
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/14 13:27:39
将有限状态机的对每个状态处理用一个个相同类型的函数( 定义为FUNCTIONTYPE )来实现,如:FunState_Start, FunState_1, ....FunState_n, FunState_End, State_Error.这些函数共享一个FUNCTIONTYPE类型的全局的函数指针pNextState并将它的初始值设为FunState_Start.在这些函数的内部,更具不同的输入修改pNextStat的值,使之指向下一个状态对应的函数,来模拟FSM。在实现有先自动机是,设置一个循环:
while( pNextState != FunSate_End&&pNextSate != FunState_Error)

( ... )(*pNextState)( ... );

//FSM 实现cdecl,为了简便这里省略了出错状态。

#pragma warning( disable: 4996 )

#define TOKENLEN 100
#define MAXTK 100
#define STACKSIZE 100

typedef void(*STATE)();
struct TOKEN
int Type;
char Content[TOKENLEN];

struct TOKEN tkDec[MAXTK];
struct TOKEN tkStack[STACKSIZE];
enum{ TYPE = 1, ID, QUA };

int sp = -1;
int Convertfail = 0;
STATE next = NULL;

struct TOKEN Pop()
struct TOKEN ret;
if( sp >= 0 )
return tkStack[sp --];
printf( "Stack empty" );
ret.Type = -1;
strcpy( ret.Content, "Stack empty" );
return ret;

void Push( struct TOKEN tk )
if( sp >= STACKSIZE -1 )
printf( "Stack Full.\n" );
tkStack[++sp] = tk;

struct TOKEN GetTop()
struct TOKEN ret;
if( sp >= 0 )
return tkStack[sp];
printf( "Stack empty" );
ret.Type = -1;
strcpy( ret.Content, "Stack empty" );
return ret;

void ConvertSzToTokens( char * szDec )
char * c = szDec;
int index = 0;
char Buff[TOKENLEN] = { '\0' };
int BuffIndex = 0;
while( *c != '\0' )
while( *c == ' '||*c == '\t'||*c == '\n' )
c ++;
if( *c == '['|| *c == ']' || *c == '(' ||*c == ')' ||*c == '*'||*c == ',' )
(tkDec[index].Content)[0] = *c;
(tkDec[index].Content)[1] = '\0';
tkDec[index ++].Type = *c;
c ++;
while( *c != ' '&&*c != '\t'&&*c != '\n'&&*c != '['&&*c != ']'&&*c != '('&&*c != ')'&&*c != '*'&&*c != '\0'&&*c != ',' )
Buff[BuffIndex ++] = *c ++;
Buff[BuffIndex] = '\0';
BuffIndex = 0;
strcpy( tkDec[index].Content, Buff );
if( !strcmp( Buff, "int") ) tkDec[index].Type = TYPE;
if( !strcmp( Buff, "long") ) tkDec[index].Type = TYPE;
if( !strcmp( Buff, "short") ) tkDec[index].Type = TYPE;
if( !strcmp( Buff, "unsigned") ) tkDec[index].Type = TYPE;
if( !strcmp( Buff, "signed") ) tkDec[index].Type = TYPE;
if( !strcmp( Buff, "float") ) tkDec[index].Type = TYPE;
if( !strcmp( Buff, "double") ) tkDec[index].Type = TYPE;
if( !strcmp( Buff, "char") ) tkDec[index].Type = TYPE;
if( !strcmp( Buff, "const") ) tkDec[index].Type = QUA;
if( !strcmp( Buff, "volatile") ) tkDec[index].Type = QUA;
if( (tkDec[index].Type != TYPE )&& (tkDec[index].Type != QUA) )
tkDec[index].Type = ID;
index ++;
if( index >= MAXTK )
printf( "Too long !\n" );
Convertfail = 1;
tkDec[index].Type = -1;
strcpy(tkDec[index].Content, "End");

struct TOKEN GetToken( int back, struct TOKEN * ptk )
static int cur = 0;
if( back == -1 )
tkDec[--cur] = *ptk;
return *ptk;
return tkDec[cur ++];

void S_ARR()//处理数组
extern void S_Fun();
struct TOKEN tktemp = GetToken( 0, NULL );
int size = 0;
while( tktemp.Type == '[' )
tktemp = GetToken( 0, NULL );
if( tktemp.Type != ']' )
size = atoi( tktemp.Content );
printf( "Arr[%d] of ", size );
printf( "Arr of " );
tktemp = GetToken( 0, NULL );
GetToken( -1, &tktemp );
next = S_Fun;

void S_Fun()//处理函数
extern void S_PA();
struct TOKEN tktemp = GetToken( 0, NULL );
int paramnum = 0;
if( tktemp.Type == '(' )
printf( "fun with " );
tktemp = GetToken( 0, NULL );
if( tktemp.Type != ')' )
GetToken( -1, &tktemp );
printf( "param1: " );
while( tktemp.Type != ')' )
tktemp = GetToken( 0, NULL );
if( tktemp.Type == ',' )
printf( " param%d : ", ++paramnum );
if( tktemp.Type != ')' )
printf( "%s ", tktemp.Content );
printf( "void param " );
printf( " returning " );
tktemp = GetToken( 0, NULL );
if( tktemp.Type == '[' )
next = S_ARR;
GetToken( -1, &tktemp );
next = S_PA;
GetToken( -1, &tktemp );

void S_PA()//处理堆栈中的“(”
extern void S_PT();
struct TOKEN tktemp;
if( GetTop().Type == '(' )
tktemp = GetToken( 0, NULL );
while( tktemp.Type != ')' )
tktemp = GetToken( 0, NULL );

tktemp = GetToken( 0, NULL );
if( tktemp.Type == '[' )
GetToken( -1, &tktemp );
next = S_ARR;
GetToken( -1, &tktemp );
next = S_PT;

void S_PT()//处理指针
extern void S_TYPE();
int HasQua = 0;
char sztemp[20] = { '\0' };
if( GetTop().Type == QUA )
HasQua = 1;
strcpy( sztemp, GetTop().Content );
if( GetTop().Type == '*' )
if( HasQua == 1 )
printf( "%s pointer to ", sztemp );
printf( "pointer to " );
if( GetTop().Type == '(' )
next = S_PA;
next = S_TYPE;

void S_TYPE()//处理基本类型
extern void S_END();
struct TOKEN tktemp;
while( sp > -1 )
tktemp = Pop();
printf( "%s ", tktemp.Content );
next = S_END;

void S_END()//结束

int main()
STATE states[6] = { S_ARR, S_Fun, S_PA, S_PT, S_TYPE, S_END };
struct TOKEN tk;
char * szDec = "int const * a( int * , int) ";
ConvertSzToTokens( szDec );
tk = GetToken( 0, NULL );
while( tk.Type != ID )
Push( tk );
tk = GetToken( 0, NULL );
printf( "%s is a ", tk.Content );
for( next = states[0]; next != S_END; )//模拟FSM
( *next )();
return ( 0 );