h5拨打电话:什么是 Grid Computing?

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什么是 Grid Computing? 庄主 @ 2006-11-20 20:08

Grid technologies的确切含义是什么? 


你是指Grid Computing吧?Grid (网格) 一词最初是用来描述电力网,其中含有重复线路或备份线路,以避免单一电路出问题而导致整个电力系统的瘫痪。我不敢肯定,但相信互联网的原始设计思想是由电力网格而来的。

Grid Computing(网格计算)比电力网或互联网的含义要狭小很多,专指通过互联网将许多电脑联接起来、利用被联起来的所有CPU(中央处理器)、RAM(内存)、Hard Disk (硬盘)等资源来做同一件事(如求解复杂公式、模拟、播放视频文件等)。也就是说,它即不是硬件本身、也不是应用软件,而是对现有硬件和软件的管理安排,因此所涉及的额外成本相当有限。

在我看来,Grid Computing的革命性在于其“大众参与”。与此相对立的是各大国政府和大公司建造的 Supercomputers(超级电脑)。后者涉及新硬件、新软件,花费巨大,而且只有少数人可用。最新统计,全球超级电脑514台,其中一半为IBM制造,最大的超级电脑也是IBM的 Blue Gene/L机,运算速度达280T Flops (每秒280,000,000,000,000次浮点计算)。相反,Grid Computing玩的是愚公移山、蚂蚁搬骨头。与现在的Web 2.0倒是不谋而合。当然,Grid Computing与P2P还是不一样。后者只涉及文件的分享,而前者是涉及更深入的资源分享,所以参与者之间要有更坚实的互相信任才行。

我比较了解的Grid Computing 项目是李晓明老师负责的RealCourse (大学课程在线, http://realcourse.grids.cn),这是一个面向公众、免费的大学课程视频点播系统,由十几家大学参加,各自提供课程的视频文件和多媒体服务器,RealCourse则提供一套平台系统,将各校的资源进行联接、互传、备份等。其一个明显好处是可以同时服务大量访问(理论上说可以支持上万人同时点播同一视频,但实际统计到的最大值为500人)。

但总的说来,Grid Computing在世界各国还都停留在试验和推广阶段。我觉得主要瓶颈在于参加者大多是政府或学校,很少有商业公司参加(很难想象商业竞争者之间如何分享资源?)。 其情景与1995年前的互联网相似。欧美政府就是基于Grid Computing的资源尚未被充分利用而开始资助e-Social Science的研究,即研究为什么有人采纳有人拒绝e-Science。也就是说,经典的e-Social Science实际就是 research on the diffusion of e-Science。这种研究当然重要,但是冠以e-Social Science有点言过其实。所以我和李老师提出了更广义的定义(见http://zjz06.yculblog.com/post.1292538.html。 

为了方便读者,以下是wiki上对Grid Computing的定义:

英文版(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grid_computing) :
Grid computing is an emerging computing model that provides the ability to perform higher throughout computing by taking advantage of many networked computers to model a virtual computer architecture that is able to distribute process execution across a parallel infrastructure. Grids use the resources of many separate computers connected by a network (usually the Internet) to solve large-scale computation problems. Grids provide the ability to perform computations on large data sets, by breaking them down into many smaller ones, or provide the ability to perform many more computations at once than would be possible on a single computer, by modeling a parallel division of labor between processes. Today resource allocation in a grid is done in accordance with SLAs (service level agreements). 


Tags: e-social science grid computing 网格技术
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莫名 @ 2006-12-03 18:46


莫名 @ 2006-12-03 20:10


庄主 @ 2006-12-04 13:56


SL @ 2006-12-05 23:05

one part of the elephant:
There is a supplementary issue in Journal of Communication2006,focusing on the health communication.I guess that is one of the popular topics.
1.Fishbein M, Cappella JN
The role of theory in developing effective health communications
1. Krosnick JA, Chang LC, Sherman SJ, et al.
The effects of beliefs about the health consequences of cigarette smoking on smoking onset
2. Stephenson MT, Southwell BG
Sensation seeking, the activation model, and mass media health campaigns: Current findings and future directions for cancer communication
3. Lang A
Using the limited capacity model of motivated mediated message processing to design effective cancer communication messages
4. Brinol P, Petty RE
Fundamental processes leading to attitude change: Implications for cancer prevention communications
5. Kruglanski AW, Chen XY, Pierro A, et al.
Persuasion according to the unimodel: Implications for cancer communication
6. Dillard JP, Nabi RL
The persuasive influence of emotion in cancer prevention and detection messages
7. Peters E, Lipkus I, Diefenbach MA
The functions of affect in health communications and in the construction of health preferences
8. Green MC

SL @ 2006-12-05 23:09

In fact,I‘m alway wondering if it‘s necessary to conduct a content analysis about what are the main topics in communication research and what those communication researchers are doing.I‘m not sure of its value of answering such questions.
Professor zhu,what do you think about the value of such research?(for the domestic market)

SL @ 2006-12-05 23:14

The presidential address in 2005 annual conference international communication association answers part of the question (what the elephant of communication is like)
Donsbach W
The identity of communication research

SL @ 2006-12-05 23:28

Thesis1: communication as a research field has seen the greatest growth of probably all academic fields over the last 30 years.

Counterthesis1: communications still lack, and even loses, identity.
(how strongly do the items listed below apply to the way you conduct research?
Humanities,social science,qualitative empirical,quantitative empirical,theoretical,and practical.)
It seems that The classification( listed categories ) violates the principle of exclusiveness ---my opinion
Thesis 2:we have accumulated a lot of good empirical evidence on the communication process.

Counterthesis2:the field increasingly suffers from epistemological erosion.

Thesis 3: we have precise and sound knowledge in many areas—but (conterthesis): we tend to loose normative orientation in empirical research.

莫名 @ 2006-12-07 20:57

Thank you for your warm heart and help.Professor zhu is so serious that we get nervous when we ask him some questions.But that is his style.
well,Even though I have been a MA for  communcation theory for 3 years I have not contacted any part of the elephant in communication theory. I am puzzled.
Thanks for professor zhu‘s criticism.

SL @ 2006-12-07 22:39

you‘re welcome.
actually,what makes us nervous is not because professor zhu is serious,but the characteristics of scientific research itself. According to my observation,no researchers are light-hearted. I‘m glad that you remain an aweful and respectful attitude toward research.

莫名 @ 2006-12-08 21:49

As for attitude,maybe this is my last precious wealth.All this is to lead a colorful and interesting life. To me this means that I  should learn more from anyone more eccellent than me.I am sorry I am so poor  in research because I can not make great progress by myself.
there is no better fertilizer than  a farmer‘s footprints,yes ,I will proceed in my career. I have been reading a book named The Practice  of Social Research these days and I benefit from it greatly. I believe that one day I will succeed in research if I stick to it. My pleasure to meet you all , of course ,espiecially professor zhu.