太阳神三国杀连环计:2011年欧洲最顶级创业活动LeWeb的16个创业项目将路演 | TechFrom科技源

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时间:2011-11-17 9:01 作者: CharlesZuo@TF 点击: 评论0   

TechFrom科技源 11.17日,来自欧洲顶级创业活动 LeWeb,从600多创业项目中塞选出 16个创业项目路演,via。创业项目来自全球,从欧洲到美洲还有亚洲。其中社交类创业项目较多,移动应用也占了不少。以下是 2011年欧洲最顶级创业活动LeWeb的16个创业项目,英文介绍。

23minutes.to (USA)  创意讨论

23minutes.to helps friends organize spontaneous ‘wild ideas’ for group activities quickly, working from the concept that “If a wild idea doesn’t catch on in 23 minutes, it probably never will.”

Apila (France) 停车应用

A service designed to give on-street parking an online, social dimension.

ARNav (Poland) 移动应用

An Android app that uses augmented reality to help pedestrians and tourists navigate to nearby points of interest.

Babelverse (Chile) 众包模式实时翻译平台

Billed as “Real-time voice translation, powered by a global community of human interpreters,” Babelverse promises to allow anyone to get an on-demand translation from a human in any language.

Beintoo (Italy)  游戏化社交应用发现

A social app-discovery service complete with gaming and virtual currency elements.

ClearKarma (Austria)  食物信息应用

A service making it easier to get information about what’s in the food we buy and eat.

Commerces & Co (France)

Lets customers connect directly with local independent traders.

Compath.me (USA) 图片分享移动应用

A photo-sharing app that aims to be “a compass of your life”, helping you discover locations and events around you.

Echo Labs Inc (USA) 发现世界

The Echoer app promises to enable you to “shape and explore a world of thoughts around you.”

Flagtory (France)  位置服务LBS 游戏应用

FlagFriend is a location-based mobile game which sees you earning points and money by answering questions left on the map by other users.

Gauss (Germany)  移动应用

We recently saw this startup pitch at the European Pirate Summit in Cologne. It’s a mobile app designed to help you find interesting people around you.

Geowiki (France)  基于位置的信息墙服务

Geowiki describes itself as “A geolocated wall displaying messages posted around you.”

HeyCrowd (France)  社交投票

A social polling application allowing you to interact easily with large groups of people.

inAair (Switzerland)  新一代手机信息服务

Described as “Next generation mobile messaging”, inAair aims to help people communicate, share and surprise each other.

RadikHub (USA) 

Aiming to be “The Swiss army knife for social networking”, RadikHub will let you manage multiple identities on a single platform.

Staround (France)  移动应用

A mobile app that allows you to take photos and note people and objects of interest within them.

如果对上述创业项目感兴趣,可以去youtube 的 LeWeb 频道找相应的视频介绍。