警门虎子 在线:做爱的51种基督式委婉叫法

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/04/29 04:37:59
Sin docking

 1 - 罪恶之连结(Sin docking)

Creation colliding

 2 - 生之碰撞(Creation colliding)

Feeding the dragon

 3 - 饲龙(Feeding the dragon)

Taming Eve

 4 - 驯服夏娃(Taming Eve)

Slaying the fish monster

 5 - 屠鱼怪(Slaying the fish monster)

DNA ejection

 6 - DNA喷射(DNA ejection)

Reading Shakespeare

 7 - 品味莎士比亚(Reading Shakespeare)

Spongy toad poking

 8 - 软蛤蟆的乱捅(Spongy toad poking)

Cooking the turkey

 9 - 煮火鸡(Cooking the turkey)

One eye claw qualling

10 - 独眼爪(One eye claw qualling)

Saucy flirt grilling

11 - 调情审判(Saucy flirt grilling)

Satan’s lullaby

12 - 魔鬼摇篮曲(Satan’s lullaby)

Bashing the barnacle

13 - 砸藤壶(Bashing the barnacle)

Gut hugging

14 - 本能拥抱(Gut hugging)

Woman’s duty

15 - 女人的任务(Woman’s duty)

Attacking Normandy

16 - 诺曼底登陆(Attacking Normandy)

Cooking with Betty Crocker

17 - 和贝蒂?克罗克一起做饭(Cooking with Betty Crocker)

Exploring the fish cave

18 - 鱼洞探幽(Exploring the fish cave)

Man’s release

19 - 男人的放松(Man’s release)

Parting the red sea

20 - 力劈红海(Parting the red sea)

Figgle Farming

21 - 菲格种田(Figgle Farming)

Cracking the canker-blossom

22 - 绽放罪恶之花(Cracking the canker-blossom)

Jesus punching

23 - 耶稣之拳(Jesus punching)

Cleaning the babies pathway

24 - 打扫婴儿过道(Cleaning the babies pathway)

Playing with the cat

25 - 玩猫猫(Playing with the cat)

Tickling the oyster

26 - 给牡蛎瘙痒(Tickling the oyster)

Milking the man staff

27 - 给男生挤奶(Milking the man staff)

Fancy slip in slide

28 - 美好的滑动(Fancy slip in slide)

Secret wiggle

29 - 秘密扭动(Secret wiggle)

Piping the yeasty barrel

30 - 吹箫(Piping the yeasty barrel)

Feeding Miss Thompson

31 - 喂饱汤普森小姐(Feeding Miss Thompson)

Womb depositing

32 - 爱的沉淀(Womb depositing)

Painting the temple

33 - 画庙(Painting the temple)

Seeding the garden

34 - 花园播种(Seeding the garden)

Satan’s peep show

35 - 魔鬼在偷窥(Satan’s peep show)

Twiddle rompus warming

36 - 好玩的热身(Twiddle rompus warming)

Reverse milking

37 - 反挤奶(Reverse milking)

Baby injecting

38 - 造人(Baby injecting)

One eyed onion thrusting

39 - 挤独眼洋葱(One eyed onion thrusting)

Hunting for dewberries

40 - 寻找露莓(Hunting for dewberries)

Gagging the baby sewer

41 - 堵住婴孩的过道(Gagging the baby sewer)

Adam’s right

42 - 亚当的权利(Adam’s right)

God’s thundering tickle

43 - 上帝狂搔你痒(God’s thundering tickle)

Splitting the wishbone

44 - 叉开许愿骨(Splitting the wishbone)

Naughty waffling

45 - 俏皮捣蛋(Naughty waffling)

Phallic jousting

46 - 小弟弟竞赛(Phallic jousting)

Alabama genie rubbing

47 - 搓阿拉巴马神怪(Alabama genie rubbing)

Twaddle prodding

48 - 废话大法(Twaddle prodding)

Making Cosbys (this one is for black people)

49 - 制造小考斯比(黑人专用) (Making Cosbys)

Clamdabbling (this one is for lesbians)

50 - 开蚌壳(百合专用)(Clamdabbling )

Making AIDs (this one is for gays)

51 - 制造艾滋病(基友专用) (Making AIDs)