adobe acrobat dc登录:【每日音乐】普特英文歌曲欣赏(Power To The People - John Lennon)

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Power To The People - John Lennon
Please enjoy it and then write down the hidden lyrics, or write down your translation, or write down your feelings about this song.
1940年10月9日 列侬在利物浦出生 ●约翰·温斯顿·列侬1940年10月9日午后6:30分出生于

英国利物浦一个工人阶层家庭里,这是一个被上帝贴上标签、拥有核弹般能量的婴儿。列侬的父亲在小列侬只有三岁时就抛弃了妻子和儿子,因此,列侬很小的时候就不得不寄宿在位于沃尔顿郊区的姨母家里。  列侬的父母是 Julia 和 Alfred Lennon,在他出生之前那周,利物浦正遭受剧烈的空袭,但在列侬出生那晚轰炸却暂时停息。列侬很难见到他的父亲,因为他父亲常常出海,而且一出发就失去连络,他的母亲 Julia 觉得她不能照顾好列侬,因此送他去和他的伯母咪咪 ( Mimi ) 及叔叔乔治同住。列侬的母亲对他来说,与其说是一位母亲不如说比较像一位好朋友。  可能是由于失去了父亲的缘故,列侬在姨母家时一直是一个很不听话而且反抗性格极强的孩子。他经常逃学,也不好好做作业而是在作业本上乱写乱画。16岁时,在姨母的极力劝说下,列侬所在中学的校长同意为他写一封推荐信,这样他就可以前往利物浦的艺术学校学习。  1952年9月,列侬进入 Quarry Bank 初级中学,他开始显示一些优秀的天赋,例如作家和艺术家,他在较一般儿童较早的年纪就开始阅读书籍。
power to the people
power to the people
power to the people
power to the people
power to the people
power to the people
power to the people
power to the people, right on
say you want a revolution
we better get on right away
well you get on your feet
and out on the street
singing power to the people
power to the people
power to the people
power to the people, right on
a million workers working for nothing
you better give 'em what they really own
we got to put you down
when we come into town
singing power to the people
power to the people
power to the people
power to the people, right on
i gotta ask you comrades and brothers
how do you treat you own woman back home
she got to be herself
so she can free herself
singing power to the people
power to the people
power to the people
power to the people, right on
now, now, now, now
oh well, power to the people
power to the people
power to the people
power to the people, right on
yeah, power to the people
power to the people
power to the people
power to the people, right on
power to the people
power to the people
power to the people
power to the people, right on