关于低调的名人故事:图片:2010年美国国家地理摄影大赛作品欣赏(下) - 美国国家地理图片 - 美景旅游博客...

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Filed Under 摄影图片 By 旅行者
Posted on 本文最后更新于2011-01-06 10:49:44
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图片:2010年美国国家地理摄影大赛作品欣赏(下)By MJJQ BLOG
National Geographic's Photography Contest 2010

National Geographic is once again holding their annual Photo Contest, with the deadline for submissions coming up on November 30th. For the past eight weeks, they have been gathering and presenting galleries of submissions, encouraging readers to rate them as well. National Geographic was again kind enough to let me choose some of their entries from 2010 for display here on The Big Picture. Collected below are 47 images from the three categories of People, Places and Nature. Captions were written by the individual photographers. (47 photos total)

25 宝莲寺。这座寺庙位于喜马拉雅山中段的一个小村庄。这张照片显示出远离尘世一片祥和的气氛。宝莲寺海拔4000多米,为了拍到这张全景照片,我不得不登上比它高500多米的更高处。这是一个触手可以碰到天堂的地方。
Ki Gompa. This picture was taken when I visited the Buddhist Monastery of Ki. Ki is a tiny village in the middle of the Himalayas, and next to it is Ki Gompa (Ki Monastery). I lived with the monks for about a week, and this picture reflects the peaceful, almost heavenly atmosphere that characterizes this place. The Monastery is almost 4,000 meters high, and I had to climb almost 500 meters more to get this panorama. This place is a touch of heaven. (Photo and caption by Natalia Luzuriaga)


26 夕阳已经西下,一头美洲骆驼还站在山顶。
A Llama stands at the crest of a hill as the sun sets behind it at Chavín de Huántar, Peru.  (Photo and caption by John Palmer Gregg)


27 堕落的天使。2010年6月16日,一名法国外籍军团(外国伞兵团)的士兵正乘坐装甲运兵车在阿富汗参加军事行动。
Fallen Angel. A legionnaire from the French Foreign Legion's 2REP (Foreign Parachute Regiment) sits in an armored personnel carrier en route to an operation near Badpash Kusa Kala, Afghanistan on June 16, 2010. (Photo and caption by Steven Greaves)


28 卢旺达山地大猩猩。
Foot and Thistle, Mountain Gorilla of Rwanda. I was fortunate to visit the rare and endangered Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda, February of 2010. This young gorilla had fallen asleep with a thistle grasped in his foot. The thistle is one of their food sources. They learn to extract the pith from the spine-defended inedible stem. This particular gorilla demonstrates syndactyly of the third and fourth toes, a common congenital malformation also found in humans. (Photo and caption by Jim Edwards


29 2009年9月13日,暴风雨中一道闪电击中香港中部中央大楼的避雷针。
Lightning Crashes. A lightning bolt strikes the antenna of The Center building in Central Hong Kong during a storm on September 13, 2009. (Photo and caption by Michael Siward)


30 沙漠绿洲。
Oasis. (Photo and caption by Nam In Geun)


31 埃塞俄比亚西南部Meenit族男孩。
Meenit Boy, Southwestern Ethiopia. One of our neighborhood friends, Sintiyu, looking on. A rare opportunity to see him undistracted by the camera, and absorbed in his family. (Photo and caption by Stephen Murdoch


32 飞蛾扑火。
Moths to Light. Moths attracted to a light in front of my home. (Photo and caption by Steve Irvine)


33 国际化装舞会艺术节。在保加利亚佩尔尼克镇举行的这一活动在保加利亚以及巴尔干半岛都属于最大的盛事。它让保加利亚丰富多彩古老风俗一直保持到今天。
Surva, the International Festival of the Masquerade Games held in the town of Pernik, Bulgaria is the biggest event of this type not only in Bulgaria but on the Balkan Peninsula as well. It promotes variations of ancient Bulgarian customs that are still alive today. These are an important part of the Bulgarian folklore tradition and are meant to be performed by single men and women. With its competitive nature, the festival is not only a venue but also a contest for the living vessels of this tradition, namely the Kukeri and Survakari. (Photo and caption by Orlin Ognyanov)


34 难以忘怀的一瞥。据说与加拿大猞猁邂逅是千载难逢的幸事,我却很荣幸与山猫有如此近距离的亲密接触。当我抓拍到这只美丽的大猫时,被它野性十足、令人难以忘怀的眼神镇住了。这种一生中恐怕只有一次的机会我会永远倍加珍惜。
Haunting Glimpse. An encounter with an elusive Canada Lynx is said to be a rare privilege. I am honored to have had the opportunity to see a Lynx up close and personal. As I photographed this beautiful cat, I felt transfixed by its wild, untamed, haunting eyes. This is a once in a lifetime chance that I will cherish forever. (Photo and caption by Janet Chester


35 印度尼西亚西爪哇的Suradita村。孩子们在逗公鸡玩。不过他们并不是在真正斗鸡,因为鸡的脚上没有绑上刀片。孩子们喜欢玩这种游戏,是因为他们生活中几乎没有别的玩具。
Suradita Village, West Java, Indonesia. Children playing with their roosters. Actually it was not a real cockfight because the roosters didn't wear blades on their feet. Children like to play this game because they almost never have toys in their life. (Photo and caption by Ario Wibisono)


36 消防员借着消防车的大灯在奋力扑救天然气管道引发的大火。2010年9月金山附近的这场大火吞噬了37座民宅,导致7人丧生。
Silhouetted against the headlights of their engine, Firemen attempt to put out a blaze caused by a gigantic natural gas line explosion near San Francisco in September of 2010. The fire destroyed 37 homes, and resulted in seven fatalities. (Photo and caption by Josh Edelson)


37 童年的力量。
Power of childhood. City: Lençois; Estate: Bahia; Country: Brazil. (Photo and caption by Rodrigo West de Magalhaes


38 经受北大西洋冬季暴风雪考验的海豹。
North Atlantic seals enduring winter storm. It was already -1 and with a strong wind it was colder still, Had to position myself so as to shield the camera from the wind to keep the image sharp the snow was being blown horizontally away from me. (Photo and caption by Eric Garnett)


39 美味到口的大蓝鹭。这种苍鹭在北美分布最广,而且个头最大。觅食时,它们默默地站在河岸、湖边,或潮湿的草地静候猎物上门。
Great Blue Heron with fish. The largest and most widespread heron in North America. When foraging, they stand silently along riverbanks, lake shores, or in wet meadows, waiting for prey to come by, which they then strike with their bills. (Photo and caption by Linh Dinh)


40 河边漫步。这张照片拍摄于今年夏季的贵州镇远。午后阵雨刚过,我沿着五羊河散步。雨后清新的空气夹杂着附近小吃摊飘来的香气。远处,孩子们在愉快地玩耍。当地人宁静和谐的生活令我想起了自己在中国西南小镇成长的快乐童年。
A walk along the river bank. This photo was taken in Zhenyuan, Guizhou Province, China this summer. I was taking a walk along the river bank of Wuyang in the mist of a late afternoon shower. Refreshing smell after rain was mixed with the aroma from nearby food stands. In the distance, kids were playing and laughing. The tranquil and harmonious life of the local people reminds me of the joyful time I grew up in a similar small town in Southwest China. (Photo and caption by Fred Wang)


41 沉重的负担。8月的一个早晨,我外出拿报纸。一切都是湿漉漉的,我突然发现卧室窗外一只苍蝇停在一朵白色的花儿上。拍完这张照片两个小时后,我发现它还停在那儿,仍然飞不起来。
Heavy load. One morning in August, I was on my way to pick up the newspaper. Everything was moist and wet, and I spotted this little fly on a small white flower, just outside my bedroom window. Two hours after I shot this picture I went outside again, and the fly was still sitting on the same flower - still not able to fly. (Photo and caption by Audun Wigen)


42 桌山。这张照片摄于2009年6月,当时我在南非开普敦附近的一个儿童营地工作。吃晚饭前,我匆匆抓拍了一张太阳落到桌山后面去的照片。我一边看着一群孩子在操场上玩,一边按下快门,没有注意到一个小男孩进入了取景器的右侧边缘。直到我回到田纳西的家中才发现画面产生的巨大冲击力。一位不满十岁的男孩与260万年前的桌山出现在同一张照片上着实让我惊讶。
Table Mountain. I took this picture in June 2009 while I was just outside of Cape Town, South Africa. I was working at a kids camp and took a quick shot of the sun setting over Table Mountain as we were headed in for dinner. I was in such a rush to capture the sunset while trying to keep an eye on a bunch of kids on the playground that I didn't even notice the boy in the right edge of my viewfinder. It wasn't until I was back home in Tennessee that I discovered the huge impact of this picture. The duality of the not-quite-teenage boy and the 260-million-year-old mountain in the same shot absolutely amazed me. (Photo and caption by Quinn Ballard)


43 抢劫海鸠雏鸟的银鸥。此照片拍摄于英国诺森伯兰法尔内群岛。银鸥在海鸠领地上空盘旋三四周之后猛然俯冲下来,在众目睽睽之下抢走了一只小海鸠。
Herring Gull with Guillemot Chick. Taken on the Farne Islands, Northumberland, UK, the herring gull circled around the guillemot colony three or four times before dropping in and picking up this chick with the guillemot colony watching. (Photo and caption by Ron McCombe)


44 金字塔山。冰岛的fellssandur火山荒漠。
Pyramid mountain. Maelifellssandur volcanic dust desert in Iceland. (Photo and caption by Sukru Mehmet Omur)


45 非洲大草原上的长颈鹿。这是以非同寻常的视角在肯尼亚马赛马拉国家公园拍摄的两只长颈鹿和一棵大树。
Giraffes at Savannah. Unusual perspective shot depicting two giraffes and a tree in Masai Mara, Kenya. (Photo and caption by Niko Saunio)


46 劫后余生。我的好朋友劳拉不幸从天坠落。她乘坐的直升机坠毁在空旷的旱地,引燃一片大火,机上六位乘员的三位丧生,飞行员也不幸遇难。劳拉幸存下来了,但却体无完肤。她烧伤、骨折,与死神檫肩而过。身上45块骨头断裂。她被人扯着头发从燃烧的飞机残骸中救出。直到今天她还无法下地走路。虽然她身上没有一个地方完好无损,但她渴望充实幸福生活的决心比以往任何时候都强烈。这张拍摄于郁郁葱葱的绿色田野上的照片目的是宣示她的重生。
After the Crash. My dear friend, Laura, fell from the sky. The helicopter she was traveling in crashed into an open, dry field and burst info flames, killing three of the six passengers on board, including the pilot. Laura survived, but barely. She was burned, crushed, and near death. She broke 45 bones. She was pulled from the burning wreckage by her hair. To this day, she still cannot walk. While there wasn't a part of her body that was unharmed, her spirit and determination to live a full, happy life remains stronger than ever. This image taken in a lush, green field is meant to signify her rebirth. (Photo and caption by Judy Starkman)


47 乌克兰黑海克里米亚附近的云和船。
Cloud and ship. Ukraine, Crimea, Black sea, view from Ai-Petri mountain. (Photo and caption by Yevgen Timashov)