彭歆:【新闻精解】国内新闻 2011-10-28

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/06/03 19:00:51

"Today" is CRI's first news magazine show. With in-depth panel discussions on domestic and global news and current affairs, Today gives you the story behind the headlines. Our expert guests share their views and debate the issues - a locally produced program with a distinctly international flavour.  



(BBD) You're listening to Today on Beyond Beijing. I'm Brandon Blackburn-Dwyer.
       (Qin) And I'm Zhou Jingnan. Time to take a look at some of the stories that are making headlines here in China with our China Report. Joining us in the studio now is Zhengyao.

Tax fight escalates into Zhejiang riot as 28 are detained


Hundreds of business owners have clashed with riot police in east China's Zhejiang province after a row over taxation.

The unrest was sparked when the owner of a children's clothing firm in Huzhou's Zhili township refused to pay his tax bill.

Reports say the man gathered friends to attack the local tax collector, and the row snowballed into a riot where people threw stones and overturned cars.

The vendor from Anhui Province who led the riot has reportedly refused to pay taxes several times.

Netizens on Weibo.com claim the town of Zhili had forced local vendors to turn in additional taxes, which triggered the wide anger.
Officials contacted by journalists on Thursday said the situation was now calming down.


China enacts 18 social laws to maintain equity, promote harmony


A new white paper released by the State Council now indicates that 18 new laws have been brought in as of the end of August to try to keep up social order in this country.

Shuangfeng has more.
The white paper says that China has also enacted laws and regulations to strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of laborers as well as improve public welfare.

According to the paper, some 260 million urban workers had been covered by the urban endowment insurance system by the end of last year. 103 million people in the countryside had been covered by the new rural endowment insurance system.

About 1.26 billion people are now covered by the basic form of health insurance, 13 times the number in 2002.

Xin stressed that in the next five years, China will strengthen legislation in the social field to guarantee and improve the people's livelihood, concerning employment, labor protection, social security, education, medical care, housing and so on.

According to the white paper, China has already established a legal basis in economic, political, cultural, social and ecological areas.

The next step is to guarantee the effective enforcement of the Constitution and laws and the building of a socialist country under the rule of law.

The white paper also says China will explore channels and forms for the public to participate in legislation activities.
Thanks,Shuangfeng for the report.


Curbs on home purchases to be 'phased out'


A top housing official says restrictions on home purchases will be scrapped following the completion of a national database of property ownership.

China's minister of housing and urban-rural development says the restrictions will be quote "phased out" upon the establishment of a national housing information system.

The database is designed to increase the transparency of the property market, and prevent excessive price swings resulting from speculation.
The minister says the system can give the government a basic idea of the property status of an individual and their family members.

But some experts say the database doesn't necessarily mean the government will ease curbs on home purchases.

Experts are sharply divided about whether tightening measures will continue.


Beijing Plans to Build China's Best Environment for New Energy Cars


Beijing plans to build the best environment for the development of new energy vehicles in China.

In the next four years, Beijing will expand research and industrialization of battery-powered electric vehicles and hybrid cars. 
The city will also help self-owned brands in constructing production lines for electric cars and speeding up localization of key technologies.
A government statement says Beijing is aiming for the production value target of 560 billion yuan in gross industrial output value in the automobile industry.

That's about 88 billion US dollars.

Beijing will also issue preferential policies to encourage the purchase, rental and use of new energy cars.


China mobile phone users hit 952m by Sep


The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology says China had over 950 million mobile phone users by the end of September.

The MIIT says 12 million new mobile phone users signed up in September alone.

It adds China's 3G mobile phone users reached over 100 million by the end of September.

The country's telephone users totaled more than 1.2 billion by September. 
Fixed-line phone users dropped to around 290 million.

China's Internet users with broadband access totaled 150 million, with dial-up connection users dropping to about 6 million.
