醉苗乡杨肸子:初中英语疑难例析300例 (1---84)

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本主题所分析的语言知识错误,大部分是作者在长期的教学实践中积累的,有一部分则是从各级各类考试的试题中精选的,其内容十分丰富,覆盖面相当广,基本上包括了各级各类考试可能涉及的语言知识考点,其中包括有名词、数词、人称代词和物主代词、不定代词、冠词、形容词与副词、介词、it 的用法、动词时态、动词语态、非谓语动词、情态动词、虚拟语气、连系动词、主谓一致、强调结构、反意问句、感叹句、状语从句、名词性从句、定语从句、倒装等等。

1.能说What a great progress!吗


    —______great progress he has made

AHow BHow a CWhat DWhat a

此题应选C 。容易误选D,误认为progress 是可数名词。此题命题者主要考察了两个方面的问题:一是感叹句句型;二是名词progress 的可数性。



2What+(a/an+形容词+名词+主语+谓语!(主语为不可数名词或复数形式,其前不用aan)英语中除了像airwatermilkiron 等这些中国人一目了然的不可数名词外,还有一些不可数名词很容易弄错。其中典型的有:work(工作),news(消息),luck(运气),fun(有趣的事),home-work(家庭作业),advice(劝告、建议),harm(损害、伤害),progress(进步),information(信息、消息),weather(天气),wealth(财富),furniture(家俱),luggagebaggage(行李),等。注意以下正误句型:

误:I wish you a good luck

正:I wish you good luck.祝你好运。

误:It's a great fun for us to be with her

正:It's great fun for us to be with her.我们同她在一起很有趣。

误:He gave us some advices

正:He gave us some advice.他给我们提了些建议。

 2.名词work 的三种用法

—Where does Mr Smith work

—He works in a glass_____around here

Awork Bworks Cworking Dworkes

此题应选B 。容易误选C,误认为:因为其前用了不定冠词a,所以不能选work(因为不可数)和works(因为是复数),D 显然是错的。这里work 有三个意思很容易弄混:


He has too much work to do.他要做的工作太多。


The man gained his wealth by printing words off amouswriters



The glass works is[ are] near the station



green 绿色 greens 青菜,蔬菜wood 木头,木材 woods 小树林manner 方式,方法 manners 礼貌arm arms 武器water waters 河川,海,温泉spirit 精神 spirits 心境quarter 四分之一 quarters 军营custom 习惯 customs 关税force 力气 forces 军队.


3.可以说Two teasplease

—Can I help you


ATwo teas BTwo cups of teas

CTwo cup teas DTwo cup of tea

此题应选A 。其余几项都容易被误选。要做好此题,先要弄清tea的两种用法:


I don't like to drink tea.我不喜欢喝茶。

Would you like a cup of tea?要喝杯茶吗?


—What can I do for you?你要吃点什么?

—Two teasplease.请来两杯茶。

但是值得注意的是,虽然以上两种用法都可以,但千万不要将这两种用法混杂在一起。如可以说two teas,也可以说two cupsof tea,但是不能说two cups of teas



I prefer tea to coffee.我喜欢喝茶不喜欢喝咖啡。

He served us with two cups of coffee.他用两杯咖啡招待我们。


—Can I help you?你要点什么?

—Two coffeesplease.请来两杯咖啡。

同时也要注意不要将以上两种用法混在一起。如可以说two coffees,也可以说two cups of coffee,但是绝对不能说two cups ofcoffees

4hair 用不用-s 差别很大

  aHe must be very oldLookhe has grey _____

   bHe found some___in his soup

Ahairhair Bhairshairs

Chairhairs Dhairshair

此题应选C 。容易误选A,误认为hair 永远不可数。其实hair 这个词既可以是可数的,也可以是不可数,只是含义稍有变化:


Look at thisa hair in my soup.你瞧,我的汤里有根头发。

The cat has left her loose hairs all over my clothes.猫掉的毛弄得我衣服上到处都是。

My father has quite a few gray hairs.我父亲已有不少白发。

There is not a gray hair on his head.他头上没有一根白头发。


I'll have my hair cut.我要去理发。

He has blond hair.他有一头金发。

She has a beautiful head of hair.她有一头漂亮的头发。

The woman likes to do her hair in foreign style.这个女人喜欢把头发梳成外国式。


He has grey hair.他满头白发。

He has grey hairs.他有些白发了。

5.你会用dozenscorehundredthousandmil lion

  I want three_____these eggs

Adozen Bdozens

Cdozen of Ddozens of

此题涉及两个方面的问题:一是dozen 是否加词尾-s,二是其后是否接介词of 。由于在这个问题上dozen scorehundredthousandmillion 极为相似,所以这里将它们放在一起叙述:

1)当这些词与具体数字连用时,不用复数形式,也不后接介词of(尽管有人认为score/dozen 之后有时可接of,但惯用法认为,省略of常见):three hundred students 300 名学生/three scoreofeggs 60 只鸡蛋

2)当这些词不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数,则不仅要用复数形式,而且要后接介词of,然后才能后接名词:thousands of students 数千名学生/dozens of times 几十次/millions of years ago 数百万年前

3)当这些词与a fewseveralmany 等数目不很具体的词连用时,用不用复数形式均可,但是注意:不用复数形式,其后的介词of 可以省略;用复数形式,其后介词of 不能省略:several dozenofpencils several dozens of pencils 几打铅笔4)当这些词后面的名词有了thethesethose 等特指限定词修饰时,或其后接的是usthem 这样的人称代词时,则此时必须用介词oftwo hundred of the workers 这些工人中的200 threedozen of these eggs 这些鸡蛋中的3 打/four dozen of them 它们中的4 打通过以上分析:此题答案显然只能是C



  It is reported that a great number of ______died in the drought

Acattles Bpolices Cpeoples Dpoultry

此题应选D 。其余几项均可能被误选。此题主要涉及集合名词的用法,下面将集合名词的有关用法作一归纳:

Ⅰ类:这一类包括cattle(牛),people(人),police(警察),poultry(家禽)等,其用法特点为:只有单数形式,但却表示复数意义,用作主语时谓语通常也用复数;不与an)连用,但可与the 连用(表示总括意义和特指):

The police are looking for him.警察在找他。

People will laugh at you.人们会笑你的。


This class consists of 45 pupils.这个班由45 个学生组成。

This class are studying English now.这个班的学生在学习英语。


Our clothing protects us from[ against] the cold.我们的衣服可以御寒。

Have you checked all your baggage?你所有行李都托运了吗?


7means 用法易错点

Every possible means_____been triedand we find only______this means can we do it well

Ahavein Bhaveby

Chasin Dhasby

此题应选D 。其余几项均容易被误选。这里主要涉及名词means(方式,方法,手段)的用法与搭配:


All possible means have been tried.所有可能的办法都已经试过了。

Every possible means has been tried.每种可能的办法都已经试过了。 若句意不能明确地表明主语的单复数,其谓语则用单数或复数均可:

Is [ Are] there any other means of doing it?做这事还有其它的什么办法吗?


Only by this means can you do it well.只有通过这种办法你才能做好此事。

有时用by means of,意为:用,依靠:

Thoughts are expressed by means of words.思想靠语言来表达。


But they had no means of cooking them.但是他们没有办法来把它们煮熟。

Taking a plane is the quickest means of getting there.去那儿最快的办法是坐飞机。


8.能说I'm good friends with him

  —Jimare you _______of his

—YesI'm______with him

Aa good frienda good friend

Bgood friendsgood friends

Ca good friendgood friends

Dgood friendsa good friend

此题应选C 。容易误选A

第一句应填a good friend,这对于一般考生来说可能不成问题,因为大家比较熟悉这样的句型:

I'm a good friend of hers.我是她的一位好朋友。

He's a good friend of mine.他是我的一位好朋友。

第二句应填good friends,这则是许多考生不理解的地方,因为此句主语明显是单数,而后面的表语又怎么能用复数呢?按照英美人的看法:两个人交朋友,关系是彼此的,即你是我的朋友,那我就是你的朋友,所以他们在这类表达中用复数名词。又如:

He has made friends with her.他已与她交上朋友。

Do you want to make friends with him?你想跟他交朋友吗?


He stood up and shook hands with us.他站起来与我们握手。

You have to change trains at Wuhan.你必须在武汉转车。

The teacher didn't let the two boys change seats.老师没有让这两个小男孩换座位。



BNoBob and Jim have asked for leave

Aanybody Beverybody

Csomebody Dnobody

此题应选B 。容易误选A,认为这是疑问句,所以要选A 。还有的考生可能会认为选C,因为某些特殊情况下(比如表示邀请或请求等),something)也可用于疑问句中。此题的正确答案是B,此题主要考察的不是不定代词的句型用法,而是考察在一定的上下文(语境)如何选用适当的不定代词。

该题若不看下句,选AC 也是可能的,比如一个人晚上走进一个空房子,就可能这样问,其意大致为:这里有人吗?(用somebody anybody 肯定意味更强),然而联系下句就很错了:首先,No 用得很荒唐(既然回答No,说明这里没有人,那么答话的人又是什么呢?),其次从后面的Bob and Jim have asked for leave.(鲍勃和吉姆请假了)来看,这里显然是一个查问人数的情景。这样,再回头来看看选项B就顺理成章了(Is everybody here?大家到齐了吗?)以下是测试不定代词在一定上下文的运用,请你试着选一选(注意语境!):

  The office is empty because _____has gone home

Aeveryone  Bsomeone  Cno one  Dall



10.(alittle/afew 用法要点

  If we had followed his planwe could have done the job betterwith______money and_____people

 Alessless Bfewerfewer

Clessfewer Dfewerless

此题的正确答案是C 。此题主要考察不定代词little few 的比较等级及有关用法:little —less —least(修饰不可数名词);few — fewer —fewest(修饰可数名词)。

下面小结(afew 与(alittle.的用法及区别:

1)(afew 之后必须接复数可数名词。few 表示数量很少或几乎没有,强调,含有否定意义;a few 表示数量虽然少,但有几个,强调,含有肯定意义。试体会:

His theory is very difficultand few people understand it.他的理论很深奥,没有几个人能懂。

His theory is very difficultbut a few people understand it.他的理论很深奥,但是有些人懂。

2)(alittle 之后接不可数名词,little a little 区别跟fewa few 之间的区别相同。如:FortunatelyI had a little money on me.幸而我身上带着一点钱。

UnfortunatelyI had little money on me.很不巧,我身上没带什么钱。

3)一般说来,在onlystillquitenot 等词之后通常用a fewa little,而在verysomethenoso 等词之后通常用few littleI have only a little money.我只有一点点钱。Very few people like him.喜欢他的人很少。


11another 之后可以接复数名词吗

   AHave you finished your report yet

BNoI'll finish in _______ten minutes

Aanother Bother Cothers Dthe other

此题应选A 。容易误选BD 。许多考生认为此题首先要排除选项A,因为:another 只接单数名词,而这里ten minutes 显然是复数,所以不能选它。事实上,此题答案正是A 。确实,在通常情况下,another 之后只能接单数名词:

正:another student 另外一个学生

误:another students(另外一些学生)

正:other students 另外一些学生(其他学生)

但是值得注意的是:若another 后的名词有数词或few 修饰时,也可接复数名词:

正:another few days 另外几天

正:another five chairs 另外五把椅子

正:another ten years 另外10

正:another two dictionaries 另外两本词典

类似地,every 也有以上用法特点:通常后接单数名词:

正:every boy 每个男孩

误:every boys

但是若every 后的名词有数词修饰,则也可接复数名词:

正:every ten years 10

正:every five metres 5 米正:every three lines 每三行

12.你会使用和区别anotherothertheother othersthe others 等不定代词吗

   aWhere are_____students

bPerhaps______may not think that way

Aotheranother Bothersothers

Cthe otherother Dthe otherothers

此题应选D 。在各类考试中,考察不定代词时,命题者经常将anotherotherthe otherothersthe others 等混在一起进行综合考察,这些不定代词总的特点是:它们不仅在含义上有单复数之分,而且在用法上有泛指(无the)和特指(有the)之别。其具体用法可归纳如下:

1.指单数时,若是泛指用another(若直接接名词一定是单数),若是特指用the other(若后接名词一定是单数):

He finished his cake and asked for anotherone).他吃完了那块蛋糕后又要了一块。(泛指)

shut the other eyetoo.另一只眼也闭上。(特指)

2.指复数时,若泛指用other(若后接名词一定是复数),若特指用the other(若后接名词一定是复数):

Other people may object to your idea.别人可能会反对你的意见。She is cleverer than the other students in her class.她比班上的其他学生要聪明些。(特指)others(表泛指)永远表示复数意义(且其后不能再接名词),其用法大致相当于“other+复数名词。同样地the others(表特指)也永远表示复数意义(其后也不能接名词),大致相当于“the other+复数名词


13some 何时用于疑问句和否定句

   —I feel a bit hungry

—Why don't you have _______bread

Aany  Bsome  Clittle  Da

此题应选B 。容易误选A(因为这是疑问句)。其实在表示邀请的疑问句中,正是要用some 而不用any 。关于someany 的用法,一般说来,some 用于肯定句中,any 用于否定句和疑问句中。但这只是通常的情况,以下特殊情况须注意:


May I have some paper?我可以拿些纸吗?

Aren't there some stamps in that drawer


Didn't he give you some money?他不是给了你一些钱吗?


Why not give her some flowers?为什么不送她些花呢?

Would you like some bananas?吃点香蕉吗?

Won't you have some more?你不再要一点吗?

Shall I get some chalk for you?要我给你拿些粉笔来吗?

3some 有时用于下面这样的否定句:

I don't like some of the films.这些电影中有几部我不喜欢。

比较:I do not like any of the films.这些电影中我一部也不喜欢。


   AShall I sit at this end of boat or the other end

BIf you keep stillyou can sit at _____end

Aneither  Beach  Ceither  Dany

此题应选C 。容易误选D,本句句意为只要你不动,坐任何一头都行,这很容易按汉语意思联系到any end 。从意思上看,选项A 表示否定,意思不通;选项B 不可能(因为一个人不能同时坐在船的两头);而选项D 也是错的(因为any 指的三者,而本题所涉及的只有两个end),选项C 正合适(因为它表示:两者当中的任何一个)。





2)指三者(以上):allanynoneno oneeveryeach


1)不定代词一般可作主语,宾语,定语;allbotheach 还可作同位语。但是注意:every 只能放在名词前作定语,不能单独使用,通常也不接of 短语。

2)否定词(如:nothardly 等)只能出现在anyeither 之前,而不能出现在其后。3allbothevery 等与not 连用表示部分否定(each 不这样用);若表示完全否定,则需换用none(其后可接of 短语),neither(其后可接of 短语),no one(其后一般不接of 短语)。


15.回答whatwhohow many 等要用什么不定代词

   — How many students took part in it


ANobody BNo one CNone DNo one

此题应选C 。容易误选AB

在通常情况下,回答以whatwhohow many 等开头的疑问句,有一定的讲究:

1.以What 开头的疑问句,否定回答通常用Nothing

—What did he say at the meeting?他在会上讲了些什么?


—What's in the box?这盒子有什么?


2.以Who 开头的疑问句,否定回答通常用NobodyNo one

—Who was late today?今天谁迟到了?

—No one.没有人迟到。

—Who has read the book?谁读过这本书?


3.以How manyHow much 开头的疑问句,否定回答通常用None

—How many dictionaries did you buy yesterday



—How much money did he lend you




   Can you finish the book in a month or two

aYesit's out of________quetion

bNoit's out of_____question

Athethe     B××

Cthe×      D×the


1out of question 没问题(=without question

2out of the question 根本不可能(=impossible)仅差一个冠词,意思几乎相反。比较以下类似句:

1aThree months after her marriageshe was with child.婚后三个月她就怀孕了。

bShe came to see me with a child


2aGreat changes have taken place here since 1978


bNow plastics have taken the place of many materials.现在塑料已代替了许多材料。

3aMr Smith is in charge of our class


bOur class is in the charge of Mr Smith


4aThe old woman is in possession of a large fortune


bLarge fortune is in the possession of the old woman.大宗财产掌握在这个老太婆手里。



   aI saw ten people seated around _____table

bIt's bad manners to blow your nose at _____table

Aaa   B××   Ca×   Dthea

此题选。第一空填不定冠词(当然若是特指也可用定冠词),这是把table 当作一个具体的实体来看待;第二空不用冠词,因为这里的table 已不是一个具体的实体,而是指与桌子有关的一项活动”——吃饭。英语中有很多这样的情况:当一个名词表示一个具体的实体(如具体的场所、具体的建筑物等)时,它可以与冠词连用;但当它不是表示一个具体的实体而是表示与之相关的一项活动时,则通常不用冠同。


1go to school 去上学(读书)

go to a [ the] school 到学校去(不是读书)

2go to bed 上床睡觉

go to a the bed 到床边去(不是睡觉)

3in prison 坐牢

in a [ the] prison 在监狱里(不是坐牢)

4go to sea 当海员,做水手,出海

go to the sea 到海边去(不是当水手等)以上情况还可以有其它结构:at school 在校读书/at church 在做礼拜/be in bed 在睡觉/be sent to prison 被关进牢房等等。但是以下用法属例外(其中的冠词不能少):go to the cinema 去看电影/go to the office 去办公室上班等。



   He loves playing _______pianobut he hasn't got ______piano of his own

Athethe Bthea Cathe Daa


She plays the piano very well.她钢琴弹得好。

She studies the piano under Mr Smith.她在史密斯先生的指导下学习钢琴。

He practisedonthe piano every day.他每天练习钢琴。

以上各句均正确,并且其前的定冠词通常不能省略(因为其中的piano 指的不是钢琴这个实体,而是指钢琴演奏、钢琴理论、钢琴技巧等抽象意义)。但是以下各例则没有用定冠词(因为其中的piano 指的是钢琴这个实体):

He has two pianos.他有两部钢琴。

He bought a piano for her.他给她买了部钢琴。



He plays basketball every day.他每天打篮球。

He is good at volleyball.他排球打得好。


Did you see a football in the classroom this morning


There are some basketballs in the comer.角落里有几个篮球。



  The teacher said______snow is whitebut_____snow on the road is redWhy

Athethe       B××

Cthe×         D×the

此题应选D,容易误选B,误认为:snow 是物质名词,其前永远不用冠词。 在通常情况下,物质名词和抽象名词在表示一般概念(即泛指)时,不用冠词(即使有描绘性定语修饰也不用冠词)。但是如果物质名词和抽象名词不是表示一般概念,而是表示某一特定内容(尤其是有限定性定语修饰)时,或当它们表示一种一场一份等意思时,则可以加冠词。试做以下试题:

1I like to eat_______fishbut____fish I ate last night  ma be me sick

Athethe      B××   Cthe×   D×the

2______air is necessary to lifebut______air around here  is not fresh

Athethe   B××    Cthe×    D×the

3ADo you like to listen to_____music

BIt all dependsIn fact only like_____music by Mozart

Athethe   B××  Cthe×   D×the

4AHe has no sense of _______humour

BNoyou didn't catch _____humour in his remark

Athethe    B××

Cthe×     D×the

答案:1D 2D 3D 4D


  aThe wounded____ to the hospital

bThe beautiful ____ for ever

Awaslives   Bwerelive

Cwaslive    Dwere lives

此题应选 D,主要考察“the+形容词结构。用法注意:


The rich are not always happier than the poor.富人并不一定总比穷人幸福。类例:

the deaf 聋人 the dead 死者 the blind 盲人the young 年轻人 the weak 弱者 the old 老人 the strong 强者 the sick 病人 the wounded 伤员

the killed 被杀者 the injured 受伤者 the living 活着的人 the unemployed 失业者 the oppressed 被压迫者

 the oppressing压迫者


The true always triumphs.真理永远获胜。类例:

the good 善良 the right 正义 the true 真实

the bad 坏事 the humorous 幽默感有时可能根据其含义的不同,用法也会有所变化。如the good 既可表示抽象意义(=what is good),具有单数意义,也可表示人的类别(=those who are good),具有复数意义。又如以下两例中的the old

The old are respected in our country


The new is sure to replace the old



   ____are coming to see us tonight

AThe Smith    BThe Smiths

CMr Smiths    DMr Smith

此题应选B 。容易误选CD,因为在通常情况下,人名前不用冠词。此题要选B,理由是:姓氏的复数形式前加定冠词,可以表示某一家人或某某夫妇。又如:

The Lius live upstairs.刘家住在楼上。

The Blacks managed to buy a computer for their son



A Mr Brown wants to see you.一位叫布朗先生的人要见你。

They thought he was a Zhuge Liang.他们认为他是个诸葛亮。

He is a Newton of today.他是当代的牛顿。

The painting on the wall is a Rembrandt


Lu Xun was called the Gorkey of China


He was the Homer of his age.他是他那个时代的荷马。

He's sitting in the Ford.他坐在福特牌汽车里。

A few minutes later he was met by an anxious Miss Smith



     Which is____countryCanada or Australia

Aa large   Blarger   Ca larger    Dthe larger

此题应选D 。容易误选B,有的考生认为只有形容词最高级前才加the,而比较级前不用the 。但是此题正是要选比较级前带有the 的答案

D 。理由是:the larger 中的the 不是修饰比较级larger,而是修饰其后的名词country(表特指)。试比较:

Which is largerCanada or Australia


1.当比较级与of the two 连用(或上下文暗示是特指两者中之一)时,比较级前通常用the

He is the cleverer of the two boys.他是这两个男孩中较聪明的一个。

2.某些词语(如by far)放在比较级之前作修饰语时,通常要用the

This is by far the better.这要好得多。

3.当比较级之后接有名词时,通常也要有冠词(该冠词修饰其后的名词),同时要根据上下文确定是特指(用the)还是泛指(用aan):Do you have a bigger sizeThis one is a bit tight for me.你有大一点型号的吗?这个对我来说稍紧了一点。下列情况比较级前也用the(此时the 是副词):

1.用于“the+比较级(句子常有表示原因、理由或条件的状语):I feel the better for my walk.散了一下步我觉得舒服多了。/I hove him all the more for [ because of] his faults.正因为他有缺点,所以我越发喜欢他。2.用于“the+比较级,the+比较级,表示时:

The soonerthe better.越快越好。

The more a man hasthe more he wants.人越有越想要。


     Alexander Graham Bell invented____telephone in 1876

A×    Ba    Cthe    Done

此题应选C 。容易误选B,认为这是不定冠词表类属。确实不定冠词可用来表示类属(这是它最基本的用法),此时它表示的是某一类属中的每一个人或每一个东西都能说明该类属的整体情况(有类似汉语的举一反三以此类推的含义),此时也可用定冠词或名词复数形式来表示:马是有用的动物。

正:A horse is a useful animal

正:The horse is a useful animal

正:Horses are useful animals


电话是1876 年发明的。

正:The telephone was invented in 1876

误:A telephone was invented in 1876


正:The tiger is in danger of becoming extinct

误:A tiger is in danger of becoming extinct


正:He invented a new machine last year


正:He killed a tiger all by himself.他独自一人杀死了一只老虎。


    His camera is more expensive than____

Ahers   Bher   Cit   Dits



误:The population of China is much larger than Japan


正: The population of China is much latger than that ofJapan.(句中that=the population


误: Before liberation our life was worse than draught animals.(我们的生活不能与牛马比较)

正:Before liberation our life was worse than that of draught animals.(thatthe life


误:Most of the highways in America are wider than Europe.(美国公路不能与欧洲比较)

正:Most of the highways in America are wider than those in Europe.(those=the highways


25than any other 还是 than any ?

   Canada is larger than____ country in Asia

Aany   Bany other   Cother    Danother

此题应选A。很容易误选 B,因为 than any other 这一表达在许多考生脑海里已成了一种定势,可以脱口而出。而出题者也正是利用考生这一定势设置陷阱。此题要选A,这里涉及的不仅仅是一个语法问题,而且还包括一个逻辑和常识问题。试比较(a 句错,b 句对):

1aChina is larger than any country in Asia.中国比亚洲任何国家都要大。(因为China 在亚洲范围之内,所以由此句推出:中国比中国也要大,显然荒唐)

bChina is larger than any other country in Asia.中国比亚洲任何其它国家都要大。

2aCanada is Iarger than any other country in Asia.加拿大比亚洲任何其它国家都要大。(由于Canada 不在亚洲范围之内,所以无需用other

bCanada is larger than any country in Asia.加拿大比亚洲任何国家都要大。

以上分析告诉我们:在这类比较级句型中,other 的主要作用是排除自己跟自己比较的可能。具体地讲:如果所谈及的人或事物在比较范围之内则用other,不在比较范围之内则不用other。顺便说一句,除了用other 来排除自己与自己比较之外,我们还可用elseThis book is more interesting than any book else[than any other book]这本书比其它任何一本书都更有趣。



   AHe is____ cleverer than his brother

   BYesbut he is____ the lazier

Amoremuch     Bquiteby far

Cfarby far        Dverya lot

此题应选C。其余几项均有可能被误选。此题主要考察比较等级的修饰语。不能选ABD 的原因是morequitevery 等均不能修饰比较级。

farby far 都可以修饰比较级和最高级,注意以下几点:

1far 可以修饰比较级和最高级,且通常前置。

2by far 也可以修饰比较级和最高级,且可以前置也可以后置。但是,若置于比较级前,通常应在比较级前加上the

正:This is far better.这要好得多。

正:This is far the best.这是最最好的。

正:This is better by far.这要好得多。

正:This is by far the better.这要好得多。

正:This is by far the best.这是最最好的。

正:This is the best by far.这是最最好的。


1.修饰原级:veryquiterathertooprettyhowso .

2.修饰比较级:evenmuchstillrather,(by farnot anya lota littlea bittwicethree times .

注意:quite 一般不用来修饰比较级,但有一个特例,即quite better(指身体情况)。

3.修饰最高级:(byfarmuchnearlyalmost quiteby nomeans 以及the verythe secondthe next .

27.你会使用as...as 结构的修饰语吗

  After the new technique was introduced the factory produced____ tractors in 1988 as the year before

Aas twice many     Bas many twice

Ctwice as many     Dtwice many as

此题应选C。主要考察在比较句型中as…as 这一结构修饰语的位置。关于这一问题以下几个方面是命题者经常涉及的考点:

1as…as 结构有哪些修饰语。主要的有:justquitenearlyalmostexactlyhalftwicethree times 等:

He is just as tall as his father.他刚好与他父亲一样高。

It's not nearly so difficult as you think


2)修饰as…as 结构的词语的位置:只能放在 as…as 结构之前,绝不能插入其中:

This rope is exactly as long as that one


He hasn't been quite so unlucky as he pretends


3as…as 结构的其它注意点:该结构一定要用形容词或副词的原级,不能用比较级或最高级。在肯定句中要用as…as,但是在否定句中用as? asso…as 均可:The horse is getting old and can't run as [so] fast as it did.这匹马老了,不如以前跑得快了。

28.你能正确理解no+比较级+than 结构吗

    AIs he very rich

BNonot at allHe's____richer than a beggar

Anot  Bno  Cmuch  Dmore

此题应选B。容易误选A,误认为这是一般的肯定句变为否定句,用not 不用no。其实此题要选B,句意为他跟乞丐一样穷。其中的no+比较级+ than 意为?一样不,否定两者,大致相当于该比较级形容词或副词的反义词。如:

1aThis box is not bigger than that one


bThis box is no bigger than that one


(=This box is as small as that one.)

2aHe didn't arrive earlier than Mary.他没有玛丽来得早。

bHe arrived no earlier than Mary.他与玛丽一样来得不早。(=He arrived as late as Mary.)类例:no taller thanas short as 一样矮no more clever thanas foolish as 一样蠢注意以下句型也属类似情况:no more than 表示对两者都否定,意为?一样不(=neither ?nor):He's no more a writer than a painter.他不是画家,也不是作家(正如他不是画家一样,他也不是作家)。(=He is neither a painter nor a writer.)A whale is no more a fish than a horse.马不是鱼,鲸也不是鱼(正如马不是鱼一样,鲸也不是鱼)。(Neither a horse nor a whale is a fish.)



  —Who is____Jim or Jack

—Jim and his father wants to send him to the US for____ education

Aolderfarther    Bolderfurther

Celderfarther     Delderfurther

此题应选B,主要考察olderelder fartherfurther 的区别:


1)用于家人之间表示长幼关系,通常用elder(在美国英语中也用older):one's elder[older] brother 哥哥/the elder [older]daughter大女儿

2elder 只指人不指物,只用作定语,不用作表语,且不用于比较句型,但older 无此限制:

误:He is elder than me

正:He is older than me.他年纪比我大。

误:Which building is elderthis one or that one

正:Which building is olderthis one or that one?这座建筑和那座建筑哪座古老些?



Can you go any farther [further]?你还走得动吗?


We'll further discuss it.我们会进一步讨论它。3eldestoldestfarthestfurthest 的区别同上。

30.表示...之后in after 的区别只在于时态吗

  aHe will come back____ two days

bHe will come back____ two o'clock

Ainin       Bafterafter

Cafterin     Dinafter




以上观点有正确的一面,也有不妥的一面。关于介词in after 表示?之后的区别应该是:

1.与一段时间连用时,表示?之后after 表示以过去时间为起点的一段时间以后,通常与过去时态连用;而in 表示以现在为起点的一段时间以后,通常与将来时态连用:

Her husband arrived there after two days


Our headmaster will come back in a few minutes



They came back after 4 o'clock


31.能说by foot by the first bus

  —Did you go there by bus or____ foot

—I went there____ the first bus

Aonat    Bonby   Cbyon    Dbyin

此题应选B。容易误选C,错误思路为:由by planeby busby planeby bike 等推出by foot;又因为by bus 等不用冠词,所以反过来,用了冠词则不用by,而用onin 等。

此题要选B。介词by 表示乘坐交通工具要注意:

1.后接交通工具(busbiketrain 等)或与交通工具密切相关的名词(airwater 等),在句中主要用作方式状语(有时也用作表语等),注意不用冠词或其它限定词:

Do you go to school by bus or by bike?你上学是乘公共汽车还是骑自行车?

He came here by airnot by train.他是坐飞机来的,不是坐火车来的。


I'm going by the 930 train.我坐930 的火车去。

We went to Shanghai by a large ship.我们乘一艘大船去上海。

3步行骑马,英语用介词onHe came here on foothorseback).他是步行(骑马)来的。


by phone 用电话 by telegram 用电报

by letter 用信件 by express 用快件

by post 用邮寄 by radio 用无线电

 32shout at shout to 的区别是什么

    he was so angry that he shouted____everyone present

Aat   Bto   Cfor    Dwith

此题应选A。容易误选Bshout at sbshout to sb 的区别可大致描述为:前者多指因为生气等而非善意地对某人吼叫,后者多指因距离远而不得不大声叫喊(否则对方无法听见),不带生气等感情因素。进一步归纳可得出:这类用法中的介词at 表示目标或预定目的,介词to只是客观地表示一种方向。体会以下类似句子:

1aThe dog came at the boy.狗向小男孩扑来。(意即咬人)

bThe dog came to the boy


2aAll of them ran at me.他们都向我扑来。(意即攻击我)

bAll of them ran to me.他们都向我跑过来。


3aHe threw the ball at me.他把球向我砸来。(意欲打我)

bHe threw the ball to me.他把球抛给我。(无打人之意)

4aHe shouted at his wife.他对他妻子吼叫。(意在训人)

bHe shouted to his wife.他朝他妻子大声喊叫。



33between 只能用于两者吗

  ____sewingcookingand raising childrenshe was kept busy

ABetween   BAmong   CAt   DOn


一般说来,between 指两者,among 指三者。但是在现代英语中,among表示三者(以上)的在中间,其宾语通常是一个表示笼统数量或具有复数意义的名词或代词:

among the children 在孩子们中间/among the crowd 在人群中

下列情况between 可用于三者(且一般不用among 换):

1.三者或三者以上的人或物用and 连接时:

Switzland lies between FranceltalyAustria and Germany.瑞士位于法、意、奥、德四国之间。


Don't eat anything between meals.在正餐之间不要吃零食。


Do you know the difference between the three



Between them they landed the fish.他们协力把鱼拖上了岸。注:在divideshare 等表示分享之类的动词之后若接一个表示三者或三者以上的复数名词,可用between(也可用among):He divided his money between[among] his six children.他把钱分给了6 个儿子。

34.这个to 是介词还是不定式符号

   We are looking forward to ____ from Mary

Ahear    Bhearing   Cheard   Dhave heard

此题应选B。容易误选A,认为其前的to 是不定式符号。to 有时是不定式符号,有时是介词。用作介词时,注意以下常见搭配:

look forward to 盼望 devote to 致力于,献身于

pay attention to 注意 stick to 坚持

be used to 习惯于(但used to 表示过去经常,to 为不定式符号;be used to 表示被用来时,to 也是不定式符号)

on the way to 即将成为(但表示在做某事的路上to 是不定式符号)


1He was devoted to____ the poor

Ahelp  Bhelping  Chelped  Dbeing helped

2The weather was Coldbut soon he got used to____ there

Alive   Bliving   Clived    Dhaving lived

3 You should pay more attention to____ with those who differ with you

Aunite and work    B uniting and working

Cunite and working  Duniting and work

4She was on her way to____ her Daughter

Asee   Bseeing   Csaw   Dhave seen

5He was on the way to ____ an engineer

Abecome   Bbecoming   Cbecame  Dbe

答案:1B 2B 3B 4A 5B


35except 后能接哪些词

   ADoes he often come to see you

   BNohe never comes____ he is in trouble

Aexcept         Bexcept that

Cexcept when   Dexcept for

此题很容易误选B,因为后面是一个从句,所以很容易联想到except that,其实此题应选CBC 两者之后均接从句,其区别主要从句意上看:except when 中的when ?之意,而except that 则无此义。比较:

I know nothing about him except that he lives in Paris


I like her except when she's angry


except 作为介词,后接名词或代词(这是基本用法),除了以上提到的后接that 从句和when 从句外,以下用法也需注意:

1)副词:She has never come late except recently


2)介词短语:The window is never opened except in summer.除了在夏天外,这扇窗户从不打开。


It had no effect except to make him angry


There was little we could do except wait


4what 从句:I know nothing about it except what he told me


5where 从句:My papers seem to be everywhere except where they ought to be


36exceptbut besides 区别详解

ADid you study any other foreign language ____English when  you were at college

BYesI studied threeBut I have forgotten all____a few words of each

Abesiesbesides    Bbutexcept

Cexceptexcept     Dbesidesexcept

此题应选D,主要考察exceptbutbesides 的用法区别:

1.先说exceptbut)与besides 的区别:前者表示除了?之外(不再有?,表示的是一种排除的关系;后者表示除了?之外(还有?,表示的是一种累加关系:

Besides his wifehis daughter also went to see him

I go to school every day except [but] Sunday


No one passed the exam besides [exceptbut] Jim.除吉姆外,没一个人通过考试。

2.再说except but 的区别:一般说来,前者用法较广,后者用法较窄。事实上,在现代英语中,but 的用法十分有限,通常只能用在no(及其复合词),any(及其复合词),every(及其复合词),allnonewhowhatwhere 等之后。一般说来,若没有出现上述词汇,就不宜用but。如通常不说:The window is never opened but in summer(可用except)。

3exceptbut 一般不用于句首,但besides 可用于句首。

4.关于but for except for:前者表示若不是,通常与虚拟语气连用;后者表示除外,指不同类比较。


  Is____ necessary to complete the design before

National Day

Athis   Bthat   Cit   Dhe

此题应选C,其余各项均有一定的干扰性。这里主要考察形式主语it 的用法。一般说来,当主语是比较复杂的成分(如不定式、动名词、从句等)时,通常在句首使用形式主语it,而把真正的主语放在后面:

Is it necessary to tell his father everything


It is wrong to say anything like that on that occasion


It's no good sitting up too late.熬夜没有好处。

It'll be wonderful lying on the beach all day


It is quite clear that he has read the book


It's a problem where we could get so much money


有时可在用作主语的不定式前加上介词forof 短语:

It is very kind of you to say that.你这样说,真是太好了。

It is important for us to keep the balance of nature



  I don't think ____ possible to master a foreign language without  much memory work

Athis    Bthat    Cits   Dit

此题的选项AB 都容易误选。其实此题应选D,主要考察形式宾语it 的使用。一般说来,形式宾语it 主要用于以下句型:动词+ it+宾语补足语+真正的宾语

其中的动词通常是thinkfindfeelbelievetakeconsidermake 等;其中的宾语补足语通常是形容词,有时是名词;而其中真正的宾语通常是比较复杂的成分(如不定式、动名词、从句等):

We found it difficult to persuade her.我们发现很难说服她。

He makes it a rule to get up before dawn.他习惯于天亮前起床。

We found it an easy thing to get along with him


I think it very strange that he goes out walking almost every night


有时可在用作宾语的不定式前加上介词forof 短语:

Poeple felt it impossible for man to fly into the outer space some years ago


I don't think it wise for [of] him to choose such a difficult subject




   May I take____ that you have agreed to stay with us

Athis   Bthat   C   it Dall


I take itthatyou agree.我以为你同意了。

Lenin has it that imperialism is the last stage of capitalism


Report has it that about 30 people were killed in the accident

据报道,在这次事故中大约有30 人丧命。

I'll see to it that all these letters will be sent to the post before twelve

我将注意让所有的信件在12 点以前送到邮局。

You may depend on it that he will turn up in time


I can't answer for it that the boy is honest.(=I can't answer for his honesty.)


I can swear to it that this man stole our money


 40it 用法特例

     I hate ____ when people ask me for money

Ait   Bthat   Cthese   Dthem

此题应选A,这是it 一种比较特殊的用法,虽然一般书上论述不多,但它却经常出现在各级各类考试中,比如有这样一道题:

I hate ____when people talk with their mouths full

Ait    Bthat   Cthese   Dthem


适合于以上用法的动词不多,常见的主要有hatelike,当它们后面接有when if 从句时,从句前应有it

I don' t like it when she tells me how to do things


She won't like it if you arrive late.她不喜欢你迟到。

He hates it when people use her bike


I hate it if you say such things in public


有时动词appreciate 后接if 从句,从句前也要用it

I would appreciate it very much if you would help me with it


I should much appreciate it if you would arrange this for us


 41it 何时可以指人

   aJim is at the door____wants to see you

bSomeone is at the door____must be Jim

AThatIt   BItHe   CHeIt   Dwho He

此题应选C。第a 句填代词he,是因为前面一句用了Jim 这一身份和性别都很明确的名词;第b 句填代词it,是因为前面一句用了someone这一指代不明确的代词。一般说来,在指代身份或性别明确的人时,通常要根据情况用代词heshe;若是指代身份或性别不明的人,则用代词it

I don't know who it is.我不知道那是谁。

A tall man stood up and shook hands with herIt was the general manager


Someone must have been hereBut we have no idea who it was


There was somebody standing in front of the shop but I couldn't see who it was


AWho has let out the secret?是谁泄漏了秘密?

BIt must be a big mouth.一定是个快嘴。

AI hear a knock at the door.我听见有人在敲门。

BIt must be the postman.一定是邮递员来了。

ADo you know who that is?你知道那个人是谁吗?

BI suppose it is Mary's father.我想那是玛丽的父亲。

42it 在某些固定句式中的使用

    Does ____ matter if he can't finish the job on time

Athis   Bthat   Che  Dit

此题选D。注意在以下句式中通常都用it 作主语:

It looks as if he is very rich.他看起来好像很富有。

It seems that he is interested in music.他似乎对音乐有兴趣。

It appears as if they have lost interest.看来他们已失去了兴趣。

It happened that he was there with us


It matters little if I miss my bus


顺便说一下It doesn't matter.的有关用法:

1It doesn't matter.单独使用(即其后不接词)时,也可说成That doesn't matter.其意为没关系(主要用来回答道歉和表示某事不是很重要):

AWould you go there with me?你愿和我一起去吗?

BI'd like tobut I have to post these letters


AThat [It] doesn't matter.没关系。

2It doesn't matter

若不是单独使用,而是在其后跟有从句,则句首的it 便不能改为that

It doesn't matter to me whether she is pleased or not


43it 在强调句中的使用

  ____these boys that played tricks on their teachers

AThey were       BIt were

CThere were      DIt was


It is+被强调部分+ that [who]+其它


1.不管被强调部分是单数还是复数,其前一律用It isIt was,而不能用They areThere were 之类的。


3.被强调部分是指时间或地点时,被强调部分后通常用that,一般不用whenwhere 之类的。

It is I who am right.是我对。

It was you that were wrong.是你错了。

It was in Japan that he died.他是死于日本。

It was yesterday that he got married.他是昨天结婚的。

It was a computer that he bought last week


Where was it that she lived?她是住在什么地方?

When was it that he left for Japan


Who is it that teaches you English?是谁教你们英语?


   —When ____again

—I don't knowBut when he____I'll let you know

Ahe comescomes      Bwill he comewill come

Che comeswill come     Dwill he comecomes


1The football match will be put off if it____

Awill rain    Brains

Crained      Dis raining

要特别注意分清:由when if 引导的从句是状语从句还是宾语从句:

21 I won't go if it ____tomorrow.(状语从句)

2I don't know if it ____tomorrow.(宾语从句)

Arains        Bwill rain

Cis raining     Dhas rained

答案:1B 21A 2B


  aHe told us that the earth____ round the sun

bAt one time some scientists thought that the sun____ round  the earth

Atumstums       Btumedtumed

Ctumedtums      Dtumstumed



以上看法既对,又不全对。就一般情况而论:主句是一般过去时态时,其宾语从句应用过去的某种时态与之呼应。但是若宾语从句表示的是客观真理,则不管主句是什么时态,宾语从句一律用一般现在时。但值得注意的是:本题b 句的宾语从句并不是客观真理(所以不能用一般现在时)。



He told the little boy that the sun rises in the east



The teacher said that hydrogen is the lightest element



He knew that pride goes before a fall.他知道骄兵必败。



     These scientists________ for Japan tonight

Aare to leave        Bhave left

Cwill be left         Dleft

此题应选 A。英语中除了用“willshall+动词原形来表示将来外,还有多种表示将来的方式:

1 be going to+动词原形。主要表示打算和预见:

He's going to be a doctor when he grows up


Look at the black clouds——there is going to be a storm



We are leaving on Sunday 我们星期日出发。

The plane is taking off at 530.飞机530 起飞。


Where are we to stay tonight?今晚我住什么地方?

Tell him he's not to be back late.告诉他不准迟回。

注:be about+不定式,也表示将来(指即将要发生的事),但通常不与具体时间连用:

He is about to leave.他即将要离开。


The train leaves at 725 this evening

火车今晚725 分开。

Tomorrow is Wednesday.明天是星期三。

47will do be going to do 有何差别

    —I've come out without any money

—Never mind I____you some

Aam going to lend        Bwill lend

Chave lent               Dam to lend

此题应选B。容易误选A。这里主要谈一谈有关“will+动词原形“be going to+动词原形的区别:在通常情况下两者都可表示将来时间和意图,且有时可换用:


正:I won't tell you about it

正:I'm not going to tell you about it

但是此时要注意:若是强调某个意图是经过事先考虑好的,则通常要用be going to ;若是表示某个意图没有经过事先考虑,而是在说话的当时才临时想到的,则通常用will,且以上两种情况通常不能换用。比较并体会:

1—Come to the party.来参加晚会吧。

—OKI'll bring my boyfriend


2—Where is the telephone book?电话薄在哪?

—I'll get it for you.我去给你拿。(临时想法)

3—Why are you taking it out?干吗要把它拿出来?

—I'm going to wash it.我想把它洗一洗。(事先考虑)

4— Have you bought a typewriter?你买了台打字机吗?

—YesI'm going to leam to type




    You don't need to describe herI____her several times

Ahad met    Bhave me   t Cmet    Dmeet


一、持续性用法(或叫未完成用法):指的是动作过去发生,但在过去并未完成,而是从过去一直持续到现在。此时多半有表示持续性的时间状语(如:for 5 yearssince 1990 等)。


1—Where____ the radio I can't see it anywhere

—I ____it right hereBut now it's gone

Adid you puthave put

Bhave you putput

Chad you put was putting

D were you puttinghave put

2—Who is Jerry Cooper

--- ____I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting

ADon't you meet him yet

BHadn't you met him yet

CDidn't you meet him yet

DHaven't you met him yet

答案:1B 2D


   I don't think Jim saw me he____ into space

Ajust stared         Bwas just staring

Chas just stared     Dhad just stared

此题应选B。主要考察动词过去进行时的基本用法(即动作在过去某一时刻正在进行)。此题的上文设置比较巧妙:前面的主句用了I don't think(指现在的看法),而其后的宾语从句用的是saw(指过去的动作),也就是说此题的语境是:现在谈论过去的情况,全句意为:我认为吉姆当时没看见我,(因为)他当时正在朝天空看。

1My brother____ while he his bicycle and hurt himself

Afellwas riding       Bfell were riding

Chad fallenrode       Dhad fallenwas riding

2Tom ____into the house when no one____

Aslippedwas looking      Bhad slippedlooked

Cslipped had looked      Dwas slippedlooked

3As she ____the newspaperGranny____ asleep

Areadwas falling           Bwas reading fell

Cwas readingwas falling    Dreadfell

4I first met Lisa three years agoShe____at a radio shop at the time

Ahas worked            Bwas working

Chad been working       Dhad worked

答案:1A 2A 3B 4B


    He asked me to have a drink with him I said that it was at least ten years since I____ a good drink

Ahad enjoyed        Bwas enjoying

Cenjoyed            Dhad been enjoying


1He was disappointed that most of the guests____ when he ___at  the party

Alefthad arrived      Bleft arrived

Chad lefthad arrived   Dhad leftarrived

2The students____ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book.

she____ in the office

Ahad writtenleft        Bwere writinghas left

Chad writtenhad left    Dwere writinghad left

3 Helen____ her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband ____ home

Ahas leftcomes      Blefthad come

Chad leftcame       Dhad left would come

答案:1D 2D 3C

  51This is the first time 后的从句通常用什么时态

    —Do you know our town at all

—No this is the first time I____ here

Awas       B have been

Ccame     Dam coming

此题应选B。这与句中的this is the first time 有关:一般说来,在It[This] is the first time that 结构中,that 从句通常用现在完成时:

It's the first timethat the boy has spoken to a foreigner


It's the first time that she's seen an elephant


有时以上结构中的first 也可换成secondthirdfourth 等;其中的time 也可换成其它名词:

It's the first month that he has lived here


This is the second cigarette that he has smoked today

这是他今天抽的第二支烟。在It was the first time that-结构中, that-从句通常用过去完成时,有时也用一般过去时,有时若有包括现在在内的时间状语,偶尔还可用现在完成时:

I was lucky because that was the second time Ihad visited Japan that year


It was the first time this year that he hadn't[hasn't] worked

on a Saturday.这是今年来他第一次在星期六不上班。



   I met Jim last weekWe____ each other for about twenty years since we left Japan

Adidn't meet      Bdon't meet

Chaven't met      Dhadn't met

此题应选D。不少考生会误选C,因为这句当中有一个由since 引导的时间状语从句。确实,在与since 状语从句连用的主句中,时态通常是用现在完成时:

He has lived here since he came here


We haven't heard from her since she left


I have been at his bedside ever since he became ill


以上各例之所以用了现在完成时,是因为since 表示自从?以来,这刚好与现在完成时的持续性用法一致。但是这种用法不是绝对的,有时在特定的语言环境下也可能有例外。试比较:

1We haven't met each other for about 20 years since we left Japan

2I met Jim last weekWe hadn't met each other for about twenty years since we left Japan

1 句用现在完成时,这大家比较好理解。但是第2 句用过去完成时,有的考生就感到费解了。其实第2 句用过去完成时的主要原因是I met Jim last week,既然我上个星期见到了吉姆,所以“30 年未见面显然应在上星期这一过去时间之前(即过去的过去),所以要用过去完成时。


     —Excuse mesirSmoking is not allowed here

—Ohsorry I____

Adon't know         Bdidn't know

Chaven't known      Dcan't know


1—We could have walked to the stationit was so near

—YesA taxi____at all necessary

Awasn't         Bhadn't been

Cwouldn't be    Dwon't be

2—Your phone number againI ____quite catch it

—It's 7226109

Adidn't       Bcouldn't

Cdon't       Dcan't

3—Can I help yousir

—Yes I bought this radio here yesterday but it ____ work

Adidn't       Bwon't

Ccan't       Ddoesn't

4—Alicewhy didn't you come yesterday

—I____but I had an unexpected visitor

Ahad   Bwould  Cwas going to  Ddid

答案:1A 2A 3D 4C

54take place 等能用于被动语态吗

     Great changes ____in China since 1978

Ahave taken place        Btook place

Chave been taken place    Dwere taken place

此题应选A。首先要排除CD,因为take place(发生)是不及物动词,所以不能用被动语态;另一方面,因为句子中的since1978,所以句子宜用现在完成时A

大家知道,不及物动词没有被动语态(因为不及物动词没有宾语,转换成被动语态便没有主语)。但这里要注意的是:由于受汉语的影响,有些不及物动词很容易被考生误认为是及物动词,从而误用被动语态。这类易用错的动词主要的有take place 发生/happen 发生/come about 发生/breakout 爆发/appear 出现/disappear 消失/last 持续等)。


误:What wasis happened to him

正:What has happened to him


误:Elections are teken place every four years

正:Elections take place every four years


误:I don't know how this thing was come about

正:I don't know how this thing came about



1People there lack food.(正)

2Food is lacked by people there.(误)

从形式上看,句2 是句1 相应的被动形式,既然句1 为正句,那么句2 从理论上说应该是成立的。而事实上句2 却是个错句。

在英语中,并不是所有的及物动词都可以用于被动语态的,有些动词(尤其是那些静态动词)尽管它们可以带宾语,但却不用于被动语态,这种动词考生容易弄错,其中主要的有:havelackfitsuitcostletlike 等:


正:He has a computer

误:A computer is had by him


正:He was taking a bath

误:A bath was being taken by him


正:My shoes don't fit me

误:I am not fitted by my shoes

这架钢琴花了她6000 美元。

正:The piano cost her 6000 dollars

误:She was cost her 6000 dollars

误:6000 dollars was cost her


       —Have you moved into the new house

—Not yetThe rooms____

Aare being painted     Bare painting

Care painted           Dare being painting



You are wanted on the phone.有人给你打电话.(一般现在时)

When was the building completed


You won't be allowed to take so much luggage with you


A new railway is now being built


The roads were being widened


Such a thing has never been heard of before



The work must be finished at once.这工作必须马上完成。

The method can still be improved upon.这方法还可以改进。

My umbrella may have been left on the train



主动:He answered me the question.(正)

被动:I was answered the question by him.(正)

被动:The question was answered me by him.(误)


一、有些带双宾语的动词转换为被动语态时,可以有两种形式(即可用直接宾语或间接宾语作主语),这类动词主要的有:buygivelendpayshowteachtellofferleaveaward 等:


主动:He gave her some money.(正)

被动:She was given some money by him.(正)

被动:Some money was given toher by him.(正)

二、有些带双宾语的动词转换为被动语态时,通常要用直接宾语作主语,这类动词主要的有:domakepasssellsingwrite 等:


主动:He wrote her a letter.(正)

被动:A letter was writtentoher by him.(正)

被动:She was written a letter by him.(少见)



主动:They refused me admittance.(正)

被动:I was refused admittance by them.(正)

被动:A admittance was refused me by them.(少见)


    Cleaning women in big cities usually get____ by the hour

Apay   Bpaying   Cpaid   Dto pay

此题应选C。句意为大城市的清洁女工通常按小时计报酬。句中的get paid 也是一种被动语态。


They all got punished.他们都受到了惩罚。

How did it get broken?它是怎样打破的?

Our house is getting painted.我们的房子要刷漆。

They are to get married.他们要结婚了。


1.总的说来,构成被动语态用be 的情形多,用get 的情形少。在现代英语中用get 构成被动语态主要见于口语或非正式文体中。

2.从含义上看,用get 构成的被动语态多侧重指动作的结果而非动作本身,并且这种结构尤其用于谈论一些人们未曾料到的突发事件。试体会:

The dog got killed by the car.狗被汽车压死了。

He got caught by the police driving at 60 kms through

Cam-bridge.他在穿过剑桥时车速为 60 公里,所以被警察抓住。有人认为用 get 构成的被动语态不能与 by 短语连用,其实在现代英语中是可以这样用的(见上例)。

3.另外若句中用了 in the endat long last 等也通常可用 get构成被动语态:

In the end he got invited.最后还是邀请了他。


   The pen____quite smoothly

Awrites       Bis written

Chas written   Dis to be writtten


Meat cuts easily.肉容易切。

The book sells well.这书销路好。

My coat caught on a nail.我的衣服被钉子钩住了。

This kind of cloth washes very well.这种布很经洗。

Good leather will wear for years.好的皮革可以穿好几年。

The book is printing.这本正在印刷。

The house is building.房子正在建筑中。

The book is selling well.这书销路好。


Good leather will be worn for years

The book is being printed

但是在实际运用中,用主动表被动的情况更普遍。不过值得注意的是:像本题所涉及的例子却只能用主动表被动:The pen writes quite smoothly.(这笔写起来很流畅),因为若直接用被动语态:The pen is written quite smoothly.那么它相应的主动语态即为:

He writes the pen quite smoothly.这显然是荒唐的。


    This book is difficult____

Ato understand     Bto be understand

Cto understand it    Dbeing understood



English is not easy to learn.英语不容易学。

This question is difficult[hard]to answer.这个问题很难回答。

That bird is impossible to catch.那只鸟不可能被抓住。

The river is dangerous to swim in.在这条河里游泳很危险。

Football is interesting to watch.看踢足球很有意思。

以上结构可以换成用it 作形式主语的句型:英语单词难记。

正:English words are difficult to remember

正:It is difficult to remember English words


正:Such a book is easy to write

正:It is easy to write such a book


   I don't know himbut he____to have a lotof money

Asays   Bsaid   Cis said   Dis saying




aPeople say that he is an honest man

bIt is said that he is an honest man

cHe is said to be an honest man


aPeople say that tortoises live longer than elephants

bIt is said that tortoises live longer than elephants

cTortoises are said to live longer than elephants


aPeople believe that he has left

bIt is believed that he has left

cHe is believed to have left


aThey think that he has made great progress

bIt's thought that he has made great proqress

cHe is thought to have made great progress

常用于这类结构的动词有:saythinkbelievereport 等。


   I____ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer

Agave  Bwas given  Cto give  Dbe giving






1 The police found that the house____and a lot of  things________

Ahas broken intohas beenn stolen

Bhad broken intohad been stolen

Chas been broken intostolen

Dhad been broken intostolen

2When and where to hold the meeting____yet

Ais not decided    Bare not decided

Chas not decided   Dhave not decided

3In some parts of the worldtea____with milk and sugar

Ais serving      Bis served

Cserves         Dserved

4I need one more stamp before my  collection____

Ahas completed       Bcompletes

Chas been completed   Dis completed

答案:1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A


   He had often made his little sister____buttoday he was  made____by his little sister

Acryto cry      Bcryingcrying

Ccrycry         Dto crycry

此题应选A。一般说来,在感官动词(如 seehearwatchfeelnoticelook atlisten to 等)以及某些使役动词(如 make等)之后的复合宾语中,不定式是不能带to 的,但若是变为相应的被动语态,则应加上这个to

1John was made____the truck for a week as a punishment

Ato wash         Bwashing

Cwash            Dto be washed

2Paul doesn't have to be made____He always work shard

Alearn         Bto learn

Clearned       Dlearning

3He not only made the workers____long hours but he was also  seen____them

Aworkbeat     Bto workto beat

Cworkto beat    Dto workbeat

4a. He often listened to others____

bHe was often listened to____in this room

Asingto sing      Bto singsing

Csingsing        Dto singto sing

答案:1A 2B 3C 4A


    I would appreciate____back this afternoon

Ayou to call      Byou call

Cyour calling     Dyou're calling


appreciate 感激 avoid 避免 can't help 禁不住consider 考虑 dislike 厌恶 enjoy 喜爱excuse 原谅 finish 完成 give up 放弃 imagine 想象 keep 保持 mind 介意miss 错过 practise 练习 put off 推迟 risk 冒险 stop 停止 suggest 建议 forbid 禁止 advise 建议 allow 允许 permit 允许

I couldn't help laughing when I heard the news


I can't imagine doing work with them.我无法想象与他们一起工作。

He practises playing the piano every day.他每天练习弹钢琴。

Would you mind opening the window?打开窗户你介意吗?

The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught


He advised selling the old car.他建议卖掉这部旧汽车。


   We expected____but we didn't manage____thetickets

Ato goto get      Bgoinggetting

Cto gogetting     Dgoingto get

此题应选A,因为动词expectmanage 之后接动词作宾语时,通常要用不定式而不用动名词。类似地,以下动词通常也只能以不定式作宾语:

agree 同意 ask 要求 choose 决定 decide 决定 expect 期待

hope 希望manage 设法得以 prepare 准备 offer 主动提出

pretend 假装 promise 答应 refuse 拒绝

wish 希望 want 想要

1She pretended____me when I passed by

Anot to see     Bnot seeing

Cto not see     Dhaving not seen

2We agreed____here but so far she hasn't turned up yet

Ahaving met    Bmeeting   Cto meet   Dto have met

3He offered____us themoneysowe decided____a computer

Ato lendto buy    Blendingbuying

Cto lendbuying    Dlendingto buy

4He chose____at home because he had a cold

Astaying         Bto stay

Chaving stayed   Dto having stayed

答案:1A 2C 3A 4B


66likelove 等动词后接不定式还是动名词

   Little Jim should love____to the theatre thisevening

Ato be taken      Bto take

Cbeing taken      Dtaking

此题应选A。因为从语法上看 should love 之后只能接不定式,所以答案只能在AB 中选择;又因为从句意上看应该用被动式,所以只能选A

在英语中,有些动词其后接动词作宾语时,可用不定式也可用动名词,且含义大致相同。这类动词主要有:likelovebeginstarthateprefercontinueintendcan't bear。(也有人认为用不定式多  指特定动作,用动名词多指经常性动作,但总的说来,在现代英语中这两类结构区别不大):

He like watching[to watch] TV.他喜欢看电视。


1.当likelove wouldshould 连用时,其后只用不定式而不 用动名词(见本题)。


I'd love to have gone to the party yesterday but I had to workextra hours to finish a report


2.当beginstart 等动词本身为现在分词时或当其后接表示心理状态的动词时,


I was beginningstartingto cook supper


He began to like poetry when he was a boy



67allowpermitadviseforbid 等后接动词有讲究

   aWe don't allow____in the office

bWe don't allow people____in the office

cPeople are not allowed____in the office

Asmoking       Bto smoke

Csmoked       Dsmoke

此题答案为a 句选Ab 句和c 句均选B。一般说来,动词allow(允许)之后应接动名词作宾语,但是若其后接有名词或代词作宾语,则其宾语后的补足语应用不定式,而不是动名词(注意:c 句与b 句同义,只是c 句为b 句的被动形式)。

类似以上用法的动词还有permitadviseforbid 等:

1aWe don't permit____on the grass

bWe don't permit people____on the grass

cPeople are not permitted____on the grass

Awalk   Bto walk  Cwalking  Dwalked

2aHe advised____early

bHe advised us____early

cWe were advised____early

Aleave    Bto leave   Cleaving   Dleft


3aHe forbids me ____ with them

bHe forbids my ____ with them

Ato go   Bgoing   Cgo   Dwent

答案:1CBB 2CBB 3AB

 68remember 等动词后接不定式或动名词含义不同

   She didn't remember ____ him before

Ahaving met       Bhave met

Cto meet          Dto having met


1Do you remember ____ me at a party last year

Ameet  Bto meet  Cmeeting  Dmet

2—The light in the office is still on

—OhI forgot____

Aturning it off         Bturn it Off

Cto turn it off         Dhaving turned it off

3—You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting

—Wellnow I regret ____ that

Ato do              Bto be doing

Cto having done     Dhaving done

4—I regret ____ that I can't help you

—That's all right

Asay   Bto say    Csaying   Dsaid


I regret telling you about it yesterday


答案:1C 2C 3D 4B


69stop 等动词后接不定式或动名词含义不同

    He was very tired so he stopped ____ a rest

Ahave    Bto have   Chaving    Dto having

此题应选B。在动词 stop(停止),go on(继续)等之后,接不定式或动词的-ing 形式都可以,但含义有差别:stop 之后若接不定式,表示停止正在做的事情而去做另外一件事(即去做不定式表示的动作);若接动词的-ing 形式,则只表示停止正在做的事情(即停止-ing 动词所表示的动作);go on 之后若接不定式,表示的是做完一件事情后,接着做另外一件事(即做不定式所表示的动作);若接动词的-ing 形式,则表示继续做正在做的事(即继续做- ing 动词表示的动作)。如:

1He reached the top of the hill and stopped ____ on a big rock by the side of the path

Ato have rested              Bresting

Cto rest                      Drest

2They stopped____but there was no more sound

Alisten                  Blistening

Cto listen                Dto have listened

3When he saw ushe stopped____got up and shook hands with us

Ato read     Breading     Cread      Dto be reading

4You can't go on ____ all night without a rest

Ato work           Bworking

Cwork             Dto have worked

5Goon ____ theother exercisesafteryou have finished this one

Ato do             Bdoing

Cwith              Dto be doing

答案:1C 2C 3B 4B 5A

70mean 等动词接不定式或动名词含义不同

  He meant ____ the early busand that meant ____up before five  o'clock

Ato catchto get      Bcatchinggetting

Cto catchgetting     Dcatchingto get

此题应选C。在动词meantrycan't help 等之后接不定式或动名词,动词本身含义有变化。试比较并体会:

amean + to do sth 打算做某事        mean + doing sth 意味着

btry + to do sth 设法做某事      try + doing sth 做某事试一试(看有什么效果)

ccan't help + to do sth 不能帮助做某事    can't help + doing sth 禁不住做某事


1OhsorryI didn't mean ____ your feelings

Ahurt    Bto hurt   Churting    Dto hurting

2This illness will mean ____ to hospital

Ago   Bto go    Cgoing    Dto going

3I couldn't help ____ when I heard the joke

Alaugh    Bto laugh   Claughing    Dlaughed

4Don't take the medicineIt can't help ____ rid of your cold

Aget    Bto get    Cgetting    Dgot

5—I usually go there by train

—Why not ____ by boat for a change

Ato try going       Btrying to go

Cto try and go      Dtry going

答案:1B 2C 3C 4B 5D

71need 等动词后接不定式或动名词均可,但语态不同

  The library needs____but it'll have to wait until Sunday

Acleaning         Bbe cleaned

Cclean            Dbeing cleaned

此题应选A。表示需要的动词needwantrequire 等,其后可接动名词(用主动式表示被动含义)或不定式(用被动式表示被动含义):


aThe old man needs looking after

bThe old man needs to be looked after


aYour hair wants cutting

bYour hair wants to be cut


aThe house requires painting

bThe house requires to be painted



正:The film is worth seeing twice

误:The film is worth to be seen twice

误:The film is worth being seen twice


正:The book is difficult to understand

误:The book is difficult to be understood

72.介词but 后的动词带不带to 主要看前面 有没有do

     He did nothing but ____ a letter

Awrite              Bto write

Cwriting            Dto have written

此题应选A。一般说来,介词后接动词通常应是动名词。但是介词butexcept 也一样)却比较特殊,其后接动词时,可以接不定式,并且这个不定式可以带to 也可以不带to


She will do anything but play chess.她除了下棋外什么都愿干。

He did nothing all day except watch TV.他一整天除了看电视什么也没做。

2.当其前的谓语没有某种形式的实义动词do 时,其后的不定式通常要带to

They had no choice but to obey.他们别无选择只有服从。

He wanted nothing but to stay here


3.当其前含有实义动词do 但不是用作谓语时,其后的不定式带不带to 均可,但以不带to 为多见:

There's nothing to do buttoleave.只好离开。

There was nothing to do buttowait.除了等没有其它的办法。

4.在cannothelpbut 后习惯上接不带to 的不定式:

I cannothelpbut admire his courage.我不得不佩服他的勇气。

73“have + 宾语+动词结构详解

     It was coldHe had the fire ____ all night

Aburn               Bto Burn

Cburning            Dto Burning

此题应选C。有关have 的以下几个结构须注意:

1have +宾语+动词原形,表示叫某人做某事,是使役动词;有时用于否定句,表示不能让

多与won't 连用:

I'll have her post the letter.我要叫她去寄信。

I won't have you tell me what to do.我不能让你对我做的事指手划脚。

2have +宾语+现在分词。表示使某人或某物一直处于做某事的状态当中;有时用于否定句,

表示不允许,一般与won't can't 连用:

He had the light burning all night.他让灯亮了一整夜。

I won't have you smoking at your age.我不能让你在这个年纪就抽烟。

3have +宾语+过去分词。主要用法有:


We had the machine repaired.我们请人修了机器。


I had my watch stolen.我的表被人偷去了。


I've had all my mistakes corrected


4)表示拒绝或不允许发生某事(多与won't 连用):

We won't have anything said against the Party


74.你会用“make +宾语+过去分词

    My spoken English is poorI can't make myself ____

Aunderstand        Bto understant

Cunderstanding      Dunderstood

此题应选D。容易误选A,认为句中的make 是使役动词,其后的宾语补足语用动词原形。但是从句意上看myself 与动词understand 具有被动关系(动宾关系),所以用过去分词。如:

He shouted aloud so that he could make his voice heard


You must make yourself respected.你必须要让别人尊重你。

We should make our views known.我们应该要使我们的观点让别人知道。

比较以下“make +宾语+动词原形的用法:

What made you think so?是什么使你这样想的呢?

He made us stay to tea.他留我们吃茶点。

You may take a horse to the waterbut you can't make him drink

你可以把马牵到水边,但你不能让它喝水(捆绑不成夫妻)。但是,不要将以上使役用法与以下各句(make 表示制造)相混淆:

He made some candles to give light.他做了些蜡烛来照明。

He made a large box to put his books in.他做了个大箱子来装书。


  The salesman scolded the girl caught ____ and let her off

Ato have stolen         Bto be stealing

Cto steal               Dstealing

此题应选D。句中的 caught stealing 是过去分词短语用作定语,修饰其前的名词 the girl,可看作是定语从句 who was caught stealing的省略形式(注意这是一个被动语态句子),其中使用的动词结构是

catch sb doing sth(抓住某人或碰上某人在做某事)。又如:

He caught me smoking a cigarette.他抓住我抽烟。

The farmer caught the boy stealing his apples



1find sb doing sth 发现某人在做某事:

We found the girl crying under the tree


2see/hear/watch/observe sb doing sth


He heard the girl singing in the next room



I saw her enter the shop.我看见她进了商店(指全过程)。

I saw her entering the shop



     The patient was warned ____ oily food after the operation

Ato eat not          Beating not

Cnot to eat          Dnot eating

此题应选C。主要考察在非谓语动词的否定式中,否定词的位置。一般说来,非谓语动词的否定式只能在非谓词动词之前加否定词;若非谓语动词包括几个词(如是完成式、被动式等),则只能在非谓语动词的第一个词前加否定词;so as toin order to 等结构的否定式,not只能放在不定式符号to 之前。 如:

1She pretended ____ me when I passed by

Anot to see       Bnot seeing

Cto not see       Dhaving not seen

2Tom kept quiet about the accident ____ lose his job

Aso not as to       Bso as not to

Cso as to not       Dnot so as to

3Mrs Smith warned her daughter ____ after drinking

Anever to drive          Bto never drive

Cnever driving          Dnever drive

4 ____ a replyhe decided to write again

ANot receiving            BReceiving not

CNot having received      DHaving not received

答案:1A 2B 3A 4C


      ____ many timesbut the boys still couldn't under- stand it

AHaving told         BThough he had been told

CHe was told        DHaving been told


1 ____ ask the teacher if you have any questions

ADoing     BDo     CTo Do      DDone

2 ____ hard and you'll pass the college entrance examinations

AStudy    BStudying    CTo study    DStudied

3 ____ down the radio——the baby's asleep in the next room

ATurning   BTurn    CTurned    DTo turn

4On Saturday afternoonMrs Green went to the market

________ some fruit and visited  her cousin

Abought    Bbuying    Cto Buy     Dbuy

5She set out soon after dark ____ home an hour later

Aarriving             Bto arrive

Chaving arrived       Dand arrived

答案:1B 2A 3B 4A 5D


78succeed 后可接不定式或动名词吗

    He succeeded ____ the job

Ato get    Bgetting   Cin getting    Dof getting

此题应选C。表示做某事成功,succeed 后既不能接不定式也不能接动名词,而应接indoing)。如:

We succeeded in performing the task.我们成功地完成了任务。

I didn't succeed in my first lecture.我第一次演讲没有成功。

He succeeded in winningthe first prize


类似地,以下动词在通常情况下,其后既不接不定式也不接动名词。若意义上要接动词,要用介词+ 动名词

insist on 坚持 persist in 坚持,继续 dream of 梦想 concentrate on 专心于


正:He insisted on going with us

误:He insisted going with us

误:He insisted to go with us


正:He dreamed of becoming a scientist

误:He dreamed becoming a scientist

误:He dreamed to become a scientist


正:He concentrated on studying the plan

误:He concentrated studying the plan

误:He concentrated to study the plan


     ____ the roada car knocked him down

ACrossing                 BCrossed

CWhen he was crossing      DTo cross

此题应选C。其余均可能被误选。分析如下:选项B 不对,因为它是过去分词,其后不应有宾语。选项AD 不对,因为该非谓语动词的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致——构成悬垂分词。一般说来,作状语用的非谓语动词的逻辑主语应与句子主语保持一致,否则便是错句。比较:


误:To pass the examevery minute was spent in studying

正:To pass the examhe spent every minute in studying


误:Reading the letter a second timethe meaning became  clearer

正:Being read a second timethe letter became clearer in  meaning


误:Barking madlyI led the dog out

正:Barking madlythe dog was let out


Judging from[by]what he saidhe was a cheat


80.可说Yesofcourseyou could

   —Could I use your dictionary

—Yesof course you ____

Acan    Bcould     Cmight     Dmust

此题应选A。不要受问句could 的影响而选B。用情态动词(cancouldmaymight)表示许可,注意以下几点:



ACan[CouldMayMight]I use your phone


BYesof course you can[may].(正)

BYesof course you could[might].(误)



He said that I might[could]borrow his car


4.在过去时态中,could 可用来表示一般性的允许,但不能表示特定的允许:

When I was at homeI could watch TV whenever I wanted to


I was allowed to go there yesterday


81.你知道was able to could 的区别吗

     The fire spread through the hotel quickly but everyone ____get out

Ahad to    Bwould    Ccould     Dwas able to

此题应选 D。容易误选 Ccould)。这里主要涉及 could was able to 的用法和区别:


He could[was able to]run very fast when he was a boy


2.表示过去特定的能力(即某人在某一具体场合做某事的能力,往往暗示经过努力才具备的能力),通常用 waswereable to,也可用managed to do sth succeeded in doing sth,但是不能用could


正:He worked very hard and was able to[managed to]pass his examination

误:He worked very hard and could pass his his examination.正因为此原因,所以上面一题的答案用 was able to get out 而不用 could get out,因为此题谈及的是一种特定场合的具体能力。但值得注意的是,以上用法只适合于肯定句,若在否定句中,则可用 couldn't 代替 wasn't[weren't]able to

He worked hard but wasn't able to[couldn't]pass the exam


82.表推测的can/could 有何区别

    —Do you believe what he says

—Yesit ____ be true

Acan    Bcould    Cneed    Dhas to

此题应选B。该题容易误选A。下面谈谈cancould 表示推测的有关用法:


He is in poor healthHe can be ill at any time


Even experts can make mistakes.即使是专家也可能会出差错。

My mother could be very unpleasant at times


2.表示现实可能性,这包含两个方面的含义:一是指将来可能性,一是指现在的可能性,在这两种用法中,通常都不用can,但可用 could(可以指现在,相当于 may/might):


正:We could[maymight]go to Japan this summer

误:We can go to Japan this summer


正:You could[maymight]be rightbut I don't think you are

误:You can be rightbut I don't think you are

有时也用can 来表示现在的可能性,但那通常只限于否定句或疑问

句中:It can't be true.那不可能是真的。

What can he possibly want?他可能会想要什么呢?

83.你会用“cancould +have +过去分词

    I can't find him anywherehe ____ home

Acan go         Bcan have gone

Ccould go       Dcould have gone

此题应选D。首先,can 一般不用于肯定的推测用法中,从而排除AB;另一方面,从句意上看,这应该是对过去发生动作的推测,所以只能用D

can[could] +have +pp 的用法要注意:

1can +have +pp 主要用于否定句或疑问句:

He can't have said so.他不可能这样说过。

Where can he have gone?他会上哪儿去了呢?

2could +have +pp 主要用于:



He could have forgotten that.他可能把那事忘了。

Where could he have gone on such a night



You could have given her some help.你本来可以给她些帮助的。


You could have come here a little earlier.你本来应该来早点的。


I could have died laughing.我差点儿笑死了。


84.你会用“maymight +have +过去分词

     You are late againYou ____ earlier

Amay come           Bmay have come

Cmight come          Dmight have come

此题应选D。首先,从句意上看,此句谈论的应该是过去的事,所以只能用情态动词 +动词完成式这样的结构,从而排除AC;另一方面,may +have +pp 通常只表示推测而不表示责备,而 might +have  +pp则既可以表推测也可以表责备,而此句的语境刚好是一种责备的语气(你又迟到了,你本来可以来早的),所以只能选D

1.对现在或将来的推测用“may +动词原形;对过去的推测则用

“may +have +pp”(主要用于肯定或否定句):

It may rain tomorrow.明天可能下雨。

He may have said so.他也许这样说过。

They may not have known it before.他们以前可能不知道此事。

2.若是推测正在进行的动作也可用 may +be +doing

He may be waiting for us.他也许在等我们。

表示推测的may 一般都可以用might 代之(以上各例中表推测的may均可换为might,只是语气不那么肯定。但是以下两种情况通常要用might,而不用may


You might have helped her.你本来可以帮她的!


Might this be true?这可能是真的吗?

Might he have been waiting long?他可能已等了很久吗?