一课一练:感恩赋 并序 三余草堂/文

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感恩赋 并序 三余草堂/文Thanksgiving fu and sequence more than three harmonica university/text



11月的第四个星期四是一年一度的感恩节。The fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving Day in the annual.虽然感恩节是舶来品,但在我们中国,感恩一直是我们中华民族的传统美德,就借这个节日,弘扬我们中华民族的美德吧。Although Thanksgiving is exotic, but in our China, Thanksgiving is always our Chinese nation's traditional virtue, through this holiday, carry forward our Chinese nation of virtues.在这个特殊的日子里,回首时光,感念亲情,友情,那些为我们带来幸福阳光的人,才是人生中最大的财富。In this special day, time looking back, her family, friendship, those who bring us happiness sunshine, is the biggest wealth in life.其实不用等到感恩节,每一天你都可以表达你的感恩之心。Actually need not wait until Thanksgiving, every day you can express your gratitude.拥有感恩之心,每一天都是感恩节!Have the heart of Thanksgiving, every day is Thanksgiving!感恩的节日来临,似乎在提醒我们生活需要去感恩。The Thanksgiving holiday, seems to remind us that we live need to be grateful for the gift.生命中重要的事,那些让我们不能轻易遗忘的感动。The important thing in life, and that we can't easily forgotten by it.那些出现在我们生命中不可或缺的人,那些为我们带来幸福阳光,温暖的关爱,才是人生中最大的财富。Those that appear in our life is indispensable, those who bring us happiness sunshine and warm care and love, is the biggest wealth in life.拥有一颗感恩的心,才懂得去孝敬父母,才懂得去感谢关爱自己的每一个人。Have a thankful heart, just know how to honour thy father and thy mother, don't know to thank love own each person.感恩父母的精心养育,是他们给你无微不至的关爱让你更好地面对世界。Parents raise the gratitude meticulously, is they give you meticulous love make you better facing the world.懂得感恩是一件多么舒心的事啊。Grateful is a how pleasant matter.是以为赋。Fu is thought.

人生在世,处处温馨,从小到大,至爱殷殷,妻子儿女,父老宗亲,敬爱有加,乐享天伦。.父贤子孝,乖儿贤孙,父养母育,烈日霜晨,椿萱并茂,兰桂腾芬。.慈母望子,倚廬倚门。.得亲得孝,方为子孙。.含饴尊养,泽被后人。合家欢乐,事事随心。.慎终追远,瓜绵葛荫。.兄弟同志。.手足之亲。.棠棣之秀,鹡鸰鸣春。 .你敬我爱,知己贴心。互疼互怜,一片赤心。.上敬尊者,下扶危困.强势不攀,弱势不躙。.同舟共济,取善辅仁。有事援手,无事安心。义结金兰,入慕之宾。.胶漆相投,忘年唯心。.鸡黍之愿,诚实守信。.片言九鼎,一诺千金。.授业解惑,严师倾心,诗词文章,良苦用心。.学高为师,德高为尊,教学相长,桃李含芬。.亲戚朋友,骨肉连筋,情深意笃,互连互衿.常来常???,往还礼分。至圣贤哲,高瞻远闻,哲学宗教,辩证详审。.国之宝典,九丘三坟,礼易春秋,诗书词韵。.幼启其智,长教人伦,以礼传国,以伦治亲,长幼尊卑,经纬明分。.敬老爱幼,天地尊亲。.坦坦荡荡,尊尊亲亲。上敬下和,万古流韵。时代社会,与时俱进,和谐社会,阳光温馨。科学发展,惠及万民。.安居乐业,大爱延伸。.一方有难,八方驰奔。The .上下援手,齐力断金。.大灾大难,国力援亲,四海升平,处处欢欣。,宇宙灵氛。.天高为崇,地厚为尊。物华天宝,自然养分。.得之所养,生态育人。.山水嘉气,乐心畅神,五谷六畜,养亲裕民。".纵横阡陌,屋宇楼群,自然和谐,得益人文。.泱泱中华,文明幽深。.传统积淀,道德本真。感恩铭德,龙族之魂。.不忘滴水,报以泉深。.祖辈相沿,世代为训。.报效家国,祭祀先人。.奉敬父母,关爱老人。拜谒师长,笃意友人。).善待自然,生态人文。.二十四孝,警教古今。.羔羊跪乳,晓喻世人。.乌鸦反哺,寓意更深。.知恩报德,文明奋进。.社会祥和,仁风长存。天高地厚,河晏海清,发扬光大,与日弥新。欣然为赋,纪念感恩。2011-11-23The 2011-11-2318:20:18于杭州18:20:18 in hangzhou


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自溢清韵向天涯,Since the spill to described,
风流翰墨甲天下。Romantic calligraphy enjoys.
神飞翰逸牵盘处,John and escape god fly in dish,
龙腾凰翥冠芳华。Zhu champions league FangHua HPLC established.

鬼斧神工妙绝伦,Offers wonderful unsurpassed,
片片流云一锦春。Woods the class a jin spring.
胸中墨雨雄古今,In the ancient and modern ink rain,
笔笔都是中华魂。He is the soul.

毫端彩放聚仙神,The hair color fairy god put together,
流韵墨波墨似金。LiuYun ink wave ink like gold.
计白当黑无经意,White when black without pay plan,
书香横溢壮乾坤。Elegant extremely strong tide.

灵畅百年大风流,One hundred spirit chang romantic,
笔溢馨香韵五洲。With a pen rhyme the five continents.
万里锦绣笔端来,The splendid BiDuan to,
天然笔法大春秋。Natural writing big spring and autumn.

墨醉三春千花香,Ink drunk three spring thousand flowers,
五洲万代羡绝唱。Wuzhou generation envy of the song.
气韵生动成大美,Lively into big beauty,
天人合一荡灵光。Nature and humanity swing rhythms.

神笔精彩靓奇观,Magic wonderful beautiful wonders,
胸中春秋万人羡。In the spring and autumn and the envy of the ten thousand people.
袖里霓虹纸上敷,The paper sleeve neon apply,
张弛有度韵千年。Over allfunction completed one thousand musical sound.

笔挹七彩虹,The pen Yi seven,
墨舞中国龙。Ink dance the Chinese dragon.
韵雅有骨力,The proposed a rhyme,
境雄唱大风。The singing all winds.