天才枪手 杭州 电影票:快乐收集

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/05 05:46:52


1、要有目标和追求:Have goal and chase

2、经常保持微笑: Keep smiling

3、学会和别人一块分享喜悦: Learn to share happiness with others

4、乐于助人: Be happy to help people

5、并保持自己的一颗童心: Keep a young heart

6、学会和各种人愉快的相处: Learn to get along with any kinds of people

7、保持幽默感: Be humourous

8、要能处乱不惊: Be calm in chaos

9、学会宽恕他人: Mercy

10、有几个知心朋友: Friends

11、常和别人保持合作,并从中获得乐趣: Team work

12、享受你的天伦之乐: Enjoy family relationships

13、保持高度的自信心: Be highly confident

14、尊重弱者: Respect the puny

15、偶尔放纵自己一下: Be indulgent to self sometimes

16、有空来论坛坐坐: Come to BBS

17、具备胆识和勇气: Have courage and insight

18、最后,不要财迷心窍: Finally, do not be a miser