choose的过去分词:产业观察:末世文化情结 集合中外唯心思潮的“精神鸦片”

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产业观察:末世文化情结 集合中外唯心思潮的“精神鸦片”

人民网 孙源

2011年12月16日09:27    来源:人民网-文化频道     手机看新闻

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  人民网文化频道“文化产业观察”栏目每周五推出一期,每期一个主题。本栏目以“解析文化产业现象 提供产业发展对策”为宗旨,以主题报告或系列报道为主要载体,每月会做出选题预告,并欢迎广大网友点题并提出宝贵意见。“述以文者 引领中国文化”,人民网文化频道愿为文化大繁荣大发展,推进先进网络文化建设,与广大网友一起努力。 
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    末世文化情结 集合中外唯心思潮的“精神鸦片”













  更值得关注的是,末世文化意识和忧患意识的混淆,与西方唱衰论“文化自觉”的合流,在我们安然的度过了一个又一个所谓末世“节点”后,反而对人们心底形成末世“情结”促动及思潮的危害,应引起全社会高度重视和清除。不能否认,在炒作末世文化中有吸引眼球与利益的驱动,但更应该拷问的是各类媒体和文化生产者的责任与良知。 (责任编辑:黄维)

Industry observation: in the last days culture and the thoughts of complex set idealism "spiritual opium"

SunYuan people net

December 16, 2011 09:27    Source:PRC-cultural channel     Cell phone watch the news

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People net culture channel "culture industry view" column every Friday launch a period, issue a theme.This column with "analytical culture industry for the industry development countermeasures phenomenon", in the aim of theme report or series of reports for the main carrier, monthly will make the selected topic forecast, and welcomes the net friend delicate and suggestion."With the text of leading Chinese culture", PRC cultural channel for prosperity of culture to big development, promote advanced network culture construction, with the net friend working together. 
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    In the last days culture complex set the trend of Chinese and foreign idealist "spiritual opium"

As a Hollywood entertainment movie "2012" the heat reflected, mingled with the all kinds of natural disasters in recent years the occurrence and the thoughts of Chinese and foreign idealist flood, in the last days in the domestic many complex culture media, especially some sites spread dramatically.Some cultural enterprise also drive the bus, in publishing, game, video, etc preemption "the commanding heights", launched a batch of latter-day complex deep cultural products.The last days of the cultural complex flood, at least brings to the society three big hazard, make the antiscience and pseudoscience becomes fashion;Make the social responsibility as the collective unconscious;To become the spread of rumors interpersonal trust amplifier.

  All the extreme natural phenomenon and disasters, can last days from the theory of looking for answers

About the last days of the earth that, in addition to "the sun discipline over the earth's destruction" beyond, at present the most popular three kind of saying: "the earth's poles reversal, the end of the world", "nine star renju, earth destroyed", "the sun storm, human perish" are validated by science has no basis.

But unfortunately, many media including some influence website, still strive for the 2012 in the "real" origin: the mystery of the mayan civilization, the last days of the civilization began, in recent years the earth into the active period of disaster happened, even up to the Chinese culture, the lack of the last days of "salvation" thinking of the height.Science, to the pseudo-science proposition under the banner of mysticism flood, luck, constellation, visit fortune-teller, feng shui in combination with a derivative of cultural products, including Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. Various kinds of western civilization with the content of the colour of idealism, became instead than the modern science, more advanced than materialist philosophy more advanced stuff, makes the last days on the theory was also the exterior of the fashion, all the extreme natural phenomenon and disasters, can be from the theory for the answers.

  All social and the people's livelihood question, may from the theory of latter-day explore causation

Because of China's modern society in transition, about the realization of social responsibility will be long-term proposition.And in the last days of the theory of "salvation view", make the social responsibility this big propositions are weakening, be eliminate the revelation and looking forward to for the last days.All social problems and inequality, such as health care, education, pensions, employment, issues such as sudden social events, such as the social public security problem, can be from the theory of causality to search for the last days.

The Chinese modern civilization to the process, should is to strengthen the social sense of responsibility and the sense of responsibility of the process.If only by the so-called "hand of god" redemption, even if it is our parents, grandparents, and toward democracy, freedom and prosperity, pay sacrifice, blood, are no longer has any meaning.And a group of under the banner "elite" of modern scholars praise highly western "redeemed theory", is apart from playing to the Chinese luxury consumption this "sugar-coated opium" outside, and a "spiritual opium".

The star in the core of the opium is through the construction of individual self-interest and abuse his thoughts, through to the social problems "mechanism deconstruction", through the so-called introspection and proportional representation, consciously and unconsciously through the culture, philosophy and ideology of packaging, to destroy our social responsibility consciousness.

  All the rumors and social unrest factors, can last days from the theory of the reasonable explanation

It is worth noting that, because network belongs to replicate and spread of the special media, a lot of the web for last days of culture together, and the content of the negative constantly sedimentary diffusion, will cause the social trust mechanism of further loss.

Lack of trust each other, and is the social life the most easy to make people feel uneasy and insecure, plus network of facilitating rumors, is caused extremely easily individual panic mood concentration for the violation of the group broke out of the common sense, common sense stress reaction.And in the last days theory and the presumed rumors and social unrest factor appears of rationality.In this paradox "established" advanced produce the derivative cultural products, make the social responsibility of the weakening cases, has strengthened the people of insecurity and last days complex, that the most basic interpersonal trust the social responsibility of the elements, but became the fastest best way to spread rumors.

Now the years of rob salt, drop of blood and rumors AIDS storm quickly spread large area, according to the Chinese people's university institute of media research shows that, the friends and relatives of mouth, including telephone, mobile phone, accounted for 60% of the total spread.Just this kind of interpersonal communication form, make the information transmission rate and trust improved significantly.

The more notable is, in the last days cultural awareness and consciousness of suffering of confusion, and the western bad-mouthing theory "cultural consciousness" of the rivers, and in our enron had a and a so-called "node" last days, after the people bottom instead form of latter-day "complex" and the dangers of ideological trend props, which should be pay high attention to the whole society and cleared.Can't deny that, in the last days of hype culture attract eyeball and benefit drive, but more should be torture is of all kinds of media and cultural producers of responsibility and conscience.(responsibility editor: HuangWei)