with just two months' training, but he hasn't even been for ahike yet.

  B:Yeah, the problem is he's all mouth and no trousers.

  上面的对话中,Dave has been talking a lot about climbing Mount Everest butactually we know he's not really going to do it. 这时候,我们就可以说Dave is allmouth and no trousers.

  All mouth and no trousers 是一个比较长的短语,我们也可以把这个表达说得更简单一些 we can shorten it,我们也可以说you're all mouth。

  不过,说you're all mouth的时候会不会显得没有礼貌?记住了,这个短语不是什么场合都能用的。It's best to keep it to friends,这个表达最好是在朋友之间使用,贸然用来形容不相熟的人,人家会觉得你不懂礼貌。

  下次,再碰到你亲密的同事、同学和朋友满嘴跑火车,不要忘了揶揄他一句You're all mouth and no trousers / you're all mouth 哦。
