湖南烟草专卖局好考吗:【英语习语】You could have knocked me over with a f...

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/06/05 00:34:03

【英语习语】You could have knocked me over with a feather.  

   转于本人网易博客    http://wudai2010.blog.163.com/blog/static/18756601720118217417785/                                                         


  You could have knocked me over with

                      a feather.




          You could have knocked me over with a feather. 这个句子多用于口语,主要用于表示惊讶,其

为:真让我大吃一惊! 惊讶不已!  英语注释是:You can say "you could have knocked me over with a feather"

to show how surprised you were when something happened, or when you heard about something.




1. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard that Jules and Ken were getting  

     married. I had no idea!          当我听说朱尔斯和肯要结婚了,真让我大吃一惊,我 一点也不知情。

2. I saw my sister being interviewed on the news. You could have knocked me over with a feather.  


3. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard that I had won a million dollars in the

    lottery.    当我听到我赢了一百万美元的彩票,我真得惊讶极了。

4. I had thought that Jane barely knew who I was, so when she told me she loved me, You could  have

    knocked me over with a feather.        我原来以为简对我一无所知,所以当她说她很爱我的时候,我实


5. A:How did you feel weh the Prime Minister called to ask your opinion?     当首相打电话来征求你的意见时,


    B:You could have knocked me over with feather.        我简直大吃一惊。

6. When she told me she was married to my ex-husband, You could have knocked me over  a with

    feather.         当她告诉我她嫁给了我的前夫,着实让我惊讶不已。

7. When I opened the door and found Rosie standing there, you could have knocked me down with a

    feather.        我打开门发现罗西站在那儿,真是让我大吃一惊。

8. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard that her daughter, a disabled girl, won

    the championship in the race.   当我听到她的女儿,一个残疾女孩,在田径比赛赢得冠军,让我惊讶不已。