
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/06/03 04:41:38
回想时下流行媒体中的角色,心理变态者(或精神变态者)比比皆是。如《美色杀人狂( American Psycho)》中的帕特里克·贝特曼(patrick bateman),《逍遥法外(catch me if you can)》中的弗兰克·阿巴戈内尔(Frank Abagnale Jr. )和《发条橙》中的阿利斯(alex),这些角色被描绘成典型的可爱的 ,令人好奇的,不诚实的,无辜的,有时是完全可怕的性格特点。但科学研究表明,心理变态是被广泛误解的一种病态人格。
"Psychopathy tends to be used as a label for people we do not like, cannot understand, or construe as evil," notes Jennifer Skeem, Professor of Psychology and Social Behavior at the University of California, Irvine. Skeem, Devon Polaschek of Victoria University of Wellington, Christopher Patrick of Florida State University, and Scott Lilienfeld of Emory University are the authors of a new monograph focused on understanding the psychopathic personality that will appear in the December issue of Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. 

  加利福尼亚大学欧文分校心理变态与社会行为教授 Jennifer Skeem说:“心理变态会被习惯的贴在那些我们不喜欢,不理解的人身上。当做邪恶,讨厌等使用。”Skeem和惠灵顿维多利亚大学的Devon Polaschek, 佛罗里达州立大学的Christopher Patrick 及 埃默里大学 的Scott Lilienfeld 共同撰写了一部以理解变态人格的专著。这部专著将在12月份由心理科学发布在心理科学协会的期刊《公共利益》上,

In the course of their research, the authors reviewed many scientific findings that seemed to contradict one another. "Psychopathy has long been assumed to be a single personality disorder. However, there is increasing evidence that it is a confluence of several different personality traits," Skeem says. The authors of the monograph argue that rather than being "one thing" as often assumed, psychopathy appears to be a complex, multifaceted condition marked by blends of personality traits reflecting differing levels of disinhibition, boldness, and meanness. And scientific findings also suggest that a sizable subgroup of juvenile and adult offenders labeled as psychopathic are actually more emotionally disturbed than emotionally detached, showing signs of anxiety and dysphoria. 


According to Skeem, these important distinctions have long escaped the attention of psychologists and policy-makers. As a result, she and her co-authors set about to try to dispel some of the myths and assumptions that people often make about psychopathy. Although many people might assume that psychopaths are 'born,' not 'made,' the authors stress that psychopathy is not just a matter of genes - it appears to have multiple constitutional causes that can be shaped by environmental factors. Many psychologists also assume that psychopathy is inalterable - once a psychopath, always a psychopath. However, there is currently scant scientific evidence to support this claim. Recent empirical work suggests that youth and adults with high scores on measures of psychopathy can show reduced violent and other criminal behavior after intensive treatment. 


Along with challenging the assumption that psychopathy is a monolithic entity, perhaps the other most important myth that the authors hope to dispel is that psychopathy is synonymous with violence. Skeem points out that psychopathic individuals often have no history of violent behaviour or criminal convictions. "Psychopathy cannot be equated with extreme violence or serial killing. In fact, "psychopaths" do not appear different in kind from other people, or inalterably dangerous," she observes. Nor is it clear that psychopathy predicts violence much better than a past history of violent and other criminal behavior - or general antisocial traits. 


Effectively dispelling these myths is important, the authors argue, because accurate policy recommendations hinge on which personality traits - and which groups of people - associated with psychopathy one is examining. "Decisions about juvenile and adult offenders that are based on faulty assumptions about violence risk, etiology, and treatment amenability have adverse consequences, both for individual offenders and the public," Skeem says. 


In clarifying the personality traits that characterize psychopathy, scientists can contribute to prevention and treatment strategies that improve public health and safety. "In short, research on psychopathy has evolved to a level that it can greatly improve on the current, 'one size fits all' policy approach," concludes Skeem.
