
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/06/06 20:44:56






1. Won't you take a seat?

  A.  take place      B.  take your place C.  take places     D.  take the place of

2. The meeting will begin in a minute.  Please_______, ladies and gentlemen.

  A.  be seating         B.  seat      C.  be seated          D.  seat down

3. Can the students _______ at the back hear me?

   A.  seat    B.  sit     C.  seated     D.  sat

4. _____myself, I began to read the novel.

  A.  Seated     B.  Seating     C.  To seat     D.  Seat

5. I found the little by______.

A.  seat on the ground     B.  was seating on the ground

C.  seating on the ground  D.  seated on the ground

6. She was seen_______behind her old grand father.

A.      sit                B. seating  C. seated herself   D. seating herself

7. The workers have built a concert hall which_____over2, 000 people.

 A. seats    B. is seated   C. sits  D. is held

8. After______all the passengers, she went away.

   A. sitting    B. seating   C. seated   D. sat

简析:1.B.2.C.be seatedsit down 3.C过去分词作定语。4.B.现在分词作时间状语,sent常以反身代词作宾语。5.D.seated过去分词作宾补。6.D.用现在分词作主补,反身代词作宾语。7.A.seat意为容纳座位。8.B.seat意为使就座,帮助找到座位。


1. China________a population of 12 billion.

2. The population of China________12 billion.

3. More than 80 percent of the population of China______ peasants.

4. Only 20 percent of the population of that country_______farming population.

(1-4)共同选项:A. has B. have C. is  D. are

5. _______is the population of the U. S. A?

  A. How B. ow many   C. How much   D. What

6. The population of China is _______than that of Japan.

  A. much large          B. much more  C. much larger         D. more much

   简析:1.A. has a population of. . . . . . 人口。2.C.  population作整体名词,谓语用单数。3.D. population前有分数词、百分比等强调数量时,谓语用复数。4.C. 因其表语是整体名词population. 5-6.D. C. 整体名词、度量衡等单位名词,应用what提问,largesmall修饰,不能直接用表数量的词来修饰。


 同义词是英语中的一大难点。在完形填空题中尤为常见。所以在平时学习时应注意予以归纳,稍加区别。常见同义词可用数目表示加以记忆。如:三”(voice, sound, noise);四” (silent, still, quiet, calm); ”(good, well, fine, nice, kind);六穿”(put on, wear, have on, dress, be in, pull on); 当作”(consider/regard/treat/have/think of/look on. . . . as. . . /take. . . for);连系动词的八”(become, turn, get, grow, come, go, fall, run),小康水平的九大花费"(take, cost, pay, buy, sell, spend, afford, waste, worth),十”(look, see, watch, notice, observe, visit, read, gaze, stare, glare),十二”(hit, strike, beat, knock, slap, pat, tap clap, bump, box, whip, hammer)等等,然后以题目的形式加以辩认区别。如以四为例拟题如下:

1. Please keep____while I take your photograph.

2. _____waters run deep.

3. "B" is a_______letter in "doubt".

4. You'd better be____about what happened.

5. This is a_____street(evening)

6. The sea was_______.

共同选项:A. silent    B. calm   C. quiet     D. still

简析:1.D. still一动不动的静。2. D. 静水流深,大智若愚。3-4.A. silent不发音不说话保持沉默的静。5.C. quiet指自然界的宁静或指人不激动、兴奋的静。

6.B. calm指海、湖面无风浪的静或指心境的镇定、冷静。


学习到每一个词组,都要认真地加以总结其句型。该注意到什么?等等。如agree可归纳为如下四个句型,注意两点。1. A agree with 2. A agree with what B said 3. A agree to sth 4. A and B agree on sth

注意两点:agree with 还有另外两个意思:1.对. . . 适合、适宜(通常指健康方面)eg. Mutton doesn't agree with me. 2.与. . . 一致:what he says doesn't agree with what he does.

又如:do with deal with区别归纳如下:

1. What to do with sth. 2. How to deal with sth. 3. What to deal with.




1. a)It is no good doing sth.

 b)It is not good to do sth.

2. There is no doing sth. =It is impossible to do sth.

eg. There is no telling what will happen. 未来的事无可奉告。

(=It is impossible to tell what will happen)

3. a)There is no use doing sth. 无用。

b)There is no need to do sth. 没有必要. . .


eg. There is no use saying it again.


There is no need to worry about it. 没有必要为这事感到不安。

             since. . .

4. It is + time + that. . . 拟题如下:

             when. .

1)It was seven o'clock_______he went to school.

2)It was at seven o'clock_______he went to school.

3)It is seven years________he left here.

共同选项:A. since  B. that    C. when

简析:1. C. It +时间点+when里的it为代词,不是引导词,不能看作强调句型。意为他上学时是七点2. B. 句型it+含有介词有的时间状语+that为强调句型。意为他在七点钟时上学。3.A. It +时间段+since,表时间。意为:自他离开这里已有七年了。





串题法是以普遍的认识规律为理论依据的。把普遍性与特殊性有机地联系起来,便于对比、理解、识记、运用,达到掌握. 它针对考路,抓住常设考题的语言点,从方便学生记忆的角度出发,一批一批、一串一串地归纳疑难语言现象,力争举一反三。并在此基础上,通过大量地做以前同类试卷或练习,来暴露,弥补漏洞,强化记忆,以求熟而生巧,触类旁通。


串题法,即是把平时学习的量的积累过程上升到质变的本质意崐义上来,这是非常必要的一环,是质的飞跃,是收获的保证,否则前功尽弃。因为英语语言点是零碎的,象一盘散珠。如果没有通过一定的线索把它们有机地组合起来,就很难完全了解其用法特点。所以在总复习时,必须用串题法把分布在各册的语言点有机地串连在一起。加以辩认,上升到质上来, 方能在高考中自如熟练地运用,取得好成绩。


串题法,不是简单地把学过的语言点堆积,陈列在一起;而是用一条别出新裁的线把有关的东西巧妙地串联起来。串题是否富有启发性、趣味性、可读性, 关键在于这条线”, 及如何”, 如笔者撰写的《3:2巧辩易混不定代词》中的线“3:2”, 其中”是指不定代词中表示三者及三者以上的数目。all, none, every, another any等。是指表示二者的不定代词,如与上面列举的三者相对应的有both, neither, eath, the other either等。
