
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/06/06 10:55:17

1Cormorants perched on a tree are silhouetted as the sun rises at Taudaha wetlands in Kathmandu Photograph: Navesh Chitrakar/Reuters
加德满都Taudaha湿地,西阳西下,树上的鸬鹚留下了它们在落日余辉下的身影。 Photograph: Navesh Chitrakar/Reuters 

2A baby long-tailed macaque eats fruit offered during the annual monkey buffet festival at the Pra Prang Sam Yot temple in Lopburi, Thailand. The festival provides food and drinks to the local 2,000-strong monkey population, to thank them for drawing tourists to the town Photograph: Damir Sagolj/Reuters 
一只小长尾猕猴正在品尝游人们抛给它的水果。泰国华富里萨姆仁爱堂寺每年都要举办一次猴子食品自助节。当地2000多只强大的猴群都可在此时享用美食大餐。也正因如此,吸引着各处游人向此纷至沓来。Photograph: Damir Sagolj/Reuters
3An Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) and its calf in the Meghauli Chitwan forest, Nepal. The latest population count has shown that rhinoceros numbers have risen to 534 across Nepal from 435 animals in 2008, as attempts pay off to counter poaching for the rhino's highly priced horn Photograph: Prakash Mathema/AFP/Getty Images 
一只印度犀牛(Rhinoceros unicornis) 带着它的宝宝在尼泊尔奇旺森林游弋。最新的调查显示,尼泊尔全境犀牛数量从2008年的435头上升到了534头。犀牛角的价格居高不下,犀牛数量的增多得益于反盗猎做出的巨大努力。 Photograph: Prakash Mathema/AFP/Getty Images 

4A painted stork comes in to land at its nest in the Delhi zoo, India Photograph: Harish Tyagi/EPA 
 一只印度德里动物园里的彩鸛(Mycteria leucocephala) 外出后返回自己的巢中。Photograph: Harish Tyagi/EPA 
5A huge flock of starlings crosses the Helton drive overpass in Florence, Alabama Photograph: Matt McKean/AP 

6A newborn, endangered Eld's deer fawn stands with its surrogate mother at Khao Kheow open zoo in Chonburi province, east of Bangkok, Thailand. Thai veterinarians have successfully bred the world's first test tube Burmese Eld's deer in an attempt to increase the rare wildlife population in Thailand Photograph: Chaiwat Subprasom/Reuters
泰国曼谷东部春武里府开放式动物园里的一头新生坡鹿跟在其代孕母亲 Khao Kheow的身边。泰国兽医已成功培育出世界上第一只缅甸坡鹿以试图增加泰国珍稀野生动物的数量。Photograph: Chaiwat Subprasom/Reuters 
7A drought-affected sunflower field in San Isidro de Cienega. Mexico is suffering its worst drought in seven decades, affecting almost 70% of the country Photograph: Stringer/Reuters 
圣伊西德罗德谢内一块受旱灾影响的向日葵地里的一朵干枯的向日葵。墨西哥遭受70年来最严重的干旱,灾情波及到全国的70%的地区。Photograph: Stringer/Reuters 


his is the incredible moment a fox is captured nose-diving into deep snow to catch a mouse. Wildlife photographer Richard Peters took this picture while travelling through Lamar Valley in Yellowstone national park Photograph: Richard Peters/Rex Features 
这是一幅难得一见的镜头。一只狐狸高高跃起,俯冲向下捕捉一只深藏在雪地之中的老鼠。在穿起黄石国家公园拉马尔山谷的路途中,野生动物摄影师Richard Peters捕捉到了这一精彩镜头。Photograph: Richard Peters/Rex Features 
9Scientists studying grey wolves in Yellowstone national park have developed a method to predict how animals will respond to climate change Photograph: Daniel Stahler/NPS/Science 
研究黄石国家公园灰狼的科学家们已经找到一种预测动物如何应对气候变化的方法。Photograph: Daniel Stahler/NPS/Science 
10An albino squirrel climbs in a tree New York Photograph: Julie Lewis/AP 
爬上纽约一棵树杈枝干上的一只白化松鼠。 Photograph: Julie Lewis/AP
12An albino silver dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei) swimming next to another dolphin in Bahia de Babitonga, Brazil Photograph: PROJETO TONINHAS/UNIVILLE/EPA 
巴西巴伊亚州,一只白化银海豚(Pontoporia blainvillei)紧帖在另一个海豚身旁在水中游弋。Photograph: PROJETO TONINHAS/UNIVILLE/EPA 
13A tourist watches fish swimming in a tank at the Siam Ocean World aquarium in Bangkok, Thailand Photograph: Rungroj Yongrit/EPA 
一名游客正在泰国曼谷暹罗海洋世界水族馆里观看馆中来回穿梭的鱼群。Photograph: Rungroj Yongrit/EPA 
14The western falanouc (Eupleres goudotii major), an extremely rare carnivore endemic to Madagascar, was caught on film this week. The unusual creature was spotted by an Earthwatch volunteer who also managed to capture photographs of the animal Photograph: Earthwatch 
 西部食蚁狸(Eupleres goudotii major)是马达加斯加特有的一种极为罕见的食肉动物,本周被镜头捕捉。这种不寻常的生物还被一位想找到它的地球观察(Earthwatch)志愿者发现。Photograph: Earthwatch 
15A little stint, a tiny wading bird. Share your photos of wetlands in winter on our Flickr group Photograph: James Lees/WWT 
这是一只小滨鹬,一种体型微小的涉水鸟。将你所拍摄到的冬天湿地中各类珍禽的照片拿来与Flickr组一道与大家共同分享。Photograph: James Lees/WWT