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转自 武峰 新浪博客 受到新东方的委托,我有幸成为了《密室之不可告人》英文字幕的译审,但是没有机会看到这部电影。大家可以一起看看字幕,因为是不同老师翻译的拼凑,所以在语域上存在很大区别,看看,娱乐一下。希望喜欢!其实是10月29上映,我九月底就做好了,原本想发,但是考虑到版权的问题,直到现在才发。





是我 It’s me.

你在哪儿 Where are you?

你已经到山顶了 Been on the top of the mountain?’

山顶的风好像很大 It seems so windy here.

是 Yes.

我就上来 OK, I’m coming.

我们的事见面再谈 Let’s talk about our business when we meet.

林小玉呢 Where's Lin xiangyu?

是负责装备检查的 Lin xiaoyu is in charge of checking the equipments.

让一让 让一让 Excuse me.

大家看一下 Take a look, everybody.

走过路过不要错过 Do not miss it.

悬疑推理小说家 Suspense reasoning novelist

柳飞云的签字见面会 Liu Yunfei's signing session

一人一本啊 One person one book.

我们的书刚做完签售 We've just finished the signing session.

你看五折给你怎么样 Knock 50 percent off,

两折 knock 80 percent off,

两折 knock 80 percent off,

在那山的那边海的那边 There's a group of smurfs

有一群蓝精灵 living in the seaside and mountain.

他们活泼又聪明 They are clever and lively.

他们调皮又灵敏 They are alert and naughty.

他们自由自在生活在 They live

绿色的大森林 in the green forest freely

他们唱歌跳舞快乐多欢喜 They sing and dance happily.

哦 可爱的蓝精灵 oh...Lovely smurfs.

哦 可爱的蓝精灵 oh...Lovely smurfs.

他们齐心合力开动脑筋 They made great efforts to use their intelligence

斗败了格格巫 and defeat Wizard GoGos.

他们唱歌跳舞快乐多欢喜 They sing and dance happily.

醒醒 Wake up,

醒醒 Wake up,

怎么只剩咱们了 Why do we leave behind in the bus?

师傅 Hey, sir,

其他人呢 Where are the others?

导游 Miss guide…

导游 Miss guide…

我在这儿 I'm here.

怎么就剩我们几个了 Why are we left only?

其他人都已经下车了 Others have gotten off already.

他们住在山腰的宾馆里 They settled down in the hotel of the middle mountain .

哪儿 到哪儿了 Where are we?

你们几位是豪华旅游团的 Because you are VIPs

所以今天晚上住的是山顶别墅 You’ve gotta settle down in the villa on the top of the mountain tonight.

怎么连路灯都没有 Why no streetlamps here?

林泉 Lin quan,

我怎么觉得这么慎人呢 I feel it’s so frightening here.

导游 还要走多久 Miss guide, how long it takes us to get there?

不是说豪华游吗 Aren’t we VIPs?

怎么越走越偏呢 Why do we go farther and farther?

这栋别墅 The villa

就是建在山顶的无人区 is built in the no man's area on the top of the mountain,

就我们住那儿吗 So there are only us?

其他人都不住那儿 Other people don't settle down in the villa,

因为只有四间客房 because there are only four rooms there,

不过有一对夫妇已经先到了 but a couple have gotten there already. 

本地的天气预报说 It is said by the Local Weather Forecast 

今天晚上有大雨 it will be raining tonight,

请大家进入别墅之后关好门窗 so please close the window after your entering.

明天早上七点钟准时出发 Tomorrow we’ll set out at 7 a. m.

各位 明早见 See you tomorrow

还真不错 It’s so nice here.

什么味 这么香 Something delicious?

我为大家准备了夜宵 We cooked some snacks for everybody.

我姓蒋 是这儿的管家 You can call Mr. Jiang and I’m the housekeeper here.

蒋师傅 还有夜宵呢 What? Snacks?

哎哟 太牛了 Excellent.

走啊 Hey, go go go.

我们还准备了咖啡 花茶 红酒 We also prepared coffee, flower tea and wine.

随意拿去 You can fetch as you like.

这是我们厨师小贾 This is Cook XiaoJia.

刚刚毕业 请多关照He just graduated. Please take care of him.

二位 吃点东西去 Let's fetch some food.

您在看这书 You reading here?

不 Not me.

是新来那位先生看的 The new guy I guess.

你闻什么呢 What is it?

这书上有香味 Fragrance on the book.

我们在别墅熏了檀香 It's santal in our villa.

为了安身 It takes away the tiredness

让大家睡个好觉 and makes everybody sleep well.

我说蒋师傅 Mr. Jiang,

咱们什么时候分房间 which is my room?

总得让把行李先放下吧 These luggages need a place.

剩下这三间 There're 3 rooms left.

三间 3?

大家伙都是豪华游 We paid money too.

凭什么让他们先占房间 Why they pick room first?

对呀 Yeah

这么做不太公平 That's not fair.

不用扶 我没醉 Leave me alone. I'm fine.

卓总 Mr. Zhuo

你好你好你好 卓总 Hello. Mr. Zhuo.

你是谁 Who are you?

我是柳飞云的经纪人 I'm Liu Feiyun's agent.

我叫李晓峰 My name is Li Xiaofeng.

飞云飞云 快过来快过来 Feiyun. Come here.

你就是柳飞云 You are Liufeiyun?

你好 Hello.

就是我一直给您打电话 It is him who I've been calling

约您请客吃饭那个 to set up an appointment.

我知道你是谁 I know who you are.

我可以签柳飞云 I can give him a contract,

但是你最好别搅合 but you’d better stay out of this.

柳飞云 Liu Feiyun

今天晚上我们可以好好的聊一聊 We need to talk tonight.

谢谢 Thanks.

他喝了不少 He must have drunk a lot.

是 Yeah.

快扶他回房间休息吧 Get him back to his room.

对了 Oh.

我刚刚把行李放在一号房间了 We put our luggage in room 1.

你们还没有分房间吧 Did you get your rooms?

没关系 Never mind.

要不然你们就住一号房 You go ahead.

那就谢谢了 Thanks.

柳先生 Mr. Liu

可以麻烦你住二号房间吗 Can you stay in room 2?

我怕我先生酒醒了之后 I'm afraid my husband will

会吵着要找你 want to see you when he wakes up.

行 All right.

谁也不用扶 I don't need help.

一会儿咱们好好聊聊 We need to talk later.

吃吃吃 你又不怕胖了你 Look at you, I thought you wanna keep fit.

蒋师傅 您先去忙吧 Mr. Jiang. Let me do it.

你一人行 Uh!

没问题 Yes.

不好意思 I'm really sorry.

不好意思 Sorry.

不好意思 蒋师傅 Sorry. Mr. Jiang.

大家还是抓紧时间把房子分一下 It's late. Pick a room and get some sleep.

总共就两间房了 Only 2 rooms left.

还分什么分啊 Why taking the trouble?

要不然我们住三号吧 We'll take room 3.

好吧 Okay!

林泉 Lin Quan.

咱们赶紧把包放房间吧 Hurry.

是 走 Right.

咱们俩住一个房间 So that leaves you and me.

我叫段新宇 Duan Xinyu

白秀清 Bai Xiuqing

你好 Hello.

我睡觉磨牙 I grind teeth when I sleep.

我打呼噜 I snore when I sleep.

应该在这边吧 I guess this is the room.

不好意思 Excuse me

我先生呢非要见你 My husband wants to see you.

可以麻烦你上去一趟吗 So do you mind?

好 No problem.

不过 我想叫上我的经纪人 I'll bring my agent.

好 Sure.

李晓峰 Li Xiaofeng.

干吗 What?

卓总想找我聊聊 Mr. Zhuo wants to see me now

正好我跟他说一声 I can tell him

我的事都是由你来负责的 that you are my agent.

现在 Now?

真谢谢你 Thanks dude.

没事儿All right.

实在不 好意思 I am really sorry.

白先生 Mr. Bai

一起喝一杯 Wanna join me to have a drink?

这么早就休息了 What's the rush?

我还想下去找你们打牌呢 I was going to play cards with you guys.

我们这边是三四号 Romm 3 and 4 are here.

一二号在那边 And that's room 1 and 2.

谢谢 Thanks

蒋师傅 来打啤酒 Mr. Jiang. Get some beer.

告诉他我是你的经纪人 Tell him I'm your agent?

你不就是我经纪人吗 Yeah. Who else could it be?

你真的会告诉他 You really will

你所有的事都是我负责 tell him that?

你太够意思了 Good.

是不是睡着了 Is he asleep?

谁呀 Who is it?

是我 柳飞云 It’s me. Liu Feiyun.

我太困了 I'm too tired.

要不咱们明天再聊吧 How about tomorrow?

那行 Sure.

你好好休息啊 Have a good sleep.

怎么这么快就下来了 Did you talk to him?

卓总说他有点累 He's too tired.

说明天再谈 I'll talk to him tomorrow.

真是不好意思 I'm so sorry.

正好 我们可以开始玩牌了 Good. Let’s play cards.

来呀 Yeah.

快 过来过来 Come on.

林泉 洗牌 Linquan. You shuffle the deck.

要不一起玩会儿 Wanna join us?

不了 我想看会儿杂志 No. I’d like to have some reading..


来 喝水 Come on, have some water.

气死我了 I'm so pissed!

怎么了怎么了 Why, what's the matter?

他们俩又把我给关了 They beat me again!

你干吗去了 Where have you been?

我拿烟去了 I went to grab a cigarette.

这会儿拿什么烟呀 Why?

不是不是 再来呀 sorry, sorry, come on, another round.

不了不了 no no

我累了 I'm tired.

还是收了吧 Let's put it away.

明天一早还得出发呢 We have to start early next morning,

还没睡呢 still up?

怎么自己喝起闷酒了 Why are you drinking alone?

你那位酒友呢 Where's your pot companion?

刚喝了一瓶就睡着了 He fell asleep with just one bottle,

那呼噜打的跟敲鼓似的 snoring like a drum now

谁受得了 I cannot stand it.

困了困了困了 I'm getting sleepy,

你们不玩了 you guys don't wanna play any more?

夜宵都做好了 Night snack is ready.

不吃了 都给他吃 Leave it all to him.

明天见 See you tomorrow.

明天见 See you tomorrow.

真没看出来林泉是个画家 Can you believe Lin Quan is a painter?

我还以为画家比我还穷呢 I think painters are poorer than me.

人家穷 Poor?

人家穷人家能来豪华游 Poor people can afford a luxurious tour like this?

你以为都像咱俩一样 You think everybody's

冒充大款呢 pretending to be rich like us?

你怎么会认识那个白秀清 How do you know Bai Xiuqing?

就是他当时找了一个枪手 It is him who hired someone

剽窃了你的小说 to plagiarize your novel.

我当时 At first, I...

你小说刚写出来我想拿给他看 I wanted to show him your novel after you finished it

没想到他是那种人 Never expect he was such an asshole.

你不会怪我吧 Will you blame me?

开门啊 Open the door.

怎么了 What's wrong?

门开不开了 钥匙留在屋里 I'm locked out, the key's in the room

可是 but

我刚刚没有把门锁起来啊 I didn't lock the door just now.

卓然 Zhu Ran

听得到吗 Can you hear me?

他是不是在里面睡着了 He probably fell asleep.

你让蒋师傅给你开门吧 You can ask Mr. Jiang to open it

好 Right.

这不影响大家休息吗 Don't you know it is disturbing other people?

蒋师傅 真是不好意思 I'm so sorry to bother you, Mr. Jiang.

没事儿 No problem.

人呢 Where's he?

卓然去哪了 Where did he go?

不可能从窗户出去 No way to get out from this window

窗户都反锁着 It's locked from the inside.

这不是活见鬼吗 Damn, isn't this weird?

卓然就这样人间蒸发了 Has Zhuo Ran just vanished?

不可能 That's impossible.

我刚刚离开的时候他还在床上 He was on the bed just now when I left

你出去的时候没锁门 You didn't lock the door when you leave?

没有 No.

我想出去一下就回来了 I thought I was just gone for a while,

就懒的锁 so I didn't lock it.

可我们上来的时候 But I remember the door being locked

门好像是锁的 when we came upstairs here.

会不会是卓然晕晕乎乎出去了 Is it possible that zhuoran just staggered out

一不小心就把门锁了 and lock the door by accident

现在在什么地方醒酒呢 and maybe he's sobering himself up somewhere at the moment.

他手机在吗 Is his cell phone here?

刚刚还在这儿 It was.

怎么 怎么会不见了 Why, I can't find it now.

那你给他打个电话不就完了吗 That's easy, just call him to find out where he is.

没电了 我换个电池 Battery is dead, I'll change another one.

用我的吧 Use mine.

他电话现在不在服务区 His cell phone is out of service.

山顶信号一直不好 The signal on the mountain top is always bad.

蒋师傅 白秀清一直在一楼 Mr. Jiang, is Bai xiuqing downstairs all this time?

老白 Lao Bai

你看到一号房那位先生了吗 have you seen the gentleman in room 1?

没有 No

你一直没挪地方 you've been here all this time?

我能去哪儿 Where else can I go?

卓然没有下楼 Zhuo Ran didn't come downstairs

那他去哪里了呢 Where would he go?

一号房的先生不见了 The gentleman in room 1 is missing

怎么会呢 What?

我们能进去看看吗 Can we come inside to take a look?

当然 Sure.

谁呀 Who is it?

有看到我先生吗 Have you seen my husband?

他不在房间吗 Isn't he in the room?

我们找不到他 We can't find him.

我们方便进去看看吗 Would you mind if we come in to take a look

可以 Of course not

您不会是吐在屋里了吧 Did you puke in the room?

这么大的酒味 What a strong smell of liquor.

出什么事了 What happened?

人丢了 He's missing

窗户也没开 The window is closed too.

蒋师傅 Mr. Jiang,

二楼还有什么地方可去 is there any other places he might go to on the second floor ?

除了这四个房间 Aside from these four rooms,

还有一个平台 there's a terrace.

那咱们怎么分工 How do we divide the work?

那就麻烦您守在这儿吧 Would you please wait here?

李晓峰 and Li Xiaofeng

你去负责那边 you wait over there

省的我们找的时候 in case Zhuo Ran came back by himself

卓然自己回来了都没看见 while we are still out looking for him.

行 Ok.

蒋师傅 咱们走吧 Let's go, Mr. Jiang.

哎 Hey.

林泉 我有点儿害怕 Linquan, I'm a bit scared.

要不 你在屋里等着 Fine, you can wait in the room.

嗯 All right.

不用钥匙 The door is unlocked.

您看 门没锁 Look, it's open.

真是老糊涂了 I'm such a dotard.

忘锁门了 How could I forget to lock the door!

蒋师傅 Mr. Jiang,

是这儿吗 is it here?

顺着这通道上去就是 Go up along this aisle and you'll see.

这天不会真的要下雨吧 Oh! Is it going to rain?

谢谢 Thanks.

没事吧 Are you all right?

没事 I'm fine.

屋里怎么回事 What happened in the room?

没事 Nothing.

是林梅 It's Linmei.

林梅 你怎么了 Linmei, what happened?

她刚才朝那边叫 She was screaming towards that direction

过来看了一下什么都没有 I rushed over and saw nothing.

我那边什么也没有 I didn't see anything either.

卓然 Zhuo Ran

是卓然 It's Zhuo Ran

血淋淋的在走廊 in the hallway, dripping blood

太可怕了 It's so terrifying.

什么血淋淋 Dripping blood?

地上什么都没有 There's nothing in the carpet.

还没怎么着呢先把咱们吓坏了 We are scared to death before anything actually happened.

可能我太紧张了 I guess I'm just too nervous.

我一个人在这儿 I'm scared to stand here

害怕 by myself.

咱们还是赶紧回平台吧 Let's hurry back to the terrace.

白秀清怎么坐在那儿 How can Bai Xiuqing don't have to come up.

跟个大爷一样不上来 Who is him, our boss?

他不上来就算了 Forget it, let him alone.

卓然 Zhuo Ran

卓然 ZhuoRan

卓然 Zhuo Ran

这哪儿有人 What it is?

小贾 Xiao Jia

你小点声 Keep your voice down.

蒋师傅 Mr. Jiang

这个别墅还有别的出口吗 Are there any other exits to this villa?

绝对没有 Absolutely not!

晚上上了锁 The door is locked at night.

这里出也出不去 You can neither go out

进也进不来 nor in.

这事怎么可能呢 How could this happen?

一个大活人 A living person

能在这么一个封闭的室内 in such a closed room

会莫名其妙的消失了 disappeared weirdly.

不可能的事情已经发生了 Impossible things had happened.

一楼咱们还没找呢 We haven't found on the 1st floor.


可一楼白秀清一直都在 But Bai Xiuqing has been there all the time.

白秀清 Bai Xiuqing

你说实话你刚才是不是睡着了 Tell us the truth; did you fall asleep just now?

没有 Nope.

绝对没有 Definitely not.

老段那呼噜打的我睡意全无 Lao Duan snored so loudly that I couldn't sleep.

我倒想睡一会儿 How I wish I could sleep for a while.

张惠 Zhang Hui

卓然有没有可能是有事先走了 Is there any chance that Zhuo Ran left in advance.

没有 No way.

我们打车上来 We came here by taxi.

他没有跟我说要去别的地方 And he didn't tell me that he would go to other places.

再说这方圆十里没有人烟 Besides, there is nobody around

就是当地的农民都会迷路的even local farmers will get lost.

我看这样 Well, in my opinion,

咱们还是在一楼再好好找找 We'd better find carefully on the 1st floor

要找你们找 If you guys wanna find, go ahead.

你们拿我当什么人了 You are belittling me.

你什么人你自己心里不知道 You know who you are.

反正我知道你白秀清 Well, I see you through, Bai Xiuing

嘴里说出来的话没几句靠谱的 We cannot trust your words.

李晓峰 你来劲是不是 Li Xiaofeng, are you challenging me?

咱们大家还是赶紧找一找吧 Shall we start to find now?

那就谢谢大家 Thank you so much.

谢谢 Thanks.

张惠 Zhang Hui

为了慎重起见 For the sake of prudence,

我觉得你应该考虑报警 I advice you to consider calling the police.

报警 Call the police?

你有什么事情 Is there anything wrong?

人丢了可不是小事 Somebody has lost and this is a big deal.


可是 But

他是恶作剧 He played a trick.

什么 What?

我刚才不好意思跟大家讲 I feel embarrassed to tell you guys that

我跟卓然今天吵了一架 I had a quarrel with Zhuo Ran.

他在飞机上硬要买一个面具 He would like to buy a mask at the airplane.

说怕晚上无聊 He said he wanted to entertain us at night

要跟大家开开玩笑 to play a joke or something.

当时特别生气 At that time I was very angry,

我们谁也不认识谁的 because we didn't know you.

所以我们就吵了嘴 So we quarreled

都还没有到旅行团来 He didn't wait for the tourism team.

就自己打车上山 And he went to the mountain by taxi.

你说他是开玩笑 You said he played a joke.

真是太幼稚了 It's too childish.

可万一不是呢 What about if?

可万一报了警 But suppose we call the police?

他如果真的是开玩笑的 If he did make fun of us

那我们之间就完了 就没有挽回的余地 we will lose our face.

我没听懂 I didn't get it

其实 Actually

我们夫妻之间关系出了问题 There is something wrong between us.

这次旅行就是为了要缓和 And this trip is to alleviate our tension.

所以我还不想报警 So I don't wanna call the police.

我想要再找一找I  want to find again.

柳飞云 Liu Feiyun

你可以帮我保守这个秘密吗 Could you keep it a secret for me?

是 他还是买了 Yes, finally he bought it.

就在这个箱子里 Right in this box.

怎么不见了 How did it disappear?

不见了 Indeed.

卓然不会是故意在跟我们开玩笑吧 Zhuo Ran must be kidding us.

难怪他爱看恶作剧的书 No wonder he is crazy about books on playing tricks.

这下你满意了吧 Are you happy now?

张惠 Zhang Hui

那面具什么样 吓人吗 How does the mask look like? Scary?

肯定吓人 Absolutely yes.

不吓人他买它干吗 If it is not scary, he won't buy it.

他要敢吓我 If he frightens me,

我就跟他拼了 I'm gonna kill him.

大家赶紧睡觉吧 We'd better go to bed now.

张惠 Zhang Hui

卓然以前来过这里吗 Did Zhuo Ran come here before?

干吗 Why?

我还是觉得奇怪 I still think it's really weird.

这别墅看上去没有死角 It seems that this villa is no dead space.

门窗也都是反锁的 And the door is locked from outside.

那怎么了 So what?

那这就是个封闭空间 That is a closed room.

真成了完美密室了 This is perfect chamber.

完美密室 Perfect chamber?

什么意思 What do you mean?

那是推理小说的一种类型 That is one of the types of rational fictions

描述在一个封闭的空间里 describing in a closed room.

发生了不可能的事情 There is something impossible that happened,

比如某人在门窗紧锁的房间里 For example someone in a locked room

死亡或消失 dies or disappears?

够了 Enough.

我要休息了 I wanna sleep now.

这怎么可能呢 Impossible.

人怎么可能 How can a person

在封闭的空间里消失呢 disappear in a closed room?

可以利用机关来制造密室 They can use some tools to make a chamber

也有可能存在密道 or a secret channel.

利用机关 Use tools?

不太可能吧 Never.

就像你说的 As you said,

别墅里没有死角 This villa is no dead space.

大家都在别人的眼皮底下 Everybody is under the supervision and

不可能有密道 it is impossible that there are secret chambers.

为什么不可能 How could it be impossible?

我是做建筑设计的 I have been doing construction design

做了几十年了 for several decades。

不信你们可以去找一找 If you don't believe me, you can find in person.

我们还是找找吧 We might as well find now.

要不然这晚上 What about at night?

大家都别睡了 Wake up.

出去 Get out.

再说一次我要休息了 I'm warning you I wanna sleep.

飞云 Fei Yun

这是干什么的呀 What's this for?

这是人家的下水口 This is downspout strainer.

什么都没有啊 There is nothing.

我们也什么都没发现 We didn't find anything, either

假设存在密道 If there is a secret channel,

那最有可能在一号房 it possibly exits in room 1.

卓然可以利用密道直接离开 Zhuo Ran can use it to leave directly.

没有 No.

可以出去了吗 Can you go out now?

还剩三个房间 There are three rooms left.

咱们怎么办 What shall we do?

是不是把剩下的房间都找找 Do we have to find the rooms left?

不用 Not necessarily.

四号房不用找了 Room 4 is out of the list.

我和卓然说话的时候 When I spoke to Zhuo Ran,

段先生和白秀清已经回屋了 Mr. Duan and Mr. Bai had already gone back to rooms.

而且屋里一直有人 And someone was in the room all the time.

先往这边 This way please.

先往我这边抬 Lift on my side.

哪边不一样 你烦不烦 Is it different? You are really annoying.

老子还不伺候 Damn it, I quit.

二位 Guys

行了 冷静点 Stop it. Calm down.

我跟你们说过了 I've told you

不可能有密道 it is impossible to have a secret channel here.

根本就什么都没有啊 Nothing.

连房子都快拆了 This house will be torn down soon

连个老鼠洞也没发现 even a rat hole cannot be discovered.

我看咱们还是各自先回屋吧 Let's go back to our own rooms.

先把床复位了 First, move the beds to the original position,

要不晚上怎么睡 or we cannot sleep at night.

你们折腾什么呢 What the hell are you doing now?

这让我怎么交代 How can I explain it?


蒋师傅 Mr. Jiang,

丢的那位是个大款 the missing guy is so rich.

别说是给你把房子弄的乱七八糟 Making a mess in this house is not a big deal for him

就是拆了 Even tearing the house down

人家都能赔得起 this guy can also afford it.

咱们现在怎么办 What shall we do now?

谁爱折腾是折腾吧 You do whatever you want.

我可得睡了 I will sleep now.

那咱们还找不找 So do we have to find?

卓然还在别墅里 Zhuo Ran is still in the villa.

我是来旅游的 I'm here to have a tour

不是来做苦力 not to have a toil.

我要回去睡了 I'm gonna go back sleep.

你们都不管了 All of you stay out of this?

白秀清要再敢来咱屋 If Bai Xiuqing dare to come into our room,

我就杀了他 I'm gonna kill him

我看这回张惠是真急了 Zhang Hui is really angry now.

我只是想看看面具还在不在 I just wanna confirm whether the mask is there or not.

妈的 Damn it

卓然不会真是个变态吧 Can Zhuo Ran be a freak?

你今晚还是穿着衣服睡觉 You'd better sleep in dress just in case.

为什么 Why?

我觉得不大对劲 I still think that is weird.

不大对劲 There is something wrong.

你的意思是说 You mean

卓然有可能 Zhuo Ran may

真的会出来吓我们 appear to frighten us?

我不知道 I'm not sure.

他要是敢出来 If he dares to come,

我非跟丫急不可 I'm gonna kill him.

对不起 Sorry.

您拨打的电话暂时不在服务区 The number you dialed is not reachable.

请稍候再拨 Please redial later.

你在干吗 What are you doing?

没什么 Nothing.

睡吧 Go to sleep.

李晓峰 李晓峰 Li Xiaofeng, Li Xiaofeng.

快起来 卓然出现了 Wake up, Zhuo Ran is here.

楼下 Downstairs.

卓然 Zhuo Ran.

卓然 Zhuo Ran.

是你吗 Is that you?

出来 Come out.

怎么回事 What's going on?

我好像听见李晓峰在叫 It seems that I heard Li Xiaofeng crying.

怎么了 What?

我刚才拨通了卓然的手机 Just now I dialed Zhuo Ran's mobile,

手机在楼道里响了 And it rang in the hallway.

卓然到底要干吗 What did he want to do on earth?

这也太吓人了吧 It is so frightening.

楼下没人 And nobody downstairs.

柳先生 Mr. Liu.

你没有听错吧 Are you sure?

我没听错 Of course.

飞云 Feiyun.

飞云 你是不是太过于紧张了 Feiyun, I guess you are too nervous.

我真的听到了 I did hear it.

怎么大家都在 Wow, everybody is here.

姓白的呢 Where is Mr. Bai?

改他磨牙 我失眠了 It's his turn to grind teeth and made me sleepless.


莫名其妙 Forget it.

我看大家还是早点儿睡吧 Guys, just go back to sleep.

都困的不行了 I'm so tired.

林梅 Lin Mei.

走啊 Come with me.

都快被你吓出鸡皮疙瘩了 You almost give me a heart attack!

睡觉吧 Just sleep.

你先睡吧 You sleep first.

我想去书房看会儿书 I wanna go back to the study to have some reading.

还看什么书 Read some book?

我睡不着 I can't sleep.

你 Don't~

你别再出去了 Don't go anywhere, OK?

你害怕 You scared?

我害怕 Scared?

我李晓峰是吓大的 Tell me scare is what.

卓然 Zhuo Ran.

你跟大家开什么玩笑 Why are you kidding us?

大家到处找你 We were looking for you everywhere.

我还以为你出事了 I thought you were in trouble.

你怎么不说话 Why didn't you talk to me?

还没睡 Still up?

我哪睡的着 How couldn't I?

你刚才听见什么了吗 Did you hear something?

好 好像有门响 Probably it's... a door closing?

你也听见了 You heard that, right?

你看见什么了 What did you see?

有人上楼了 Someone got upstairs.

我刚才在书房 I was in the study,

可出来的时候 but when I came out,

大厅的灯给人关了 the lights in the hall were put off.

还有个人影上楼 and someone went upstairs.

可我追上来 But when I got here,

人就不见了 it disappeared!

那他进了哪个房间了 Then which room did he go into?

我不确定 I'm not sure.

是卓然吗 Would it be Zhuo Ran?

我怎么觉得 Why do I think

卓然也许已经不是活人了 Zhuo Ran might actually be dead?

你是嫌我不够害怕 是吧 You don't think I'm scared enough, do you?

睡吧 Just sleep.

下雨了 It's raining.

快起来 Wake up!

卓然在院子里 Zhuo Ran is in the yard!

你没事吧 Are you OK?

卓然在哪儿呢 Where is Zhuo Ran?

刚才还在这儿的 He was right here.

现在连个鬼影都没有 But now we can't even see anybody.

回去吧 回去吧 Come on, come back with me.

他应该是躲起来了 He must be hiding somewhere.

那他会冻死的 Then he will freeze to death.

回去了 Just go.

您下来做什么 Why do you come downstairs?

我睡不着觉 I can't sleep.

听见有动静 就下来看看 I heard something, so I went out.

怎么了 What's going on?

刚才飞云发现外边有人 Yunfei saw someone out there.

是卓然吗 Is it Zhuo Ran?

不知道 We don't know.

但我们下来看 But when we came here,

什么都没发现 we found nothing.

喂喂喂 你看这是什么 Hey hey hey, look! What's this?

哪来的水 Where does it come from?

这里有人进去了 Someone came in from here!

这水迹也不清楚 But we can't see the clear track.

不知道人跑哪儿去了 We don't know which way he went.

老段 Lao Duan,

你是从二楼下来的 Were you just come from the second floor?

是 Yes.

那人还在一楼 Then he is still on the first floor!

我说你们又怎么了 Now what, what's going on?

怎么你们都不睡了 Why can't you just sleep?

等等 Wait!

小贾 Xiao Jia?

怎么是你 It's you?

你在干什么 What are you doing here?

我在洗澡 I'm taking a shower.

不是 你深更半夜你洗什么澡 Taking a shower early in the morning?

外边雷声太大了 It's too noisy thunder outside,

睡不着 I can't sleep.

你是不是刚从外边回来 Did you just come back from outside?

没有 No,

我一直在这儿洗澡 I've been taking shower all along.

从你们到了别墅 And I didn't go out

我就没出去过 since you got here.

快回去睡觉吧 Let's go back to sleep.

那地上的水是怎么回事 But what is that track about?

我都快疯了 It is driving me crazy!

刚才站在院子里的 It was Xiao Jia

就是小贾 who standing there in the yard.

什么 What?

你说小贾为什么洗澡 Why do you think he took the shower?

那是因为他在院子里淋湿了 because he was drenched in the yard,

所以他必须去洗澡 so he had to.

你刚才还说是卓然 You've just said it was Zhuo Ran.

他脱了工作服以后 Because he took off his work wear,

和卓然穿的都是深色衣服 and both Zhuo Ran and him were in dark.

那小贾为什么说谎 Then why did he lie to us?

这我不知道 I can't figure this out.

不过我现在要去一个地方 But I think I need to go somewhere.

去哪儿 Where are you going?

等天亮再说吧 Just wait for tomorrow morning.

不 现在就去 No, we are going now.

雨衣 Give me the raincoat.

我们 We?

对 我们 Yes.

我告诉你我哪儿都不去 I'm telling you, I'm not going anywhere.

去哪儿啊 Where are you going?

好像在下边 Maybe down here.

进来的时候下边有个仓库 I saw a warehouse here when we came.

去那干吗呀 咱回去吧Why do we go to a warehouse?

果然有 Sure it is.

你到底要干什么 What do you want on earth?

如果卓然遇害了 If Zhuo Ran was killed,

这会是个藏尸的好地方 this must be a perfect spot to hide the body.

还要不要我陪你了 Are you trying to scare me or what?

快看 门可以打开 Look, we can open the door.


你看这都是些乱七八糟的 See, it's all in a mess here.

咱们回去吧 Let's get out of here.

你看这儿 还有这个 Look around here.

你疯了 Are you out of your mind?

卓然的尸体也许就在这里 Zhuo Ran's body may be here.

你非要跟这儿刨出一死人来 Are you gonna dig out a body or what?

我不管你了 I won't play this game, I quit.

我要回去了 I'm leaving.

你听 Hey, listen!

你听见什么声音了 Did you hear something?

是雷声吧 Thunder?  Maybe?

不是 绝对不是 No, it's not thunder.

蒋师傅 Mr. Jiang.

神经病啊 Are you nuts?

半夜三更跑这儿来想吓死人 It's midnight! It's quite scary!

我看有人出来 I saw someone going out,

我就跟着过来 so I followed.

谁知道是你们哪 Who knows it's you.

这门后边是什么What's behind this door?

这门从来没开过 No one ever opened that door.

您都没钥匙 Don't you have a key?

没有 No.


天亮之前 我绝对不出这个屋了 I am not getting out of this room before dawn.

如果卓然已经死了 如果又没有什么外人进来 If Zhuo Ran was dead already, or if no outsiders entered …

我要回家 I wanna go home.

急赤白脸要来的是你 慌里慌张要走的也是你  You are the one in a hurry to come here, now you wanna get the hell out of here.

我不管 I don’t care.

我要回家 I wanna go home!

我是想让你帮着想想 I wanna you think about it.

如果真没外人进的话 你觉得谁最可疑 If we assume no outsiders entered, who will be the most suspicious one?

张惠 当然是张惠 Zhang Hui! Absolutely Zhang Hui!

是张惠说卓然玩恶作剧 She is the one who said Zhuo Ran played a practical joke.

大家才没有报警 That’s the reason why we didn’t call the police.

那其他人呢 And others?

其他人 Others?

你为什么不怀疑张惠 Why not suspecting Zhang Hui?

刚才有个事没告诉你 Another thing I didn’t tell you.

咱们往回跑的时候 大厅里有人在看着咱们 When we were running back, someone was watching us in the hall.

是小贾 It’s Xiao Jia.

现在什么可能都有 Everything is possible right now.

我他妈受够了 I've had enough of this shit.

你要干什么你 What are you gonna do?

我找他去 Go and find him.

谁呀 谁呀 Who is it? Who is it?

小贾 小贾 Xiao Jia! Xiao Jia!

小贾 Xiao Jia!

小贾 你给我起来 起来 Xiao Jia! Get up! Get up!

起来 Get up!

过来 你给我过来 Come here. You come over here.

是不是你 Was it you?

是不是你 Was it you?

李晓峰 Li Xiaofeng!

你大半夜的你抽什么疯呢 What the hell are you doing in the middle of the fucking night?

段新宇让你磨牙磨的才回屋消停 Duan Xinyu just got some peace from your teeth grinding.

你找抽呢吧 You want be beaten?

你再说一遍 Don't you dare to say it again?

我就说了 怎么了 I said it. So what?

你大爷的 Fuck you.

干什么呀 What are you doing?

干什么呢 What are you doing?

这又怎么了呀 What the hell is going on?

小贾 Xiao Jia.

那既然大家都起来了 你就说说 你是不是看见什么了 Since everybody got up, just tell us, what did you see? 我 I…

我什么也没看见 I saw nothing.

说谎 Liar!

我们刚才从外边回来 是不是你站在窗户那看我们 Was it you standing by the window and watching us when we were running back?

飞云在窗户上看见 Feiyun saw you standing in the yard.

院子里站的人是不是你 Was it you standing in the yard?

你们刚才又出去了 You guys went out again?

小贾 Xiao Jia.

院子里的到底是不是你 Was it you in the yard, or not?

是 是我 It was...It was me.

你去干什么 What were you doing there?

我看见外边有人就跟出去了 I saw somebody, so I followed outside.

有人 Somebody?

什么人 Who?

是进来还是出去 Came in or went out?

是进来 Came in.

是卓然吗 Was it Zhuo Ran?

不是 No.

不是 It was not.

你看清楚了没有 You've got a clear sight?

没有 Not very clearly.

没看清你怎么知道不是 How do you know it’s not, when you didn’t see it clearly?

新来的那位客人个子很高 The new guest was very tall.

我记得很清楚 I remembered it clearly.

我是刚才看见的不是他 It wasn’t him I just saw.

这太恐怖了 别墅有外人进来了 It’s too horrible, somebody entered the villa.

怎么了 What's going on?

你们在干什么 What are you guys doing?

我听见你们都下楼来了 I heard you people coming down stairs.

别墅有外人进来了 Some outsider is in the villa.

什么 What?

我们刚才听到 卓然的手机在楼道里响 We just heard Zhuo Ran’s mobile phone was ringing in the hallway.

小贾也看到有外人进来 Xiao Jia just admitted he had seen some outsider coming in.

飞云看见那个人上了二楼 Feiyun also saw the person running to the second floor.

那卓然呢 What about Zhuo Ran?

卓然是不是已经被害了 Has he been murdered?

报警吧 Call the police.

报警 立刻报警 Call the police. Now!

太恐怖了 It's too horrible.

太恐怖了 Too horrible.

复读机呀你 Do not say it again and again.

都已经报警了 Ok, police were contacted.

就等警察来吧 Let’s just wait for the police to come here.

张惠怎么样了 How is Zhang Hui?

吃了点安眠药 已经睡了 She took some sleeping pill and has slept.

喂 Yes.

哎 ok…

好的 All right…

是警察 It was the police.

进山的路有一段被水淹了 Part of the road into mountain is flooded with water.

他们尽快想办法 They are trying to figure it out.

让大家暂时留在别墅 Everyone needs to stay in the villa temporarily.

暂时是多长时间 How long is temporary?

不好说 Hard to say.

进山的路口有一段是凹路 There's a hollow part on the road into mountain.

正在安装排水管道 They are still installing the drainage pipe.

上个月就淹过一次It was flooded once last month.

那上次用了多久 How long did last time take?

大约四个小时 About four hours.

不过那次雨已经停了 But the rain had stopped by then.

那照这么说的话 So that means...

我们在这别墅里 至少还得再呆四个小时 We have to stay in the villa for at least four hours.

不止 More than that.

警察来了谁都不让走 The police are not gonna let us leave once they get here.

估计 明天晚上都走不了 Maybe we can’t even leave until tomorrow night.

凭什么不让我们走 Why the hell not?

我们又没杀人 We didn’t kill anyone.

我可不管 I don’t care.

警察来了 我说完了我有走 Once the police come here, I will say what I have to say and then go.

咱们的确谁也走不了 It’s true that no one can leave.

至少二十四小时 Not for at least 24 hours.

这是法律规定的 It’s the law.

警察肯定要了解情况 The police want to know what happened

了解情况去找张惠 They need to talk to Zhang Hui about something.

卓然出什么事我们又不知道 How could we know what happened to Zhuo Ran?

说的有道理 It makes sense.

我们是应该好好问问张惠 We actually should ask Zhang Hui more thoroughly.

这样就算警察来了 咱们也可以节省点时间 We will save time when the police come here.

就是 咱们现在就去找 Right, let’s go find her now.

别再刺激张惠了 Do not upset Zhang Hui.

刺激 Upset?

怎么能叫刺激呢 How can it be called upset?

我们只是想了解一下情况 We are just trying to learn about the facts.

张惠已经经历过一次生离死别了 Zhang Hui has already gone through a life and death situation once before.


怎么是你 Why are you here?

为什么不是我 Why not me?

是你写的纸条 Is it you who wrote that note?

你趁我睡觉写纸条 You wrote it while I was sleeping?

你胡说什么呢 Nonsense.

我是担心你 哥们 I am worrying about you, dude!

怎么这么大煤气味 How could it be such a strong smell of gas?

煤气味 Gas?

我没闻见 I don't smell.

有人开了煤气 你闻不到 Someone had turned on the gas. Can’t you smell?

我一直坐在这等的 I have been sitting here to wait all along.

我没闻见 I didn't smell.

约你的人呢 Where is the person who had dated you?

还没见到 I haven't seen him.

怎么这么大的煤气味 How does such a strong smell of gas come?

怎么是你 Why are you here?

我刚醒 头有点疼 I woke up, felt headache

想喝点水 and wanna drink water.

你们怎么不开窗呢… Why wouldn’t you open the window?

什么声音 What sound?

趴下 Lay down!

怎么了 What’s wrong? What happened?

晓峰 Xiaofeng

慢点 Slow down.

怎么了 What’s up?

张惠 Zhang Hui

张惠 Zhang Hui

张惠 你怎么样 Zhang Hui, are you OK?

怎么了这是 What's happening?

扶她起来 当心 Help her to stand, take care!

你的腿怎么了 What's going on with your leg?

有人破坏了煤气 Someone damaged the gas equipment

定点启动了微波炉 and set the start time of microwave oven.

不是 到底怎么回事 No, what is the hell going on?

有人给我写了纸条 约了我 Someone wrote me a note and asked me 

让我四点到厨房 to arrive at kitchen at 4 o’clock.

这爆炸是针对你 This explosion is against you?

我想是吧 I think so.

你做什么了 What have you done?

林泉 Lin Quan

你这手是怎么了 What’s wrong with your hand?

蚊子 蚊子咬的 It is bitten by mosquitoes.

还他妈什么蚊子咬的 What’s the fucking mosquitoes?

说 到底是你们几个谁干的 Tell me! Who did it?

除了我们三个 Except for us three,

其他人都有嫌疑 all of you are suspects.

你们 you!

你们 you!

谁都别想跑 None of you wants to escape.

我澄清一下 I must clarify

可不是我 It's not me.

我是听到爆炸声我才下来的 I did not come down until I heard the loud explosion.

不信问老段 If you don't believe, ask Lao Duan.

是吧 老段 Lao Duan, Right?

你刚才你还嫌我磨牙呢 Just now you hated that I grinded my teeth.

也不是我 Also, not me.

我在睡觉 I was sleeping.

我跟林泉 Lin Quan and I

也是听见爆炸声才下来的 did not came down until we heard the explosion.

小贾呢 How about Xiao Jia?

蒋师傅 小贾在哪儿 Mr. Jiang, where is Xiao Jia?

人呢 凉的 Cold.

我说他 不会真出什么事吧 He had trouble?

赶紧找 走 Search, quickly! Go!

没有 No.

二楼没有 Not on the second floor.

小贾不是想害人又跑了吧 Xiao Jia wanna kill us and then fled away?

院子里没有 Not in the yard.

没有 No.

小贾不会是出事了吧 Something happened to Xiao Jia?

他会出什么事 What sort of problem can he have?

不会是小贾看到什么 Isn’t that because Xiao Jia had seen something

被人灭口了吧 and he was murdered?

难道真的进来杀人狂了 Did a maniac murderer really come in?

如果真有外人 If it is an outsider,

那纸条怎么解释 how to explain the note that given to me?

密道 A secret channel!

一定有密道 There must be the secret channel

而且就在咱们的房间 and it must be in our room.

飞云 他们从密道进来 Feiyun, they came in through it

给了你纸条 and gave you the note

目的是引我们出去 for drawing us out of the room

还有院子里的储藏室 and also the storehouse in the yard.

咱们应该回去看看 We should go there and check.

什么储藏室 Storehouse?

我和李晓峰之前去过那儿 Li Xiaofeng and I have been there before

里面有扇铁门 and inside is an iron door.

我们没有打开 We didn’t open it!

我们还是等警察吧 We’d better wait for the policemen.

山路断了 警察上不来 The mountain road was cut, so policemen cannot come up.

可现在人没有了 But, now the person did vanished.

蒋师傅 Mr. Jiang,

你和林梅和张惠守在一楼 you, Zhang Hui and Lin Mei stayed on the first floor

彼此有个照应 to look after each other.

我可不去 I won’t go.

要去你们去 You go if you’d like to!

我说的我们房间的密道 What about the secret channel in our room that I have mentioned?

你们都不相信是吧 No one believe, right?

那我们就留个人守着 Then we can have someone stay and guard.

白先生 你就留这儿, Mr. Bai , you stay here.

凭什么我守着 Why is it me?

李晓峰说的让李晓峰守着 Li Xiaofeng has said it, so let him stay here.

行 我守着 OK, I’ll do that.

你到地下室砸门去 You go to basement to batter the door!

就这儿 Right here!

你要干什么呀 What are you doing?

你大爷李晓峰 Fuck you, Li Xiaofeng.

不是真有什么密道吧 Isn’t there really a secret channel?

你们 you

你们去砸铁门 You go to batter the iron door and

把我一个人扔这儿 leave me alone here.

柳先生 Mr. Liu

柳先生 Mr. Liu

柳先生 不要砸了 Mr. Liu, don't batter.

你跑哪儿去了 Where have you gone?

我在外边看了一下结构 I have observed the outer structure.

这里面很可能是一根下水管道 Probably inside is a sewer pipe inside,

空间不会很大 It is not wide space.

根本藏不住人的 It cannot hide person at all.

手电 Torch.

开了 Done.

你看 我说过吧 Look! I have told you.

谁 Who?

是我 It's me.

蒋师傅 Mr. Jiang

你能不能换一套 Would you change in another way?

怎么又来这一套 Such an old way again?

上面 Above.

上面出事儿了 Something went wrong above.

别墅怎么没电了 Why is the villa dark?

突然没电了 The lights went out suddenly.

我和张惠 林梅听见叫声不对 Zhang Hui, Lin Mei and I found strange yelling

就跑来叫你们 so I come here to call you.

叫声 Yelling?

是白秀清吗 Is that Bai Xiuqing

不知道 We don't know.

那叫声不像人发出来的 It is not like human's yelling.

那林梅呢 Where is Lin Mei?

在大厅呢 In the hall.

张惠 Zhang Hui

林梅 Lin Mei

张惠 Zhang Hui

林梅 Lin Mei

林梅 Lin Mei

林梅 Lin Mei

林梅 Lin Mei

我们在这里 We are here.

没事儿吧 Are you OK?

卓 卓 卓然 Zhuo… Ran?

卓然 Zhuo Ran?

衣柜 卓 卓然 Wardrobe, Zhuo… Ran


在哪儿 Where is it?

那是卓然的面具 That’s Zhuo Ran’s mask.

小贾 Xiao Jia.

小贾怎么会戴着卓然的面具 Why did he wear Zhuo Ran’s mask?

会不会是卓然害了他 Is it Zhuo Ran who killed him?

也许卓然根本不在了 Maybe Zhuo Ran’s also gone.

否则除非他疯了 Unless he’s nuts

不然不是告诉大家 otherwise it’d be like telling everybody

这人是他杀的吗 he’s the killer.

下一个会是谁 Who’ll be next?

我在这一分钟也待不了了 I can’t be here for one more minute.

我现在就上楼拿东西 I’m gonna go upstairs packing.

你去哪儿去 Where are you going?

你走警察肯定怀疑你 If you leave, you will be suspected

肯定抓你 and the police will go after you.

抓就抓吧 So let them

在哪儿抓 At least it’s better

都比待在这儿强 than being stuck in here.

李晓峰你别管 Xiao Feng, let him go.

你看他敢上楼吗 See if he’s got the guts to go upstairs.

我他妈不拿了 Damn it. I'm not packing anything.

我徒步 I will walk.

你不能走 You can't leave.

卓然没找到之前 No one will leave

谁都不能走 before we find Zhuo Ran.

卓然跟我有什么关系 What do I have to do with him?

卓然也许已经下山了呢 He could have been down the hill

说不定他现在正在哪儿逍遥呢 Maybe he's having a pretty good time somewhere

下山 down the hill.

你怎么会知道 How do you know?

这还用说吗 Don’t you see it?

他一定是待烦了 待无聊了 He must have felt bored and tired of staying here.

他随便给谁打一个电话He could call anybody

一定会有人上来接他的 to come up and pick him up down the hill.

他根本就不可能离开 He couldn’t have left.

你不是一直都在大厅里待着吗 Didn’t you stay in the hall all the time?

这有什么不可能的 Why is it impossible?

我当时在一楼的沙发上 Maybe I dozed off then

也许我真的睡着了呢 downstairs on the couch?

你不说你没睡吗 You said you didn’t sleep.

他如果要离开他会告诉我的 He would’ve told me if he was leaving.

告诉你 Tell you?

算了吧 Come on.

谁不知道你们现在的夫妻关系 Everyone knows you don't get along with each other.

卓然现在根本不在乎 Zhuo Ran doesn’t care about you at all.

你管得了他吗 What can you do about him?

你知道他现在天天在外边干什么 Do you have any clue what he’s been doing out there?

我告诉你 I tell you that

我现在没时间在这跟你发神经 I don’t have the time to talk crazy with you.

白秀清 不管你说什么 Bai Xiuqing, no matter what you say,

你都别想走 you shouldn’t leave.

卓然如果出了事 If anything happens to Zhuo Ran

你的嫌疑最大 you will the prior suspect.

因为我还不知道你 I know you

你最恨卓然 you hate Zhuo Ran most.

是 我是管不了他 You are right, I can do nothing about him

可我们是夫妻 but we are a couple

我知道他不喜欢你 I know he doesn’t like you.

无论你多拼命 No matter how hard you try,

他就是不喜欢你 he just doesn't like you.

因为你太事故 You are so worldly,

所以他辞了你 so he fired you

我没空听你说这些 I don’t have time for this

干什么你 What are you doing?

白秀清 你不能否认 Bai Xiuqing, you can't deny

你离开卓然 without him

你根本就没有办法立足 you can’t even survive.

你没有了钱 离了婚 If you divorce, you will not have money and

老婆分了你一半家产 your wife will take half of your money

就更没钱了 then you’ll get poorer.

所以就更恨卓然了吧 So you hate him more.

是你干的吧 You did it, right?

白秀清 你到底把卓然怎么了 Bai Xiuqing, what the hell did you do to him?

怎么 你们认识 What? You guys know each other?

那到底怎么回事 What’s going on?

你 You.

你要搞清楚 You gotta know

现在是别墅里来了外人 we got someone from outside the villa

要不小 小贾怎么解释 otherwise how do you explain what happened to Xiao Jia.

警察没有来之前 Before the police come,

我们谁也走不了 none of us can leave.

太不安全了 It's so unsafe.

白秀清 如果真是外人干的 Bai Xiuqing, if it’s somebody from the outside who did it,

你现在出去就不怕被人跟上 will you be afraid that you will be followed by someone?

到时谁都找不着你 No one can find you then.

蒋师傅 Mr. Jiang.

这地儿怎么一下子就停电了呢 Why do we have no power all of a sudden?

我和李晓峰已经看过了 I already checked with Li Xiaofeng

配电箱被人砸了 The distribution box was smashed

咱们现在必须小心 Now we have to watch out.

别动别动 Don't move.

别乱动 Don't move.

打火机 Lighter.

我落房间了 I left it in the room.

蒋师傅 火柴 Mr. Jiang, give me the match.

手电 Torch.

我有打火机 I have a lighter.

火 火 Light. Light.

谁 Who is it?

都别动 Stay in your position.

林梅 你看见什么了 Lin Mei, what did you see?

我觉得有人 I felt I was seeing someone.

你的手怎么了 What’s wrong with your hand?

是玻璃割的 It must have been cut by the broken glass.

走 快上楼去 Go upstairs to

去找创可贴 find some band-aid.

火 火 Light. Light.

快找火 Get some light.

火柴找不着了 I can't find the match.

我真他妈要崩溃了我 I am fucking mad.

没有 No.

警察什么时候能来 When will the police come?

林梅 Lin Mei

你真的看见有人了 Did you really see someone?

我觉得有人 I think I did.

我们上楼看看 Let go see upstairs.

看什么 See what?

看小贾 See Xiao Jia.

看什么小贾呀 Why?

凶手杀小贾一定会留下线索 The killer must have left some clue when he murdered Xiao Jia.

蒋师傅 手电 Mr. Jiang Give me the torch.

我看这事还是交给警察办吧 We'd better leave it to the police.

警察不知道什么时候才能 God knows when the police will come.

咱们不能就这么等着再出事 We can't just wait until anything happens again

我我我 我可不去 I… I can't go.

我跟你去 I'll come with you.

我也去 Me too.

林泉 你不要上去了 Lin Quan, you stay here.

真不知道你们 I don't know what you guys

要干什么 are trying to do.

谁动了小贾的尸体 Who moved the body?

小贾尸体在衣柜里 It was in the closet.

谁把他弄出来的 Who moved it out?

不是我 Not me.

反正不是我 I'm sure it's not me.

我现在连想想二号房间 Right now even the thought of Room 2

我都害怕 makes me scared.

那刚才我和段新宇出去的时候 When Duan Xinyu and I went out

有谁上了二楼 who went the second floor?

我跟林梅 Lin Mei and me.

我刚才上去是给她 I went upstairs to get her

是给她拿纱布和创可贴 some gauze and band-aid.

我担心林泉一个人上去不安全 I was worried it was unsafe for Lin Quan to go alone.

我也上去过 I've been up there too.

我和白秀清一块上去的 I went with Bia Xiuqing.

我们是去拿打火机去了 We went for the lighter.

当时蒋师傅找不着火柴和手电 By then Mr. Jiang couldn't find the match and torch.

老白可以给我作证 Lao Bai can prove it for me.

我们只去过四号房间 We only went to Room 4.

我可不能作证 I can't.

你当时又下去了一下 You went down for a while.

我下来是拿烟灰缸 I went downstairs for the ashtray

找个东西防身 for protection.

那谁知道你去哪儿了 Who knows where you went.

你找死 Fuck you.

你找死 Fuck you.

你们又来了 Come on guys

我也不能证明 Then I can't prove

你去没去二号房间 if you went to Room 2, either.

我就是没去 Well I didn't.

行了行了 Enough. Ok?

那这么说你们四位都上过楼 So you four all went upstairs?

柳飞云 你可不能这么说 Liu Feiyun, you can’t say that.

当时黑灯瞎火的 it was all dark in here,

谁就能证明蒋师傅和张惠 who can prove Mr. Jiang and Zhang Hui

就没上去过 didn’t go upstairs too?

你 You!

白秀清说的也有道理 Bai Xiuqing got a point.

既然这样 Well then.

大家最好先别想着走了 No one should think of leaving now.

都呆在大厅里 Everyone stays in the hall

等警察来 till the police arrive.

大家好 Good morning, everyone.

我是刑警队的张思忆 I’m Zhang Siyi from the Vice Squad.

大家可以叫我张警官 You can call me Zhang Sir.

这位是我的助手 This is my assistant.

昨天晚上你们这儿发生了命案 Someone was murdered here last night

所以今天诸位的行程就被取消了 So you will have to cancel your schedules today.

我们已经通知旅行社了 We already informed the travel agency.

请大家协助我们的工作 I hope you can cooperate with us.

死者是被勒死的 The dead was strangled.

死亡时间应该在 It should have happened during

凌晨三点到四点之间 three to four in the morning.

嗯 是我 Yeah it's me.


都这么长时间了 It has been a long time.

他们怎么还不找咱们谈话 Why don’t they come to talk to us?

谁是张惠 Who is Zhang Hui?

我是 I am.

是卓然吗 Is it Zhuo Ran?

如果不是因为昨天的大雨 尸体不可能这么快被发现 The dead body won’t be discovered so soon unless the rain is so heavy yesterday.

正是因为下雨 这个泉眼才会涌出泉水 There’s some spring water only when it rains heavily.

附近上山打水的村民发现这尸体 The farmer who had fetched water found the dead body.

抛尸的位置应该是在那儿 It supposed to be thrown there.

因为这个峭壁 离别墅的距离最近 That cliff is the nearest place from the villa.

是 Yeah

是我求大家不要报警 It was me who asked everyone not to call the police.

我以为他在开玩笑 I thought he was just making fun of us.

你们俩为什么 不坐旅游团的车来别墅呢 Why didn't you come here by the travel agency's bus?

因为他还是买了面具 Because though I didn’t agree, he bought the mask.

我们吵了嘴 I quarreled with him.

他不回家你不介意吗 Do you mind that he didn't come back home?

我不介意男人回不回家 I don’t care whether my husband will come back home every day or not.

我父亲也经常不回家 My father always stays out,

可他跟我母亲感情也很稳固 but my mother and him love each other.

这次旅游是他安排的 He arranged everything about this trip

三天前才告诉我的 He didn’t tell me until three days before we set off.

是我先到露台 I was in the balcony first.

他过来哄我 He came to flatter me.

酒量 How about drink?

不是很好 Not too much.

可他显得很兴奋 But he seemed rather excited.

你以前认识卓然吗 Did you know Zhuo Ran before?

不认识 No.


林梅的手割破以后 When Lin Mei cut her finger,

你为什么一定要上楼 why did you insist on coming upstairs?

我当时只想着林梅 I was only concerned about Lin Mei.

我当时担心林泉 I was worried about Lin Quan.

你们上去以后都看见谁了 Whom did you see upstairs?

没看见任何人 Nobody.

我没看见过别人 Nobody.

没看见白秀清和李晓峰吗 Didn’t you see Bai Xiuqing and Li Xiaofeng?

没有 No.

我们当时着急下来 We were anxious to get downstairs.

我们下去的时候 When we came back,

他们已经回到大厅了 they were already in the hall.

院门开着 The door of the yard was open?

可我真的锁了 But I did lock it.

这些客人你以前见过吗 Did you see any of the guests before?

没有 No.

你最后一次见到小贾 是什么时候 When did you see Xiao Jia at the last time?

柳飞云 Liu Feiyun

我是为柳飞云来的 I came here for Liu Feiyun

要版权 for the copyright.

我看过他的东西 I have ever read his novel

我知道他一定能红 and knew he would make a hit.

可惜李晓峰在 But Li Xiaofeng was here!

别人 Others?

离开卓然 没有人愿意再给我版权了 Without Zhuo Ran, no one would like to give me his copyright anymore.

恨 I hate him.

我是为他卖命的 I worked myself to the bone for him.

可他居然还是把我给开了 Who would have thought he fired me.

卓然要签柳飞云 我是很意外 Yes, I did felt very surprised that Zhuo Ran would make a contract with Liu Feiyun

可我也没必要杀人哪 but I won’t kill him for this.

都不认识 当然包括卓然了 I did know nobody, of course include Zhuo Ran.

建筑设计师 Architect.

我一直在美国 I have been living in America

对 单纯旅游 Yeah, I came only for traveling.

要不是柳飞云提醒的话 我还真没有注意 I didn’t notice that unless Liu Feiyun remind me

这个别墅的建筑特点 the feature of the villa.

完美密室 是我说的 It was me who spoke of the perfect secret chamber.

我是写推理小说的 I’m a writer, I write whodunit.

所以难免往这上面想 It is natural for me to think in that way.

大门和窗户都是从里边反锁的 The front door and the window are locked inside,

没人能出去 and no one could come out.

这应该算密室吧 Isn’t it kind of a secret chamber?

钱吗 Money?

我才写第二本 I'm just writing the second book.

我一个朋友劝我转型的A friend suggested me to turn to whodunit.

中奖 The prize.

我中的双人豪华游 I won a prize of a luxurious tour for two.

我买微波炉中的奖 I bought a microwave.

为什么要带李晓峰 Why took Li Xiaofeng?

因为是他陪我去买的微波炉 Because he went to the shop with me to buy it.

对 Yeah.

都是李晓峰在联系卓然 It is Li Xiaofeng who makes contact with Zhuo Ran.

原本已经三年了 It had been 3 years.

我们都不抱希望了 We didn’t expect anything.

也许想签我吧 Maybe he wanted to sign the contract with me.

但是我们没来得及谈 But we didn’t get the chance to talk.

张警官 您是怀疑李晓峰 怕卓然签了我之后自己会失业 所以就杀了卓然

Zhang Sir, you think that Li Xiaofeng murdered Zhuo Ran, because if Zhuo Ran signed the contract with me, he would be fired?

离开过 Yes.

十五分钟 拿烟去了 15 minutes. … I came back to take my cigarettes.

没人能证明 No one can prove it.

你的意思是怀疑我You suspect me that

在这十五分钟内 跑到卓然的房间 把卓然给勒死了 I entered Zhuo Ran’s room and strangled him in fifteen minutes?

张警官 我是猜的我是猜的 Zhang Sir, I guess it.

我们到处都找了 We searched everywhere

就没有发现尸体 and can't find his body.

哪哪哪 哪都没有血 No blood anywhere.

那肯定是勒死的 He must be strangled

要不然就是掐死的 or someone took his throat.

我我我 我是个好人 I, ... I'm a good person.

我绝对不是凶手 No chance could I be a murderer.

警 警察同志 Sir.

我是来旅游的 I came for traveling

不是来坐牢的 not for jail

我们到底什么时候能走 When shall we leave?

山路还没有通呢 The mountain road is still blocked.

没通你们怎么上来的 Then how could you come here?

我们是冒险上来的 We came here in danger.

能带着你们一起冒险吗 Can we bring you to take a risk?

那我们可以玩牌吗 Can we play cards?

你还好吗 Are you OK?

张惠 对不起 I’m sorry Zhang Hui.

你没有什么需要道歉的 You’ve got nothing to apologize.

我和Mike曾经是朋友 Mike and I were friends,

尽管交往时间并不长 though we hadn’t known each other for a long time.

柳飞云 Liu Feiyun

你到底想要说什么 What the hell do you wanna say?

我曾经用Mike的事 瞎编过一本小说 I made out a story based on Mike

也提到了卓然 and Zhuoran too.

我想跟你道个歉 I wanna apologize

我没想到卓然会出事 I didn’t expect Zhuo Rran would get involved.

如果你是说小说的事 你就更不用道歉 You don't even have to apologize for the novel

因为我从来都不看什么小说 Because I never read them.

柳飞云 Liu Feiyun

请你来一下 Please come with me.

小贾看到的是我 Xiao Jia saw me?

昨天晚上张惠昏过去以后 After Zhang Hui fainted yesterday night,

蒋师傅后来找过小贾 Mr. Jiang came to find Xiao Jia later.

小贾告诉他 他说看见的是你半夜溜出了大门 He said he saw you got out of the front door at midnight.

这不可能 That’s impossible

柳飞云 Liu Feiyun

是你吗 Is that you?

是你杀害卓然的吗 Did you kill Zhuo Ran?

是你自己做的 还是和别人协同做的 Did you do it by yourself or with other people?

您认为我有动机吗 Do you think I have the motive?

柳飞云 Liu Feiyun

你一直没有红过 You've never been a popular star,

也没挣着什么钱 nor made much money.

这对于一个三十多岁 有追求的男人来说 It must be so hurt for a 30-year-old man who has a big dream.

已经很痛苦了 你一直渴望一举成名 You always wanna become famous overnight.

所以你能以真实事件为原型 去写一部子虚乌有的推理小说 That’s why you write a ridiculous story based on a true event. 

很多文学作品 都是以真实事件为原型 A lot of literatures based on true events.

但是那不能代表 作者都是急功近利 But it doesn’t mean the writer is anxious to achieve his success.

可是推理小说不同 But the whodunit is different.

推理小说是以人的死亡为线索 The clue is someone’s death.

你的那些文字 What you wrote
对于当事人的亲人来说 to the victim’s family
 永远像刀一样 is like a sharp knife forever. 他们的痛苦 Their pain 都被你仔仔细细的写在书里 is written in details in your book. 说你想一举成名也好 You wanna be famous,

急功近利也罢 or anxious to get your success.

不冤枉你吧 Am I right?

我只想纪念我那位朋友 I just try to remember my friend.

因为是他建议我写的推理小说 It’s him who suggested me write some whodunit.

有这么一种假设 你看成立不成立 How do you think about this ‘what if’?

卓然的死会使你的新书大卖 If Zhuo Ran dies, your book will become the best seller

你会一举成名 and you can make a hit.

因为这一次 卓然的死不再是虚构的谋杀 Because it is not a fictive murder anymore this time.

张警官 您能给我点时间吗 Zhang Sir, could you give me some time?

我需要好好想想 I need to think carefully.

你在干什么 What are you doing?

有个老员工对她也有印象 An old employee still remembered her.

名字我是记不住了 I don't recall her name.

她当时也是新来的 She was new at that time.

到她自杀的时候还不过半年 It was no more than 6 months until she committed suicide.

王姐 Ms. Wang

王姐 Ms. Wang

李晓峰 Li Xiaofeng

这是我的A This is my A.

你怎么偷我A How dare you steal it?

你疯了 那是上把好不好Are you crazy?  It's last turn, Okay?

你是不是老年痴呆 Are you stupid

记忆力衰退 or lost your memory?

你把卓然杀了你都不记得了吧 You can't remember that you killed Zhuo Ran

李晓峰 你别血口喷人 Li Xiaofeng, don't frame me

白秀清 跟我们来一下 Bai Xiuqing, come with us.

干 干什么呀 What for?

请你出来一下 Please come out

我没干什么呀 I didn't do anything

我就打会儿牌 我 I...I just play cards.


卓然的尸检报告已经出来了 The autopsy report on Zhuo Ran suggests that

他的死亡时间 the T.O.D was

是昨天晚上的九点到十二点之间 between nine and twelve last night

那时你们大家都没休息呢 During that time, nobody was in bed

凶手就在你们中间 which means the murderer is one of you

此刻就坐在这张餐桌前 here at the table.

我们几乎都在一起 We were almost together all the time.

这就要归功于段新宇了 Thanks to Duan Xinyu

地点是他精心选择的 he elaborately chose the location.

身为建筑设计师 As an architect,

他知道这栋别墅是最佳选择 he knew this villa was the best choice.

真不错 Nice.

如果一切顺利 If everything goes right,

所有的人都可以完美逃脱 everybody can make a clean getaway.

完美逃脱 A clean getaway.

张警官 Zhang Sir,

所有的人都在这儿 we are all here,

没有人想逃走 no one is going to escape.

不是逃走 I am not saying escape

而是利用空间 but saying you make use of space

来证明自己没有作案的时间 to prove the lack of time for the crime.

当一切准备妥当 When everything was ready,

你们决定开始这次惩罚之旅 you decided to take action by starting this trip of revenge.

你们分头来到了山上 You came to the mountain separately,

而在你们到来之前 but before your arrival,

张惠已经做好了准备 Zhang Hui had been ready.

算了张惠 我没兴趣 Come on, Zhang Hui, I'm not in a mood.

不用扶 我没醉 Leave me alone. I'm fine.

柳飞云 Liu Feiyun

一会儿咱们俩好好聊来 We need to talk later.

你别管了 待会儿我弄吧 Leave it alone, I' ll take care of it

吃吃吃 你又不怕胖了你 Look at you, I thought you wanna keep fit

我又不是故意的 It's unintentional.

不是不小心嘛 It just slipped off.

蒋师傅 Mr. Jiang

您先去忙吧 Let me do it.

你一个人行吗 Are you OK by yourself?

咱们还是赶快把包放回房间吧 We'd better put our bags to the room now.

哦 Ok

之后 After that,

林泉将卓然的尸体 Lin Quan moved Zhuo Ran's body

拖进了四号房间 into room 4

因为按照计划 because according to plan,

段新宇该回来了 Duan Xinyu should be back then.

白先生 我要回屋了 Mr.Bai, I'm going back to my room

这么着 By doing this

就是要造成四号房间一直有人 you created a misleading delusion that

卓然不可能在四号房间的假象 it was impossible for Zhuo Ran to be in Room 4 because there was always somebody else.

蒋师傅 来打啤酒 Mr, Jiang, get some beer.

事实上 As a matter of fact,

后来你们也确实忽略了四号房间 you did ignore Room 4 later at that time.

四号房间不用找了 We can skip Room 4

我和卓然说话的时候 When I was speaking to Zhuo Ran,

段先生和白秀清已经回屋了 Mr.Duan and Bai Xiuqing had been back to room already.

可我们 But we

隔着门还和卓然说过话 even talked with him through the door.

张惠 Zhang Hui

那应该是录音吧 It was a record, isn't it?

我想和你谈一谈 I want to talk to you

我们在你的行李里 We found the recording pen

发现了录音笔 in your luggage.

可奇怪的是 But I was wondering

里面没有任何文件 why no file was in it?

我想和你谈谈 I want to talk to you.

我太困了 I'm too tired

等明天再说吧 How about tomorrow?

你想解释一下吗 Could you explain?

可她怎么放的录音 But how did she play the record?

她当时人在大厅里 She was in the hall.

真是谢谢你了 Thank you so much.

实在不好意思 I'm so sorry.

这么早就休息了 You go to bed this early?

我还想下去找你们打牌呢 Hey I'm coming down to play cards with you guys.

不是要休息了 We are not going to bed.

一号房的朋友找我们 Our friend in room 1 wanted to talk with us.

谁呀 Who is that?

是我 柳飞云 It's me. Liu Feiyun

我太困了 等明天再说吧 I'm too tired. What about tomorrow?

之后张惠原路返回 After that, Zhang Hui retraced her steps.

在我们回到大厅的时候 By the time we got back to the hall,

她已经回来了 she had been already there.

怎么这么快就下来了 Did you talk to him?


窗户都是从里面锁的 But the windows were locked from the inside.

张惠在上楼之前 They were already open

已经打开门 before Zhang Hui got upstairs

所以当我们发现卓然失踪 So when we found Zhuo Ran missing

张惠第一个 Zhang Hui was the first

抢先进了卫生间 to rush into the restroom.

这就是密室之谜 This is the mystery of the secret chamber.

现在的女人太可怕了 Damn! A horrible woman!

还有林梅 And Lin Mei,

你居然在走廊里装尖叫 you pretended to scream on the porch

她不是装的 She did not pretend.

她真是看到了卓然 She did see Zhuo Ran.

林泉夫妇和张惠毕竟不是杀手 After all Lin Quan and his wife are not murderers, nor is Zhang Hui

卓然当时并没有死 Zhuo Ran didn’t die at that time

他恢复知觉以后 He crawled out of Room 4

爬出了四号房间 after he came back to himself.

尸检证明 Autopsy shows that

卓然的脖子上有两道勒痕 there are two reining traces in Zhuo Ran’s neck.

第二次是你干的吧 段新宇 He was killed by you at last, right, Duan Xinyu?

那我们听到楼道里 Then how can you explain the ringing of Zhuo Ran's phone

有卓然的手机响 in the porch?

那是他们在移尸 They were removing the body.

卓然的手机是他们的疏忽 It was their carelessness to have neglected the phone

铃声使他们被迫又返回了房间 that drove them back to their room.

后来我们去了书房 Then we went to the study.

在睡梦中听见的嘎嘎声 The quack noise Liu Feiyun heard when he was sleeping

其实就是他们打开院门 was the sound that they opened the gate of the courtyard.

黑暗中与我对峙的人 The guy who ran into me by accident in dark

应该就是林泉 must be Lin Quan,

因为昨晚下雨 because it was raining last night.

柳先生 Mr. Liu

而昨晚只有林泉再次出现 And Lin Quan was the only one who showed up again

换了衣服 with pajamas changed

那他们应该还有一个同伙 So there must be another guy.

就是白秀清 It must be Bai Xiuqing

要不然他们搬尸体他能不知道 Otherwise, he would have seen them removing the body.

你大爷 李晓峰 Fuck you.  Li Xiaofeng!

这是个问题 That is the point



这是我的A This is my A

你怎么偷我A How dare you steal it from me

你是不是老年痴呆 Are you stupid

记忆力衰退 or lost your memory?

所以当我们发现 So when we found that

白秀清记不住事情的时候 Bai Xiuqing's got an impaired memory,

就带他去做了体检 we checked him up

发现他服用了 and found out that he was poisoned with

麻痹神经的安眠药 nerve-stimulating sleeping pills

你大爷 段新宇 Fuck you! Duan Xinyu!

是不是你干的 You did it!

可是小贾的尸体 But Xiao Jia’s body was found in Room 2.

是在二号房间发现的 That was

那是因为你们心虚吧 Because you were too nervous and guilty and

因为其他房间 you left Xiao Jia’s body

分别住着自己的人 in your own room.

那他们为什么杀小贾 Why did they kill Xiao Jia?

因为小贾看到的 Because Xiao Jia saw

是林泉 Lin Quan

林泉 Lin Quan

你手上的红肿 The red swelling on your hand

不是蚊子咬的 wasn't because of mosquito.

是你勒死小贾的时候 It was scratched by Xiao Jia

被小贾抓的吧 when he was reined by you, right?

可是小贾跟我说 But Xiao Jia told me that

他看见的是柳飞云哪 the guy he saw was Liu Feiyun.

小贾看到的人戴着面具 Because Lin Quan was wearing a mask

而林泉和柳飞云的身材差不多 and he’s got similar figure with Liu Yunfei.

相比较林泉要比柳飞云和蔼些 What’s more, he seemed to be more easygoing than Liu Feiyun.

所以他误以为看到的是柳飞云 Xiao Jia mistook Lin Quan for Liu Feiyun.

你们竟然把屎盆子 Ridiculous!

扣到我的脑袋上 You are framing me up!

应该不是冤枉你吧 林泉 Are we? Lin Quan?

我从二楼下来 When I came downstairs,

我听见你和段新宇正在争吵 I heard that you were quarreling with Duan Xinyu about Xiao Jia。

你到底把小贾怎么样了 What did you do to Xiao Jia?

你们提到了小贾 You mentioned about Xiao Jia,

我能怎么办 what am I supposed to do?

我还有林梅呢 I need to take care of Lin Mei.

还有在此之前 And before this

你的手怎么了 What's wrong with your hand?

段新宇发现了你手上的抓痕 Duan Xinyu noticed the scratch in your hand.

所以接下来 So, next,

段新宇为你们制造可能 Duan Xinyu tried every possible effort

让你们有机会 to do the cover for you

去销毁留在小贾指甲里的证据 so that you got a chance to dispose the evidence left in Xiao Jia’s nails.

柳先生 不要再砸了 Save it, Liu Feiyun

你跑哪儿去了 Where were you going?

谁 Who's there?

你看见什么了 What did you see?

那边有人 Somebody over there.

你趁乱返回了二楼 And you guys got the moment to go back upstairs.

可惜时间不够了 What a pity! The moment was so short

林泉 Lin Quan

所以小贾被扔在了地上 So Xia Jia was left on the floor.



至于面具 As for the mask,

那应该也是林泉准备的吧 it must be prepared by Lin Quan,

目的是怕抛尸的时候出现意外 just in case that

被人认出来 somebody recognized him by accident.

会戴在小贾的脸上 To put it on Xiao Jia

是想栽赃出来吧 was just your trick to make Zhuo Ran a scapegoat, isn’t it?

这一切都是你们臆想的 It’s just your conjectures!

那好 Well then,

在此之前 Before this,

我们还是先来认识一下卓然吧 Let’s learn something about Zhuo Ran,

这个原本今天 who is supposed to be here

也应该坐在这儿的老朋友 as an old friend.

柳飞云 拜托你来说吧 Would you please tell them, Liu Feiyun?

干吗让柳飞云说 Why him?

因为柳飞云 Because maybe

可能更了解过去的卓然 he knows better about the past of Zhuo Ran

那我就从四年前开始说 Then, I’ll start from four years ago

我觉得这个不错 I think it's pretty nice.

行 Agreed.

今年挺流行这个的 It's so popular in this year.

四年前的卓然并不富裕 Zhuo Ran was not rich four years ago.

买一个 Buy this one?

刚开了一家小公司 after his company newly set up

二位要一样的 The same for both of you?

对 Yeah

那时候的他 It’s been years

大学刚毕业几年 since he graduated from college

周围的朋友都发起来了 and all his friends had already made their own ways.

所以他着急了 Though he seemed to be so daring, energetic

辞了职 and well-dressed

表面上的他意气风发 he got upset

衣着光鲜 and quit his job at last.

可只有他自己知道 No one but he knew that

他已经坚持不了多久了 he could not hold on any longer

他甚至交不出房租 nor even pay the rent.

在那 Over there!

站住 Stop him!

站住 Stop there!

站住 你还跑Stop! I said stop!

站住 Stop!

就在这个时候 At the mean time,

卓然得到好友 Mike  Zhuo Ran knew that his friend Mike

正为未来的岳父组织一批书稿 had been preparing some books for his father-in-law to-be.

文本我已经收到了 Yes, I received those scripts

当然我们要打造的 Absolutely, what we are creating

是它的收藏价值 is their value for collection.

这对一个即将崩溃的年轻人来说 This is such a lure

您放心 I'll take care of it

实在太充满诱惑了 to a devastating young man.

卓然什么时候下的手 Nobody knows

没人知道 when Zhuo Ran stole it.

但他的确做了 But he did it.

三年前 中宇集团 Three years ago, Zhong Yu Group

准备出版一批高档工具书 is about to publish some top-grade books.

可是就在出版之前被人盗版了 But their copyright was stolen right before that

我不知道他的名字 I don’t know his name

是哪一个 Tell me which one

既然你承认你知道是谁干的 Well, now that you know who did this

你为什么不说出来呢 why not just speaking out

不要再让我爸误会你 and don’t let my dad misunderstand you.

可我不想逼他 But I don’t want to push him hard.

Mike 根本就没有这个人是吧 Mike, this guy doesn’t even exist, right?

所以你说不出他的名字是吧 That’s why you can’t even tell his name.

你说话 Am I right?

可这时候的卓然已经今非昔比 But Zhuo Ran is not the one he used to be.

凭借着聪明 With a trick

他用盗版来的人生第一桶金 he made his fortune by piracy.

已经把事业越做越大 And his business is on its way up

对于有可能要来的牢狱之灾 Zhuo was freaked out

卓然害怕了 at the thought that he may end up in jail.

你在哪儿 We need to talk.

于是他同意了与Mike见面 He agreed to meet with Mike

并且约好第二天一起去爬山 and go climbing the next day together.

卓然是在自己的装备上做了手脚 Zhuo Ran tempered with his own apparatus.


Mike Mike

喂 喂 Hello? Hello?

你的信号好像不太好 Your signal is not so good.

听不清 I can’t hear you.

他需要的只是要将与 MikeAll he need is to change his bag with Mike's

同样款式的装备包调换 which looks exactly the same with his.

你来了 Here you are.

我有话跟你说 I have something to tell you.

我还没检查完装备 But I have works to do here.

等着我 别走 Wait here. I’ll be back.

我马上就要登顶了 I’m almost on top.

山顶的风好像很大. It seems so windy.

柳飞云 你在编小说吗 Liu Yun, are you telling a story?

这的确就是我的小说 Well actually

是我的《登山之谜》里的情节 you can find the story in my novel Hiking of Secrets

张警官 See that,

您听到了 Zhang Sir?

刚才您说他很了解卓然 Obviously he knows nothing about Zhuo Ran.

我希望您马上跟大家更正一下 You need to reconfirm that.

这还用更正吗 Do I?

段新宇 Duan Xinyu?

为什么要问段新宇 Why Duan Xinyu?

因为段新宇 Because he

就是Mike的父亲 is Mike’s father

我在Mike的博客上 I found some pictures of Mike as a child

发现了Mike小时候的照片 on his blog.

木马上的一块镜子 I saw you in the mirror of the rocking horse

有你给儿子拍照的影像 when you were taking the picture.

没错 You’re right.

我是Mike的父亲 He is my son.

柳飞云 Liu Feiyun

在小贾尸体被动过的时候 Should I remind you that I was with you

我可是一直和你在一起的 when someone was moving the corpse?

是 I know.

可是林泉还在 But Lin Quan was still there?

你什么意思 What are you talking about?

等一等 Wait.

你们是在怀疑林泉 Are you suspecting Lin Quan?

这太可笑了 That’s insane.

林泉来杀人我会不知道 I would’ve known if he’s gonna kill someone.

你当然知道 Sure you would.

因为林泉的画销路并不好 So far as I knew, Lin Quan’s paitings didn’t sell well

你们家的开销 and your family lives on

主要来自于你经营的书吧 some books you sell

而你的书吧其实并不赚钱 which doesn’t really earn that much.

不赚钱就不能来旅游吗 That doesn’t necessarily mean we can’t travel.

但是已经打算离婚的夫妻 Yes, you’re right

一块来旅游的并不多见 only when you haven't decided to get divorce.

钱这么重要吗 林梅 Does money matters, Lin Mei?

林泉 Lin Quan

林小玉是你妹妹吧 Lin Xiaoyu is your younger sister, right?

你们是从林小玉自杀之后 You started the fight

开始要离婚的吧 after Lin Xiaoyu’s suicide, right?

她当时是在恋爱 She was in love,

是吗 really?

听说是因为一枚戒指 I heard it was because of a ring.

是你跟她说那是地摊货 You told her the ring was a bargain.

我不是有意的 I was telling the truth.

我只是说了实话 I didn’t mean to.

你一直不同意离婚 you’ve been against this divorce

是因为你还爱着林泉 because you are so in love with Lin Quan.

你就是故意的 Yes, you did.

你就是 You did it deliberately.

所以当你听说 So you

林泉报名参加了旅行团 signed up this trip.

林泉 你混蛋 Lin Quan, you’re such an asshole.

你也报了名 right after Lin Quan.

你是说 You mean

我们凭着猜测 we just risked murdering someone together

就结伴出来杀人了 after a pure guesswork?

当然不是 Definitely not.

你们需要证实你们的判断 You need to confirm your judgment.

你们就找到了张惠 That’s why you went to Zhang Hui.


你是他父亲 You are his father

我可以理解你的猜测 and I understand your speculation.

如果这样会让你好过一点 If that makes you feel better

你可以去想象 you may make imagnation

有一样的包 Having the same bag

不能说明什么 doesn't mean anything!


你在干什么呢 What are you doing?

我在收拾东西 Putting things in order.

以后我的东西你最好别乱动 You'd better leave my stuff alone.

我知道 I got it.


Mike真精彩 Mike Very nice

你们是说我因为前男友 要杀跟我结婚三年的老公

You are saying that I want to kill my husband of three years marriage because of my ex-boyfriend?

认识卓然的时候 你还是Mike的女朋友 You were still Mike's girlfriend when you met Zhuo Ran.

Mike死了以后 After Mike died

你之所以能接受卓然的追求 you accepted Zhuo Ran

那是因为你还在怀疑 because you suspected

Mike利用了你 that Mike was using you.

你的郁郁寡欢 卓然早就厌倦了 Zhuo Ran soon got bored because of your depression

你们的感情基础并不好 Your relationship was fragile.

两年前你的父亲去世 When your father passed away two years ago,

卓然不再有所顾忌 he had no more scruples.


如果真是这样 If what you said is true,

你觉得卓然会听我的 do you think Zhuo Ran would agree to

来旅游吗 come to travel with me?

你虽然不能 You might not be able to convince him,

可柳飞云能 but Liu Yunfei would.

为什么他能 Why would Liu Yunfei be able to?

因为我瞎编的《登山之谜》 Because the novel story Hiking of Secrets I made up

居然不小心吻合了事实 matched the fact coincidently.

你那本小说不到两个月就下架 Your novel was off the shelf within less than two months.

你当谁都能看见呢 Who do you think could see it?

段新宇 Duan Xinyu

你看见了是吧 you saw it, didn't you?

你一直在更新Mike的博客 You have been updating Mike's blog all along.

所以你知道我的小说 So you know my novel,

你还把小说给了张惠 and you gave it to Zhang Hui.


这是什么 What's this?

你在看什么 What are you reading?

没什么 Nothing

一本言情小说而已 Just a romantic fiction.


于是我买了个廉价微波炉 When I bought a cheap microwave,

就中了大奖 I won the big prize.

参加了这个旅游团 And then I joined the tour group.

这应该也是你的安排吧 You arranged all those, didn't you?

中奖是假的 Winning the prize isn't real?

这个团全都是自费的 All group members were to pay their own expenses

绝对没有任何厂家 There is definitely no company

为任何人支付费用 paying for anyone.

如果是指免费住在这儿 Considering staying here for free

那我们显然还算中了大奖 apparently we won the big prize

卓然的确是在柳飞云报名之后 才来参加这个团的 Zhuo Ran joined the tour group after Liu Yunfei signed in.

李晓峰 是你跟卓然的秘书说 Li Xiaofeng, you told Zhuo Ran's secretary

你们要来旅游的吧 that you are coming to the tour, right?    


是 Yes

你们成功的引诱了卓然 You successfully enticed Zhuo Ran,

因为卓然迫切的想知道 because he desperately wanted to know

柳飞云究竟是 how Liu Yunfei

怎么知道这些细节的 knew the details

是不是对自己还有威胁 and if Liu Yunfei posed any threat to him.

可他们是怎么做到的 But how could they possibly do it?

柳飞云 你来解释吧 Liu Yunfei, please explain this.

张惠爬上爬下呢 Zhang Hui climbs up and down

张惠 Zhanghui

爬二楼对你来说 going to the second floor

比爬山容易吧 was easier than climbing mountains to you, right?

最近怎么样 How are you doing recently?

饭都快吃不上了 I can barely make a living.

不如你写推理小说吧 Why don't you write whodunit?

我觉得你有天赋 I believe you have the gift  

而且市场好 and the market is good.

那你愿意帮我 Will you help me?

嗯 谁都需要一个机会 Absolutely. Everybody needs an opportunity.

我的未婚妻 My fiancee

我记得Mike曾经告诉过我 I remember Mike once told me

纯粹一个登山发烧友 is a sheer fan of mountaineering.

那你追她可真够累的 I bet you have worked really hard to chase her

那可不 Who says not

什么山都登过了 I climbed all the mountains

结果自己都上瘾了 And now I'm addicted to it

他是因为你才爱上了爬山 Because of you, he became fond of mountain-climbing.


张警官 Zhang Sir,

照您现在的逻辑 According to your logic,

也是我们密谋了爆炸 it was us that plotted the explosion.

然后我居然想把自己炸死 And I actually wanted to kill myself by the exploding?

你应该是想救柳飞云的 You should be trying to rescue Liu YunFei.


怎么这么大的煤气味 How could it be such a strong smell of gas?

你们怎么不开窗呢 Why wouldn’t you open the window?


爆炸是段新宇决定的 The implementation of the explosion was Duan Xin Yu's decision.

因为柳飞云说出了三年前的事 所以你要除掉他

You wanted to get rid of Liu YunFei because he mentioned about what had happened three years ago.


只要你们关系不被还原 So long as your relationship was not reverted,

发现不了协同作案 the criminal collaboration was not detected,

这个案子就会成为疑案 it would become a pending case,

你们就能按照计划完美逃脱 and you guys could get away without a hitch as planned.


段新宇 Duan XinYu.

我知道你不能接受这个局面 I know that you can't accept this situation,

因为整个谜局就是你设计的 as you were the real director behind the scene.


我们在林梅的包里 发现了一把剪刀 We found a pair of scissors in Lin Mei's bag.

剪刀上的纤维和我们在三号房间马桶里发现的微小绳头 成分相符

The fiber on the edge of the pair of scissors matches the same ingredients to the little rope end detected in the toilet of Room 3.

绳头的质地 和卓然脖子上的痕迹吻合

The texure of the rope end matches those reining traces in Zhuo Ran's neck.


四号房间的床底下 我们查出了藏尸的痕迹

We've got print under the bed in Room 4 that shows the body was once hidden there. 

一号房间的窗栓上 有张惠的指纹

There's Zhang Hui’s fingerprint on window fastener in Room 1.


林泉钥匙包里的指甲刀 我们已经送去化验了

The nail clipper in Lin Quan’s key bag has been sent to chemical examination.

很快就能鉴定出 上面有没有小贾的DNA

We’ll soon make it clear whether there is Xiao Jia’s DNA on it.


张惠 Zhang Hui

那本书是你放在那的 对吗 It was you who put the book there, wasn’t it?

所以上面有你的香水味 That’s why there was the smell of your perfume on it

而不是老蒋说的檀香 instead of the sandalwood fragrance that Mr. Jiang referred to.


得了 柳飞云 Come on! Liu YunFei.

我知道你心里不舒服 I know you ain't feeling good.

他们是做了不应该做的事 They deserve it.


张警官 Zhang Sir

他们会认罪吗 Will they confess?

这些是我们以后的事了 That's our work next step.


你管好你自个儿的事行不行 You take care of your own business, OK?

你看到卓然的下场了吗 Haven't you seen Zhuo Ran's end?

人有时候得禁得住诱惑 People have got to keep off seducitons at times.

以后你不管碰到什么事情 别老想着伸手拿钱 Don't always think about taking money no matter what you meet in future.

你这话什么意思 What do you mean by that?!


柳飞云 昨天晚上的事 你会把它写成小说吗 Liu YunFei, will you put what happened last night into a novel?

不 No

为什么不 Why not?

这事写上小说 绝对火 It must be a best seller!


我差点儿忘了 I nearly forgot

你看 我这手机报上有一个 游轮神秘失踪的报道 Look, there is a report about a mysteriously vanished boat on my SMS news.

要不要看看 柳飞云 Check it out, Liu YunFei?


来 OK

来 这边 All right.  This way.

来 中间 Come on. The middle part.

中间 The middle part.

每个人都能 Everybody's got a chance.

后边的别挤了 别挤了 Don'push you guys in the back. Don't push!

都能签的到 好吧 Everybody's getting a signiture, all right?

我的眼镜 My glasses!

别挤 Wait!

别挤别挤 Stop pushing!

每个人都有份 You'll all get one.

给我签一个 Sign for me

好好 OK OK

给我签一个 And me too!

别挤别挤 No pushing.

喂 Hello?

喂 Hello~

喂 もしもし!

请问您是柳飞云先生吗 Is this Mr. Liu YunFei?

哪位 Who is that?

您前些天买了台电视 对吧 You bought a TV set some days before, right?

什么事 Yes?

恭喜您 您中了大奖 Congratulations! You hit the jackpot!

您将参加一次游轮豪华游 You are about to join a luxurious Cruise tour.

往后退 往后退 Step back! Back.

(完) The End
