
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/06/01 22:49:38

Belgium people mourn victims attack xinhua news agency

December 13,, in the eastern city of liege in Belgium holy lang bell square, the police in the attack site to check a bodies.The xinhua news agency

Xinhua net Brussels 14 dec (reporter JiangYan) 13, liege, Belgium, and Italian fiorentina violence respectively, the murderer on unarmed street people laid a hand on him, hundreds of people are blamed for causing casualties.Lenovo this year had to the tragedy, Britain riots, Norwegian French and Italian beating to burn events, people can not help but ask, was rich and peaceful Europe how?

Since this year the European violence significantly increased, can be divided into three kinds: one kind is a others manufacturing extreme violence, such as 13 the two attacks on July 22, and Norway far-right manufacturing explosion, shooting;One kind is limited to one country the domestic large-scale riots, such as began in London in August and spread to Birmingham, Liverpool and so on many of the city's top riots;And those are international protests a multinational riots, mainly is the "occupation of Wall Street" movement in October after entering Europe in Italy, France, the group by violence.

Europe's social unrest and international financial crisis and sovereign debt crisis led to economic dilemma is not divided.On the surface, violence rising for three reasons.

First is the unemployment rate remains high, people life level drops.The European Union statistics bureau data show, in October this year the European Union jobless rate of 9.8%, the employment situation tend to worse, especially the young people more severe employment situation, the young people the unemployment rate is 22%, while the Spanish young man's 48.9% unemployment rate.Last year, the Italian Naples city is hiring some 534 public officials have attracted more than 110000 people for the job.In this case, the europeans have to tighten our belts save money, Italian food service industry customers reduce the amount of the quarter.

Second is a headwind some European people xenophobic sentiment, minorities and indigenous people in Europe and the contradiction of the immigration deepen.On one hand, some European indigenous people think, minorities and immigrants not only robbed their jobs, but also bring a lot of social problems.Germany Albert foundation, an opinion poll last year, nearly a third of respondents claims, lack of employment opportunities should be sent back to foreigners.The debt crisis since the outbreak of the forces of far-right is back, individual far-right has also taken the extreme action, Norway tragedy is one of them.On the other hand, minorities and immigrants to this discrimination is anger, individuals you wait for social security incidents increased.The massive riots broke out in Europe, some minorities and immigrants are also involved.