
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/09/21 09:07:13


Since advertising began there has always been a race to create bigger and bolder adverts. By creating' The World's biggest advert' automatically assists in creating free media coverage around the advert itself and is a sure fire recipe for grabbing attention for the brand or product.


Although the Guinness book of records has a certified holder for the ‘worlds biggest billboard' there are lots of other great examples of creative and interesting pieces throughout the world which claim to be one of the world's largest. Here are ten of the biggest:


1. World's Biggest Signpost for Nokia

1. 世界最大诺基亚指向标

Nokia wanted to put the fun into sharing locations so to create interest in their mobile navigation products, they built the world's largest signpost and put it up fifty metres into the air, next to London Bridge. People who saw the sign could text in their favourite locations and they would be displayed on the electronic signpost and the arrow would turn into the direction of the location. The Arrow was over two tonnes in weight and was the length of two double decker buses.


2. World's Largest Billboard (and it's eco-friendly)

2. 世界上最大的布告板(它还环保)

The largest billboard on the planet is made from biodegradable and recycled materials. The land of records, Dubai, has made another entry into the Guinness Book of World Records, not with another land reclamation project, but with a 1.5 km long advert. The $3.2 million billboard will be unveiled in the Emirate next spring. The advert will be promoted in 40 different countries over a period of 12 months in an effort to reflect the true colours of Dubai. The billboard is the brainchild of Adrac, a global advertising and marketing agency. The most fascinating feature of this mammoth advert is that it has been made with vented biodegradable and recycled PVC. Designed to be 100 percent eco-friendly the billboard has been made using eco-friendly inks, structure, transportation, cleaning and chemicals. The advert breaks down into 450 10m X 2m sections which are to be assembled just like a jigsaw puzzle. The sections of the billboard fit into two 40-foot shipping containers, which ensure easy transportation of this billboard. The billboard will be funded by 100 sponsors, including 40 premier sponsors. 

地球上最大的布告板是由可生物降解的回收材料制成的。记录之国迪拜又有了一条吉尼斯世界纪录,不是另一个土地改良工程,而是一个长达1.5公里的长形广告。这幅斥资320万美元的布告牌将于明年春天在迪拜酋长国揭晓。这幅广告将在40个不同的国家进行长达12个月的宣传推广,目的是展现迪拜的本色。这个布告牌是一个全球广告营销机构Adrac脑力劳动的产物。这个庞然大物似的广告最吸引人的特点是,它是由排放出的可生物降解的回收聚氯乙烯制成的。为了百分百环保,这个布告牌使用了环保墨水、装置、运输工具、清洁和化学品制成。这个广告牌被分解成450个10m x 2m的部分,就像拼图玩具一样组装起来。布告板的每个部分刚好装进两个40英寸船运集装箱,保证了运输的便利。这个布告板将由100位赞助商赞助,包括40位最初的赞助商。

3. World's Biggest Shave for Gillette

3. 世界最大的吉列剃须广告

Created by Street Advertising Services in the UK for the 2011 Wimbledon tournament. SAS painted a picture of Roger Federer's face onto a rugby pitch 70m x 50m. The face was created with laser guided robots, 3,000 litres of paint and industrial paint sprayers. Once completed over 1000 litres of shaving foam were added to Federer's stubble which was then shaved off with a lawn mower to create ‘the world's biggest shave' for Gillette.

这是由英国的街道广告服务(SAS)为2011年温布尔顿网球锦标赛创作的。SAS在70m x 50m的橄榄球场上喷绘了罗杰·费德勒的面部头像,使用了激光引导的机器人、3 000公升涂漆和工业涂漆器。头像一绘制完成,超过1 000公升的剃须泡沫就添加到了费德勒的胡茬上,这些胡茬随后被一台割草机“剃掉”,为吉列公司创造了“世界上最大的刮脸”。

4. World's largest Advertising Hoarding for Betfair

4. 世界上最大的欧赔广告牌

Welcoming travellers into Vienna for the Euro 2008 football championship, Betfair.com spent four months growing the world's largest advertising hoarding which said, ‘No 1 FOR FOOTBALL AND STILL GROWING'. The advert was grown out of wheat, cotton and marigold plants by farmers on fields which covered the space of fifty football fields!

为欢迎来维也纳观看2008年欧洲足球锦标赛的游客,Betfair.com花了四个月的时间种植不同的植物从而创造了世界上最大的广告牌,上面写道,"No 1 FOR FOOTBALL AND STILL GROWING"(足球和种植的第一名)。这个广告由农民们在50个足球场地大的地方种植小麦、棉花和金盏花而来。

5. World's Largest Coca-Cola logo

5. 最大的可口可乐商标

Located in Arica, in the desert in Northern Chile, Coca-Cola created the world's largest Coca-Cola logo. It was 50m tall and 120m wide but just for fun it was actually made from 70,000 empty Coke bottles! Underneath it reads ‘100 a?os' (meaning 100 years) as it was made to celebrate the company's 100th anniversary. 

在智利北部阿里卡,可口可乐公司在一片沙漠上创造了世界上最大的可口可乐商标。它高50米,宽120米,实际上是由70 000个可乐空瓶做成的,这仅仅是为了好玩而已。在广告下面写有"100 a?os”(意为“100年”),是为了庆祝可口可乐公司100年周年纪念而制的。

6. World's Largest Building Wrap for 'TRANSFORMERS' movie

6. 为电影“变形金刚”打造的世界上最大的建筑覆盖物

Towering above all of Las Vegas, Optimus Prime is crashing through Las Vegas's most iconic structure, the Luxor Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, protecting all of mankind. With piercing eyes and special lighting effects, Transformers has taken over the pyramid on the strip. Paramount/Dreamworks enlisted SkyTag, the innovators of Tall Wall spectaculars, to produce the world's largest building wrap to date, covering the entire side of the Luxor. The mammoth pyramid is 500 feet high, and Optimus Prime is over 100,000 sq. ft. 


7. Giant Kentucky Fried Chicken ‘face in space' seen on Google earth

7. 谷歌地图上巨大的肯德基笑脸

Although not the first brand to claim its advert can be viewed on Google Earth, the KFC logo is certainly one of the most ambitious. The logo was created in the desert by Rachel, Nevada. It took six days to build and was made up of 65,000 tiles which measured 87,500 square feet. 

尽管不是第一个声称能在谷歌地图上看到其广告的品牌,肯德基的商标无疑是最具野心的商标之一。这个商标由蕾切尔在内华达的沙漠上制作而成,花了六天的时间建造,由65 000块87 500平方英尺的瓷砖拼成。

8. World's Largest Poster for Michael Jackson's Album


OK, strictly speaking this is a poster not an advert but the lines of difference are blurred. This Poster was created by Sony Music Entertainment in a field close to Heathrow Airport, London. The poster was made out of signmaking vinyl and spanned over 2,700 square metres. It won the Guinness book of records title for ‘World's biggest poster'. 

好吧,严格来说,这是张海报而不是广告牌,但是两者的区别微乎其微。这张海报是由索尼音乐娱乐公司在伦敦希斯罗机场附近的一块场地上创作的。海报由用于制作指示牌的乙烯基制成,面积超过了2 700平方米。它以“世界上最大海报”的称号获得了吉尼斯世界纪录。

9. World's Largest Building Paint Ad for Nationwide Insurance

9. 世界上最大的全国保险的喷涂广告

One of the biggest Building side adverts in the world is also one of the funniest. The advert, created in Columbus, U.S, which measures 400 sq metres was created by Nationwide Insurance and advertising a fictitious company called ‘Coop's paints'. The advert depicted the illusion of spilt paint all over the building and car park and parked cars. 

世界上最大的建筑物一侧广告之一也是世界上最有趣的。这则广告诞生于美国的哥伦布市,面积为400平方米,由全国保险公司创作,为一个虚构的公司"Coop's paints”做广告宣传。这则广告描绘了一种幻觉:整个建筑物、停车场和所停的汽车都被碰上了洒出来的涂料。

10. Swissair Barley's Gigant Crop Advert

10. 瑞士航空公司大麦的巨大庄稼广告

Spread over 100,000 Square metres, the Swissair advert was created at Munich Airport out of Spring Barley, which was then mowed and coloured with linseed oil. The advert took four months to grow and prepare. 

这则瑞士航空公司的广告在慕尼黑机场用春小麦创作而成,覆盖面积超过了100 000平方米。这些小麦随后被镰刀割掉,用亚麻籽油上了色。这则广告用了四个月的时间种植和准备。