阿里云服务器续费退款:【新闻精解】BBC 2011-11-19 IAEA担心伊朗核问题

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/19 12:54:00

BBC News with Marion Marshall

The United Nations nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, has expressed deep and increasing concern about Iran's nuclear programme. A resolution passed by the agency's board called on Tehran to clear up outstanding questions about its nuclear capabilities without delay, but stopped short of referring Iran to the UN Security Council. Last week, an IAEA report said there was considerable evidence that Iran had undertaken the experiments geared towards developing a nuclear weapons capability. James Reynolds reports.

The IAEA board has voted to express its deep concern about Iran. It's asked the IAEA director general to report back in March, but it's not referring the country to the United Nations for further sanctions - in other words, criticism but no immediate action. The four Western countries would have preferred moves towards more sanctions, but Russia and China said no. Western diplomats are happy that the six countries have agreed a single response to Iran. But it's not yet clear what kind of impact a statement of criticism will have on the government of the Islamic republic.

Tens of thousands of Egyptians have joined rallies in Cairo and Alexandria to denounce what they see as moves by the military authorities to entrench their power. The army and security forces did not intervene. The protests were backed by Islamists, but the BBC Cairo correspondent says demonstrators from across the political spectrum took part to express their frustration at the military rulers' slow pace of reform.

The new Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti has won full approval from parliament for his austerity plan to deal with the country's budget crisis. The lower house followed the senate in giving his government an overwhelming vote of confidence. Alan Johnston is in Rome.

For now at least, nearly all the political parties say they'll support Mr Monti as he sets out to restructure the economy. He's warned that he'll demand sacrifices of the Italian people. His austerity programme will include tighter control of spending, more tax and pension reform. But Prime Minister Monti has also said he'll work for greater social fairness and create more jobs for young people.

Scientists have managed to repeat an experiment which shows subatomic particles travelling faster than the speed of light. There had been scepticism about the results of the first experiment. Jason Palmer has the details.

The team shook the world two months ago with its claim that neutrinos could beat the speed of light. Travelling through 700km of rock, the particles seemed to show up billionths of a second earlier than they should have. But critics said the groups of neutrinos were far more spread out in time than that tiny difference, blurring the team's ability to accurately measure them. Now the team has repeated the experiment with groups lasting for a less time and found almost exactly the same result. It's now up to other teams around the world to confirm the striking findings.

World News from the BBC

The British Prime Minister David Cameron says Britain and Germany agree on the need for decisive action to stabilise the eurozone. Speaking in Berlin after talks with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Mr Cameron said a stabilisation mechanism should have detail, meaning and punch behind it. He gave no specifics.

President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil has signed a law creating a truth commission to investigate past human rights abuses, including those committed during military rule between 1964 and 1985. The commission will have the power to access all government documents, but an amnesty law means it won't lead to any prosecutions.

Leading climate scientists have warned that governments must implement policies to deal with the effects of more dangerous and unpredictable weather. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, meeting in Uganda, says global warming means heat waves, floods and droughts are likely to become more frequent and intense. Our science correspondent David Shukman reports.

As with all reports by the UN climate panel, this one was checked by governments from around the world before being published. It says it's virtually certain we'll see higher temperatures in the years ahead and that it's likely many regions will see more heavy rain. As to the role of man, the report says greenhouse gases are likely to have caused recent warming, but for the next few decades our influence will be relatively small compared to natural variability. That's not what environmental campaigners will want to hear.

The High Court in London has heard new allegations against a private investigator who worked for the tabloid newspaper News of the World. The investigator, Glenn Mulcaire, was jailed for phone hacking in 2007. Lawyers for phone-hacking victims said he was also involved in a practice called pinging - a technique to locate people using their mobile phones, which can only be used legally by the police and security forces.

BBC News

Marion Marshall为您报道。

联合国核监督机构——国际原子能组织,对伊朗核项目表示了越加深重的担忧。董事会通过一项决议,要求德黑兰尽快澄清关于其核能力的未解决问题,但并未将伊朗移交联合国安理会处理。上周,国家原子能机构报告称有大量证据证明伊朗在发展核武器。James Reynolds报道。







意大利新总理马里奥·蒙蒂通过他解决本国经济危机的紧缩计划,获得议会全体支持。继参议院之后,蒙蒂政府在下议院的信任投票中也获得了绝对支持。Alan Johnston报道。




亚原子粒子科学家再次完成一项实验,证明亚原子粒运行速度快于光速。这是由于第一次试验结果被质疑。Jason Palmer报道。









气候学家带头人警告说,各国政府必须实施政策来应对越加危险和难以预测的天气。政府间气候变化专门委员会在乌干达召开会议,称全球变暖意味着热浪、水灾和旱灾可能会更加频繁,更加剧烈。本台科学记者David Shukman报道。


在联合国气候委员会发表的所有报告中,该报告已在出版前被世界各国政府核查。据报告,可以确定的是,未来气温将会更高,许多地区将会迎来更强的降 雨。至于人类的影响,报告表示,温室气体很可能造成近期气温上升,但在未来的数十年间,相对于自然变化来说,人类的影响还是相对不大。这可不是环境主义者 想听到的。


伦敦最高法院听审了对一名私家侦探的新控告,他曾就职于世界新闻报的小报。这位侦探名叫Glenn Mulcaire,2007年因电话窃听案入狱。电话窃听受害者的律师称,此人还用过一项叫做pinging的技术,定位手机使用者的位置。依照法律规 定,只有警察和安全部队可以使用此项技术。

BBC 新闻



1. subatomic a.小于原子的,亚原子的,次原子的
eg: American physicist. He shared a1976 Nobel Prize for discovering a subatomic particle. 丁肇中,塞缪尔·赵钟生于1936美国物理学家。他因发现了一种亚原子粒子而与人分享1976年诺贝尔奖。

2. particle n.微粒, 颗粒, 〈物〉粒子;极少量
eg: There's not a particle of truth in his story. 他讲的没有一句实话。

3. scepticism n.怀疑态度,怀疑论
eg: Their claim is being treated with some scepticism in UN. 联合国方面对他们的要求持某种怀疑态度。

4. striking a.引人注目的,显著的,突出的eg: There is a striking difference between Jane and Mary. 简和玛丽之间有显著的差异。

5. virtual a.实质上的,事实上的,实际上的;【电脑】虚拟的
eg: This reply is a virtual acceptance of our offer. 这一回答实质上是接受了我们的建议。

6. variability n.变化性,变化无常
eg: There is considerable variability in all the test scores. 所有这些考查成绩都有很大变化。

7. tabloid n.(以轰动性报导为特点的)小报;文摘,摘要
eg: Some tabloid newspapers cater to low tastes. 有些小报迎合低级趣味。
phone-hacking n.手机黑客