
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/05/09 14:00:16


Talk About It


Wise managers will chat with their teams about the December game plan, making sure that goals for the month are realistic and well-communicated. The month of December vies with the lazy days of summer for the time when concentration among team members drops to an annual low. Clarify your group’s objectives for the month, assign person-by-person to-dos and timelines, and plan a celebration for when the goals are met. That way, your folks can enjoy their holiday merry-making and have a good shot at getting some work done, too.


Be Clear About Gifts and Outings


For many a corporate supervisor and HR professional, holiday lunch and holiday gift issues cause heartburn, rife as they are with elements of fairness (or perceived unfairness), appropriateness, and the risk of hurt feelings. If your company lacks a gift-giving policy or guidelines on departmental lunches and other outings around the holidays, talk over the issues and agree on a simple and logical plan. If your organization hosts a holiday party, ditto. That way, you can prevent holiday merriment misunderstandings or perceived slights from becoming the soap opera topic for your team in December.

Avoid Forced Fun



Compulsory fun is a 100 percent preventable employee-morale virus that rages through the workplace at this time of year. Whatever you do as a manager, don’t mandate or otherwise pressure your employees to participate in any holiday events you’ve dreamed up, from drinks after work to the dreaded Secret Santa exercise. Let your employees decide for themselves which, if any, company-sponored holiday fun they’d like to partake of. If you offer folks a chance to leave the office—for instance, an afternoon at Dave & Buster’s during mid-December—give them the opportunity to go home or go shopping instead. 

Talk About 2011 Goals

義務有趣是百分之百的可預防雇員士氣低落,在每年的這個時工作充滿激情。作為經理無論你做什麽,不要通過命令或者其他方式來給你的雇員壓力從而讓她們參與你曾夢想的假期活動,如在做了很多神秘聖誕工作后去喝一杯。讓你的雇員決定他們的想要幹什麼,如果有可能,如果他們想要結伴出遊那就一起去。如果你提供雇員離開辦公室的機會——例如,在十二月中旬的一個下午去Dave & Buster’s ——給他們一次回家或者購物的機會。


Goal-setting make sense any time of year, but a collective 2011 forecasting process in December is especially timely. Getting clarity on 2012 goals will help your team members focus on the future and on their progress as you wrap up 2010. Having a clear picture of what needs to happen in 2012—beginning with January, right around the corner—will help you avoid the wasted-work-month syndrome that can so easily derail your best-laid business plans.

Encourage Discussion About Life-Work Struggles



Holiday shopping, expenses, and logistics can bring major social stress for your team. Encourage people to talk about what’s going on for them, to get issues out on the table and addressed quickly. For instance, if you have a team member who is overwhelmed by his shopping list (three kids and 14 nieces and nephews, perhaps), you could say, “Stan, do you want to spend this morning getting that off your plate? Do your online shopping, and let’s meet at 1 p.m. to talk about the marketing plan.” If “your life stops at the company threshold” is an unrealistic message at any time of year, that time is now. The more you can shine light on and surmount your team’s life-work challenges now, the more likely you are to get your employees’ support when you need it.


你如何做到保持全天的笑容 保持你的笑容 英语怎样翻译? 25岁的你在工作中能保持多长时间的“冲劲”? 和你的初恋保持多远的距离好呢, 你通常用什么办法保持与顾客的联系 ? 你和情人保持了多久的性关系 请问,在深圳你一直保持什么样的工作状态? 当你的朋友背叛你,你该保持什么样的心态? 当你的朋友在背后说你坏话或者是背叛你,你该保持什么样的心态? 当一个人骂你的时候,你不能还口(为了保持你的风度和文化)你应该怎么办? 怎样和你保持对话 相隔两地,如何保持你的情感?请说说你的看法? 怎么才能和你恋人保持长期的关系呢!叫你的恋人离不开你1 和依旧深爱着你的前女友应该保持怎样的联系呢? 在冬天,最好的护肤品是什么,才能保持你的皮肤不干燥呢? 谈谈你对开展保持共产党员先进性的目标的理解 怎么样才能让男朋友对你永远的保持高度的兴趣? 女孩,在爱情中为什么不保持你的理智?被人骗真的好玩吗? 我想知道.你会不会和一个关系不错的初中的异性同学一直保持联系? 怎么保持比较良好的关系又不会让对方觉得你是在追她? 你是大学里的单身贵族吗?如果是,请问为什么原因保持单身呢? 如果和你有暧昧关系的男生有女朋友,那还该保持这种暧昧关系吗 怎么从能在你喜欢的人面前保持你自己 huanlisheng,看到你给我的意见了,谢谢,能不能和你保持联系,给个方式,可以吗》?