板胡独奏地道战:ubuntu 音乐播放器Rhythmbox 插件(歌词播放)

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/05 07:18:30



This is a lyrics plugin for Rhythmbox. Lyrics is downloaded and displayed automatically.


点击查看大图(click to enlarge)


  1. 从多个歌词源下载歌词并保存到本地(download lyrics from various sources)
  2. 自动载入本地歌词,自动检测文件编码(load local lyrics automatically)
  3. 嵌入界面显示歌词(display lyrics embedded in the interface)
  4. 使用gnome-osd显示歌词(display lyrics using gnome-osd)
  5. 滚动显示歌词,鼠标左键拖动可以移动窗口,中键拖动可以定位歌词,右键拖动可以改变窗口大小(display lyrics in a auto scroll window, press left button and drag will move the window, press right button and drag will resize the window, press middle button and drag will locate lyrics in roller mode)
  6. 使用系统默认编辑器打开歌词文件(open lyrics file using system default editor)
  7. 未能精确查找歌词时,弹出歌词选择对话框供用户选择(pop choose lyrics dialog while no accurate lyrics found)
  8. 右键菜单中加入编辑歌词和手动下载歌词(edit lyrics and download lyrics manually in context menu)
  9. 可通过插件管理器配置插件功能(totally configurable through plugin manager)
  10. 以上功能可能会随着项目进展有暂时改动(keep up with updates, discover yourself)



Download latest deb package and install. RBlyrics will be listed in the plugin manager after restart rhythmbox.
