
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/15 14:29:23


Notre Dame University researcher Gabriel Radvansky saysdoorways serve as a type of “event boundary” that the brain uses to separate and store memories. When you enter a new room, your brain updates its understanding of what’s going on in the new environment, which takes some mental effort. This parsing of memory, albeit subtle, leaves the information encoded in the other room (i.e. “Now I’m going to my room to fetch some knickers”) less available in your new location.

美国圣母大学的研究员Gabriel Radvansky 表示,“门口”充当了“事件边界”的角色,帮助大脑组织和储存记忆。当人们进入房间时,大脑会重新对新环境进行认知,当然这会消耗一定的脑力能量。尽管这种解析记忆的方法有些许牵强,但它的确会让人们在进入这个房间时忘记一些在另一个房间所见所闻或想表达的信息,比如,“我正打算回房间拿短裤”。

Recognizing this tendency could help you avoid future lapses. Or you could take Radvansky’s advice, as (jokingly—I think) told to Postmedia News: ”Doorways are bad. Avoid them at all costs.”

认识到这一趋势可以帮助人们避免将来的过失。或许你可以试试Radvansky接受Postmedia News时提出的建议(个人认为他在开玩笑):“门”实在是太糟糕了,无论如何都要避免穿门而入。