2017年房地产行业特点:九年级Unit 1-15词形转化专练

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九年级Unit 1-15词形转化专练


1. Edison was a famous American          (invent).                 inventor

2. He wants to be a         (science) when he grows up.              scientist   

3. The telephone is one of the most useful         (invent).            inventions

4. Yang Lei’s mother has made a          (decide).                  decision

5. The twins are not English. They are          (France).              Frenchmen

6. There are many           (different) between the twins.             differences

7. You can express your          (think) by writhing something.         thought

8. They would be the same        (high) and they would have the same hair colour.    height

9. He is the first       (arrive).                                     arriver

10.China is one of the biggest     (country) in the world.            countries

11. —How many        ( tomato) do you have?                       tomatoes


12. All the        ( run) are standing at the starting line.                 runners

13. The       ( leaf) begin to fall when the autumn comes.               leaves

14. Do you brush you        ( tooth) every evening?                    teeth

15.When I saw the         ( climb) I realized that they hadn’t eaten for days.  climbers

16. His father’s       (die) made him very sad.                          death

17. His       (ill) is not serious.                                      illness

18.— Thank you .

  — It’s my        ( please).                                       pleasure

19. _____ (hundred) of people took part in the party last night.              Hundreds

20. Hainan Island attracts large number of       (visit) each year.          visitors
Several ____ came to visit our school last week. (foreign)               foreigners

22. The doctor has saved many    _____. (life)                            lives

23. I saw five         (German) talking in the office.                    Germans

The two boys carried the man to the gate    ____room. (keeper).            keeper’s

24. I’m going to the        ( barber) to have my hair cut.                 barber’s

25. I have just been to the        ( doctor) . I have got a bad cold.          doctor’s

26. It’s about ten         (minute) walk from my home to the school.       minutes’

27. These           (friend) cards are in the drawer.                    friends’

28.My neighbours are very            ( friend) to people/               friendly

29. It was          yesterday. (cloud).                               cloud

30. He looks         , why? (angrily)                                angry

31. How         the baby is ! ( love)                                lovely

32. The white shirt is as         as the yellow one.(cheap)               cheap

33. The story is           (interest). I am               ( interest ) in English.   interesting interested

34. The soup is too        (salt). I don’t like it.                              salty

35. How         (love) the baby is!                                      lovely

36. The dictionary is         (help) to us.                                helpful

37. He tries his best to do exercise to keep           ( health).               healthy

38. Keep moving. I don’t want any of you to get         (lose).           lost

39. The        (lose) boy was found at last.                      lost

40. He asked us to be          (politely) to him.                    polite

41. This is my        (person) computer. You’d better not use it.       personal

 42. Is your pen           _______? (break)                           broken

43. If you are         ( care), you will fail the exam.                 careless

44. Who's             ___ person in your class? (tall)                    the tallest

45. Jill is much      ________ than Kate. (clever)                     cleverer

46. I think travelling by air is          ( expensive) than by train.      more expensive

47. I’m feeling         ( ill) than yesterday.                        worse

48. Which month is         (hot) in the year?                      the hottest

49. Mima is a very  good teacher. She is one of          (popular) teachers in our school.

50. Which is         (far), this one or that one?        farther            the most popular

51. I can’t work out the problem          . (easy)                         easily

52. The teacher went with a medicine box as _______ as she could. (quick)       quickly

53. I got up late this morning, but          ( lucky), I got to school on time.     luckily

54. The students sang and danced           ( happy).                       happily

55. Help          to some fish, boys and girls. (you)                        yourselves

56. They enjoyed           (they) in the park yesterday.                    themselves

57. He learned English by        (he)when he was young.                   himself  

58. The girl is so young that she can’t take care of          (she).             herself

59. The naughty boys are speaking loudly. The classroom is so         (noise) that I can’t hear you clearly.                                                          noisy

60. The fat man bought ____ a lot of good things. (he)                        himself

61. September is the         month of the year.(nine)                       ninth

62. December is the          (twelve) month of the year.                    twelfth

63. February is the         (two) month of the year.                        second

64. Take the medicine           (two ) a day, you will feel better soon.        twice

65 In the fashion show, they like wearing         (colour) clothes.            colourful

66. Thursday is the         ( five) day of the week.                         fifth

67. The girl would like some        (rice)                                 rice

68.Here are thirty math problems. But the         (twenty)is the most difficult one.  twentieth

69. Mr and Mrs Green have a son ________ Jack. (name)                        named

70. There are two        ( knife) on the table.                                knives

71. The         (America) girl likes reading very much.                        American

72. Maybe you will feel shy at        (one), but I am sure you can get over it later on.  first

73. Be        (careless) of the person who does not talk.                       careful

74.Why are you so       (exciting)?We haven’t got the last result.               excited

75.The boy does his homework so        (care) that he often makes mistakes.     carelessly

76. Fish can’t live       (with) water.                                      without

77. I enjoy Joyce will make a       (succeed) of her new business.              success

78.He is      (terrible) ill. We’d better send him to the hospital.                terribly

79. The meat smells        (terribly). Please throw it away.                   terrible

80.Who teaches        (they) physics?                                    them


1.  孩子们将在家里在电脑上学习。

Kids will study at home on computes.

2.— 将会有更少的污染吗?             — 不,不会的。

 — Will there be less pollution?            — No, there won’t.

3. 怎么了?        我和我最好的朋友吵架了。

 What’s the matter?             I argued with my best friend. 

4.他应该做什么?    或许他应该说他很抱歉。

 What should he do?        Maybe he should say he’s sorry.

5. 怎么了?   我的衣服过时了。

 What’s wrong?      My clothes are out of style.


The boy was walking along the street when the UFO landed.

7.当那个男孩在街上行走的时候,UFO 着陆了。

While the boy was walking along the street, the UFO landed.

8. 当外星人出来的时候,那个女孩正在购物。

The girl was shopping when the alien got out.

9. 他说他会讲三种语言。

He said he could speak three languages.

10. 她说她正在为拉娜举行一个晚会。

She said she was having a party for Lana.


He said he was mad at Marcia.

12.你已经滑冰多长时间了?               自从九点钟以来就一直在滑冰。

How long have you been skating ?         I have been skating since nine o’clock.

13.        把你的房间打扫一下你介意吗? 对不起,我马上做。

Would you mind cleaning your room?

I’m sorry. I’ll do it right away.

14.        不要在这里打篮球,你们介意吗?   对不起,我们去公园里打。

Would you mind not playing basketball?      Sorry. We’ll go and play in the park.

15. 你为什么不给她买一个照相机呢?   那太贵了。

Why don’t you get her a camera?        That’s too expensive.

15.        我去过动物园好多次了。 我也是。

 I have been to the zoo a lot of times.   Me, too.

16. 我从来没有去过水公园。 我也没去过。

 I have never been to a water park.   Me neither.

17. 今天确实有风,是吗?      是的。

 It’s really windy, isn’t it?       Yes, it is.

18. 你是本的姐姐,是吗?     是的,我是。

  You’re Ben’s sister, aren’t you?   Yes, I am.

19.15路公交车在这里停,是吗?    是的。

 The No. 15 bus stops here, doesn’t it?     Yes, it does.

20.或许你能和一个本地人交朋友。Maybe you could make friends with a native speaker.