leslie lamport:造就伟大领袖的三项才能

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在吉姆·柯林斯和我编写的新书《选择而伟大》中,我们提出了上述这个问题。 为了得到一些经验性答案,我们对一些成功的领导人进行了采访,他们都是在高度不确定甚至混乱的行业中带领出一个个成功的企业。其中包括生物技术业,半导体行业,个人电脑业和航空业。多年来,这些公司的领导者面临过个人能想到的所有困难:大规模技术瓦解、严重产业衰退、 需求突然剧减, 价格大战、 石油危机 。但即便如此,他们的公司完成了大量的长期财务业绩。他们的经验可以指导必须在当今混乱的世界中领导的人。

Some of these leaders have becomelegends, such as Andy Grove of Intel and Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airl有些领导人已经成为了传说,如 英特尔的安迪格鲁夫 和西南航空公司的赫伯克勒赫 。Others remain fairly unknown outsidetheir industry, such as John Brown of Stryker and George Rathmann of Amg有些人只在本行业中相当有名,如 史赛克的约翰布朗 和拉斯曼的乔治Amgen。 What then were the leadershipcharacteristics that separated the winning leaders from their industry peer那到底是什么领导才能使得他们脱颖而出呢?

Surprisingly, they were not morevisionary (they did not stand out for their ability to "see" thefuture), and they were generally not more charismatic (yes, a few were,like Herb Kelleher, but not all, and so were some industry pee出人意料的是,他们并非比他人更有远见(他们的卓越并不是由于他们对未来的预测),也没过多的超凡魅力(有些人确实有这魅力,如Herb Kelleher,但更多的领导人像行业中其他同仁一样没有魅力)。与之相反,我们发现了另外3个他们共有的才能。 ad, we found three other characteristics. 

“杞人忧天”性 lGates was hyper-vigilant about what could hit and damage Microsoft. 比尔盖茨超警惕一切可能攻击和破坏微软因素。 "Fearshould guide you," he said in 199他在1994年说过:“恐惧你的向导。” consider failure on a regular basis." “我会定期考虑造成失败的原因。”最近3次经济衰退中,bKelleher predicted eleven of the last three recessions. 赫伯克勒赫预测11个危机。 AndyGrove ran around "looking for the black cloud in the silver lining."安迪格鲁夫总会“在希望中寻找乌云。”

居安思危需要你高度警惕一些会危害到公司的潜在因素,然后将化恐惧为准备,提前做好准备工作。切忌左顾右盼,迟疑不决。如赫伯 克勒赫坚持在运作高潮时减少成本,开展亏本业务。以此在下一轮可能的金融风暴来临前做好准备。

经验性创造:活着并不伟大,人必须有创造力。所以我们认为这些伟大的领导人肯定是创造天才,才能创造出又新又好的产品。是,但又不是,因为其他小公司中的领导人也有一定的创造力。我们发现能独树一帜的领导才能是一种创造力,即所谓的经验性创造—将你脑海中闪现的创新思维结合经验使之成效。这需要结合直接观察,实践经验,和第一手证据。而非仅限于个人观点,幻想,或是主观分析(作为高级管理顾问,我认为在这种范畴内纯粹的市场分析是无效的)。eter Lewis ofProgressive, the car insurance company, had the idea of expanding into the safe-drivermarket, he did not move in one big swoop. 当前进汽车保险公司的首席执行官彼得刘易斯 想将产业扩大到安全驱动市场时,他并没有一蹴而就。 r,he started with trials in Texas and Florida, thenadded more experiments in other states, and finally, three years later, whenthe concept was validated, he bet big on the new business. 相反,他先在得克萨斯州 佛罗里达州试验,然后在其他州开展更多的实验终于,三年后,他的想法验证为有效,事业大步向前。His ideawas rooted in empiricism, not analysis alon他的想法是植根于经验的,不是纯粹的分析。 

Fanatic Discipl“墨守成规”性 这里的规指纪律,Discipline can mean many things — working hard,following rules, being obedient, and so on. 纪律包括很多— — 认真工作,遵守规则,服从安排等等。 mean somethingelse: 我们是指其他方面的: The best-performingleaders in our study exhibited discipline as consistency of action —consistency with values, long-term goals, and performance standards;consistency of method; and consistency over t我们研究的那些最成功的领导人认为纪律是行为的一致性 - 价值观,长期目标和绩效标准的一致性;方法的一致性,并且不随时间推移而改变。It involves rejectingconventional wisdom, hype, and the madness of crowds — essentially being anonconformist. 它包括拒绝传统智慧,炒作和疯狂 – 尤其不能人云亦云。 n John Brown ofStryker set the long-term goal of 20% annual net income growth, year in andyear out (he hit it in more than 90% during 21 years), he was so committed tothis quest that it could only be described as, well, fanatical. 当Stryker的董事长约翰 · 布朗设定每年净收入增长 20%的目标时,年复一年的致力于这一目标 (在过去 21 年里有90%的的增长率都达到了预设目标),该怎么形容他的行为呢,只能是,狂热。 Markets down? 市场下跌Competition severe竞争严重 cession? 经济衰退et hype? 市场炒作,这些He did not care不在乎。 e built a system offanatic discipline to achieve the quest, no matter what. 制定了“一成不变”的纪律制度来实现这一目标,不管发生什么事都不能阻挡。e was highly disciplined by showing consistencybetween his words (the goal) and his behaviors (everything he did to make ithappen). 他的话(目标)和他的行为(他为达到这目标所做的一切)之间的一致性显示了他严格的纪律

You need all three leadership skills in anuncertain在一个不确定的世界,这三个领导技能你都必须掌握:Fanatic discipline keeps you on track;empirical creativity keeps you vibrant; and productive paranoia keeps youalive严格的纪律使公司走上正轨,经验性创造让公司充满生气,而居安思危使公司保持活力。 

When I speak to leaders, I find ithelpful to a当我和成功的领导人交流时,我发现这一问题很有效: en you consider these three leadershipskills, which do you perceive as your weakest one, and how can you turn thatinto a strength?请考虑以上三个领导才能中,哪一个是你较弱的一项,你又是如何将其打造成自己的强项的?

A note on our research关于我们研究的一个提醒:  selected industries characterized by high levels of uncertainty anddisruption, and contrasted companies that created outstanding long-termfinancial performance with industry peers that did not. 我们选择的行业都是高度不确定和易受干扰,并与业内同行相比做出显著长期业绩的公司。cause our observation period was fromthe 1970s to 2002, we do not claim that these companies will continue tooutperform in perpetuity.因为我们的观察期是从20世纪70年代到2002年,我们不能确定这些公司将继续做出优秀的业绩。