
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/05 15:06:59


But this interaction is representative of a common issue we deal with in our partnership – balancing our individual hobbies and interests with our relationship needs. I think this is particularly salient for us as we are both in our early thirties and have had these passions and priorities in our lives for a lot longer than we have had each other!


For new couples especially, finding a balance between time together and time apart, as well as how much your partner’s interests become your own, is essential for a healthy relationship. Below are four suggestions for honoring – not changing – your individual hobbies while making them a positive aspect of a partnership instead of a point of contention.


1. Respect: Our passions and interests make us who we are and our partners as well. When JB entered my life a year ago, so did his love (and I mean, love) of golf. His commitment to early morning tee times, less-than-ideal playing conditions, and the overall frustration one endures in this game astounds me. But it also reflects the dedicated, focused and goal-oriented side of JB that I love so much. I know he feels the same way about my enthusiasm and commitment toward blogging. He sees how happy I feel when I hit the “publish” button and he would never want to keep me from something so fulfilling.


Mutual respect in all areas is integral for a healthy and satisfying relationship. And showing that you value your partner’s interests is an important display of respect. If you know your partner loves to read on Saturday afternoons for a couple of hours, try not to schedule anything during that time. Of course, respect works both ways. Sometimes, there might be something that just has to be done on that Saturday afternoon. Finding a common ground means that from time to time, the hobby gets put on the backburner for the good of the relationship. I don’t commit to “couple” plans very often that would keep JB away from the golf course on Saturday and Sunday mornings, and JB appreciates that. So when I do ask him to come with me to something at that time, he happily does. He doesn’t take advantage of the respect I show for his passion, and in return, there is no resentment when our relationship needs to be the priority.


2. Reframe: Golf has provided a built-in balance in our partnership. I look at it as not something that’s taking away time JB could be spending with me, but rather as time I always have to focus on my own interests and nurturing other relationships in my life. Of course I could and do make time for these things aside from just when JB is occupied, but sometimes it’s easy to lose focus, especially in the excitement of a new relationship.


Having healthy dosages of “me” time in a relationship helps make the “together” time even better. Filling our soul with what we love to do means we aren’t looking for a partner to do it for us. And when you come back together with your heart and mind full from what energizes you (it doesn’t always have to be a passion per se), you have so much more to give to your significant other. So when a partner’s hobby takes him/her away from you, fill that time doing or finding what you love to do.


3. Share: While time alone is great, one of the best ways to find balance within the relationship is to actually incorporate these interests into your time together. I had never touched a golf club (outside of miniature golf) before I met JB. But we’ve made some great memories on the golf course with him tying to teach my uncoordinated self how to hit a little white ball and us both laughing as we watch that little white ball roll about 2 feet after my “swing.” And the other day, he shyly asked me to help him set up a Google Reader. It’s wonderful to share in something that is so important to the other person. It helps you understand who they are and why they love what they do so much better.

3、分享:尽管两人分开的时间同样珍贵,但提升夫妻关系的最佳方法之一还是让自己爱上伴侣的爱好。在遇到JB之前,我从来没有碰过一根高尔夫球棒(玩具除外)。但我们就一起在高尔夫球场上留下了许多十分珍贵而且美好的回忆。在一次高尔夫球课中,他尝试的教会身体极不协调的我正确地击打那些小白球,最终结果是我们都为我摇晃着将白球打向离球洞2英尺的地方狂笑不止。而另一天,他害羞地请我为他注册一个谷歌阅读服务(Google Reader)。与人分享对他重要的东西是一种极为美好的事情。这会让你更加了解他们,更懂得为什么他们如此热爱自己正在做的事。

Despite the spelling, there is most definitely “me” in relationships. This New York Times articlediscussed various studies positing that happy marriages and partnerships are not necessarily based on putting the relationship first, but making sure your own needs for “self-expansion” — using the relationship to “accumulate knowledge and experiences” — are being met. The more self-expansion, the more satisfied partners are, the longer-lasting the relationship is. It makes perfect sense when you think about it. And learning about someone’s interests, while educating about our own, is a perfect way to have self-expansion in a relationship for reasons other than dining out.


4. Talk: This is probably the most obvious way to address this issue, but likely the one we forget to do – or forget to do effectively. Communicate with your partner. How will these different hobbies affect your lives? What will be some parameters? What are some compromises (try not to use the word “sacrifices”, it has negative connotations) that each partner is willing to make? And most importantly, let your partner tell you why he/she loves something so much and you do the same. I know that among other things, golf is an outlet for stress for JB and he needs it to decompress. Once I understood it provided that relief for him, I could see it as more than just him playing a game.


With a freshly cleaned mouth, JB and I were able to discuss and effectively resolve the aforementioned wedding/golf conflict. When two people have their own passions and can share them with each other, but also maintain them as individual priorities, the relationship is a happier place for everyone. Commit to picking up the proverbial golf club and embracing your partner’s passion and letting them into yours as well.


是不是婚姻就是爱情的坟墓?为什么夫妻跟恋人就是不同? 更年期的夫妻如何维持婚姻? 夫妻之间只有亲情,而没有了爱情的婚姻还能维持多久? 我们夫妻分居两地,我们的心也从没有在一起,还有必要维持这虚有的婚姻吗? 西客站附近有什么好点有便宜的旅馆 要求100元以下夫妻住回答为你加分 为什么人的课余爱好不同 想了解一下成年中期夫妻的婚姻情况 夫妻的姓名与婚姻有关系吗? 物体质能比恒为C^2,而能量(如动能势能)相对参照系的不同而不同,其质量也相对不同吗? 爱与婚姻,两个不同的话题,谁又能说清楚呢!? 为什么一对夫妻的孩子不同? 点解少数民族的婚姻习俗不同? 民族不同是婚姻的障碍吗??? 同性婚姻能为同性恋带来什么 记得有人说,婚姻要靠经营.在生活中,你有哪些经典的夫妻对话啊,能做情感的润滑剂或生活的充电器? 23岁的女孩能为自己的婚姻大事做出正确的选择吗? 和女友的爱好有很多不同怎么办? 每个人都有不同的爱好? 可以这样译吗? 不同国籍夫妻 不同网段的ADSL MODEM为什么也能PING通? 结婚久了,夫妻之间感情是不是会变淡?怎样让婚姻保持永远的新鲜? 求吟游默示录的游戏或者漫画,能告诉我情节也行(游戏和漫画),一定加分 请问夫妻分居多长时间自动解除婚姻? 很想了解大家的才能和技能和爱好 内容丰富加分?