
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/29 18:53:55

28. Sean - Seanology


For me up to this point, the most effective way to make money online has been using Adsense on content sites. I would recommend this to beginners as it is a simple way to get started and if done right can bring you a nice side income. 


Another area that I have used effectively to bring in some extra money is selling text link ads on my sites. Once I get some traffic, page rank, and backlinks to a site the value of selling links increases. This income can easily overtake Adsense on a site as the top earner. 


I have recently begun experimenting with PPC Affiliate Marketing which can be very challenging. This area is not for the faint of heart as it is easy to get discouraged and lose money along the way. 


All of my ventures I am starting to document on my blog. I try to show real life ups and downs as I learn the art of making money online. 


29. Dean Mapa 

One way I do it is watch out for expired domain names that are receiving traffic. I then purchase the domain name, build a website around it, build a bit more traffic to it, and then sell it through eBay.   

29. Dean Mapa


People like to see what they’re buying and it helps that a site is already up and receiving traffic even if I’m just selling the domain name. 

It doesn’t give me thousands of dollars, but it’s enough to buy the little extras.  



30. Shane ~ Thatedeguy.com 

It’s a bit of a loaded question. As you said, the best way to make money online will greatly depend on the skillset of the person asking. Of course, I make most of my money through blogging, so for most beginners, that would be the first thing I would suggest.   

30. Shane ~ Thatedeguy.com


As I’ve gotten more advanced I’ve also looked for other ways to make money and I’m still working on that. I’ve got plenty to learn before I make money doing those things. 


Ironically, I don’t think that blogging is the best way to make money online. A far cry from it actually. You’ve got to be a shooting star of sorts to really make the money blogging. 


Where the real money lies, in my opinion, is in Affiliate marketing. I haven’t figured it out yet, but I’m working on it. The folks like Shoemoney (and even John Chow to some degree) make a majority of their money from affiliate work. It is a tough learning curve and I’ve had several losses, but I’m working on finding a few winners too. 

    在我看来,长久之计是联属营销。虽然我还没弄懂它,但我正在努力。联属营销中的典型人物有ShoeMoney(见注),在某种程度上,John Chow也算一位,他们从中赚到了他们的大部分财富。这是一段艰难曲折的学习历程,我曾亏过几笔买卖,但我也正在找一些可以赢利的项目。

31. Wendy Spiegel — Gen Plus 

This is a great idea. Thanks for the opportunity to speak out, Maki.   

I’m both a blogger and a business executive, so I’ll speak from both perspectives. 

31. Wendy Spiegel — Gen Plus



The intrinsic value of the internet is in finding information. While people “buy” on the web, they don’t like to be “sold”. The initial premise of the web was to be an information sharing vehicle, so content ruled. 


My personal belief is that content still rules. By creating content that is value-added, over time I’ve built credibility. As a result, I’ll rank high in the search engines, traffic continues to build and I enjoy revenue from Google ads and other advertisers. 


Blogging for money cannot be a get-rich-quick venture if you are a true blogger. So one’s motivation cannot be greed. It has to be in sharing information that is niched, desired and needed. I’m niched to 50-plus, so that puts me in a very specific category, but a relatively small pool of internet users (compared to Gen X, Gen Y, Echo Boomers, Millenium Babies), so my content must be solid and compelling. If I wanted to expand my reach, I’d run other blogs with a larger potential audience and try to niche in other demographics. 

    为赚钱开博客,如果你是一个真正的博客人,你知道这不是一夜致富的门道。贪婪不能是一个人做事的动机。它应该是分享信息,对大家来说有好处和有需要的信息。我是一个50多岁的人了,我处在一个特定的范畴中,里面有相对一小部分互联网使用者(跟X世代Gen X、Y世代Gen Y、回声潮一代Echo Boomers和千禧年宝宝Millenium Babies比较),所以我的内容必须是实在和有吸引力的。如果我想要拓展我的领域,我就要开通其它能吸引到大量潜在访问者的博客。

Maki, I’d say that your blog is a model of excellent added value. By freely sharing your knowledge, you’ve built up niche traffic in large numbers, a robust readership, and a responsive subscriber pool. 


I’m older (late 40’s) so I tend to stick to traditional business models while incorporating the strength of the web. So, on the business end, once traffic generation is there, you need quality products to back up your credibility and produce incremental revenue. 


I’ve found that some of the great traffic generators are not necessarily your best readers. The best quality comes from organic search and media links or reciprocal links from quality sites. I’m also a fan of carnivals to build general search engine awareness. 


Any serious blogger needs a realistic 3-5 year plan in order to keep their sights on their traffic goals. And they must be prepared to spend several hours a day on their efforts until the traffic is strong.   




注:ShoeMoney的原名叫杰瑞米·苏莫尼·舒马克,出生于1974年5月31号,住在内布拉斯加州的林肯市,拥有多年网赚经验。他还在西伊利诺伊州大学读书的时候,就成立了自己的第一家企业,主要是做苹果机的游戏网站。建立了ShoeMoney博客,2006年,ShoeMoney被评为最佳网络营销博客。 2007年3月,他成立了eBay拍卖广告服务网站Auction Ads,但是仅4个月后就将其出售,据说成交价高达1700万美元。