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Source: VOA    2011-06-09  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

At the start of a high-level U.N. conference on the global AIDS response, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the international community had gathered not to fight the disease, but to end it. Citing progress over the last 30 years since HIV and AIDS were first discovered, Ban said the goal now is to end the disease within the next 10 years. 联合国秘书长潘基文在联合国全球艾滋病工作会议上说,国际社会聚集一堂不是为了和艾滋病作斗争,而是为了铲除这个恶魔。潘基文提到30年前发现艾滋病和艾滋病毒以来在防治艾滋病方面所取得的进步,他同时表示当前的目标是在10年时间内消灭这种疾病。It is an ambitious goal: zero new infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. The U.N. chief said it is possible, but would require bold action. 新出现的感染为零,对艾滋病毒携带者的歧视为零,和艾滋病相关的死亡为零,这些看来是雄心勃勃的目标,然而联合国秘书长潘基文说这是可能的,不过他说,这要求各国大胆采取行动。“Today’s historic meeting is a call to action," said Ban. "First, we need partners to come together in the global solidarity as never before. That is the only way to truly provide universal access to HIV prevention, treatment and care by 2015. Second, we have to lower costs and deliver better programs. Third, we must commit to accountability. Fourth, we must ensure that our HIV responses promote health, human rights, security and dignity of women and girls. Fifth, we must trigger a prevention revolution, harnessing the power of youth and new communications technology to reach the entire world.” 他说:“今天历史性的会议就是要呼吁各方拿出行动。首先,我们需要合作伙伴在全球范围内从未有过地团结一致,共同协作。只有这样,全球到2015年才能真正普遍展开防治艾滋病和照顾患者的工作。其次,我们要降低成本并推出更好的计划。第三,我们要致力于实行问责制。第四,我们要确保在防治艾滋病的同时促进健康,人权,妇女和女童的安全与尊严。第五,我们必须发动一场防治革命,调动青年和新兴通讯技术,以便深入整个世界。”Ban said if the international community takes these five steps, AIDS can be stopped. 潘基文说,如果国际社会采取这5个步骤,艾滋病就能停止蔓延。“We can end the fear," he said. "We can stop the suffering and death it brings. We can get to an AIDS-free world.” 他说:“我们能够结束这种恐惧,我们能结束这种疾病带来的苦难和死亡。我们能够获得一个没有艾滋病的新世界。”The executive director of UNAIDS, Michel Sidibé, noted how far the world has come in its understanding about HIV - the virus that causes AIDS - and the illness itself. He said 30 years ago this mystery disease was seen as a gay plague and there was great fear surrounding those who were infected. He said this image is part of the history of the AIDS movement, which, he said is the story of people breaking the conspiracy of silence, demanding equality and dignity, and of confronting society’s wrongs. 联合国艾滋病规划署总干事西迪贝提到世界在了解艾滋病毒和艾滋病方面取得了巨大的进展。他说,30年前这种神秘疾病被认为是同性恋的瘟疫,人们对感染者感到恐惧。他说,这种情况是艾滋病运动的历史的一部分。艾滋病运动是人们打破沉默、要求平等和尊严、面对社会的不公挺身而出的故事。  “It is the story of people’s outrage and a passionate call for social justice," said Sidibé. "Over the past 30 years, AIDS has forged a social new compact between the global north and the south. And we mobilized unprecedented resources with your leadership and we managed to produce live-saving results for people.” 他说:“这是人们愤怒和激情地呼吁社会公正的故事。过去30年来,艾滋病在北半球和南半球之间造成了一个新的社会联盟。我们通过你们的领导作用在调动前所未有的资源,我们在努力创造挽救人民生命的成果。”Sidibé said this has led to great achievements in the fight against AIDS. New infections are down worldwide by nearly 25 percent in the last 10 years. In Africa, where the majority of the 34 million people living with AIDS live, more people are receiving antiretroviral treatment early, when it can have the greatest live-saving impact. 西迪贝说,同艾滋病的斗争取得了伟大的成就。全球范围最近10年新感染的人数下降了25%。世界上大约有3千400万人感染了艾滋病病毒,其中大多数住在非洲。非洲有越来越多的人接受了早期抗逆转录病毒治疗,而早期用药对挽救生命有最大的效用。Overall, Sidibé said, there are 56 countries - 36 of which are in Africa - that have stabilized the epidemic and reduced the number of new infections significantly. He pointed to great strides in South Africa, India and China. 西迪贝说,世界上有56个国家,其中36个在非洲,已经稳定了艾滋病的流行,大大地减少了艾滋病毒的新感染者。他指出南非、印度和中国取得了巨大进展。But even as developing countries have made progress, he warned that the value of life is not the same across the world. Sidibé noted that 1.8 million people die of AIDS every year in developing countries, while in developed nations, AIDS has become a treatable, chronic disease. 他说,即使发展中国家已经出现了进步,但他警告说,世界各地对生命价值珍视程度是不同的。西迪贝指出,在发展中国家,每年有180万人死于艾滋病,而在发达国家,艾滋病已经成为可以治疗的慢性疾病。He said that while there are 6.6 million people receiving treatment in low- and middle-income countries, another 9 million are still waiting for treatment. In the global north, a new generation is being born HIV-free, while each year 360,000 babies are born with HIV in the south.   他说,在中低收入国家中660万人接受治疗,但同时有900万病人还在等待治疗。在北半球,已经有一代人出生时无艾滋病毒感染,而南半球每年仍有36万婴儿出生时HIV呈阳性。
 From: http://www.hxen.com/interpretation/bilingualnews/20110609/145767_2.html