
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/06/03 04:38:27

Hometown grads return to cities


 2011-11-22    来源:21st Century 导读:“逃离北上广”曾一度成为大城市大学毕业生们的口头禅,甚至已经发展成一种社会现象。而如今迫于种种外在因素(extrinsic factors),毕业生们不得不重新回到大城市就业。When he followed travelers surging out of Beijing Railway Station after this year’s national holiday, He Yuzhang released a long breath in the familiar cool weather: he was finally back.

He, 26, who graduated in accountancy from Beijing Forestry University in 2008, left the capital city to go to his hometown of Panjin in Liaoning last summer. By then, he could no longer tolerate Beijing’s soaring housing prices, deteriorating air quality, and packed subway carriages.

He is now in Beijing again after a year’s absence. He said: “In my hometown, I discovered it was hard to find anything in common with former friends. I cannot figure out the complicated network of social relationships.”

His illusions about living in a small city burst like bubbles. He’s experience is not unusual. Many young employees or college grads, who successfully fled the big cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are streaming back.

Thousands returned to their hometowns complaining about the woes of living in big cities such as rising rents, fierce competition at work and the harsh environment.

But living in smaller cities also has drawbacks. According to a survey on Tencent micro blog website, t.qq.com, conducted early this month, about 68 percent of those asked support the decision to return to big cities.

Mainstream media has analyzed the major frustrations that push young people back: the powerful tight knit group of people, the lack of recreational activities as well as rising living costs in the second or third-tier cities.

On Tencent’s micro blog website, the participants in the survey revealed that income in their hometown was low but living costs were still high.

The lack of career opportunities remains a key downside. Zhang Yi, a researcher at the Institute of Sociology in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said: “Compared with metropolises, second and third-tier cities provide fewer attractive positions for young people because of their limited size.

“At the same time, the metropolises are more open and tolerant, and have greater capability in absorbing talent.”

The lack of culture is another issue. For instance, He Yuzhang says peers in his hometown are prone to equate happiness with material wealth such as housing, but care little about a new book or theater play.

Sun Liping, a sociology professor in Tsinghua University says that public supervision and fierce market competition in the bigger cities ensure a more transparent and fair social system. “You cannot afford to use underhand business methods. The price is too high in big cities,” said Sun.

But the road back is also tough. The demographic census results in May showed that about 7 million of 19.6 million people in Beijing come from outside, taking up 35.9 percent of the population, a jump from 18.9 percent in 2000.

In Guangzhou, the figure is 4.76 million of 12.7 million people. The proportion is 37.5 percent, increasing from 33.3 percent in 2000.

It is certain that people who move to the metropolis will face more challenges in the future, as experts point out that the government has tried to control population growth by introducing more stringent measures in apartment or car purchases.