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陈志武 价值中国网
















  例如,1838年墨西哥政府因无足够收入而宣布停止支付欠法国投资者的债务,随即法国派海军赶往墨西哥讨债。1861年墨西哥政府又决定停止支付拖欠英国、法国和西班牙公民约八千万美元的债务,结果在1862年1月英国派遣700海军士兵,法国与西班牙共派8500名士兵赶到墨西哥的Vera Cruz港城,攻打墨西哥。数月后,英国与西班牙发现法国军队的目的远不止是为了向墨西哥讨债,更主要是想把墨西哥占领为其新殖民地。此后,1862年4月英国与西班牙撤回军队,而法国在墨西哥则一直占领到1867年。





  那次仲裁结果在拉美引起轰动。当时阿根廷外交部长Luis Drago随即从法律角度写了一篇长文反驳,并将其送到阿根廷驻美国大使馆,要求其大使将文章送交美国国务院。Drago指出,以往的惯例是:当一个主权国拖欠另一主权国的债务不还时,债权国有“权利”向对方动武。他认为这是荒唐的,因为一国动不动武完全是一种政策选择,而不是法定权利;更何况因讨债而对另一主权国动武侵犯了后者的国家主权。他认为,除自卫外,任何国家无权对另一主权国动武。当债权投资者的权利与另一国家主权相冲突时,他主张后者显然应该优先。


  有意思的是,尽管国际惯例随着国家之间交往的增加在逐步形成,但国际法在那之前从来没正式成为法学的一门分支学科。世界上第一个以研究国际法为宗旨的学会,直到1873年才在比利时成立。美国第一个国际法学会则成立于1906年(The American Society for International Law),在此之前美国大学法学院里没人开设过专门的国际法课程。可以说,在以武力当道的世界里,国与国间的法律框架不太容易形成,也不太会被当一回事。





  国民政府时期 : 改革仍然生不逢时





  成立国际组织 : 国贸秩序进一步完善




  因此,成立更有约束性的国际组织十分必要,以便更好地平衡国家主权和投资者产权之间的关系,等等。第一次努力是1919年成立“多国联盟”(The League of Nations),但由于该组织并没能阻止二战的发生,因此其可信度一落千丈,二战期间停止运作。1944年,美、英、苏和中国正式着手准备“联合国”的成立工作,那也是中国第一次以建设性的姿态参加国际秩序的组建。经过一年多的努力,联合国于1945年10月正式成立,理论上成为世界性的“政府”。





  如何保护一国公民或公司的海外财产 ?




  当代改革开放 : 世界有情偏顾我






  为什么不能应诉?应诉又不一定会败诉,应诉会大大改进中国在海外的公关形象,让世界更把中国看成是负责任的大国。但不应诉肯定是输,后果只能是更负面。值得我们庆幸的是,这是21世纪,而不是18、19世纪的世界。ChenZhiWu: from the world change at a Chinese why can rich[post federation of sowing]In the 2011-12-26 15:56:55 on post [text messaging] [table shape]

Also ChenZhiWu value

Review overseas property protection, international order change history, we see a clear, although China and didn't directly involved in today's lawyer, law established the world order, but this kind of order to nearly 25 years of China's economic rise is how the balance.Today, we should at least cherish it, the behaviour with the nature.

When I was a child we often say: "grew up to go to the world!"Fortunately, with the 1978 reform and opening up, that kind of wish really realize.But, we see of the prosperity of the world behind how???????What is the world in support of today?

These problems can be according to our habits of ideology to understand, also can change an Angle to understand.But no matter how, some basic facts won't change.For example, from the national complex perspectives, the past 25 years of reform and opening up to China's rise, explain how great our Chinese nation have.But, reform and opening up in China's modern history not only once, the late qing dynasty the westernization movement, the national government have tried, but the two times in addition to our experience the story today is the foundation, and every time not succeed.Why?Perhaps we will quickly conclude that is because the system when corruption, the government incompetence, and so on.This kind of general accused may be right, these we shall not talk.But interestingly, China this 25 years of success is just happened in out of the planned economy system frame of the process, and each from planned economy and administrative control from the point of economic development is a little faster.

It is strange, also is to get out of the old system at that time frame, but in the age of late qing dynasty and national government reform and opening didn't succeed, recently 25 years of just a success, besides the success is happened in the whole China's social traditional morality, honesty and social structure have suffer from the fundamental damage after the cultural revolution.So, exactly how to explain this?Are we in the world today really and different before?Or the people of today than the historical figures more ability?

Here, let me help associating the recent speculation an uproar in the "AngRong v. liaoning province government" a case (hereinafter referred to as "AngRong case").AngRong through the national court action after inconclusive, his permanent resident in the United States (green card) identity and his wife to the United States citizenship in August 2003, the federal court in liaoning province government encroach on their property.According to many states in the law, or the property of the husband and wife that is the common property (before signing the property of the rule out another matter), therefore, encroach on the property of the AngRong that is infringed his wife (American citizens) to the property.Add the property involved and listed in New York to the brilliance auto shares as the core, therefore, the federal court that it has jurisdiction, accepted the case.So far, the government seems not going to appear in court in liaoning province should appeal, reason is the jurisdiction of the court, or going to the country's sovereignty in defense.Here we not litigation in the case facts to any comments.Only care about, like this multinational property dispute if occurred 200 years ago, 100 years ago or 50 years ago, it was the processing means of how will?With than before, on the way to resolve the litigation today overseas property dispute is more "reasonable", or more can't accept?Liaoning government what shouldn't responding?With these problems to look back on the change of modern world history, may be able to help us to better understand the world today, also can make our behavior more accord with "international practice".

In the late qing dynasty: force of the world for the tide

Before and after the opium war, China to stop the last hundred years of Ming and qing dynasties HaiJin, then began the westernization movement, launched the modern China's first "reform and opening".But in addition to the questions of the system of the ching court itself, the "reform and opening" also unlucky in the world at that time even if the government of the qing dynasty environment to use the situation of China's cheap labor force will change into "world factory", it might not have, and then from the "vision" qing government also greatly.

First is the transportation and communication difficulties.The train transportation main arose in 19 (superscript th) century, Britain, the United States, so early industrialized countries, China is even more so.Although built in late qing dynasty of railway, with limited inland transportation ability, but the shipping capacity cannot support low "world factory" the scale of the necessary multinational transport capacity, large capacity, low cost shipping capacity worldwide have much to or during world war ii.In more air was mentioned, the first successful flight vehicle in 1903 only.Although the telegram was invented in 1844 years or so, but the message lose ability after all is limited, the cost is high.Telephone invented in the United States in 1886, but its popularity is later decades of use.So the westernization movement period, li, zhang zhidong etc have vision, also cannot transcend the limitations of the technology at the time, and what's more, at the time of the people education technology is mentioned.

Despite technology conditions no matter, when the world trade order also make the late qing dynasty China can do little about.We've talked about, in Europe in 16 century open the Atlantic ocean, the Indian Ocean before trade, trade between countries mainly in the asia-pacific region (in SongChaoHe early Ming dynasty China as the axis) and western European nations to the carriage land transportation is given priority to, that the Chinese have by sea, but the size and capacity are very limited.Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492 after the mainland (also just is the Ming dynasty in the age of HaiJin), although Europe, America, Africa and Asia the ocean between trade and international communication is more and more, but generally or limited.

Such as 1500-1600 from Europe sent to China, India and other Asian countries about 770 times the ships of a year on average, 7.7 times.1600-1700 year 3161 ship times, annual average 31.61 ship times;1701-1800 6661 ship times, annual average 66.61 times.And at that time the ships sailing (steam engine ship is in the 1820 s invented), each boat loads an average of 500 tons.That is until 1800, from Europe to Asia in material flow rate of the sea is about 40000 tons.1500-1800 international trade and basic it is crops, spices, tea and silver and gold and other precious natural objects.

The technical conditions of the constraints that s the various countries' ties.In that environment, and international trade and property dispute solution is simple: the use of force.At that time did not formally in international law, although London, Amsterdam, New York to 1800 years for the stock market, but nothing stock investment climate, therefore then overseas property mainly two forms reflected: overseas direct investment projects and debts.Protection of property rights overseas way also to basically have two kinds: either investors own army, either by investors government sent troops to regain property rights.

In that year the ocean trade the most representative of the company "British east India company" as an example, the company was founded in December 1600, the aim is engaged in the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic trade, from the beginning, the company's trade ship have YaZhen heavily.There were no international law, international court, also do not have many nations accepted "international practice", international trade company interests are only by "surer" play out, and the "surer" to protect.East Indian companies once has 260000 troops, including the army and navy), is about the royal army two times.Other such as "Virginia company", "the company" and so on also has its own army.These military role for shipping company is on one hand the escort, and even help its forced to open new markets, on the other hand also for companies in the overseas factories and so on property rights for protection.

In addition to the foreign trade company own troops outside, national army are often sent to for their citizens in overseas property service.Before the middle of the nineteenth century, Britain, Spain, France, Germany in the property of the overseas is mainly by colonial primarily, direct investment projects are in the colonies.So the army is mainly for the maintenance of the colonial, open new markets for its industrial service.But, with the Latin American countries after 1820 have independent, these new independent countries facing huge fiscal difficulties.Therefore, its new Mexico, Chile, venezuela, Latin America, the government had to Banks and investors to Western Europe debt.By 1850 or so, Latin America and other countries government and enterprise issue of external debt is more and more, deadbeat emergence has become a necessity.

In today to discuss company debt, we tend to think of, if a company insolvency, so the company could enter bankruptcy procedure, either by the creditor of the merger off, the company to creditor;Or will the assets of a corporation auction a clearance, auction of income to creditor;There is also a chance that creditors in under the guidance of company management will replace and its business model to restructure.However, when the creditors are foreigners or foreign company, and the debt is another sovereign state party of government or a company, the above any kind of bad debt disposal means it won't work.Because on one hand in 20 century without forming, before the international law and international court recognized, on the other hand, these ZhaiWuFang countries and always to sovereignty as defense.In this case, if do not form a mandatory multinational contract, debts, the mechanism for the implementation of the property rights, multinational lending, investment, trade cannot.

In does not exist "world government" or "world police" until 1907, the year before being generally accepted a multinational contract execution, protection of property right of way is overseas use of force.Then the small countries to do not have a say in how the international order, and military power is the "force of his contract, protect property rights" as a kind of rights will be a creditor nation.Therefore, when a country for another country's government (or company) or encroach on their overseas deadbeat property rights and launch attacks force, other countries will think this is the right thing to do.

In 1838, for example, the Mexican government because of have no enough money and announced that stop pay the debt owed French investors, then France sent navy to Mexico flesh.In 1861, the Mexican government and decided to stop for payment of Britain, France and Spain citizens about eighty million dollars in debt, results in January 1862 British sent 700 marines, France and Spain were sent 8500 soldiers to Mexico's Vera Cruz harbour city, against Mexico.Months later, Britain and Spain found that the purpose of the French army far more than just to Mexico to debt collection, more important is to want to Mexico for its new colony occupied.Then, in April 1862, Britain and Spain withdraw its troops, while France is in Mexico has occupied by 1867.

From 1820 to 1914 years, Britain in Latin America were typified 40 times, of which 26 is the property rights or infringed on debtor for debt.For example, because of its overseas property by occupy (including factory, bank, railway), the British sent troops in 1868 against Uruguay, in 1891 attack Chile, etc.In Asia, also is the property rights protection for interests, England were from 1840 to 1842, 1856 to 1858 strike against China (the opium war).

When the international rules of the game is weak force and decide, that the world is only great power of the world, foreign investment and the overseas trade safety depends entirely on investors themselves or the strength of the national army, and the economic effects of late qing dynasty westernization movement can be imagined.First of all, the late qing dynasty of reform and opening up not like that today by manufacturing export development economy, throw technology limitations don't talk about, first at that time, China is no powerful navy for its foreign trade support.So the focus of westernization movement is one of its military development, but without economic power, military development and from any talk about?So they enter into a familiar problem: no military is can't develop foreign trade, WuWaiMao and relative lack of natural resources of Chinese is difficult to development economic strength, no economic strength, in turn, make military can't increase.Although foreign trade is not the only way to the development of economy, but over the past 200 years of strong country, every country and foreign trade is closely linked.

The key takeaway: world of law coming

Military decided to trade and property of the rules of the international order, at the beginning of the twentieth century challenged, the fuse occurred in December 1902, when Britain and Germany to venezuela for collection agencies launch joint military offensive, the naval blockade of the Venezuelan five main port, playing heavy three warship and bombing its port facilities.Later, venezuela was forced to agree to the newly formed the Hague international court for debt disputes for arbitration.The results, the Hague court ruling is: not only of the Germany has the right to the use of military force collection agencies, and in all the home nations who would want to use force collection agencies, who will enjoy priority creditor's rights, namely who use force, who will be the first to be paid back.This is equivalent to encourage the use of military force to solve overseas capital exporter property dispute.

The arbitration results caused a sensation in Latin America.When Argentina foreign minister Luis Drago immediately from the legal Angle wrote a long essay conducts argue, and deliver it to Argentina to America embassy, ask its ambassador to the U.S. state department will articles.Drago points out, past routine is: when a sovereign default another sovereign country debt don't also, creditor's rights "right" state-owned to the other party use force.He thinks this is ridiculous, because a country wu is completely is a policy choice, not legal rights;Besides because of another sovereign debt collection and use force violated the latter's sovereignty.He thought that, in addition to the defense, no country has no right to use force to another sovereign state.When the creditor's rights of investors with another state sovereignty rights conflict, he advocated the latter apparently should be preferred.

Lawyers with the Drago legal logical argument diplomatic problems, so is the people with lawyers is able to receive, and the state department and other government departments and mainly by lawyers officials in operation (including then secretary of state), therefore, Drago point of view in the United States and Latin American countries been widely recognized.

Interesting is, despite international practice with the increase of the communication between countries in gradually formed, but international law before that never officially became a branch discipline of the law.The world's first to study international law for the purpose of the society, until 1873 was established in Belgium.The first American International Law is established in 1906 (The American Society for International Law), before this American university Law schools in no one open special International Law courses.Can say, in military power in the world, nations and the legal framework between not too easy to form, not too will be when one and the same.

Another significant change is, by 1900 or so, more and more countries began sending law do was born diplomat.This in the United States and Latin America is not new, but for Europe, diplomats in the selection has always been to family background and personal wealth and decide.But by the end of the nineteenth century European countries also begin to pay attention to choose the law background do diplomats.This is largely for foreign policy and foreign culture pay more attention to law and procedure rules created the conditions, and directly contribute to development of international law and to enhance its importance, the international order "legalization" contribute greatly.

Then, when the second the Hague international peace conference held in June 1907, the representatives of the countries attending the lawyers in the majority.The U.S. delegation nine people only two men not lawyers, other members (including colonel) or used to be a judge or lawyers.British delegation made 10 years the judge, has the rich legal knowledge and experience.Germany's chief representative also has many years experience lawyer, the deputy leader is a famous jurist.The French delegation studied law, vice colonel was Paris law school professor, also used to be the legal adviser of France's foreign ministry.Other participant countries such as Austria, Russia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Argentina and the chief representative of all is in the legal aspects very accomplished experts.Because of this, during the meeting by the American initiative on the solution of the multinational debt disputes agreement to pass through.Under the agreement, any creditor country can not to force to another sovereign debt collection, but for the country, the creditor's rights debt must first seek and finally receiving international court of arbitration.Since then the end for hundreds of years "is the rights of the creditor nation formerly force" of international practice.

1907 years of the Hague meeting is the first time in the history of the leading international conference by lawyers, the lawyers common vocational training make it habitually program rules, respect advance respect determination of the "rule of law", also make it have a common way of thinking.Their professional spirit is through the arbitration and independent judicial to solve between people, between enterprise and the disputes between countries, is to speak "civilization", and not put into force.In contrast, the 1864 Geneva world congress and other 19 century for international peace conference, the representative of the background for lawyer accounts for only a few, so the meeting is unlikely to reach an agreement abandoned military force to solve international debt disputes history practices.

The meeting opened the lawyers at the Hague international relations became the vanguard of the dominant, but also for the international order by "rule by law" and not "turned" set contributions in work.The historical facts of the China of today should have some enlightenment, the law of China education by the early 1980 s to recover, it may already have to about 200000 lawyers practitioners, but including the ministry of foreign affairs, the justice department, the ministry of commerce and even government departments, or in the science and engineering or humanities background is given priority to, before a few years in the WTO negotiations that few legal background.When faced with the other countries of the lawyers officials, at the negotiating table represent the Chinese engineers type officials and how to speak in a joint context?Whether this can explain why in China's international behavior near the "international practice" and many lessons will make up before?

National government period: reform is still to go

Roc government was established in 1911, it was 1907 years after the Hague agreement, by rights, the situation is better than the late qing dynasty.But, on the one hand, when China was busy form a republic government (at that time is new, is a big "reform"), and face of the outbreak of civil strife may at any time;On the other hand is soon (1914), the first world war broke out.Though the war in 1918 stopped, but fundamentally broken the world trade pattern, make international trade, international capital flows more difficult.

Of course, new established roc government also attend to not top world trade pattern of the problem, it is imperative to solve the warlord regimes, stable domestic situation.Therefore, the northern warlord government cannot attend during economic development.In 1927, national governments to set all nanjing, calm after the warlords, the national government in starting around 1930 on the economy development.

But the national government is unlucky, although at that time, China market economy (especially in Shanghai as the center of the chiangnan economy) already have a certain scale, but even the national government want to keep opening up, through through foreign trade development economy, other countries also does not necessarily interested in, because in 1930 the United States and Western Europe all the world economy big crisis erupted, 30 s America's 25% unemployment rate, western European countries is similar.At the time of the economics of non-market economy theory all Keynes influence, countries in the 30 s greatly improve the trade tariff barriers, even that has always been free trade Britain also beat his own economic doors locked up.In 1913, British import duties on goods basic is zero, Germany 13% on average tariffs, France is about 20%.But to 30 s, the British import tariff jumped to 50%, Germany, Greece, Switzerland, Austria, tariffs are up to 75% and 80%, and between the French rose to 97%, at the same time, all of these countries have limited or simply banned imports of many goods.Similar conditions in the United States.From 1914 to 1945 the end of the second world war the 31 years, over the past 200 years is the world trade the darkest period.

Even at the time, the western countries do not set up the trade barriers, the national government policies of opening to also won't have enough time to have an effect, because the Japanese aggression against China in 1937, after eight years of civil war of resistance and then, that economic development and return to the second.

The establishment of an international organization, the international order further perfection

Although the 1907 Hague ruled out of of course basic agreement debt collection force behavior, but how many died the rights of investors.With the first world war in 1914, and in fact the Hague agreement for many debtor defaults or simply not to fulfill debt contract provides a convenient.Such as the beginning of world war I, China the northern government halted in late qing dynasty and the republic of China issued to pay debt (including railway bonds).In 1917, China declared war on Germany, and suspended for payment of the German all debts.In 1921, the northern government declared bankruptcy, the bank of China close the door, lead to a run on Banks, monetary worthless.From 1936 to 1938, the national government require the adjustment in the west of the release early railway bonds, cut interest rates.Figure 2 shows over the issue of China at that time railway external debt interest rates, basic it at 5%, the interest rates in today see not high, because these bonds, after all, a high political risk and be the risk of default.Wait until 1939 when the second world war, the national government declaring abandoned all foreign debt (except a few).Of the last remaining a bond is qing government in London in 1899 by HSBC underwriting issue in the north of China railway debt, total amount is 2.3 million pounds, the annual rate of 5%, but that only bonds in February 1942 to be the national government announced that it would no longer valid.From now on, all the late qing dynasty, the northern and national government of external debt issuance in 1914-1942 was written off.

The Hague after the meeting, Guatemala in 1912 Britain refusal owe debts, Honduras in 1914 French refuse to pay the debt.India in 1947 when also cancelled some independent foreign debt.Turkey, Egypt, Mexico, Nicaragua and other developing countries, also in different period a debt default.But this time, these countries have no for not paying a blow by force.Debt default countries by sovereign protection attack by force, which of course is the progress of human society, but investors can protect the property right, otherwise there would be no capital multinational flow, no country, companies and individuals willing to buy foreign debt, international direct investment will be negative effects.

In addition, although the Hague the debt of both parties of the contract constraint behavior, but after all, this is the agreement, in no mandatory "world government" cases, with default countries, the international community to take action is still very limited, eventually have to rely on the governments of voluntary behavior choice.In that case, the international society is still unable to form "civilisational" order.

Therefore, the establishment of the international organizations are more restrictive is necessary, so as to better balance state sovereignty and investors of the relationship between the property rights, etc.The first effort was established in 1919 "multinational coalition" (The League of was, but as The organization and failed to stop The happening of The second world war, so its credibility sharply, to stop operating during world war ii.In 1944, the United States, Britain, Sue and China officially begin to prepare for the "United Nations" set, it is China's first with a constructive attitude to participate in the international order form.After a year of hard work, the UN was formally established in oct. 1945, and in theory become a worldwide "government".

In July 1944, the international monetary fund (IMF) and the world bank was established.The function of the former mainly is to help the country debt crisis facing the difficulties, and also protect foreign debt investors rights and interests.It fills the 1907 Hague shorn of agreement, let multinational lending can continue.In 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, for example, in 1997 the first half of a series of South Korea financial group have bankruptcy, and then many international Banks from South Korea withdraw, that South Korea appear unprecedented financial crisis, unable to repay the debt.If the crisis occurred in the 19 th century, South Korea was force attack almost is no doubt (or be turned into colonies).But the IMF's existence save South Korea, not only South Korea is not force attack, and the IMF and the international bank creditors reach an agreement, the IMF for South Korea to provide transitional loans, and the IMF to convince the international bank will delay the $60 billion debt.Of course, the IMF's aid is conditional, it requires the South Korea must make a series of system and policy aspects of reform.We may think this is in violation South Korea's sovereignty, but these requirements by force compared with attack, should be more able to receive.In fact in the 16 th century almost every country closed our doors, each country almost all have absolute sovereignty.But when economies are tied together, a country's absolute sovereignty would mean another right of the state should be the absolute sacrifice.

The world bank is the main purpose of aid to developing countries, especially for private capital don't want to go to the countries and industry, the world bank can lead the international folk Banks and investors go to investment.Developing countries often lack of protection of property rights, and has always occupy the foreign capital enterprise property or altered, destroyed the performance of the contract, these infringe upon the behavior of property rights to foreign capital to tremble.In these cases, the world bank as an international investment bank lending, nonprofit, enjoys high reputation in the world and has a binding, on one hand it can request to the management countries such as the protection of property right system reform, on the other hand has the world bank involved in the investment, will let the folk investors and more confident.This not only can increase investment in developing countries, and make their financing cost reduction.

The United Nations founded in 1945, its main effect is blaming, constraints (not mandatory) no act of state standard.To a certain extent, the United Nations for the third world countries to provide a very important published the place of voice, because before world war ii always have powers to post comments, leading to prepare international rules and chance of place, but weak nation does not.And the United Nations in every country has equal a ticket guarantee it (the United Nations security council is a different matter).

The sound of the platform of a direct effect is, on the one hand, in-60-s 40 in almost all the rest of the colonial countries all have independent (Sri Lanka, Burma, Egypt, Algeria, etc), on the other hand encouraged many Latin American, Africa and Asia countries confiscated foreign property of the company (especially the property right of natural resources), to turn the state-owned.For example, in the 1945 to 1961, 12 American multinational company overseas property confiscated or occupation by foreign governments, but in the 1961 to 1973 years, the United States of the company's overseas property confiscated 160 times.According to the United Nations, 6, seventy s is a multinational company and individual investors overseas property rights in developing countries the invaded confiscated and extensive period, this is to give up force protection after overseas property rights, on international investment, international trade order the biggest challenge.

How to protect the citizens of a country or a company overseas property?

In the mid 1930 s, confiscated a lot of American Mexico oil company, mining companies in Mexico's natural resources property.1937-1941 years, Bolivia confiscated the standard oil company property.Guatemala in five and s also confiscated American companies in the country have land and other natural resources.Chile in the 60 s confiscated Germany in their territory of copper mining.Libya, Iran in the s and early 70 s forced confiscated in the British territory of oil field.Such examples could be listed.

In the United States, for example, in addition to a few cause a series of economic sanctions against the situation, the United States government in the following two principles to deal with its overseas property being invaded the state of affairs: first, a foreign government confiscation of American companies or individuals in overseas of property rights, if is from the public interest (such as railway, Bridges, mining), so basic to be acceptable;Second, even if is from public purposes, confiscate the foreign company or personal property, the parties must pay enough reasonable compensation.Because of this two principles, the mid-twentieth century American companies in the property right of the overseas has been repeatedly confiscated, and not a war, but the debate, the focus of the talks on compensation for the price.

The two principles may also is the focus of the AngRong case.

Contemporary reform and opening up: the world wide beings from me

About the world economic order and the IMF, the world bank, the United Nations and the WTO (and its predecessor GATT) these international organizations such as the establishment of the historical background and, of course, is not thousands of words can say clearly.But having a bit is obviously, to 1978 years of China's reform and opening up, the past 200 years gradually establish the international game rules not only make China to face foreign trade cost reduced greatly, and make the world export market capacity increase greatly, that the Chinese factory, how much the world market can absorb much.Over the past 25 years of successful of course is mainly because of the Chinese people themselves, but in retrospect, China over the years seem to only have to do is put the open doors: open, the more the world economy means let China's economic growth more.

If the now of reform and opening up background back to the nineteenth century in the world order, is whether we can see so much economic success?The answer must be "can't".It is simple, then China's not powerful army for foreign trade service;And no plane transport and Marine capacity, not very low freight costs, computer, electronic technology are also during world war two things.A simple comparison, 16-19 century of multinational companies must want to have oneself of the military, and 20 century of multinational companies don't need to own troops, but must employ many lawyers.This is in the world today, it makes the foreign trade costs are extremely low, export market capacity is great, only in this world will China since 1978 so quickly the research results, the world what revelation to us?

From the Ming dynasty HaiJin began, China stopped taking part in the world order of the building.After the opium war, China can only receive a passive others international order.Only arrived during world war ii, China, as the Japanese, German, Italian Allies, the United States, Britain and Sue was invited to participate in the United Nations in 1944 the preparation and began to build the identity of the active participants in the world order.But the 1949-1978 years, we have closed the doors, no longer with the identity of the constructive participation in the world order established, also do not take the initiative to receive the world rules.

In this paper, the overseas property protection, international order change history review of simple, let us see a clear, although China and didn't directly involved in today's lawyers, to set up the law of the world order, but this kind of order to nearly 25 years of China's economic rise is how the balance.Today, we should at least cherish it, the behaviour with the nature.

So, in the case of liaoning AngRong whether the government should appeal?The answer is obvious.This case from many see is a very historic case.Today, the property right across national borders circulation, across national borders have already is common cross.Foreign companies and individuals can be directly to invest in China and also through in New York, in Singapore exchange buying Chinese company stock.Likewise, haier enterprise can in the U.S. factories investment, with the implementation of the QDII in the future and the yuan convertible, Chinese citizens and companies will also direct and indirect hold overseas company property.In this property behind multinational circulation, people on the international property rights protection nature have certain expectations, the property of the state government behavior also of course have certain expectations, or who will invest money to you here?The rights and interests of the investors protection is a hot topic, we find that even in a united country, even if a unified legal and authority, and the property right of investors don't necessarily have a reliable, justice protection.If we move away from domestic moved to outside, from domestic moved to multinational held property rights, so the difficulty of overseas property protection trillion.In this context, the government behavior is in accordance with the "international practice" is especially important.On one hand, we want to attract foreign investment, to get listed overseas financing, to make our products for export, but on the other hand in the property, and the compliance with the contract on the again, even in appear when property rights disputes still refuse to respondent.The world is such a good thing?

Why can't responding?And will not necessarily responding to lose, will greatly improve in China should appeal overseas public image, make the world more see China as a responsible power.But not responding affirmation is lost, the result can only be more negative.Something worth cheering is, this is the 21 st century, not 18, 19 century world.