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九年级英语第一单元Section B 3a—4 教学设计及解析
 Section B 3a—4 教学设计及解析
Do you like English?
How is your English study?
Not good
—Do you like English? —___________________________________
—How is your English study? —It’s ___________________________
3a  Read the article. Then read the statements aboutthe article. Write“T”(for true or“F”(for false). 阅读文章,然后阅读关于文章的叙述。对的写“T”,错误的写“F”。
1.F(teacher spoke too quickly)
2.F(the student thought others might laugh at her)
3.T  4.T  5.F(lots of listening practice) 6.T  7.T
知识点1  To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldn’t understand every word. Later on, I realized that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word.开始时,她说得太快,我不能明白每个词,后来我意识到如果你不理解每一个词的意思,也没有关系。
【讲解】(1)to begin with是固定结构,表示“起初”,相当于at fist.
(2)later on“后来,以后”,相当于later。如:
To begin with,he had no money,but later he became quite rich. 他起初没有钱,可后来相当富有了。
At first things went well, butlater on we had too much trouble. 起初事情进展顺利,但后来我们遇到太多的麻烦。
①At first the class seemed to be boring.
To_______ _______, the class seemed to be boring.
②You’ll find the book instructive very soon.
You’ll find the book instructive________on.
【解答】①begin with  ②later
at first
at last
to begin with
in the end
知识点2  Also I was afraid to speak in class,because I thought my classmates mightlaugh at me. 我也不敢在课堂上发言,因为我认为同学们会笑话我。
smile 表示“微笑”
laugh 表示“(出声地)大笑”
【讲解】(1) be afraid to do sth.意思是“害怕做某事”,也可表达为be afraid of doing sth./be afraid of sth.“害怕某事”。
(2)laugh at“嘲笑(某人),取笑(某人)”。laugh作动词时,表示“(出声地)笑”。如:
Don’t worry,nobody will laugh at you. 不要担心,没人会笑话你。
①Han Mei is afraid______in the room alone staying stay
C.of stay staying
②It’s not polite to ______ people in trouble. at
D.laugh at
be afraid常见的结构:

如:He is afraid of his mother.他怕他的母亲。
She is afraid of flying.她害怕乘飞机。
I’m afraid to go out at night. 我害怕夜间外出。
I’m afraid that the train will be late. 我怕火车会晚点。
知识点3  So I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every class.于是我决定每堂课都做大量的语法笔记。
【讲解】(1)decide动词,“做出决定,下决心“。表示”决定做某事“为decide to do sth.此时其后必须接动词不定式。
(2)take notes“做笔记,做记录“,此时notes常用复数形式。如:
He decided to buy a new car. 他决定要买一辆新车。
The students are busy taking notes in class.课堂上学生正忙着做笔记。
①They decided ______ at the end of this month. leave
B.going back
D.not start out
②______ is helpful for your study.
A.Taking a note
B.Taking notes
C.To take a note
D.Take notes
enjoy oneself 相当于have a good/great time
知识点4  Now I am enjoying learning English and I got an A this term. 现在我正在高兴地学习英语,而且这学期得了“A”。
【讲解】enjoy doing sth.表示“喜欢做某事”的意思,此时enjoy后面必须用—ing 分词,不能用动词不定式。如:
She enjoys playing tennis.她喜好打网球。
Most students enjoy asking questions in English.大多数学生喜欢用英语问问题。
Mary enjoys ______ in the evening. play the piano play piano
C.playing the piano
D.playing piano
【解答】此题包括两个考点: ①enjoy后接doing sth.。②表示乐器的名词前用定冠词the,故C项正确。
后面接—ing分词作宾语的动词有:enjoy, mind, finish, suggest, practice, avoid, consider等。
知识点5  My teacher is very impressed. 我的老师很感动。
使某人铭记某事  如:
The book impressed a lot of people.那本书在很多人心中留下了深刻印象。
I was deeply impressed by his speech.他的演说给我留下了深刻印象。
She impressed me as a woman of great kindness.在我印象中,她是一位非常仁慈的女性。
My father impressed on me the importance of work.
My father ______ me ______ the importance of work.
【解答】题意为“父亲要我铭记工作的重要性”,impress sth.on sb.= impress sb.with sth.因此答案为impressed,with。
3b  Write a letter telling a friend how to become a better language learner.请写一封信告诉朋友怎样才能成为一名优异的语言学习者。
3c  Write an article about the things that have helped you the most in learning another language. 请就学习另一种语言的过程中对你帮助最大的事写一篇文章。
Ask three classmates about learning English. Then tell the class about one of them. 就学习英语向三位同学提些问题,然后将其中一位同学的情况讲述给全班同学。
【任务设计】根据本单元Section B活动3a中的文章内容,请一位同学扮演作者,另一位同学扮演采访的人,进行对话。
A: I’m glad to hear that you got an A in English this term.
B: Thanks a lot.
A: Did you have any difficulties in learning English last year?
B:Yes. To begin with, ①______________________________.
A: Really?
B: Later on. I realized ②_______________________________.
A: Can’t you speak in class?
B: No. And I couldn’t always make complete sentences.
A: How did you improve it?
B:③____________________________. It helped a lot.
A: How did you learn English grammar?
B: ④__________________________.
①the teacher spoke too quickly and I couldn’t understand every word
②that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word
③I started to watch English—language TV
④I took lots of notes in class and wrote sentences using the grammar
(    )1.I don’t know how use commas.
A      B   C    D                           ______
(     )2.They often watch Japanese—languages TV.
A     B           C           D            ______
(     )3.I have no friends to talk.
A   B   C          D                           ______
(    )4.Many people speak English for a second language.
A            B            C      D                 ______
(    )5.Play football is great fun. We like football.
A            B        C        D                  ______
1.Please get much writing practice.(改为同义句)
______ getting much writingpractice?
2.She is afraid of going out at night.(改为同义句)
She is afraid ______ out at night.
3.The best way is to use grammar in original sentences.(对画线部分提问)
______ ______ the bes tway?
4.He walked so fast that I couldn’t follow him.(改为简单句)
Hewalked______fast______ ______ ______ ______ him.
5.We can’t decide when we should go to work.(改为简单句)
We can’t decide______go to work.
School education is very important and useful. The students both learn knowledge and get an education. Yet, no one can learn everything from school. The scientists, such as Edison, Newton, Galileo and Einstein, didn’t learn everything from school. They learned a lot of knowledge outside school or in practice bythemselves. A teacher, even he knows a lot, can’t teach his students everything.
The teacher’s job is to show his students how to learn, how to read and how to think. A good teacher with rich experience in teaching can teach his students the methods (= ways) of study. Through these methods the students are able to learn and get a lot of things by themselves.
Usually it is very easy for the students to remember some knowledge, but it is very difficult to use it for solving problems. If a teacher really shows the students the ability of how to use knowledge, it means the teacher has learned lots of knowledge by himself (or herself), the success in learning shows he or she knows how to study.
(    )1.From this passage we know______.
A.the students are taught everything at school
B.a teacher can’t teach the students everything is really not important and useful
D.Edison learned lots of knowledge at school
(    )2.A teacher’s job is______. help the students with their lessons teach the students everything show the students how to study by themselves sell them the way to study
(    )3.Choose the right order of this passage.
a. How important are the study methods for students?
b. What does the teacher’s experience of success in study mean?
c. Where should the students study?
d. What is the job of a teacher?
(    )4.Which of the following is right?
A.If we know how to learn, we can get a lot of knowledge.
B.We can learn everything from our teachers.
C.The writer tells us that practice is more important for the students than learning.
D.It is the only job for the students to learn knowledge.
(    )5.Which of the following is the best title?
A.A real job for teachers
B.Study in and outside school
C.Practice—the only way of learning
D.How to learn knowledge
1.How do you like English?
2.How are you getting on with your English learning?
3.How long have you learned English?
4.What do you think is the best way to learn English?
5.What’s your problem in learning English? And how are you going to work it out?
Ⅰ.1.C→to use  2.C→Japanese—language  3.D→talk with  4.C→as  5.A→Playing
Ⅱ.1.How/What about go  3.What is  4.too, for me to follow  5.when to
Ⅳ.范例:1.I like it very much. /It’s very interesting.
2.Just so—so. /Very well. /Not well enough.
3.For three years.
4.By working with a group.
5.I make mistakes in grammar. I’ll make lots of grammar notes in class.