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高考高频词Beyond用法详解 标签:英语 词汇 高考 beyond   beyond一词在高考中被考查的频率很高。它用法灵活,含义复杂,人们很容易产生理解上的障碍,造成翻译上的偏差。据统计,仅2006年各地高考卷的单选题中就出现了4次之多。它们从不同角度,以不同的方式考查了beyond的用法。为了让学生能更好地掌握该词的用法,本文拟对beyond作出尽可能详细的解释。

I. 2006年高考真题回放:

1.(福建06)Sorry, Madam. You'd better come tomorrow because it's  _______ the visiting hours.

      A. during B. at C. beyond D. before

2.(江苏06)This new model of car is so expensive that it is ______the reach of those with average income.

    A. over B. within C. beyond D. below

3.(四川06)----Can he take charge of the computer company?

    ----I'm afraid it's _______ his ability.

    A. beyond B. within C. of D. to

4.(安徽06)It's quite ______ me why such things have been allowed to happen.

    A. for B. behind C. against D. beyond

    [参考答案] 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D

    II. beyond 用法详解:



    Beyond the river stood a power station.过了这条河就是一个发电站。

    I am curious to know what there is beyond the hill. 我很想知道山那边有什么。


    Don't stay out beyond ten o'clock. 在外面逗留不得超过10点钟。

    Some shops keep open beyond midnight庇行┥痰暧业到半夜以后。



     Your work is beyond all praise.你的作品叫人赞扬不尽。


     These were matters beyond his understanding as yet.这些事情他那时候还不了解。


     We succeeded beyond our hopes.我们获得如此之成功,是我们始料所不及。

      She was really touched beyond words.她确实感动得无法形容。


     The town has changed beyond all recognition. 这座小镇已经变得让人认不出来了。

     I know nothing beyond what he told me.除了他告诉我的以外,别的我都不知道。

     The fact that she is guilty is beyond doubt. 毫无疑问她无罪。

      Is there anything more you can say beyond that?除了那点之外,你还能说些什么吗?


      He didn't believe in people living beyond 100.他不相信人能活到100岁以上。

     At the meeting there were not beyond 20 people.到会的人不超过二十。



      If we cross the mountains we may find people living in the valley beyond.如果我们翻过这些大山,我们就可以发现在远处山谷中生活的人们。

      I'll go with you to the bridge,but not a step  beyond.我愿意同你一道走到桥头,但再远的地方一步也不愿意去。


       He told me nothing beyond.此外他没告诉我什么。



       That is a river for small boats expending 30miles back into the  beyond.那是一条小船能上行30英里的河流。


      What can we poor human beings know of the great beyond?我们可怜的人类能知道来世的什么情况呢?


     His dream of beyond was forgotten in the actual  life.他的不着边际的梦想被现实生活所吞没。









     1. She is touched beyond words.

     2. The patient is beyond all hopes of recovery.

     3. The book is beyond my comprehension.

     4. The naughty boy is beyond his mother’s control.

     5. The patient is beyond cure.