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Routing 自译整理稿

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This article is about routing in networks. For other uses, see Routing (disambiguation).




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Routing or routeing is the process of selecting paths in a network along which to send network traffic. Routing is performed for many kinds of networks, including the telephone network (Circuit switching) , electronic data networks (such as the Internet), and transportation networks. This article is concerned primarily with routing in electronic data networks using packet switching technology.

路由路线是在一个网络中选择路径的过程,沿此路径以发送流量。.执行路由用于各种网络,包括电话网 电路交换 ), 电子数据网 (如互联网 ),以及物料输送网络。本文主要关注使用分组交换技术的电子数据网络中的路由。

In packet switching networks, routing directs packet forwarding, the transit of logically addressed packets from their source toward their ultimate destination through intermediate nodes, typically hardware devices called routers, bridges, gateways, firewalls, or switches. General-purpose computers can also forward packets and perform routing, though they are not specialized hardware and may suffer from limited performance. The routing process usually directs forwarding on the basis of routing tables which maintain a record of the routes to various network destinations. Thus, constructing routing tables, which are held in the router's memory, is very important for efficient routing. Most routing algorithms use only one network path at a time, but multipath routing techniques enable the use of multiple alternative paths.

在分组交换网络中,路由指引报文转发,也就是将标有逻辑地址的分组包从他们的源,通过中间节点,通常称为路由器 网桥 网关 防火墙或交换机的硬件设备,前向传送到他们的最终目的地。通用计算机也可以转发数据包并执行路由,虽然它们不是专用的硬件,其性能也可能有限。路由过程通常指引转发基于路由表,该表维持着一种路由到各网络目的地的记录。因此,构建保持在路由器内存中的路由表,对于有效地路由是非常重要的。大多数路由算法每次只计算一个网络路径,但是多路径路由技术,可以用于多条变通路径。

Routing, in a more narrow sense of the term, is often contrasted with bridging in its assumption that network addresses are structured and that similar addresses imply proximity within the network. Because structured addresses allow a single routing table entry to represent the route to a group of devices, structured addressing (routing, in the narrow sense) outperforms unstructured addressing (bridging) in large networks, and has become the dominant form of addressing on the Internet, though bridging is still widely used within localized environments.

路由,作为一个更狭义的术语,通常是与桥接相对比,其前提是 网络地址是有结构的,相近的地址意味着在网络内邻近处。由于结构化的地址允许一个单一的路由表项来表示路由一组设备,在大型网络中结构化的寻址(窄义上的路由)优于非结构化的寻址(桥接),并已成为互联网上寻址的主要形式,虽然桥接仍然被广泛用在本地化环境内。



  • 1 Delivery semantics
  • 2 Topology distribution
    • 2.1 Distance vector algorithms
    • 2.2 Link-state algorithms
    • 2.3 Optimised Link State Routing algorithm
    • 2.4 Path vector protocol
    • 2.5 Comparison of routing algorithms
  • 3 Path selection
  • 4 Multiple agents
  • 5 Route Analytics
  • 6 See also
    • 6.1 Routing algorithms and techniques
    • 6.2 Routing in specific networks
    • 6.3 Routing protocols
    • 6.4 Alternative methods for network data flow
    • 6.5 Router Software and Suites
    • 6.6 Router Platforms
  • 7 References
  • 8 External links




  • 1 传递语义
  • 2 拓扑分布
    • 2.1 距离向量算法
    • 2.2 链路状态算法
    • 2.3 优化的链路状态路由算法
    • 2.4 路径向量协议
    • 2.5 路由算法的比较
  • 3 路径选择
  • 4 多代理机制  
  • 5 路线分析
  • 6 参见
    • 6.1 路由算法和技术
    • 6.2 特定网络中的路由
    • 6.3 路由协议
    • 6.4 替代方法为网络数据流
    • 6.5 路由器软件及套房
    • 6.6 路由器平台
  • 7 参考资料
  • 8 外部链接

[edit] Delivery semantics

Routing schemes






v · d · e

Routing schemes differ in their delivery semantics:

  • unicast delivers a message to a single specified node;
  • broadcast delivers a message to all nodes in the network;
  • multicast delivers a message to a group of nodes that have expressed interest in receiving the message;
  • anycast delivers a message to any one out of a group of nodes, typically the one nearest to the source.
  • geocast delivers a message to a geographic area

Unicast is the dominant form of message delivery on the Internet, and this article focuses on unicast routing algorithms.


  • 单播传递一个消息给网络中的一个指定的单一节点;
  • 广播传递一个消息给网络中的所有节点;
  • 组播传递一个消息给对接收该消息已表示有兴趣的一组节点;
  • 任播传递一个消息给一组节点外的任何一个节点,通常是最接近源点的一个节点;
  • 域播(geocast)传递一个消息到一个地理区域


[edit] Topology distribution

In a practice known as static routing (or non-adaptive routing), small networks may use manually configured routing tables. Larger networks have complex topologies that can change rapidly, making the manual construction of routing tables unfeasible. Nevertheless, most of the public switched telephone network (PSTN) uses pre-computed routing tables, with fallback routes if the most direct route becomes blocked (see routing in the PSTN). Adaptive routing, or dynamic routing, attempts to solve this problem by constructing routing tables automatically, based on information carried by routing protocols, and allowing the network to act nearly autonomously in avoiding network failures and blockages.

[ 编辑 ] 拓扑分布

在互联网中,对于小型网络,可以使用手动配置路由表,称为静态路由 (或非自适应路由)。而较大的网络具有复杂的拓扑结构 ,可能变化迅速,使手动构建路由表不可行。但是,大多数公共交换电话网(PSTN)仍使用预先计算好的路由表;如果最直接的路由被阻塞(见PSTN的路由 )就使用备用路由。 自适应路由,或动态路由,基于按照路由协议所承载的信息,试图通过自动构建路由表来解决这一问题,并允许网络几近自治以避免网络失效和堵塞。

Examples of adaptive-routing algorithms are the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and the Open-Shortest-Path-First protocol (OSPF). Adaptive routing dominates the Internet. However, the configuration of the routing protocols often requires a skilled touch; networking technology has not developed to the point of the complete automation of routing.

自适应路由算法的例子是路由信息协议( RIP协议 )和开放最短路径优先协议( OSPF协议 )。自适应路由是互联网路由的主流。但是,路由协议的配置往往需要一个熟练的技巧;组网技术还没有发展到路由完全自动化的程度。(技术变成了技巧,变成了一种很难掌握的艺术)

[edit] Distance vector algorithms

Main article: Distance-vector routing protocol

Distance vector algorithms use the Bellman-Ford algorithm. This approach assigns a number, the cost, to each of the links between each node in the network. Nodes will send information from point A to point B via the path that results in the lowest total cost (i.e. the sum of the costs of the links between the nodes used).

[ 编辑 ] 距离向量算法

主要条目: 距离-向量路由协议

.距离向量算法使用Bellman - Ford算法。该方法分配一个数,称为开销(也有称成本,代价),给网络中节点间链路的每一条。节点从A点到B点,经由最低总开销(即所使用的节点之间链路开销的总和)的路径,将信息送出。

The algorithm operates in a very simple manner. When a node first starts, it only knows of its immediate neighbours, and the direct cost involved in reaching them. (This information, the list of destinations, the total cost to each, and the next hop to send data to get there, makes up the routing table, or distance table.) Each node, on a regular basis, sends to each neighbour its own current idea of the total cost to get to all the destinations it knows of. The neighbouring node(s) examine this information, and compare it to what they already 'know'; anything which represents an improvement on what they already have, they insert in their own routing table(s). Over time, all the nodes in the network will discover the best next hop for all destinations, and the best total cost.


When one of the nodes involved goes down, those nodes which used it as their next hop for certain destinations discard those entries, and create new routing-table information. They then pass this information to all adjacent nodes, which then repeat the process. Eventually all the nodes in the network receive the updated information, and will then discover new paths to all the destinations which they can still "reach".


[edit] Link-state algorithms

Main article: Link-state routing protocol

When applying link-state algorithms, each node uses as its fundamental data a map of the network in the form of a graph. To produce this, each node floods the entire network with information about what other nodes it can connect to, and each node then independently assembles this information into a map. Using this map, each router then independently determines the least-cost path from itself to every other node using a standard shortest paths algorithm such as Dijkstra's algorithm. The result is a tree rooted at the current node such that the path through the tree from the root to any other node is the least-cost path to that node. This tree then serves to construct the routing table, which specifies the best next hop to get from the current node to any other node.

[ 编辑 ] 链路状态算法

主条目: 链路状态路由协议


[edit] Optimised Link State Routing algorithm

Main article: Optimized Link State Routing Protocol

A link-state routing algorithm optimised for mobile ad-hoc networks is the Optimised Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR).[1] OLSR is proactive; it uses Hello and Topology Control (TC) messages to discover and disseminate link state information through the mobile ad-hoc network. Using Hello messages, each node discovers 2-hop neighbor information and elects a set of multipoint relays (MPRs). MPRs distinguish OLSR from other link state routing protocols.

[ 编辑 ] 优化的链路状态路由算法

主条目: 优化的链路状态路由协议

用于移动Ad - hoc网络优化的链路状态路由算法是优化的链路状态路由协议(OLSR)。 [1] OLSR是前摄的,它通过移动Ad - hoc网络,使用Hello消息和拓扑控制(TC消息来发现和传播链接状态信息。使用Hello消息,每个节点发现2-跳邻居信息和选举一组多点中继 MPRs)。MPRsOLSR与其他链接状态路由协议区别开来。

[edit] Path vector protocol

Main article: Path vector protocol

Distance vector and link state routing are both intra-domain routing protocols. They are used inside an autonomous system, but not between autonomous systems. Both of these routing protocols become intractable in large networks and cannot be used in Inter-domain routing. Distance vector routing is subject to instability if there are more than a few hops in the domain. Link state routing needs huge amount of resources to calculate routing tables. It also creates heavy traffic because of flooding.

[ 编辑 ] 路径向量协议

主条目: 路径向量协议

距离矢量和链路状态路由都是域内路由协议。它们用于自治系统内 ,但不用于自治系统之间。这些路由协议都难以处理大网络,无法用于域间路由。.距离向量路由是不稳定的,如果域中有较多的步跳(hop,不大于16跳)。.链路状态路由需要巨大数量的资源来计算路由表。它还因为洪泛而产生交通拥挤。

Path vector routing is used for inter-domain routing. It is similar to distance vector routing. In path vector routing we assume there is one node (there can be many) in each autonomous system which acts on behalf of the entire autonomous system. This node is called the speaker node. The speaker node creates a routing table and advertises it to neighboring speaker nodes in neighboring autonomous systems. The idea is the same as distance vector routing except that only speaker nodes in each autonomous system can communicate with each other. The speaker node advertises the path, not the metric of the nodes, in its autonomous system or other autonomous systems. Path vector routing is discussed in RFC 1322; the path vector routing algorithm is somewhat similar to the distance vector algorithm in the sense that each border router advertises the destinations it can reach to its neighboring router. However, instead of advertising networks in terms of a destination and the distance to that destination, networks are advertised as destination addresses and path descriptions to reach those destinations. A route is defined as a pairing between a destination and the attributes of the path to that destination, thus the name, path vector routing, where the routers receive a vector that contains paths to a set of destinations. The path, expressed in terms of the domains (or confederations) traversed so far, is carried in a special path attribute that records the sequence of routing domains through which the reachability information has passed.

路径向量路由用于域间路由。它类似于距离向量路由。在路径矢量路由中,我们假定在每个自治系统中,有一个节点(可以有很多个)代表整个自治系统的行为。这个节点称为(AS)的代言者节点。代言者节点创建一个路由表,并将路由表向邻近的自治系统代言者节点的广告。这个概念与距离向量路由是一样的,只是每个自治系统发言者彼此可以相互通信。发言者节点在其自治系统内或向其它自治系统,通告路径,而不是节点的距离。路径向量路由是在RFC 1322中讨论;路径矢量路由算法有点类似于距离向量算法的意思是,每个边界路由器向邻近路由器通告它可以到达的目的地的距离。.然而,代替网络按目的地以及到达该目的地的距离通告,网络按目的地址和指向目的地的路径说明来通告。路由路(或简称由路)是按目的地和指向该目的地的路径属性二者配对来定义的,于是名称,路径矢量路由,指的是路由器收到的是一个包含一组目的地的向量。路径,到目前为止是按照所穿过的域或(域的联合)来表示,携带着记录域的路由顺序的一个专门的路径属性,该属性信息的可达性已经通过。

[edit] Comparison of routing algorithms

Distance-vector routing protocols are simple and efficient in small networks and require little, if any, management. However, distance-vector algorithms do not scale well (due to the count-to-infinity problem[2]), have poor convergence properties, and are based on a 'hop count' metric rather than a 'link-state' metric. They thus ignore bandwidth (a major drawback) when calculating the best path.

[ 编辑 ] 路由算法的比较

在小规模的网络中距离向量路由协议简单而有效,只需要,如果有的话,很少的管理。.然而,距离向量算法不宜扩大规模(由于计数到无穷大的问题 [2] )收敛特性很差,是基于‘跳数’度量而不是‘链路状态’度量。因此,当计算最佳路径时,他们忽视带宽(这是一大缺点)。

This has led to the development of more complex but more scalable algorithms for use in large networks. Interior routing mostly uses link-state routing protocols such as OSPF and IS-IS.

这导致了开发更复杂,却更有缩放性的算法用于规模大的系统。内部路由大多采用链路状态路由协议 ,如OSPF协议IS – IS协议

A more recent development is loop-free distance-vector protocols (e.g., EIGRP). Loop-free distance-vector protocols are as robust and manageable as distance-vector protocols but avoid counting to infinity, so they have good worst-case convergence times.

最近开发的是免回环距离向量协议(如EIGRP )。免回环距离向量协议作为一种稳固的和可管理的,却又避免了计数到无穷大的距离向量协议,所以他们有良好的最坏情况收敛时间。

[edit] Path selection

Path selection involves applying a routing metric to multiple routes, in order to select (or predict) the best route.

[ 编辑 ] 路径选择


In the case of computer networking, the metric is computed by a routing algorithm, and can cover such information as bandwidth, network delay, hop count, path cost, load, MTU, reliability, and communication cost (see e.g. this survey for a list of proposed routing metrics). The routing table stores only the best possible routes, while link-state or topological databases may store all other information as well.

在计算机组网的情况下,度量是用由路由算法计算的,并能覆盖这样的信息,如 带宽 网络时延 跳数 ,路径开销,负载, 最小传输单元 ,可靠性和通信费用(例如,见为建议的一张路由度量列表所作的本次调查)。路由表只存储的可能的最佳路由,而连接状态或拓扑数据库可以存储所有其它的信息。

Because a routing metric is specific to a given routing protocol, multi-protocol routers must use some external heuristic in order to select between routes learned from different routing protocols. Cisco's routers, for example, attribute a value known as the administrative distance to each route, where smaller administrative distances indicate routes learned from a supposedly more reliable protocol.


A local network administrator, in special cases, can set up host-specific routes to a particular machine which provides more control over network usage, permits testing and better overall security. This can come in handy when required to debug network connections or routing tables.


[edit] Multiple agents

In some networks, routing is complicated by the fact that no single entity is responsible for selecting paths: instead, multiple entities are involved in selecting paths or even parts of a single path. Complications or inefficiency can result if these entities choose paths to optimize their own objectives, which may conflict with the objectives of other participants.

[ edit ] Multiple agents [ 编辑 ] 多个代理


A classic example involves traffic in a road system, in which each driver picks a path which minimizes their own travel time. With such routing, the equilibrium routes can be longer than optimal for all drivers. In particular, Braess paradox shows that adding a new road can lengthen travel times for all drivers.

一个典型的例子涉及道路系统中的交通,其中每个驾驶员选取了一条能尽量减少自己旅行时间的路径。采取这样的路由,均衡由路可能长于所有的司机的优化路径。特别是, Braess悖论表明,添加了新的由路,可能会拉长所有司机的旅行时间。

In another model, for example used for routing automated guided vehicles (AGVs) on a terminal, reservations are made for each vehicle to prevent simultaneous use of the same part of an infrastructure. This approach is also referred to as context-aware routing.[3]

在另一种模式中,例如,在起点站,用来路由自动导引车(AGVs),预订每个车辆,以防止同时使用基础设施的同一部分。这种方法也称为衔接感知路由。 [3]

The Internet is partitioned into autonomous systems (ASs) such as internet service providers (ISPs), each of which has control over routes involving its network, at multiple levels. First, AS-level paths are selected via the BGP protocol, which produces a sequence of ASs through which packets will flow. Each AS may have multiple paths, offered by neighboring ASs, from which to choose. Its decision often involves business relationships with these neighboring ASs,[4] which may be unrelated to path quality or latency. Second, once an AS-level path has been selected, there are often multiple corresponding router-level paths, in part because two ISPs may be connected in multiple locations. In choosing the single router-level path, it is common practice for each ISP to employ hot-potato routing: sending traffic along the path that minimizes the distance through the ISP's own network—even if that path lengthens the total distance to the destination.

互联网被分割成自治系统(ASs),如互联网服务提供商(ISPs),每一个ISP在多个层次上已经控制了涉及其网络的由路。首先,AS层次的路径是经由BGP协议被选择的,协议产生了一系列AS,分组包就从中贯通流过。每个AS可以从多个由邻近的ASs提供的路径中选择,它的决策通常涉及到与这些邻近ASs的业务关系[4],而这些ASs可能与路径质量或潜在因素无关。其次,一旦一个AS层次的路径已被选中,通常有多个相应的路由器级路径,部分是因为两个ISP可能在多个地点连接。在选择单一路由器级的路径中,通常的做法是为每个ISP聘请棘手路由 :沿着路径发送流量,以最大限度地减少通过ISP自己网络的距离--即使该路径延长了到目的地的总距离。

Consider two ISPs, A and B, which each have a presence in New York, connected by a fast link with latency 5 ms; and which each have a presence in London connected by a 5 ms link. Suppose both ISPs have trans-Atlantic links connecting their two networks, but A's link has latency 100 ms and B's has latency 120 ms. When routing a message from a source in A's London network to a destination in B's New York network, A may choose to immediately send the message to B in London. This saves A the work of sending it along an expensive trans-Atlantic link, but causes the message to experience latency 125 ms when the other route would have been 20 ms faster.

考虑两个互联网服务供应商ISPsA B它们在纽约都有一个presence ,用5 毫秒延迟的快速链路连接在一起;它们在伦敦也有一个presence ,用5 毫秒延迟的链路连接。假定有两个ISP跨大西洋链路连接着他们的两个网络, A的链路延迟有100毫秒,B的延迟有120毫秒。当一个消息从A的伦敦网络的源路由到B的纽约网络的目的地,A可以选择直接将消息发送到在伦敦的B.这节省了A将消息沿着扩充的跨大西洋链路发送的工作,但导致该消息经历125毫秒延迟,另一条路由则要快20毫秒。

A 2003 measurement study of Internet routes found that, between pairs of neighboring ISPs, more than 30% of paths have inflated latency due to hot potato routing, with 5% of paths being delayed by at least 12 ms. Inflation due to AS-level path selection, while substantial, was attributed primarily to BGP's lack of a mechanism to directly optimize for latency, rather than to selfish routing policies. It was also suggested that, were an appropriate mechanism in place, ISPs would be willing to cooperate to reduce latency rather than use hot-potato routing.[5]

2003年一个互联网由路测量研究发现,在成对邻近的ISPs之间,超过30%的路径由于灼手路由而延迟膨胀,5%的路径被延迟了至少12毫秒。 膨胀是由于选择了AS级路径.,而实质上,主要是归因于BGP缺乏一个机制去直接优化延迟,而不是采取自私的路由策略。 曾经也有人建议,建立适当的机制,ISPs将愿意进行合作,以减少延迟,而不是使用灼手路由。 [5]

[edit] Route Analytics

As the Internet and IP networks become mission critical business tools, there has been increased interest in techniques and methods to monitor the routing posture of networks. Incorrect routing or routing issues cause undesirable performance degradation, flapping and/or downtime. Monitoring routing in a network is achieved using Route analytics tools and techniques

[ 编辑 ] 路线分析


[edit] See also

[edit] Routing algorithms and techniques

  • inter domain routing algorithm
  • intra domain routing algorithm
  • Adaptive routing
  • Alternative-path routing
  • Deflection routing
  • Edge Disjoint Shortest Pair Algorithm
  • Dijkstra's algorithm
  • Fuzzy routing
  • Geographic routing
  • Heuristic routing
  • Hierarchical routing
  • IP Forwarding Algorithm
  • Multipath routing
  • Overlay network routing schemes
    • Key-based routing (KBR)
    • Decentralized object location and routing (DOLR)
    • Group anycast and multicast (CAST)
    • Distributed hash table (DHT)
  • Path computation element (PCE)
  • Policy-based routing
  • Quality of Service in routing
  • Static routing
  • Backward learning routing

[ 编辑 ] 参见

[ 编辑 ] 路由算法和技术

  • inter domain routing algorithm 域间路由算法
  • intra domain routing algorithm 内部域路由算法
  • Adaptive routing 自适应路由
  • Alternative-path routing 替代路径路由
  • Deflection routing 偏转路由
  • Edge Disjoint Shortest Pair Algorithm 最短来回路径分离算法
  • Dijkstra's algorithm Dijkstra算法
  • Fuzzy routing 模糊路由
  • Geographic routing 地理路由
  • Heuristic routing 启发式路由
  • Hierarchical routing 分层路由
  • IP Forwarding Algorithm IP转发算法
  • Multipath routing 多路径路由
  • Overlay network routing schemes 覆盖网络路由方案
    • Key-based routing (KBR) 重点为基础的路由 (KBR)
    • Decentralized object location and routing (DOLR) 分散对象的位置和路由 (DOLR)
    • Group anycast and multicast (CAST) 选播和多播组 (CAST)
    • Distributed hash table (DHT) 分布式哈希表 (DHT)的
  • Path computation element (PCE) 路径计算单元 (PCE)
  • Policy-based routing 基于策略的路由
  • Quality of Service in routing 服务质量路由
  • Static routing 静态路由
  • Backward learning routing 落后的学习路由

[edit] Routing in specific networks

  • Route assignment in transportation networks
  • National Routeing Guide: passenger routing in the UK rail network
  • Routing in the PSTN
  • Small world routing - the internet is approximately a small world network

[ 编辑 ] 在特定的网络路由

  •  Route assignment in transportation networks交通网络中的路线分配
  • National Routeing Guide : passenger routing in the UK rail network 国家航道指南 :在英国铁路网中的客运路由
  • Routing in the PSTNPSTN路由
  • Small world routing - the internet is approximately a small world network 小世界路由 -互联网近乎是一个小世界网络

[edit] Routing protocols

  • Routing protocol
  • Classless inter-domain routing (CIDR)
  • MPLS routing
  • ATM routing
  • RPSL
  • Routing in optical mesh networks

[ edit ] Routing protocols [ 编辑 ] 路由协议

  • Routing protocol 路由协议
  • Classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) 无类别域间路由(CIDR)
  • MPLS routing MPLS路由
  • ATM routing ATM路由
  •  RPSL路由策略规范语言RPSL

·         RSMLTRSMLT Routed-SMLT (R-SMLT) 路由的分割多链路中继         SMLT,Split multi-link trunking 分割多链路中继

  • Routing in optical mesh networks 网状光网络中的路由

[edit] Alternative methods for network data flow

  • Peer-to-peer
  • Network coding

[ 编辑 ] 数据流网络的替代方法

  • Peer-to-peer 对等者对视
  • Network coding 网络编码

[edit] Router Software and Suites

  • GNU Zebra
  • Quagga (software)

[ 编辑 ] 路由器软件及套件

  • GNU Zebra GNU的斑马软件套件
  • Quagga (software) 斑驴(软件)软件套件

[edit] Router Platforms

  • Network operating system - NOS
  • XORP - the eXtensible Open Router Platform
  • Junos
  • Cisco IOS
  • NX-OS
  • CatOS

 [ 编辑 ] 路由器平台

  • Network operating system - NOS 网络操作系统 - NOS
  • XORP - the eXtensible Open Router Platform XORP -可扩展开放路由器平台
  • Junos JUNOS软件
  • Cisco IOS 思科IOS网间操作系统
  • NX-OS NX操作系统
  • CatOS CatOSCat操作系统

[edit] References

1.                              ^ RFC 3626

2.                              ^ Count-To-Infinity Problem

3.                              ^ Jonne Zutt, Arjan J.C. van Gemund, Mathijs M. de Weerdt, and Cees Witteveen (2010). Dealing with Uncertainty in Operational Transport Planning. In R.R. Negenborn and Z. Lukszo and H. Hellendoorn (Eds.) Intelligent Infrastructures, Ch. 14, pp. 355-382. Springer.

4.                              ^ Matthew Caesar and Jennifer Rexford. BGP routing policies in ISP networks. IEEE Network Magazine, special issue on Interdomain Routing, Nov/Dec 2005.

5.                              ^ Neil Spring, Ratul Mahajan, and Thomas Anderson. Quantifying the Causes of Path Inflation. Proc. SIGCOMM 2003.

  • Ash, Gerald (1997). Dynamic Routing in Telecommunication Networks. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0070064148
  • Doyle, Jeff and Carroll, Jennifer (2005). Routing TCP/IP, Volume I, Second Ed.. Cisco Press. ISBN 1587052024Ciscopress ISBN 1-58705-202-4
  • Doyle, Jeff and Carroll, Jennifer (2001). Routing TCP/IP, Volume II,. Cisco Press. ISBN 1578700892Ciscopress ISBN 1-57870-089-2
  • Huitema, Christian (2000). Routing in the Internet, Second Ed.. Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0321227352
  • Kurose, James E. and Ross, Keith W. (2004). Computer Networking, Third Ed.. Benjamin/Cummings. ISBN 0321227352
  • Medhi, Deepankar and Ramasamy, Karthikeyan (2007). Network Routing: Algorithms, Protocols, and Architectures. Morgan Kaufmann. ISBN 0120885883.

[ 编辑 ] 外部链接

  • Count-To-Infinity Problem 计数到无穷大问题
  • "Stability Features" are ways of avoiding the "count to infinity" problem. 稳定功能 是避免 “计数到无穷大”问题的方法。
  • Cisco IT Case Studies about Routing and Switching 思科IT案例研究 有关路由和交换


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