
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/02 05:37:47














2012必然是个对很多方面都有重大意义的年份。你会在你的小群体中找到自己的位置。另一个角度看,你也有可能为其负累。你的友谊也可能为你套上枷锁——应酬变多了,欢笑变少了。你需要好好想想这些问题了。《穷爸爸富爸爸》的作者Robert Kiyosaki说过,在我们投入精力最多的人中,自己只能排到中游。所以,你真的希望周围的人是现在的样子么?现在就是寻找新友谊的良机,坚持自己,土星将保佑你。















随着散布宜人气场的木星和掌管爱与美的金星在你的交际宫碰头,人际关系和情感将成为明年的重要课题之一,包括短途旅行,和兄弟姐妹的关系等等。在这一方面你将有用不完的精力。良好的相位使交往变得轻松而舒适,你的亲密关系将变得充满乐趣。你们将会获得更多交流讨论的机会,值得记录的事也会频频出现。准备个日记本吧,随时记录与反省自己与伴侣关系中的小细节,这真的很有价值,你将了解到自己的魅力所在。当然啦,交流多了争论也将随之产生,一次小小的失言或许会莫名其妙地被夸大从而演变为争吵。在发觉眼前无路可走,而自己又怒气冲冲的时候,请做个深呼吸,然后对自己说:“和平万岁!” 这句话的魔力足以使你从自我否定和抵触心理的泥沼中挣脱出来,重拾积极合作的态度。


★★★狮子座——译者: 圆桌骑士的猫(待校)

2012年是狮子主动的一年。2012是一条水龙(壬=水 龙年),在这一年你的生活各方面都会被关注并且会改变。虽然这样你会变得非常忙碌,但是你身边会有很友好的支持帮助。一个三位一体在火星和金星中间会帮助开启一个关于你的价值和你的实际职业走向的能量交换。通常情况下我们知道应该一心一意,但是却做出相反的事,这只是一种潜意识自我逃避改变的方式。这一年你会有内心的驱使你去做对的事情,而且你知道是什么。第二宫的自我价值实现在2012年你会突然的深刻意识到在一些压抑的事情上有些不健康的模式束缚着你。全部这些实现会使你站在聚光灯下-你能运用你特别和创造性的沟通技巧。准备好迎接即将到来的机会吧。越快的反应会使你越接近你想要的。





★★★处女座——译者: 折玉笙





2012给你的生活方式带来一个重大变革。2012,龙之年你会带着美好的转型结果而努力工作着。事情会越来越完美。 记得不要对自己和他人太过苛责。我们都需要在不断地自我完善中歇口气。学会平衡家庭和家族、工作以及外部世界,会带给你一种被认可的平和。努力实现和谐,真的是一种成就。享受已有的美好,并且为得到更多而努力,都是在一种完美的尺度中。2012年,所有的一切都会为你的努力而服务。















★★★射手座——译者: Happiness.

噢!活跃的射手在2012年将会经历深刻且深远的改变。与沟通传播方面有关的事尤其成为焦点。2012的龙年,多次的短途旅行让射手们马不停蹄地忙碌着。很大程度上,你们的兄弟姐妹也会发挥他们的影响力,你们之间可能有很多需要倾诉的时候,甚至关于隐藏的宝物或深埋的秘密 -- 这些谜底的揭开促使你们在人生路途上更进一步。

2012年你们的宫位可谓“众星云集”。它们分别是与关系和价值有关的金星;任务分配大师土星;掌管你们心智与理解方式的水星;还有关于指引我们灵魂进化的北交点。他们一股脑儿的往你的第三宫扎堆,但凡有关你们的沟通,交流或传播等范畴的事情以及日常生活的来往将会有所转变。当土星与金星的能量透过合相互动时,射手们的情感关系或会经历阻滞或出现压抑感。虽然土星是冷漠和无情的,但同时它为你指出感情的边界。我们需要边界存在,以使我们真正做到最好。也许这是你们2012年中情感的学习课题,理出界限 -- 平衡独处和共处的时间。界限也可能是由他人设定的 -- 因为你可能有越界的倾向 -- 不管哪种我们都要学习。当掌管与宇宙合一的海王星及疗伤者之称的凯龙星合相,并和金星土星形成轻松的三分相时,这表明射手们将为自己疗愈,和审视自他关系的深层意义。你们需要付出一点努力,但这非常值得你付出和享受付出。实相会向你显明;即便你期待有意义的关系,这实相会加深和营造一种你未必感到完全自在的亲切感(或指关系)。你将会确切地与内在的你沟通,且你会用一种不曾尝试的方式分享。射手们的生命将会得到更新,甚至充满奇遇。学会活在当下,遇到各种状况则自然懂得迎刃而解。

2012年与射手家庭有关的宫位里,代表深刻变革的冥王星,与代表行动力驱动力的火星并肩着。它们与天王星那为自由独立而战的天才成刑相位。天王星永远不会让任何事安定过久。再者,刑相位总会营造紧张的拉锯。它们之间为互相矛盾的目的而工作。每颗星以自己的方式存在,彼此虽然性质悬殊却绝不妥协,啊。这种张力会在射手们的家庭生活里出现,或在深层潜意识的领域驱动着。有可能突然从天上掉馅儿饼,可能是遗产,或是突然跟别人的资源结合。谈判是必要的,何况这也是成长路上的重要部分。位于摩羯座的火星与冥王星在2012年将推动你建立真实世界的现实 -- 收取回报,建立有形资产。你们正前往人生的新阶段,一个新的自我认同将于内在深处衍生。

事情在某些方面来说总是棘手的,而转变势必造成压力,可是你还有掌管自我认同的太阳和代表本能感觉的月亮所形成的三分相助你一臂之力。整个2012年均预示着射手们在关系上有崭新的突破。无论进入任何类型的关系上你们总会感到自在。他们在2012年成就更好的你,使你更有创意和产出更多成果。你将发现自己的执行力让你在工作领域上提升至更关键的角色 - 成为领袖是其中之一 - 他人或会前来向你寻求指导。尝试控制射手们自以为是的倾向吧。自以为是确实感觉不赖,但快乐比前者更重要。射手们最好放谦虚点,始终没有人喜欢被说教。

因着木星在2012年到达你的第10宫,你的职业生涯会被祝福,从而得到扩张和改变 - 尤其是世界对你们的看法。木星是射手们的命主星 - 你们因而被施与宏观审视大局的才能,和总可以从低谷反弹累败累战的能力。你们有些实相要告诉这世界,同时,2012年注定让你们丝毫不造作地坦然展示自己。谨记苏斯博士的至理名言:对我来说,我对一个人全心的好,而他会在我面前睁眼说瞎话的骗我时,就已经回答了我的问题了。让它成为你们2012年的格言保证不会出错。好好享受这场冒险之旅吧!



身居天蝎宫的土星,将会在明年造就你在做任何事时都有强烈的思维能力。似乎有可能你会处理好开始和结束。随着土星的移动我们学到了教训。土星教我们纪律的重要性,为我们的愿望尽力。长期努力的结果会得到回报。也许在你在这方面的生活有深刻的心灵感悟,归功于给予你支持的拱相(在土星和海王星之间)海王星会消除你和别人之间的界限,除去你们之间的阻力,使任何难题都变得容易。等你明白更深层的意义时,你会把未来看的更清楚。这种客观判断能力是一种巨大的福佑,因为它允许你平安度过蓄谋的“暴风雪”。 整整2012年你的发展会让你更加聪明,而且仍然保留了谦卑。别人会注意一个全新的你正在诞生。你可能比往常更有同情心,敏锐地察觉到现实的另一层。你的声望在建立之中。




















2012 Zodiacal Planetary Influences and Aspects and their Speculative Effects for the 2012 Astrological Year.
The year 2012 is eagerly anticipated in order to see events unfold following the ending of the Mayan calendar. This has sparked quite an interest in the World as no one is exactly sure why this ancient date system ends in 2012. There are many prophecies of doom attached to this particular year but the majority of us are a lot more optimistic for the future. The ceasing of the Mayan timetable also coincides with a number of planetary movements and aspect formations considered powerful and influential in the area of Astrology. This calendar's end marks the Winter Solstice and the completion of a 26,000 year Earth cycle of what we perceive to have been towards continued growth and understanding for humanity.

In 2012 it is assumed we will shift into a higher level of awareness with the entry of the planet Pluto into the zodiac sign of Capricorn. This planet's influence attempts to expose things that are hidden or we are unaware of and can highlight unforeseen problems. So when it enters Capricorn it will be probably focused on our unnecessary reliance on unnatural materials. It hopes to remind us of the need to look again at natural solutions and not rely so heavily on mass produced foods, medicines and energies. Capricorn concerns itself with structures and organizations and is also regarded as the last of the Earth element signs. As such it can be taken as a final chance to recognize changes we need to make to eliminate greed and waste and encourage more equality. When Pluto with its uncovering power arrives in Capricorn's dominion it will usually generate a period of enlightening discoveries about our societal structural arrangements and shared needs.

The arrival of Pluto in Capricorn should also see some rearrangement of our governing systems too and a fairer distribution of wealth. More balance and fairness in the World in 2012 are the predicted effects of this celestial alignment. Pluto is also involved in the formation of a special Yod or finger of God aspect in 2012 together with the planet Saturn and a retrograde Jupiter. This angle configuration is a significant indication of big changes in attitudes, prompting us to think about how our societies may work better. It predicts transformations and the expansions of previous ideas and the development of new ones. It may additionally have an effect on our view of natures role in our life and the possible return of the study of the medicinal benefits of plants.

Pluto is not the only planet that will have an impact in the year 2012 of Dragon, Neptune also has much authority with its equally prominent positioning. In 2012 Neptune will be located in its own sign of Pisces giving it strengthening of its power. This particular planet is thought to help connect us with our higher levels of thinking and the concept of working together to accomplish goals. The strength of this planet in its most favorable position sees it initiating a universal effort for us to notice and take action on injustices of all kinds. At Neptune's side in 2012 the astrological asteroid Chiron is present adding a liberating essence to the mix. It can assist Neptune with its delivery of emphasizing the message of the advantages of combining and sharing resources on a global scale.

During 2012 the planet Uranus joins Pluto, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter in a group around the Sun. This relationship is dominated by Uranus and another major reason why the year 2012 of Dragon signifies the ending of the old and the beginning of the new so strongly. As they all have the close association with the asteroid Chiron known mythically as the 'wounded healer', the adjustments they indicate are likely to be necessary for our continued existence. Another celestial body Venus travels retrograde for a short period in 2012 from around mid May to the end of June. For the duration of this few weeks while the planet appears to move backwards any financial negotiations should be avoided. For individuals it is a short window of time for evaluating things in your life. It will bring the best opportunity all year for reassessing priorities in order to move forward and embrace the changes that await.

Being an Aries is often a real joy. It's easy to just be who you are, plenty of signs would love just a touch of your brave forward moving energy. The 2012 year of Dragon will be a busy year on the home front. Also, up for consideration, will be how your relationships and routines fit together. There may be a struggle between your outer reality, your career, or how people see you, and the inner reality of your deep feelings and connection to your roots; a push pull/ either or situation that could cause considerable tension. Another major area of activity is your value system: you are going through a deep morphing in this area, expect deep life defining changes to occur- a total transformation in what and who you value in your world.

It is possible that you will feel weak and confused over changes that need to be made-you may swing back and forth between knowing and not knowing. Much growth is happening in the area that represents your home life, your roots in the world, and what is being demanded of you. With the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Uranus in a tight little huddle in your 4th house of home you can expect a renewed sense of desire for positive change in this area. You may have been fuzzy about some situation in your home, but expect clarity soon, and with clarity comes sudden focused action. This is the Universe helping you to evolve into the best you with the best life possible- follow your instincts and go with the flow in 2012, enjoy the energy of the changes taking place, disruptive though they may be.

2012 will bring deep healing in the area of communication. A supportive trine between Saturn the teacher of lessons, and Neptune (connection to the divine), with Chiron (the wounded healer) you may find yourself remembering some long forgotten hurt or humiliation. Often we attribute what we are going through now with how we feel- but in actuality it is how we feel that creates what we are going through. Now you have an opportunity to deeply heal the wounded parts of yourself, look to communication issues and possibly relationships with siblings for the surfacing of these issues. Allowing yourself to look for guidance on how to release and move forward. Participate in body work, Yoga, dance, keep the systems moving, help free up the energy. A deep renewal is under way. Discipline yourself to stay present and conscious through the changes. Try and stay out of escapism of any kind if you want to create more positive.
This 2012 year you are up for recognition or achievement of some kind- at the very least you will be driving for some kind of notice. With Virgo energy at the helm being of service in some way is sure to affect your status in some way. Always try to think of others before you act- its tricky doing this with all that powerful firey energy you are channelling all the time. But being considerate is something all Aries are learning on some level- often with difficulty. Though you might feel certain of your wants one minute try to consider how you will feel down the road- not just in the now, but five years down the road. Thinking long term will help you steer clear of needing instant gratification. Think consequences. And think big. The best you can imagine for yourself- what do you deserve?

This is certainly an active 2012 year in many important areas. You will be called to find your place in your community this 2012 year as well. Another angle on the same position could have you feeling burdened by your place in the world. Your friendships could be putting a strain on you as well- obligations rather than mutual enjoyment. It might be the year to consider this. Robert Kiyosaki, author or "Rich dad, Poor Dad" says: "we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with".Are you surrounded by people you would like to be? Now is a great time to seek out the new- make it a discipline and Saturn will support you fully.

Two thousand twelve is a year of transformation- Your Values, your home life, your career, and your friendships will be combining to redefine you. Enjoy the metamorphosis Aries, these changes suit you.

In 2012 Taurus people will be happy to be who they are. There is a fundamental change under way in the way you present yourself to others this 2012 year of Dragon. The people around you may be shocked by sudden changes in your style of communication. Perhaps you will feel a need to be more authentic and honest when you interact. Jolly generous Jupiter is travelling through Taurus this 2012 year too- this is super fortunate in many ways, expect financial increase as well as a simple increase in pleasures of all kinds, the good things in life.
Jupiter will travel a sign once every twelve years- This 2012 year Jupiter is sojourning in Taurus. That means that it will travel through the part of the zodiac that occupies your sun sign. You can expect an increase in everything that defines who you are- and who you are is up for consideration. You will feel a distinct increase in your creativity and sense of self-expression. It's as if your energy is expanding. Your life will start changing to meet this new expansion. Your Soul is growing - as all souls do - and now the friction is forcing you out of any ruts you have worn. Yes, it's nice that some things stay the same, but change is the only thing that can be counted on. Though all the newness may be scary you will feel deep regeneration through-out your life.

Jupiter will bring financial rewards as well. Though 2012 year of Dragon things will flourish and firm up under this influence. All the securities and little luxuries that keep a Turean happy are yours for the taking. Good food, music, sensual pleasures and Love. It's all available during two thousand twelve. You will have ample energy to focus on your resources and perhaps combining your resources with others could be rewarding- Look for harmonious interactions with any potential partners, steer clear of complainers and fault finders and veer towards self actualized happy creative people.

All this expansion is exhilarating. Being Taurus, it's possible that even the word "exhilarating" is anxiety provoking. You may be confused about your place in the outer world, your job, or activity in the community, and your desire to be home and domestic. You may have a running argument in your mind trying to convince you of the merits of both choices. Home or Work? Well its both, it's this and that, not either or. Though the outside world may feel like a burden, there is no doubt you are making real progress. Progress that will secure things for you so you can really enjoy the domestic side of life. Indulge in healthy food to support your system when you feel stressed. You may be tempted to inhale ice cream, but have a glass of organic Kefir instead- One causes an irritated digestive track creating mucus in the body the other nourishes with active probiotics. These healthy choices have long-term gains- the unhealthy choices lead to long-term loss and degeneration.

You are likely to meet some interesting people this 2012 year as well. Witty talkers with endless ideas. These people can be helpful to you-Try not to shy away from the quickness of the energy. It will help you raise your own energy enough to enjoy all the changes 2012 is sure to bring into your life. By December you will be seeing the new you-perhaps you will even be surprised by your new world. Rest assured positive expansion will happen and that is what you signed on for. Stay focused on changing while appreciating the abundance in each moment. Life is bountiful and Loving. Happy 2012!

Being a Gemini is endlessly fascinating. There are so many bits of information in the world. Now that we have the internet there is no end to how much we can know a little about. This 2012 year of the Dragon will bring changes on the home front, within your family situation, or perhaps deep psychological complexes will come to light. Who you feel you are and who you are trying to be will come up against some friction. Your values are shifting, your sense of worth is up for consideration. "Something is happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear".

This 2012 year the Saturn, planet of discipline is occupying the space of expanding horizons. This is where you study philosophy or begin to formulate a new belief system. Critical thinking will be strong now- and it could be clear that what you believed before is at best undeveloped, at worse you don't even know what it is you believe. With Saturn in this part of your chart you are now able to discover ideologies that will provide you with a solid foundation to build your new life. Being in an easy flowing trine relationship with Neptune- planet of dreams and ideals- as well as Venus, how you relate to the world, will give this new transition a touch of dreamy magic. You can expect your values about work and the routines in your life to change- there will be a deeper sense of purpose and understanding to what you do.

You will find reason to focus on your resources with others. Perhaps you will inherit money- Or you may have to battle in court in someway over inheritance or property. Mars, planet of action, will keep this part of your world in focus. Perhaps this situation will be a major source in your drive to transform. Being in opposition to Neptune can have you swinging back and forth between perfecting things and just letting things be. Going with the flow and letting go. A little letting go is in order, but it certainly won't hurt to keep the magnifying glass handy to go ever the details of any paperwork

The most prominent part of your chart is relating to family and your home life. Also, subconscious processes and what is hidden in the depths of memory could be a key point this year. With Mercury fused with Jupiter your thoughts and the way you communicate will expand. You could be communicating about your thoughts and feelings related to the home front and family. Maybe you are writing or making a film- it could be that you suddenly start to journal. Expect transformation to occur in a way that is stabilizing. At the same time, you may be compelled to keep searching. That Gemini need for more information could disrupt this stabilizing somehow. Try and think of building up rather than tearing down.

To have an insatiable desire for newness is often beneficial, but this 2012 year the north node is opposite your Sun- which means now it is time to focus on going deeper into knowing. Now is your chance to master some ideal. Look to share what you've learned in a way that encourages growth in others. You may find the truth becoming oddly important and find yourself compelled to be bluntly honest. Your intuition will heighten, or at least your awareness of intuitive insights. Whole book loads of information could be downloaded into your consciousness now. Suddenly you just know things- you may not be able to prove how you know them, you just do. This is the North Node in Sagittarius in action. Follow the yellow brick road and you may discover the man behind the curtain.

With Uranus in relationship to your Moon and Pluto in the chart you will feel a need for some new kind of freedom. It likely relates to some restrictive emotional state or past situation that inhibits you somehow. Expect sudden awareness in these areas. You will be liberated in a flash from old patterns that kept parts of you ineffective. This is exciting stuff that you may have secretly wanted to be done with for years. You could have a secret compulsion that is suddenly gone- no inner struggle just liberation. Good news for any addict of any kind.

Gemini this 2012 year of Dragon is deep. In a fabulous growth inducing way. Keep focused on foundations and the future will develop beautifully. Exciting, grounding and liberating times are ahead in 2012.

Being Cancer born grants you a knack for security. A talent for securing security. It's nice to be warm and safe in your cozy nest, surrounded by loving loved ones. Two thousand twelve is going to challenge your desire for sameness. This 2012 year with Uranus, planet of lightning bolt change, squaring both your Sun and Moon you will no doubt be feeling the friction within. The need to break free of stifling routines will be urgent. A liberating transformation is under way and it may feel stressful. The move from the familiar is scary stuff for any Cancer. 2012 year of Dragon you will have what it takes for a total metamorphosis. The urge to grow will eclipse the desire to secure.

Throughout whole 2012 year of Dragon the Pluto, planet of deep purging change, is activating your Moon, emotional sense of self, and your Mercury, what and how you think. All this action is happening in the area of the chart the governs the health conscious part of ourselves. You may discover odd food sensitivities, dairy products are apt to produce to much mucus for the system to handle resulting in asthma, sinus problems, or recurring yeast infections. Try to cut back on dairy products this 2012 year. In the very least source some Raw milk from a local dairy. It has been discovered that the act of pasteurisation actually destroys the enzymes that allow us to digest dairy; a theory as to why so many people, an estimated 80 percent, have adverse reactions to dairy. Expect this 2012 year of Dragon to be full of learning about healthy routines, perhaps you will get involved in a community garden, or join some kind of like minded group. This will all be new to you and you may struggle between wanting to stay in your pajamas and getting out into the world. Try to force yourself out, within reason of course. Remember to feel the fear and do it anyway, life is short.

Expect a sense of purpose permeating your life. You may feel the call of destiny. A certainty of purpose that changes how others see you. This is a very healing combination involving Neptune, planet of the cosmic soup, and Chiron, the wounded healer in your first house. The mask you show others is dissolving for all to see the really real you. It's highly likely that you will gain recognition for some sort of creative effort. Another possibility this 2012 year is there being a push/pull between what you as an individual want and what the group, or society you are involved in wants. This could be a source of great tension, remember to consider the greater good of all involved. It is not either or, but this and that. Compromise is the key to happiness.

With Jupiter, the jolly expander next to Venus, relationships and values, in the house of Communication, little trips, and brothers and sisters, you can expect a focus on relationships, You will have much energy to invest in this area of your life. An easy trine formation is considered a blessing of ease. Perhaps your close associations will get more interesting. Much will be discussed and even written about. Keeping a journal detailing your insights into your relationships would be highly valuable now. You will understand a lot more about what you attract. It is also possible that you will have disputes involving communications. It could be that a communication breakdown gets exaggerated somehow causing combat. When you find yourself at an impasse, and you are feeling really pissed off, take a deep breath and say: "I choose peace!" this works like magic to shift from negative ego conflicts to positive cooperation.

2012 is going to be pivotal in many ways. Your relationships will be redefined. Your creativity will get noticed. You will serve the community just being yourself. So though security may not be the focus this 2012 year of Dragon you will still have a good solid foundation to build upon. Most of the friction is coming from within and this will create a new you. A you closer to fulfilling your ultimate potential. 2012 you will see signs that let you know you are ultimately on the right track. Remember to pamper yourself through the newness and celebrate the changes a little every day this year of black Dragon.

Two thousand twelve is an active year for Leo. This 2012 year of the water Dragon many areas of your life will come into focus and require change. So though you will be busy, you have lovely supportive relationships around you. An easy Trine between Mars and Venus helps set up a nice exchange of energy between what you value and what you are actually working towards- Often we know we need to do one thing, but act in opposite ways, this is just the egos way of preventing change. This year you will have the inner drive to do the "Right" thing, and you will know what that is. With the 2nd house of self-worth active in 2012 year of the Dragon you will likely have sudden insights into deeply repressed issues that lock you in unhealthy patterns of some kind. All this realization may find you in the spotlight somehow- you may be using your mind and communication skills in unique and creative ways. Be ready to jump at any chances that come your way. Fast reactions will bring you there, closer to where you want to be.

Neptune is the planet of deep otherworldly awareness, it's where you sense guardian angels, or astral project. It's the planet that longs for the beautiful ideal, it dissolves things and leaves you dazed and confused when confronted with the "real world". 2012 year of the water Dragon the Neptune is a definite force and it is entering its own domain in your chart. This is happening while in tight relationship with Chiron, planet of deep healing and revelation. This could go many ways, always there are variables. At best you may have an encounter with Loving spirit guides that grant you a feeling of total protection and deep inner security- a certainty that everything will be Ok. Expect this to totally transform how you feel about yourself on all levels. A fairy God Mother to whisk away your self-doubt and fear. All this magical energy in 2012 year will be tempered with the reality of the discipline it will take to make the real world changes to sustain this sense of worth. People who Love themselves take care of themselves. It is likely that you will be required to buckle down and make healthy choices. Mars, Saturn and the Moon in your 6th house of health and routines will help you to stay focused on the improvements you need to make to deeply heal your inhibiting wounds.

In your house of fun, romance and creativity in 2012 year of the Dragon you have Mercury, the messenger. This planet has everything to do with how we think and communicate. Short little trips are active here as well. There is a flowing trine aspect between Uranus, the planet that likes to shake things up in sudden ways, and Mercury. It could make for fruitful discoveries in therapy of some kind. Your sudden awareness in the realm of the subconscious will feed your personal expression. The 2012 year could be a time of beautiful artwork, any kind of creative self expression. It could even be a sudden romance with a quirky genius type. This will be world changing, but may not be meant to last; it largely depends on the people involved. This sudden meeting will affect you profoundly in a positive sense. Here again, go with the flow, adapt and succeed.

With Pluto, planet of deep purging change in your house of philosophy, and higher education. It is possible that through 2012 year of the Dragon your foundational beliefs will be changing drastically. Pluto transforms what it touches and it's purpose is the growth of your very soul. Now would be a great time to learn body/mind techniques. How your thoughts create your reality may be made clear this 2012 year. You will want to take charge of your mind and emotions, empower yourself with healthy techniques to program your mind to heal and grow. Self- hypnosis, or neural linguistic programing would be areas to study. The mind needs taming and you have the ability to make great strides in your inner workings in 2012 year of the black Dragon.

Being a Leo gives you the ability to brightly shine- your ruling planet is the Sun after all. This 2012 year of the Dragon try to find a way to connect who you are, on deeper levels, with serving others in someway. This is the secret to true and lasting happiness. Sharing your gifts of warmth and encouragement with the world is what you came to do- find your niche, your angels will guide you. 2012 will be the year to clear the way for the real you to come through, it's finally time to shine.

Virgo people tirelessly work toward perfection at all times. Finding flaws is the domain of Virgo. 2012 year of Dragon is a year of fruitful advances in positive directions. Your involvement in many areas of life is going to increase- an action year is about to begin. It is highly likely that this 2012 year your funds are going to increase in some way. Your values are transforming fundamentally and this could shift your routines, highlighting this area of your life. Even your home life is changing this 2012 year- you will have much to say on these matters. You may even be in the spotlight in 2012 so don't forget to prepare your speech, even if it's just a sternly worded letter to your spouse on the truth as you see it.

Uranus, planet of sudden flashes of insight and radical change this 2012 year is in a Trine with Venus, your relationships and values. You may be receiving new ideas on ways to run your home. There will be a tension within, a pressure to change things, to establish more freedom for yourself somehow. This awareness may not help you actually make the changes needed to free up your energy. Your actual drive and this need to change are at odds with each other. You may know you need to change things, but keep acting in the same ways until, Bamb! you make a sudden move that no one saw coming. This may not be comfortable, but it will be liberating. Once aware of any problems they are impossible to ignore. Try and ease into this sudden new world view, or at least go easy on your loved ones- they may not see through the same lenses.

This 2012 year Your Sun is aspecting Pluto, which means that a deep transformation is under way. Think of these changes as a blessing from your Soul. Pluto represents your Souls evolution in the birth chart. Whenever it is activated by transit you can expect a growth spurt. This is an easy trine, but it will no doubt have you pondering the nature of your relationships. You could feel torn between selfish desires and merging resources with another- Generally when Pluto occupies this area what you and another share is a transforming agent of some kind. You could greatly benefit from other people's resources this year- A good motto is this and that, not either or, cooperate!

Neptune, planet of spiritual consciousness is in opposition to your sun this 2012 year. Your sun is in an area of the chart that will bring your family into focus. Where you spend your time and subconscious energy. Through 2012 year of Dragon you may be working to change your residence, but feel undermined by a constant state of confusion. Neptune will bring changes that leave you confused for a while- You may feel tired and lethargic. Take time to deeply nourish yourself through diet, exercise and relaxation. Learning to meditate could put you in direct contact with your spirit guides, this sort of guidance is top-notch and personal. Learning to follow your instincts will reward. Your role in the outside world will be shifting. This brings healing and realignment. Your home life will be reorganized in a supportive way. Allow your dreams to manifest; visualize your ideals as real. Banish all doubt.

2012 will usher in major changes in your lifestyle. Expect to work hard this 2012 year of Dragon with wonderful transformative results. Things will get closer to perfect. Remember not to be too critical of yourself and others. We all need a break from the constant self-improvement. Learning to balance the different aspects of home and family with work and the outside world will bring a sense of empowered peace. Hard won harmony really is an accomplishment. Rest in the good stuff and strive for more, all in perfect measure. 2012 year will fully support you in your endeavors.

Libra 2012 year of Dragon will be a year that redefines you. Your home life will likely change rather dramatically. You can also expect to feel like your nose is to the grindstone in all your creative efforts. Much energy and focus will be available for self-expression, or perhaps your children will be drawing on you somehow. Either way you will have the right attitude when it comes to dealing with responsibility. Your fundamental beliefs may be dissolving to be replaced with a more life affirming and supportive world view. Libra, your Love of peace and beauty is what is motivating much of these changes. 2012 is a year of transforming change, it may not feel easy, all that change, but it's bringing you closer to your ideal world. Peace and Love are in the air, now you need to consciously breath it in.

Mercury, the communicator, and the Sun, your identity, are in a difficult aspect with Pluto, planet of deep transformation and Uranus, the revolutionary. This configuration will cause a sense pressure. A conflict between home and work, or from who you really are and what you feel the world expects from you. Perhaps sudden changes on the work front conflict with the harmony of home. The changes will affect your routine's and could trigger your awareness of a need for healthy lifestyle choices. None of this revolutionary change is easy, but you will be renewed through it all. The butterfly will emerge from the cocoon. A lot has to go on in the cocoon for the butterfly to break free. 2012 you are working for this level of transformation.

In 2012 year of Dragon the Jupiter will be triggering deep internal processes. An expansion of awareness. Suddenly you can sense the deeper meaning in life, expect flashes of insight and a new certainty. Your ability to detect bullshit will be heightened. Truth will start to seem much more important. Being Libra you have the tendency to tell people what they want to hear. Pleasing people for the sake of harmony can leave a strange hollow in your relationships. With Pluto crossing into your house of relationships you can expect a definite change in how you relate with others. Perhaps you will be torn between what feels easy and comfortable and acting more authentically. You will be pushed into authenticity, even while risking disharmony. Though difficult, you will reap the rewards of new sense of depth and loyalty in the relationships in your life. The work is all leading somewhere, try not to resist the changes. Look to the people in your life for clues about what is not working. Now change can happen.

An important trine between Saturn and Neptune conjunct Chrion will help you accept the effort things are going to take. A shifting in your world view is happening. This dissolving process could leave you confused. You will cycle between inspired and plain old tired. Try and honor the need for rest as this is where much processing will occur. If you find you wake up tired find time for naps throughout the day. Sooth your Soul with beautiful sites, and smells. Eat well, listen to soothing sounds and be peaceful as often as possible. Choosing peace is a process, keep making the choice, repeat "I choose Peace": this is invoking great power for good.

Remember that you are working your way out of the cocoon. A more beautiful you is being born in 2012 year of the Dragon. A free and real you. Though there will be moments you wish the pressure would stop- keep focused on the underlying purpose of the discomfort. You came to earth to evolve your Soul, there are lessons to learn and some of them feel hard. But not all. Life has all kinds of rewards for your hard work and effort. At the end of the day it's likely you will look around and see how blessed you are with Peace, Love and Beauty in your life. You are ruled by Venus and this is a blessing. Don't hesitate to communicate your new understandings this year- people want your perspective and your balanced artistic point of view. Two thousand Twelve will be fruitful. You have all the tools you need to make things work out beautifully and peacefully. Your Loved ones will appreciate the new you. And I think you'll find you're rather happy with who you are allowing yourself to be this 2012 year. Enjoy the journey!

Scorpio 2012 year of Dragon will provide you with exactly what you thrive on: Deep meaningful transformation. Scorpios are good at recreation. This 2012 year Scorpios know how to tear it all down and start from scratch. The phoenix rising from the ashes is one of your symbols, along with the scorpion and the Eagle. You are no stranger to the dark side of life. You are drawn to the crises points as this is where true growth occurs. 2012 year will have you changing your home life in important ways- perhaps a move. It is likely that you will engage in some kind of battle for a higher cause. Fighting for the underdog or children in need of protection. You may meet a new partner that excites your mind with their authentic honest nature. The new you is learning to live a life without secrets. Surrounding yourself with people you don't need to hide from. These times are not easy; you will be stretching yourself- leaving the comfort zone.

An outstanding aspect this 2012 year of Dragon is between Mars and Jupiter. Jupiter is in your eleventh house of friends, humanitarian causes, and your hopes and wishes. The eleventh house relates also to you within a group. With Jupiter here your involvement is certainly expanding in some way. Maybe you are joining a new group with big ambitions. Mars is opposite Jupiter in your fifth house of creativity - this creates a situation that causes you to feel you need to fight for a cause. You will feel much passion about the cause you are involved in. Be careful to avoid any possible physically violent situations. You could find it tricky to relate within the group in a harmonious way. Your individuality my feel stifled in uncomfortable ways that cause you to want to rebel. The "no one tells me what to do" issue. Deep down you know you need to compromise in this situation, the very act of compromising is what will cause your growth. This 2012 year of Dragon expect your routines to completely change, as will your beliefs about things you never even thought about before.

With Venus in your third house 2012 year of Dragon you will be relating a lot. It is a sextile aspect with Mercury, the planet you use in your communications. The sextile can relate to talents you have. An opportunity or a blessing. This talent may take some effort though. You will have to coax yourself along, all the while knowing this opportunity is a true benefit to you. Your individuality is important here, any artistic abilities you have could be recognized in some way. All sorts of writing would be likely. Is there something you've been meaning to write? A Novel, your will, or a how to manual. Now is the time to take your ideas and run with them. Work your magic and make the dreams real. Time is short. Or an illusion. An illusion that seems to fly by.

All Scorpios ponder death. You keep the topic close to your heart, and pull it out often and try and figure it out. Scorpios love a mystery to solve, a secret to dig up. Death really has been a great mystery to most humans. It is the domain of Scorpio to witness the darkness, to be with the difficult stuff in life without running. You may be just as terrified as the next guy, but you want the truth: the good, the bad, and the ugly truth of it all. Being witness gives voice to the unexplainable. With Neptune, your connection to the cosmos, traversing this 2012 year your eighth house, you will likely be pondering the deeper issues of life. Perhaps you will gain access to other people's resources, or be focused on your will and what you have to leave behind. You could also get involved in some kind of court case. It's impossible to predict how the scenario will play out. We are the creators of our reality so keep clear and focused on what outcome you prefer. With Neptune here you may have a deeply spiritual experience- A visit from a long gone loved one or an introduction to your faithful spirit guides. You are open to more- life is getting richer, there are more textures and layers.

This 2012 year will be pivotal for you. Change is happening in deeply needed ways. The 2012 year of Dragon will accelerate your healing and growth. You will make discoveries and experience revelations that shake it all up. Change is the only thing that can be counted on. Be honest in your communications. This authenticity is what creates trust, and trust is something you can have if you open your heart this year. Take emotional risks and while you heal your world you make it easier for others to heal theirs- no effort goes wasted Scorpio. Stand tall in your power.

Oh buoyant Sagittarius 2012 is going to be a year of deep purposeful change. Expect to be highly focused on issues of communication. This 2012 year of Dragon you could find yourself all over the place, many short trips that keep you moving and busy. It's likely that siblings will play a major role, perhaps there is much to talk about, hidden treasures and buried secrets- unlocking the mysteries will move you forward on your path.

You have what is called a stellium in Scorpio this 2012 year. Venus, planet of relating and values; Saturn, the task master; Mercury, your mind and perceptions; the North Node, the direction our soul is evolving. All this huddled up in your third house of communication will change your world in matters of communication and the comings and goings of your daily life. With Saturn Conjunct, fusing its energy with Venus, you may find relationships either withholding or perhaps stifling. Saturn can feel cold and unloving, but does show love in the form of boundaries. We need boundaries and limitations to truly function at our best. It could be you are learning this 2012 year of Dragon to set boundaries for yourself in relationships- balancing time between you and others. Or maybe someone will set some boundaries for you- you may be crossing their lines- we learn either way. With Neptune, planet of our connection to the cosmos conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer, in an easy trine to Saturn and Venus you are definitely being guided to heal your wounds and see the deeper meaning in your connections with others. It may all be a bit of effort, but well worth it effort you enjoy. The truth will be told all over the place, something Sagittarians honor, this will deepen ties and create an intimacy you may not be entirely comfortable with even though you desire meaningful connections. You will be able to really communicate your internal processes, sharing in a way that was previously lacking. Life will be refreshing, an adventure even. Stay in the now and deal with situations authentically as they come up.

In the area related to home and family this 2012 year you have Pluto, planet of deep transformation, arm in arm with Mars, planet of action and drive. This is squaring Uranus, the freedom fighting genius. Uranus never really lets anything settle for long. And the square always creates a stressful sort of tension. It's a relationship that has planets working at cross purposes. Each one goes about its business in its own very different way and it will not be convinced otherwise. Yikes. This tension is happening in your home life, or perhaps it relates to deep subconscious processes working. There may be sudden win falls, or inheritances, or a sudden move to join resources with another. Negotiation will be needed and an important part of the growth process. Mars and Pluto in Capricorn this 2012 year of Dragon are pushing you to establish real world evidence-reap rewards, build tangible foundations out of the ashes of what went before. You are moving into a new place in your life, a new identity is being born from deep within.

Things are bound to get tricky in some areas and change can be stressful, but you do have a lovely supportive trine from your Sun, ruler of your identity and the Moon, your instincts and feelings. Through 2012 year of the Dragon expect creative breakthroughs which could be linked to partners in your life. You will be feeling good about getting into partnerships of all kinds. They will support your greater good this 2012 year, help you be a more creative and productive individual. You may discover executive skills that promote you to a more important role in your Job- one in which you must be a leader- people will come to you for guidance. Try to control the Sagittarian tendency to be self-righteous. It's nice to be right, but it's more important to be happy. Be humble wise know-it-all. No one likes a lecture.

With Jupiter in your Tenth house this 2012 year you are going to be blessed with an expansion of some kind in your world of Career- How you are viewed in the world will change and expand. Jupiter is your ruling planet- The benefactor of your bigger picture visions and buoyant ability to bounce back from the difficult stuff ready to try again. You have truths to tell the world and 2012 is sure to put you in positions to express yourself authentically, and that comes naturally to you. Remember the wise words of Dr. Suess ,"Be who you are,and say how you feel, because those who matter won't mind, and those who mind don't matter." Use this as your motto for 2012 and you can’t go wrong. Enjoy the Adventure!

In 2012 you can expect major changes in your bottom line beliefs. Capricorn you love to improve things, always working to get closer to perfect in every area of your life, big ambition this 2012 year will help you realize many of your goals. Though change can be difficult you have deep internal support systems in place that will serve you well during your transitions in 2012 year of the Dragon.

Saturn in Scorpio will create a sense of intensity to all you do this 2012 year of the Dragon. It is likely that you will be dealing with beginnings and endings. Where Saturn travels we learn lessons. Saturn teaches us the importance of discipline and working hard for what we want. Long-term efforts are rewarded. There may be deep sense of the spiritual in this area of your life due to a supportive trine between Saturn and Neptune. Neptune will dissolve your boundaries and resistance, making any difficulty seem easier. When you understand the deeper meaning you can see the bigger picture more clearly. This perspective is a great blessing as it allows you to weather the storms with certainty of purpose. What you go through this 2012 year will make you wiser yet leave you humbled. Others will notice a new you emerging. You may be more compassionate than usual, keenly aware of other layers of reality. Your character is building.

This 2012 year Mercury and Venus fuse energies in Sagittarius. This conjunction has relationships on the mind. There may be much communicating about relationship issues. Venus, representing our values, is opposite Uranus, the rebel change maker, this combo can make for exciting, unexpected events. Perhaps you will meet someone out of the blue that shakes up your world. Uranus is restless and won't allow routine to take hold. Though this person may excite you, introducing you to ideas that shift your world view and start you on the path of philosopher, they are not necessarily a long-term prospect. Remember to stay detached while learning what you can from situations

Pluto is going to rumble through your world and make some lasting changes. It affects you in the area of career and crosses into your hopes and wishes, even your friendships will be transformed by this new energy. It may not always feel pleasant as long buried issues may bubble up into consciousness. This is a clearing process that will put you in touch with power you may have disowned long ago. As children we have no power in our worlds. This unfortunate reality is made worse if you happen to have a tyrant parent or teacher in your life. We often suppress our natural inclinations to please the people in our world. These suppressed parts of you are being released and with the release comes a great surge of your true power. It's shocking how much energy we use to keep ourselves safe and the same. You will be thrilled with the new you. A sense of expansion will infuse all your positive feelings. You will understand why you have been climbing, now you see where your soul is heading.

Luck is residing in your house of communication, short trips, transportation and siblings. You can expect good things to happen. This also connects to your relationships and philosophies. Perhaps you will formally speak on topics that expand horizons for people. You will be connected in important ways to positive situations. Go with the flow and really appreciate all that is happening in this area of your life. It's a good time to buy a new to you car, or a communication device- this world is not wanting for gadgets, now is the time to spoil yourself with toys that help you be a better communicator.

2012 year of the Dragon will be totally rewarding for you. Capricorn is a sign that earns its rewards and this 2012 year you will feel satisfied, even blessed with your efforts. Though there are going to be difficult moments the general feel of 2012 is one of total transformation and wonderful expansion. Though you are most comfortable with work be sure to take much needed time for exercise and relaxation to balance your life. This year a discipline of meditation would be highly rewarding, even allowing you to reverse chronic health issues. Take time to regularly count your blessings and you will be amazed at the miracles you can attract into your world in 2012 year of the water Dragon.

For those born Aquarius 2012 year of Dragon will be a year of action. There is an ample amount of energy needing release. 2012 is time to make your move. Sound your battle cry and use a little of the unique originality you were born with. Your creativity is being summoned for the greater good. A coming of age transformation, no matter how old you are, is under way, and it is happening fast. How exciting!

You can expect much action and focus on communications, with Mercury, the Moon, and Pluto occupying this 2012 year the area of your horoscope that relates to siblings and short trips, and anything that assists this, like cars and kindles, ipods and androids. Our world is rich with communication devices in ways never seen before on Earth, (that we can remember). The lost continent of Atlantis is said to have surpassed our technological advances. There is a supportive trine aspect with mars that is truly a blessing. You will feel called to humanitarian causes, perhaps you will be a spokesman for these causes. There is an urgent sense of needed change, an enough is enough energy that will agitate you into speaking out. This impatient energy will be well-grounded as well. There is something you are building on, a solid foundation is being laid for you to stand upon.

Being an Aquarius you are mostly going to enjoy all this fast action and energy. Uranus is your ruling Planet granting you with the urge to be free, truthful and independent. Aquarius is often the rebel genius, who enjoys shocking others. A trait that helps you to thumb your nose at convention. Pluto, one of the indicators of the soul's evolutionary path, is also out to transform your communications. This 2012 year of Dragon you will feel drawn to create harmony through your words or art, self-expression is much needed and with Pluto contacting Venus in your 5th house of creativity you can bet something beautiful will come out of you; this situation is harmonizing.

Neptune in aspect to Saturn will help you feel a sense of structure to a very unstructured transformation. This 2012 year you may not be used to having to discipline yourself, it’s so restricting, but with Saturn, the task master, in your house of identity, you will come across as very grounded and dependable- this energy will add an air of authority to all you do. The discipline will make sense now and you will feel grateful for the boundaries.

Chiron with Venus will provide you this 2012 year of Dragon with very healing experiences relating to children, creativity, or romance. Perhaps you will meet someone now who helps you heal this area of your life. If you were stifling your creative self for any reason now you can expect a liberation of sorts, a liberation that may take some effort on your part- resist resistance and you will make fabulous strides towards your positive evolution.

Jupiter, planet of expansion, faith and Vision in 2012 is in your house of partnerships and negotiations With Jupiter here you can expect luck relating to these areas of your life. A buoyant expansion of activity will leave you feeling blessed with a sense of wonder. Expect synchronicity that shifts your perspective and opens your mind to formerly unseen possibilities. Your sense of self is going to be changed as well. A more creative, perhaps a much deeper you is emerging through all this lucky expansion. Use your discretion when forming new partnerships, but do expect serendipity to arrive at some point this year. You will be learning much about partnership which can be tricky for an Aquarian, but all the magic surrounding these lessons will help you accept the process and appreciate partnerships in new ways.

2012 year of Dragon is certainly a year with many developments. Exciting changes will keep you busy and your sense of purpose will be clear. You will not be able to stop yourself from rushing in and making a difference, follow your instincts and you will not be lead astray. Your originality will be noticed and your relationships will be productive, supportive, and rewarding. Hard work and originality will pay big dividends this 2012 year. Any transition can be difficult, good or bad, but the Aquarian parts of you will be reveling in all this newness. You are changing the status quo, just like you were born to do, and you will feel that sense of right all the way down to your toes in 2012.

Pisces 2012 year of Dragon will bring many new developments on the home front. Who you are is morphing into someone new and this will certainly be felt on your home territory. Your values are up for an overhaul that will affect your self-expression and creativity. This 2012 year will lead you into new and improved territory. Don't be surprised if you are assisted by unseen guides, or maybe you are gifted with the ability to see the unseen. This would not be surprising as many a sensitive Pisces have seen dead people. Neptune, planet of enchantment, is your ruling planet. This sensitivity makes you privy to awareness of otherworldly energies, in fact you have the ability to feel everything below the surface. Expect this awareness to actually increase. In 2012 you will need to learn techniques to shield yourself from negativity to keep your own energy intact.

In 2012 Neptune is fusing energies with your Sun. This will have monumental effect on your world. Your intuitive knowing will increase exponentially, but this could be countered with a real confusion about what to do, as Neptune often conceals the truth until the changes are in motion. With Neptune touching your Sun you may find the boundaries between yourself and others non-existent. As it occurs in the home and family area of your chart it could be you are somehow leaking energy on the home front. Perhaps your family is demanding more than you have to give. Or it could be the home you live in is somehow steeling energy from you in a deceptive way-look for leaks in pipes or gas lines as this could be a more literal possibility.

When Neptune connects with one of your personal planets you have the ability to embody the collective dream. Artists often have this combination as all art forms are an expression of the society in which the artist lives. This 2012 year of Dragon you may find yourself expressing in a way that draws public recognition. Though this new status was conjured in your imagination earlier it is now manifesting in your reality. You many find you are torn between hiding your sensitive self away and stepping out in the limelight. Consider what you are doing is for the greater good and find an acceptable balance between your inner world and what the outside world is now requiring of you.

With Pluto, planet of evolutionary change in the area of self-worth in your chart, in 2012 you can expect a major change in your values, including how you value yourself. Pluto is rarely a good time, often causing us to face realities we would rather ignore. Being Pisces inclines you towards escapism, are you addicted to some distraction that keeps you from your greater good? Pluto is going to show you the error of your ways. Don't be surprised if childhood issues start to surface that are at the root of your current desire to escape. Whatever your vice, you can guarantee it is sucking your energy and giving you nothing in return; be it food, shopping, gambling, TV, heroin or prescription meds. You can even be addicted to helping others who have no intention of ever helping themselves. It is time to take back your life force and channel it in to positive growth; own your power and move into the field of dreams manifesting- this is so much more rewarding long-term.

Saturn and Jupiter are opposing each other this 2012 year and that could cause a sense of being torn between expanding and contracting. Jupiter in the house of routines will urge you to add on, move up, think bigger- on the other hand, Saturn in your house of the collective unconscious might restrict you with nagging fear and negative thinking. Those negative thoughts are just the flip side of the positive aspects of Saturn, which is there to set up healthy boundaries and help you follow routines that will ground and support you. The more healthy decisions you make the less fearful you will feel: what motivation!

2012 will be highly successful for you Pisces. Much ground will be covered and deep level transformation will occur. Remember to develop healthy routines and to express yourself in new ways. Learn to set boundaries between yourself and anything that drains you of energy- gravitate to people, situations and places that bolster your energy authentically. A little discipline will bring great rewards in 2012- enjoy the strength you will gain from the effort you put forth.