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The Storms Legacy - 1.1  

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When last we met, Carolyn Storms had just moved to Riverview, where she joined the Music Career and set off to meet her neighbors at the park. There she met the notorious Don Lothario. They hit it off, hit the sack, and then Carolyn found out she was hit up. Whatever that means.

Carolyn and Don are asleep. At first their dreams seem promising.
Carolyn: Sweet little baby booties. <3
Don: She's a hottie, even with her squeaky voice.
Hey! I adore that squeaky voice!

Still promising...
Carolyn: Communication is the key to every good relationship.
Don: Home sweet home.
Wait. Are you talking about your bachelor pad or the sweet home you're currently crashing in...?

Carolyn: I should compose a rock opera.
Don: Love. Ewwwwww.

Carolyn: Home is where the heart is.
Don: I hate weddings. Ugh. Scary.

Carolyn: I need a camera! For photos! Montages for the future family scrapbook!
Don: What's worse then weddings? The marriage itself. Blergh.
Stupid Don.

Carolyn gets up to cook and clean.

While she's doing that, Don is admiring himself in the mirror. Does he offer to help? Noooooo.

Don: Look at how handsome I am.

Don: Is that a zit?

Don: No, no, it's fine. Pshew.

Don: *sigh* Isn't that woman done fixing the damn sink?
Careful, Donny. Karma's gonna bite your ass on that one.

Don: At least I'm handsome.

Then Don proceeds to talk with another woman online on Carolyn's computer while she's in the shower. The nerve!

Carolyn popped after she got done with her shower, but Don had already run off by then. I missed getting the initial shot, but here's a cute bump shot as she pays her bills.

Those pants clash with your hair, babe.

Carolyn takes a serving of her waffles down to the Bristo for a contest in the hopes of earning some simoleons on the side. You know, because she's a Founder and she's flat broke. Anyway, she doesn't win. And she doesn't get the promised cash. So she does what any Sim does; she puts on her fugly pregnancy formal and jams with a Sim whose name escapes me.

They draw quite a crowd that evening. Riverview is boring that way.

Only person that booed was creepy Amy Foster.

Creeeepy glowey eyes. But I approve of the fiscal value of making vamps paparazzi. They stay up all night, they don't sleep much, and they're super speedy! Perfect!

MaryKay Shallow booed too, but not for the same reason.
MaryKay: Your music is a sham, Lessen!
I agree!

Carolyn goes home late and tries to tell Don that she's pregnant through the IM.
Don: *automated message* I'm away from the computer right now. Leave a message if you're my hot girlfriend.
Carolyn: *plus*
Carolyn: Come on over to my place tomorrow, Don! I have great news I want to share with you! xoxo Cary.

The next morning, Carolyn is outside waiting for Don to show up. <3 the baby bump guitar shot.

Don finally arrives, and Carolyn attempts to tell him she's pregnant, but he turns around and huffs off.


Carolyn does what any normal preggo chick would do in this situation. She follows him home. This is said home.


On her way to Don's place, Carolyn gets a notification that she's been invited to Don Lothario's party that evening. Intriguing...

Don: Hey, you're early.
Carolyn: ...yeah. Well, there was something important I wanted to talk to you about-
Don: Then don't just stand there, come inside!

Carolyn: It's a nice house, Don.
Don: This is where the magic happens, babe!

Carolyn: Okay, so that important news I had to tell you?
Don: Yeah?

Carolyn: Well... I'm pregnant!
Don: (...) WHAT?!

Don: That's wonderful news!
Carolyn: Really? :D

Don: You'll make a great Mom.
Carolyn: (...)

Carolyn: Don, you're the father.

Don: That's because I always hit my mark, baby!
Carolyn: Um, ew. What the hell is he talking about?

Carolyn: Well, I was thinking that maybe we should talk about how we want to proceed. You know. For us. For the baby.

Carolyn: I think we really have something wonderful going for us. I want to take this to the next level. Have a family together.

Don: Whoa. Hey. Carolyn, I didn't sign up for this.

Carolyn: Don, I'm pregnant! We're going to be parents! It's time to be grown up about this! Think of our future! Think of commitment!

Around this point in the conversation, the party guests started to arrive. Or should I say, the only other party guest that ever showed up. Suspicious? I think yes.

Don: All you ever talk about is love, commitment and babies! What about my needs?! What if I don't want kids?! Why do you have to keep bringing up what you want without ever once thinking about me?!

Don: *shoulders of angst*
Carolyn: Well, what the hell do you want, Don? I thought everyone wanted to be with someone! To have and to hold and to sit on park benches growing old together! To - murmph!

He quickly moves in.
Don: This will shut her up!
Rhonda: High score, bitches!

Carolyn: *eye roll* Look, I get it. This is all very stressful for you.

Carolyn: I swooped in and completely changed your life in a matter of days. But you changed mine too.
Rhonda: Motherfucker, get off my grill!

Carolyn: I think what we really need to do is sit down and just talk things out. Things will look brighter before long. Trust me.

Rhonda: The graphics for this game fucking KILL!

Don: Will you please stop with this serious realtionship business? I'm twenty-three! I'm not ready to settle down and do ANYTHING yet!
Carolyn: Don, just listen-

Don: No, you listen to me! I'm not ready to have a family with you or anybody!
Rhonda: Okay, that's it. Don, may we speak in the other room?

Rhonda precludes every discussion with a shot of her guns.
Rhonda: GRR! ARGH!
Don: Yikes!

Rhonda: What the fuck is up with this circus show, Don? I came over because you said we were all going to party! This is not what I signed up for. I could potentially break that skinny pregnant ginger!
Don: Look, Ronnie, I didn't know she was pregnant until an hour ago!

Rhonda: Like that makes it any better! I came here for a good lay, and now I got nothing?!
Carolyn: ...what the hell is she talking about, Don?

Don: Nothing, sweetie, that woman is just insane! What was that commitment thing we were talking about earlier?
Carolyn: Why do you suddenly want to talk about that? Are you trying to distract me?

Don: What do you mean? I'm just trying to connect with you! Isn't that what you want?
Carolyn: Well, yes, but-
Rhonda: I can't believe I'm seeing this!

Rhonda: Seriously, Don, what do you see in her? She's a world class moron!
Don: Sometimes ditzies are the best in bed.
Carolyn: Now wait a minute!

Rhonda: Her?! Are you joking? She doesn't even have any sexy muscles!

Carolyn: Okay, you know what? I need to speak with you in the other room.

Good thing the house only has two rooms, or that would be confusing.

Rhonda gives Don's ass a good staring before heading to the other room.

Carolyn: What the FUCK is your problem?!
Rhonda: ME? What about YOU?! Who do you think you are walking up in here and demanding Don's undying devotion? He's not like that!

Carolyn: He's my BOYFRIEND and the FATHER of my CHILD!
Rhonda: *ppphh* He's a woohoo buddy and nothing more! Why do you think he invited you over here? BOTH of us over here? Give me a break.

Carolyn: I don't believe you. Don's better than that.
Rhonda: Whatever. This place blows. I'm out. Kiss Don goodnight for me.

Rhonda storms off and Carolyn shouts up at Don to come downstairs.
They need to talk, you see. Communicate and all that jazz.

Carolyn: What the HELL is going on, Don Lothario?! What did she mean by that?!

Don: What the HELL were you talking about? I was in bed this whole time!
(Here we learn Don Lothario is Hot Headed.)

Carolyn: No one sleeps through that Don! I want to know what she meant by her knowing why the two of us were here with you. Is she right? Did you want a... I mean you and me...me and her...you and her and me...?!
(Her voice is getting a bit squeaky here.)

Don: Look, I didn't know you were pregnant when I invited you. I thought you'd be into it.
Carolyn: That's disgusting, Don!

Don: But you're such a Daredevil! I thought you would love trying something completely crazy like that!
Carolyn: I think I'm going to throw up...I had the completely wrong idea about us...

Carolyn: I think I better go home.
Don: No. No, don't go. You're pregnant and exhausted. I'd feel awful if anything happened to you or the baby.

Carolyn: I don't think I can do this, Don. This is starting to feel like a huge mistake.
Don: Hey, let's not do anything rash! I'm still crazy about you!

Don: Cary... I'm sorry about tonight. Before you make a decision, let's sleep on it. Okay? Cary?

Carolyn: Okay. But we're discussing this on my terms!
Don: Deal! You won't regret this! I'll meet you upstairs. We'll talk in the morning.

Carolyn: Yeah. In the morning.

The dream montages don't get much better at the Lothario pad.

Oh look, Cary's dreaming of babies. Wait... babies?

Don: MOTHEROFALLTHATISHOLY I am not ready for this!
Carolyn: Can you be any more rank?!

He seriously can't.

Carolyn: Don, take me to the hospital! TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL!
Don: Can't! Panicking!

Don: Panicking! Panicking!

Carolyn managed to get to the cab.
Look at that red plumbob. ;_; My poor girl.

Carolyn arrives at the hospital and everyone outside immediately starts panicking!
Man: What's a pregnant lady doing at the hospital?!
Woman: OMG, what's the world coming to?
Policeman: Fuck, not another stupid kid that breaks curfew!

Once she's inside, the all forgot what they were so freaked out about and immediately began to read. XD

This guy was either fired disgracefully or he's an idiot. Because he can't get into the hospital.
Guy: No, I just forgot my keys!

He thinks maybe the pregnant lady standing outside could help him out. At least I'm assuming she's pregnant because she's wearing antoher fugly dress.
Guy: Hey, want to pretend to be engaged so you can help me get into the hospital?

Woman: I don't know. What's your sign? I need to know if we're going to pull the couple thing off.
Jeez, lady, your real man is standing not two feet away!
Look, there's Don! And he still reeks something awful! But he showed up!

There's the new Mom! And there's the new baby girl!
Meet September Storms. She rolled Loves the Outdoors and Disciplined. She's a Libra and she loved Pop music, Lobster Thermidor, and the color Blue.

Carolyn: Hello, Mom? I just had the baby!

Carolyn: What do you mean you didn't know? I left you a zillion voicemails! Listen, she's perfect! A real gem!

Carolyn: (...)

Carolyn: *sigh* Yeah, Mom, he's here too. He followed me home.

Carolyn: He's on my computer stinking up my house.

Carolyn: (...) Look, Mom, I just don't know about that. The more I think about it the more I think it might be a bad idea-

Carolyn: (...) Okay. Okay, I said! I'll try! But don't expect the answer you want! Okay? Love you too!

Carolyn: *headfridge* What the hell am I doing? Don't go anywhere, Don! I'm taking a shower and then we need to talk! You can join me if you want! *hinthint*

Don apparently forgot which door was to the bathroom and which one went outside.
Don: Wait. Where am I?

Carolyn: Oh, really? You got locked out? Fine. But you better be here tomorrow. We need to talk about this.


Carolyn: I have created you of my womb. You are mine in body and soul.

Mommy Cary says Good Morning!


Eventually Don comes over. And he still reeks.
Don: Sorry, my shower is broken.
Carolyn: It's cool. *cough cough*

Caorlyn: Look, Don. We need to talk. Seriously this time.
Don: Okay...

Carolyn: I need a committed man in my life. Not just for September's sake, but for me too. I can't just keep on guessing. I've only got so many days to live like every other Sim. I have to make the best choices. And that means forever.
Don: Cary, what are you trying to say?!


Carolyn: I love you. But I want all of you in return.

Carolyn: So I'm doing this right. And not just because my mother told me too!

Don: !!!!! *shockface*
Carolyn: Don Lothario-

Carolyn: Marry me!

Don: Sure!

Carolyn: ...really?
Don: Absolutely, Carolyn Storms.

Caorlyn: OMG, Donny, I'm so happy! I love you so much!
Don: ...I know.

Lame answer is lame! That's not what you tell a girl that just said she loves you! C'mon, Don! But he said yes. No one was more floored by that than me. (I really was expecting a "no" there, NGL.)

They get married right on the spot. I wasn't going to let Don get away from Carolyn after that utter fiasco of a storyline. :P (Srsly, I was thinking they weren't compatible at all. =/)

Husband and Wife!

They'd just finished when September announced she was awake and wanted attention. Ah, married life!

Don was happy to hold his baby girl for the first time ever!

There they are! A quick shot of the post-wedding money remodel and pre-makeover Don.

Heh. I don't really have anything against polygamy, guys. But a dude has to be up front about that kind of expectation, know what I'm sayin'? Yeah. You know.

Until next time! Thanks for reading!
Tags: generation 1, storms legacy   6 comments | Leave a comment  
( 6 comments — Leave a comment )
tiptoehappiness on April 18th, 2011 09:22 am (UTC) The whole dream icon thing had me loling & I had to hold my lips together for fear of waking my guy up! Then that trend just continued until the very end - lolol! Loved it & so glad she did get with Don, I was starting to worry there for a bit!(Reply) (Thread) (Link) vayleen on April 19th, 2011 03:28 am (UTC) I had to reread this to know exactly what you meant. :D Gosh, this was a hard update for poor Cary. But yeah, at least she got the guy in the end. I was soooooo SHOCKED he said yes! I figured he must have been lonely.(Reply) (Parent) (Thread) (Link) aligrl43 on November 26th, 2011 05:14 am (UTC) Ah, I'm happy to see that Don and Cary did get together after all, it's cool to see a non-commitment guy actually like a girl enough to actually marry her and suck it up, d'awwww. Loving this so far, I am hookeedddd! (Reply) (Thread) (Link) vayleen on November 27th, 2011 04:58 am (UTC) You're making me nostoligic for the good ol' days when I didn't know how to use the tab key. ? I miss Cary and Don. I'm glad you're enjoying it, thanks for reading! ?(Reply) (Parent) (Thread) (Link) lizbeth_mairead on December 6th, 2011 07:39 pm (UTC) Aw, YAY, they made it work!!! Carolyn is a cute pregnant sim, lol. Also, I LOVE the name September. ?(Reply) (Thread) (Link) vayleen on December 21st, 2011 12:44 am (UTC) I was so surprised Don said yes, He was really lonely at the time, that might have been a factor. September is one of my favorite names. ?(Reply) (Parent) (Thread) (Link)