
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/30 03:40:12
反意疑问句也叫附加疑问句(tag question), 它是对前面句子陈述部分的诘问,表示
的语法知识点.然而,由于反意疑问句的变化类型特别多,学生掌握起来非常困难,造成 在中考
第一类: 前肯定,后否定            第二类: 前否定,后肯定
第三类: 祈使句                         第四类: 以so 开头的
1.We all like English and Chinese, don't we?
2.She didn't go there last night, did she?
3. I can't speak Japanese, can I?
1.That's my favorite music, isn't it?
2.These aren't our umbrellas, are they?
1.Something is wrong with your bicycle, isn't it?
2.Nobody knows who she is, do they?
四.主语是名词,动词不定式,动名词短语时,反意疑问句的主语应是相应的人称代   词:
1.Mike comes from the USA, doesn't he?
2.The milk has been drunk up by me, hasn't it?
3.To learn English well is very important, isn't it?
4.Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes, isn't it?
五.祈使句结构 除let's 开头的外, 其余反意疑问句均用will you:
1.Please close your books, will you?
2.Don't shout at me, will you?
3. Let me carry the heavy box, will you?
4. Let's talk about the subject, shall we?
1.I like swimming but she likes skating, doesn't she?
2.Hurry up, or you'll be late again, won't you?
3.Work hard and you will catch up with others, won't you?
七.复合句结构,若主句中动词是think, believe guess,suppose,且主语是第一人称  , 其
1.I think he has been to the Great Wall, hasn't he?
2.We supposed that they would come here by air that day, wouldn't they?
3.She thinks I should give some advice to her often, doesn't she?
4 We will have a meeting when they come back in two days, won't we?
5. If it doesn't rain tommorrow, he'll set off with his parents, won't h
八.  Here, there 引起的倒装句,其反意疑问句的主语应视后面的主语而定:
1.There goes the bell, doesn't it?
2.Here is coming the bus, isn't it?
九 there be 结构,起反意疑问句还用there:
1.There is little  water left in the bottle, is there?
2.There are three apples and an orange on the table, aren't there?
十.关连词结构:either...or, neither...nor, not only ...but also, not... but,bo
1.Either you or he will follow me this evening, won't you?
2.Neither he nor I like seeing action movies, do we?
3.Not only she but also he is a League member, are n"t they?
4.Not I but Tony was late this morning, weren't we?
5.Both he and you are wrong, aren't you?
1.You must study hard, mustn't you? (表'' 必须", "一定")
2.I think he must be 16 years old this year, isn't he? (表"猜测")
3.He can speak a little Dnglish, can't he ? (表"能","会")
4.He can't be at home now, is he? (表"猜测")
注意: have to/ has to应当作行为动词来变:
5.I had to stay at home yesterday, didn't I?
6. He has to post a letter at once ,doesn't he?
7.She must have watched TV last night, didn't she?(表对过去的推测)
十二.看上去是否定含义的词:dislike, hate, unhappy,impossible,disappear等词,仍
1.Li Lei hates having math lessons, doesn't he?
2.They dislike to climb the hilll with me, don't they?
3.He feels unhappy every day, doesn't he?
4.It is impossible to get there on time,isn't it?
5.My wollet disappeared just now,didn't it?
注意:fail一词, 其反意疑问句的变法两种均可:
6.I failed the exam last week, didn't I/ did I?
1. You'd better not stand under the dig tree, had you?
2. He'd like something to drink, wouldn't he?
3.I wish you give me a gift on my birthday, may I?
4.I'm your English teacher this team, aren't I? ( 以"I am... "开头的句
子, 都用"aren't I" )
5.What a fine day, isn't it?
6. She used to get up late, didn't she / usedn't she?
十四.以so 开头的句子, 前肯定后也肯定,前否定后也否定:
1.So you live in a small mountain village, do you?
2.So he doesn't like her at all, doesn't he?
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